Clary's point of view

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I opened my eyes and saw that all three bullets had hit the middle of my target.

I smiled in victory and turned around to my best friend Simon Lewis whose mouth was hanging open. "I told you I could hit the middle of the target with my eyes shut!"

Simon quickly shut his mouth and answered "Well I don't believe in anything until I see it with my own eyes."

I laughed and said back "You're just jealous Lewis!"

He just smiled and whined "No I'm not!"

We just looked at each other and burst out laughing.

I should probably tell you a bit about myself. My name is Clary Fray, I am sixteen years old, I am an agent for the CIA, My best friend is Simon Lewis (who is also my field manager) and I am also one of the best agents that work for the CIA and even in the USA.

I have bright red hair and emerald green eyes, I am also very short (about 5ft 2).I work for the CIA because when I was seven my mother, Jocelyn Fray, died in a car crash.

After that I went to live with my father Valentine Morgenstern and my brother Jonathan Morgenstern. Basically after the first year or so my father started to drink heavily and use me and Jon as a punching bag. Jon is three years older than me so when I was twelve my brother started to drink heavily too so I was used as a punching bag or target for both of them.

The best thing that I'd got from living in that hellhole was that when Dad started to hit us first Jon insisted that we should learn how to defend ourselves from Dad. We both took up kickboxing and practiced throwing knifes into our handmade targets in our bedrooms.

When I turned fourteen I met Simon who was going through a similar thing but with his mum instead (His dad died from a car crash too). We had made a plan that when we turned fifteen we would run away from our families and go to CIA and ask them to be agents like our dead parents (we found this out a few days after we met but that's a long story) and then get all of our families arrested for what they did to us. (In the end we went through with the plan three months after we had met.)

Well sneaking out of my house was a lot harder than we thought as he pretended to be coming around for tea and then whilst they were in the kitchen we'd sneak out of my house and run.

This didn't go to plan as me and Simon were not very good at being sneaky and quiet so my dad heard us on the last step and started throwing knifes at us.

I now have a nice big scar running across one cheek from the corner of my eye to the corner of my lip from one of the knives he threw at us.

We did make it but we were injured slightly but neither of us seemed to care at that moment all we wanted was to get to the CIA headquarters and become an agent.

We got there eventually and we got a meeting with the Director and after hearing our stories he said that if we promised to train hard enough he'd let us become agents.

So that's basically mine and Simon's story of our last few years of our lives.

Anyway whilst me and Simon had been laughing one of our head leader's assistants called Raphael had entered.

I heard Raphael clear his throat so I stopped laughing and turned to face him and asked "Can we help you Agent Santiago?"

He answered me with his slight Spanish accent showing "The director wants to see you Agent Fray"

I rolled my eyes and said "What for now?"

Raphael smiled slightly and answered "Well if you come with me now then you will find out won't you Agent Fray and hurry up you was meant to be there 5 minutes ago!"

I rolled my eyes again and turned back to Simon "See you later Lewis" I said then I walked towards Raphael who was almost out of the door by now and smiling when Simon called out behind me "Ditto Fray" just as the door slammed shut behind me.

When me and Raphael arrived at the Director's office, Raphael knocked and pushed open the door and said "I got her for you Director." and walked off.

I looked around the room and I saw Agents Bane and Agent Fell sitting on one side and three other people on the other side.

I quickly scanned them two boys, one girl. The girl was one of the people who I would of loved to draw she was ribbon slim, with raven black hair and dark charcoal eyes. One boy looked just like the girl but with bright blue eyes instead. The second boy was the one who really caught my eye though he had golden, curly and untidy hair, with tawny coloured eyes and sharp cheekbones too. He looked like an angel. He would be another one I would like to draw.

I cleared my throat and said "Sorry I'm late Sir; Raphael decided to tell me about the meeting five minutes after it started."

I raised my voice just loud enough for the retreating Raphael to call back "I couldn't find you!"

I snorted as the Director looked up to see me standing in the doorway and smiled at me and said "Ah there you are Agent Fray! Very well we may begin."

I walked into the room and sat down in the empty chair next to the director.

The Director stood up and said "Now agents these three lovely people" he gestured to the two boys and the girl "are going to become CIA agents and I want you three professional agents to look after them and train them all together. Okay?"

Agents Bane and Fell both mumbled something like yeah whereas I just nodded.

"Good! Now I will let you guys introduce yourselves to each other." The director said then he stood up and left the room.

We all sat in silence for a minute or two before Agent Bane said "Well as everyone's being so anti-social I might as well start" he glanced at me and Agent Fell and spoke again " My name is Magnus Bane, I am twenty two years old I joined the CIA five years ago. I came here because I used to be a police officer but I got board of the job as I wanted more excitement in it."

Well that's Magnus alright always happy and not afraid of what anyone thinks of him.

