Disclaimer: Thank you all for being so patient. Your reviews make me so happy. They keep me going! Nursing school is just busy busy! But I promise I'll try to update more! Although I had this chapter done along with my other stories and my dad restored our desktop because he got a virus and didn't tell me first. I lost all of my homework and my chapters D: I was so upset! But alas, here is Ch. 4 finally! And a gigantic thank you to my new Beta, Ryon aka: Babs81410! She makes these stories worth reading! ;)

Chapter 4- Safe and Sound

Bella POV

I was extremely nervous about my date with Edward. I was sitting on my bed all ready to go waiting for Edward to show up, he was already, eleven minutes late, as I looked down to check my watch. Leah and Alice had planned my outfit last night and they came over earlier to help me get ready. My hair was in a vintage pony-tail, it was poofed slightly with thick wispy curls. I was wearing a spaghetti strap red and pink floral dress with a small brown belt in the middle, light dark jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and cowboy boots on. I had on my 'Too Faced Natural Eyes' shadow on with liquid liner on top. I topped it off with slightly rose cheeks and natural lip-gloss. I had to admit I looked cute, but it left an awkward feeling in my stomach, I felt like I was trying too hard.

I grabbed my purse and headed down to the kitchen. I slipped on my Coach watch and bracelets on the way down. I slipped on my favorite ring on my ring finger on my left hand; it was a gold color that had leaves that weaved up past my knuckle. Jacob had given it to me for my birthday and it was my most prized position. I wore a necklace that had cute letter "B's" on it. Jacob was too stupid to realize it didn't stand for Bella but Black. I wanted Jacob, including his last name. I grabbed a caprisun from the fridge and sat down on a stool on the edge of the counter. I look at my watch again, sixteen minutes late. The door opened and Emmett and Jacob came trapesing through the door with their bags.

Their heads were thrown back and they were laughing. They breezed past me into the laundry room and dropped their stinky ass bags off. I held my nose closed, jeez that was disgusting.

"God, the only dis I wanna give you guys is disinfectant!" I waved my hand in front of my face smiling at Em and Jake. Em just walked up to me and tried to rub his armpit in my face.

"Eww you big oaf! Get away!" I hopped off my stool and giggled at him. He laughed and went upstairs to shower I assume. Jake turned to make some joke at my expense but he stopped dead in his tracks. He just stared at me.

"Oh, today's the day is it?" He crossed his arms and sneered at me. I didn't like that look on his features. I missed the pearly white smile that could light up a room.

"Do you mean is today the day of Capitol Cities? Why yes, it is." I replied with my hands on my hips. Screw him if he thinks he's going to be all pissy about this!

"Don't play coy Bella, you're going out with doucheward." He said with his nose turned up.

"Don't you think that dress is a little short Bella? And maybe cut a little too low? Trying to prove something are you?" He then replied. I felt as if I had just gotten slapped in my face. Oh, hell no.

"You know what Jacob, maybe I like how short it is, showing my knees off, I'm going for that risqué look. As for my bandoo bra which is over my regular bra which is also over my dress, well good, I hope it's easy access!" I all but scream with my hands clenched at my sides. Both of our nostrils were spread wide and we were breathing heavy.

"Well glad you went to so much effort for that prick!" He pointed to the door. He told me.

"Well maybe if you didn't have the whore draped around you like a second skin, I'd consider doing it for you. Asshat!" He froze at that and I froze when I heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my purse and pushed past him and opened the door.

"Hello Edward." I smiled tightly.

"Sorry I'm so late Bella, I got lost on the way here!" He told me. I heard Jacob huff.

"You live less than five minutes away you idiot." I heard Jake mumble to himself. I just glared at him, smiled at Edward and walked out the door. He let me go in front of him and we got in his Volvo. Weird, he didn't open my door. Jake or Em always opened my door for me. I shrugged it off and hopped in.

"Give me just a second and we'll be on our way!" He smiled at me. I watched him pull down his visor and start to fix his hair. It was at that time I fully looked at him. He was wearing a blue oxford shirt tucked in but his buttons were done wrong. He had on khakis that were wrinkly and some nikes, there was also a red smudge by the back of his hairline. I normally don't care about what guys wear but it was just an odd outfit. Not that I iron my clothes but before a date I make sure to look presentable. After my argument with Jake this was just not a good idea. After about five minutes of sitting in the car and him fixing his hair we were finally off.

