So I've had this idea in my head for a while, and after reading CoLS I had an excuse to write it. It contains spoilers of the book so if you don't want to be disappointed don't read it. Enjoy the ensuing mood swings from our beloved High Warlock.

Magnus rolled over and groaned. He felt horrible, but then he had been feeling horrible since he had broken up with Alexander. He squeezed his eyes shut at the memory. He didn't want to remember right now, he just wanted to ignore it and continue with his life.

With a sigh he sat up quickly and swung his legs over the side of the bed. As soon as he stood up a wave of nausea hit him. It was a wonder he made it to the bathroom in time. Magnus threw up what little take out he had eaten the night before and continued dry heaving long after his stomach was empty.

This was not good. Magnus tried to remember the last time he had thrown up. It had been at a mass of corpses, rotting many, many centuries ago. He had never thrown up from being sick, Warlocks didn't get sick, unless they were poisoned. Magnus highly doubted the cooks slipped anything in with his shrimp noodles.

He had been craving shrimp a lot recently, so much so that Alec had made a point of bringing it to the loft whenever he had been out. But Magnus could eat shrimp later, right now he needed to figure out why he was throwing up. And why he had to pee constantly.

After relieving himself and feeding Chairman, he went to the fridge and pulled out the huge dish of shrimp he had gotten the night before. He sat on the couch, munching on crustaceans and only half watching what not to wear. Magnus was quietly musing the possible origins of his nausea and where people on the show found such drab clothes when he heard a key in the lock.

Confused, Magnus looked at Chairman, and then remembered two things. First- that today was the day he had told Alexander to get his things, and second- that he had missed a very important meeting with a client. And then the door opened.

Sorry it's so short, but if enough people are interested I'll right more.