
Nightwing let the breath he had been holding, out slowly. His eyes were focused on the beach ahead of him.

For a few moments he had to forcefully push thoughts of Batman and Robin from his mind. He couldn't let thoughts of his family distract him, not right now.

As figures emerged from the ocean he signalled for his team to attack.

What would Bruce think?

He ran with them and began attacking the henchmen of Black Manta as they ran up the beach.

How would Tim cope?

The leader of this band of villains emerged from the water, he removed his helmet as he trudged up the sand. But for the moment, Nightwing ignored him.

What would the League think?

After pushing away the now unconscious henchman he heard his name being called in a panicked tone. He turned and came face to face with Kaldur.

He paused as he felt the water blade through his abdomen and he fell back as his old friend pushed him off it. He hit the sand with a soft thud and faced straight up, staring at the night sky as the commotion went on around him. His team fought and brought down as many as they could as they tried to escape. SuperBoy chased Kaldur back to the sea. The sky lit up with smoke and flames and watched as the rocket took off in the space. They had won, just as planned.

Artemis was by his side then, cradling his head in her arms.

"Stay with me Nightwing!"

He looked up at her with masked eyes and could feel the fears beginning to well in them, but he didn't let them fall, he had to stay strong for her. He couldn't let her see how much he was hurting.

The blonde brought her face down to his

"I can't do this on my own" she whispered

How would the team react?

Nightwing could feel his heart beginning to slow and the darkness taking over.

"Take care of them" he said before he gave in and closed his eyes.

Would they forgive him?

A/N Hello again! Yes its another Young Justice story. But this one s special because I am working together with another writer. You may have heard of FoxWox? If you haven't go check out their stories! So here is the first chapter to our story, let me know what you think of it :D Until next time, please review. Karin xx