"Edward, your shirts buttoned wrong." I smiled lightly at him. He looked down and almost blushed it looked like.

"I'm sorry Bella, I was just so nervous about picking you up, I've noticed you for a long time now and I've been too shy to ask you out." He told me. Well normally you'd put in extra effort not to look like an idiot then. It didn't matter anyway we pulled up a restaurant before anything could be said. Once again he didn't even ask me if I liked this place, the guys always asked my opinion.

We were immediately seated and water was brought to our table. I was about to glance at the menu that was place in front of me when Edward snagged it and just gave it back to the waiter.

"She'll have the garden salad with a side of grilled chicken breast and vinegerette dressing. I'll have the lobster thermidore." He smiled and she walked away with our orders. You've got to be shitting me! I didn't look at the menu!

"Umm Edward, I didn't even look at the menu?" I asked.

"Well someone with your figure has to watch what they eat in order to keep so fit don't they?" He asked with a smile as he winked at me. I just rolled my eyes. This date was a bad idea. The waitress brought our food and we dug in. I poured my dressing, if that's what you could call it, over my salad only to see a sour look on Edward's face.

"Isabella, you dip your lettuce in piece by piece, it is improper to pour it all over! Oh well, you'll know for next time!" He smiled at me. Now you've really got to be shitting me. He was getting on my nerves. Just for that, I'm going to be as messy as I possibly can! We ate our food and I was still hungry after my rabbit lunch. Edward's lobster looked phenominal. I sat there as he finished. He paid the bill and as we were leaving his phone rang.

"Isabella, be a doll and go wait in the car for me, I need to take this." He put his hand over the mouth piece and used his hand to shoo me away. I clenched my hands at my sides and stalked out of the restaurant. I got to the car only to realize it was locked; he forgot to give me his keys. As I went to find him he was no where to be seen. I started looking around the bathrooms and I heard a faint voice.

"Alright. . . you too love." I heard Edward say. I waited for him to come around the corner.

"Bella! I though you were going to wait in the car?" He asked.

"You didn't give me the keys silly!" I forced a smile.

What an idiot. I thought to myself. "Alright love?" Does he think I'm daft? I might've been born at night, but it wasn't last night! I shook my head clear of my thoughts and I followed him out of the restaurant.

We got into his Volvo and he started driving to the concert. I got lost in my thoughts again of who he could've called love. I figured it wasn't his mother, that's for sure! We pulled into a parking stall at the apetheater where the concert was held and Edward once again walked ahead of me, not beside me, nor did he bother holding my hand. I know I'm not a child, but there are tons of people here and it's a cute gesture. Although I'm partly glad he didn't, the only hand I wanted in mine was Jacob's! We walked in the front gates as Edward handed over our tickets and I was getting excited. He was a douche bag, but Capitol Cities was one of my favorite bands! Not to mention their new album came out recently and I was hoping they were going to play some new songs from it! We weaved our way through the crowd and I saw a water bottle stand. I was going to grab one, with all the jumping I would get thirsty!

"I'm going to grab a water bottle Edward, would you like one?" I asked trying to be polite.

"Don't do that doll, you can just use the sinks in the bathroom! Bathroom are unnecessary!" He smiled at me. Are you fucking kidding me? I thought to myself.

"Uhm no thanks Edward, I want one for when I'm jumping in the crowd." I pulled away from him and grabbed myself a water bottle. He gave me an annoyed look when I got back. Oh well, I couldn't care less. I wouldn't let him ruin this concert for me!

We weaved our way through people as we got closer to the front. I wanted to be as close to the front as possible to see them! I could see Edward was getting annoyed with the amount of people squished around us, oh well, it's a concert, what did he expect? I found an acceptable spot and cheered along with the rest of the people surrounding us for the opening acts.

As Capitol Cities finally came on stage I felt a tug at my jacket and I saw Edward point to his phone and to the back of the crowd, I simply shrugged and turned around. Did he think I would lose my amazing place so he could chitchat? Hell no! He's the one that invited me here; he almost got props for liking decent music, but nope! Never mind. As 'Safe and Sound' came on I screamed and pulled my phone out with the rest of the people and waved the light. They played ' Lazy Lies, Tell Me How to Live, Chasing You, Love Away, I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo, Kangaroo Court', and tons of my other favorites! It was midnight before I finally found Edward huddled in a corner with his phone still pressed to his ear. He waved me over and hung up. I simply smiled and we started walking to his car.

"Sorry doll, I was talking to my mom. She's needs me home." He smiled. Ha! I'm sure it was his mother. I rolled my eyes and 'hmm-ed' in return. We got into his car once again and I couldn't help but be thankful that we were on the way home finally. As we pulled up to my house he turned to me.

"I had a lovely time doll, I'd love to do this again sometime." He leaned towards me. Oh hell no, all bets were off now.

"First off, you were on your phone the entire time, you didn't even pay attention to the concert so don't feed me your bullshit. Second off, dinner was pathetic, I'm a grown ass adult who is more than capable of ordering more than rabbit food for herself. Thirdly, my name is Bella, not fucking doll." I patted his cheek at slammed the door shut as I got out of the car. I could see his shocked face and I walked to my front door. I heard a faint "Bitch!" as I walked to my front door. I merely laughed as I walked in my door.

"Laughing is a good sign isn't it?" Emmett was sitting on the couch watching some movie with Jake. I continued laughing and tried to calm myself down.

"I guess if 'bitch' now means you're the greatest girl ever! Then sure, laughing is a great thing!" I continued giggling.

"He called you a bitch?!" Emmett roared.

"Calm down Emmy, I deserved it." I smiled and sat down next to them and proceeded to explain the date. I had Em in hysterics by the time I was done. Even Jake managed to turn up the corner of his mouth.

"Wow, I even got the sour puss to smile!" I replied cheekily to Jake. He immediately frowned at me. Emmett roared with laughter all over again. I giggled as well and made my way upstairs to get ready for bed; I needed a shower to wash away Edwards cologne stink. My phone rang as I was undressing.

"Hello Alice and Leah." I already knew who is was.

"Spill it!" They both yelled.

"It was awful!" I laughed. I was met with silence and figured that was my que to continue.

"He came to the house with his shirt done up wrong, lip stick on his neck and spent five minutes getting ready while I sat in the car after he was already 22 minutes late. He ordered me some awful salad that was made for a rabbit at the restaurant. It wasn't even good lettuce! He was on his phone the whole time at the concert, didn't let me buy a water bottle, didn't open any of my doors, and walked in front of me like I was a chastised child the entire time. I told him off at the end of our date. It was the worst date I've ever been on."

I then proceeded to tell them what I told him in the car. All I could hear for a solid five minutes was Leah belting out a laugh.

"Fuck yea Bella!" She laughed. I just smiled.

"What a douche bee! I bet he has a tiny dick, so you just saved yourself some embarrassment." Alice commented. We all giggled at that. For this being a shitty date, I hadn't laughed this much in a while. I told them of my confrontation with Jacob earlier and of course they fired away questions.

"Oooooo, what was his face like? I bet it was priceless after you put him in his place!" I could hear Leah smiling through the phone.

"Jeez Bella, two guys in one night, remind me not to mess with you!" Alice giggled.

"I'm just tired of it. With Edward being an epic fail there's no one to make Jake jealous anymore but after tonight I definitely don't want to play games anymore. If a guy wants me, he'll come get me, I'm a fucking catch!" I said.

"I've been in love with Jake since kindergarden but I won't wait forever!" I continued.

"He'll come around Bella." I heard them say.

"I hope so but I'm gonna go shower and hit the hay. I'll see you ladies tomorrow for the BBQ at my house right? Don't forget your swim suits!" I hung up the phone and rinsed in the shower.

As I laid down to sleep I couldn't help but think of the brand new bikini hiding in my drawers especially for tomorrow. If Jake wouldn't pull his head out of his ass, I would just have to show him exactly how much better I was than Lauren, down to the very last detail. I smiled and drifted off into a deep slumber.

A/N: Thank you so much! Sorry it took me so long to update! But here it is and I'm almost finished with the next chapter! ;) It's a pool party where let's hope Jake can't resist Bella's hot bod! Sorry to all you Edward fans, I hate him with a passion. Sparkly vampires, pfft. Dracula would eat him alive ;) Thanks so much to my Beta! She makes these stories possible ladies and gents!