He then looked at Agent Fell and said "Your turn Agent Fell!"

Fell sighed but still went along with it and said "My name is Ragnor Fell, I am 25 years old and I joined the CIA five years ago as well. I joined because of the same reason as Agent Bane and I do regret it sometimes as I have to work with Agent Bane all the time."

That was Ragnor he never seemed to show much emotion but he wasn't that bad actually.

Magnus then just chimed in to say "Ragnor that wasn't very nice and come on I'm not that bad."

Ragnor then muttered something which sounded very much like "You have no idea!"

He then glanced at me asking a silent "Are you going next?" but I shook my head to which Ragnor did some sort of smile at before turning to the three newbies and said "Your turn newbies".

The girl went first "My name is Isabelle Lightwood and I am sixteen years old" hmm same age as me but she seems very girly and my only experience with girly girls were probably Jon's stupid girlfriends who'd I'd never like.

The first boy went next "My name is Alec Lightwood and I'm eighteen years old" He seems nice enough but he also seems a bit sulky and quiet.

The golden angel boy glanced at me and said "My name is Jace Herondale, I am eighteen years old" hmm his name suits him I ink to myself "and anyone's welcome in my bed" he looks at me when he says that and winks at me.

Urgh he's one of those stupid jackass' who think that they can get any girl in their bed, and the fact that he has to look and wink at me when he said it reminds me of Jon when he said that I was beautiful as well as his many stupid one night girlfriends, and when Valentine called me Angel or darling, I shivered at the thought of Jon and Valentine.

Then I heard Magnus' voice call out "Hey sweetheart you might want to introduce yourself"

I glared at Magnus for the use of the nickname but then I turned to him and said "Don't worry Maggie, I'm getting there." I said Magnus just smiled at me and gestured for me to carry on.

I turned back to face Isabelle, Alec and Jace and said "My name is Clary Fray I am sixteen years old, I came to the CIA agency two years ago and if anyone calls me sweetheart then you may find that you have a knife in your chest before you can even scream"

I then looked at Jace directly in the eyes, smiled sweetly and said "And just so you know I'm not cheap to pay for but I could recommend a few cheap one's for you if you are really that desperate"

Alec and Isabelle burst out laughing whereas Jace just looked shocked from my comeback.

I looked at Magnus and Ragnor who were both smiling at my words and at Jace's reaction again.

When Alec and Isabelle had both stopped laughing, Magnus spoke up and started to explain about training and where we live and what we do on each day. I didn't listen to any of that part until I heard Magnus say "Is there any questions you three want to ask?" Alec shook his head and Isabelle just answered with "Not at the moment" but Jace said "yes actually I do, I have three in fact."

Something about the way he said it and looked at me gave me shivers and an uneasy feeling that it was going to be about me.

Magnus glanced at me and said "Go ahead! Ask away!"

Jace took a deep breath and asked "1. Agent Fray the other two agents both said why they became agents but you never said why so why did you become an agent?"

Crap I had hoped that no one would of noticed that but I let him carry on anyway

"2. Again for Agent Fray how did you get the scar on your face?"

Wow this really is not my day today I have been asked two questions that no one knows except Me, Simon, The director, Magnus and Ragnor, by the same person who is a cocky and arrogant dick but he still continued.

"And finally how many missions have you all been on?"

After he had finished both Magnus and Ragnor looked at me sadly but Magnus still told them said "For the third question, for me as in a person me I have been on about 300 missions including the 50 missions on which all three of us in this room have been on together if I remember correctly."

Magnus looked at Ragnor who said "As I have joined Magnus on all of those missions that he has been on I'd say that your statement would be correct."

I then decided to speak up for that question "I've been on about 200 missions during my time here 150 times solo and 50 times with these two idiots"

Ragnor and Magnus both looked at me and chorused together "HEY!" I gave them both a pointed look whilst saying "Well it's true remember the ti-" my phone suddenly came out playing the Star wars theme tune which could only mean that it was Simon calling me.

I muttered to myself "I'm going to kill him one day!"

I glanced at the message which read "Hey! You're late for archery! Coach is getting angry!" dammit I forgot about my next class I turned to Magnus and Ragnor and said "Okay then I'm off, I need to get to archery otherwise Coach is going to kill me."

Both Magnus and Ragnor laughed and Magnus said whilst still chuckling "Ok-ay just com-e back soon Sweetheart!"

I glared at him again for the nickname and said to the newbies "Well nice to meet you, I guess that you'll be seeing me and those idiots for lessons tomorrow and I will probably be back after archery anyway"

I turned to Magnus and Ragnor who were just starting to stop laughing "and you two better talk the rest of the welcoming speech by the time I get back in two hours!"

Then I turned back to the door and walked out of the room.

I then checked my phone for the time cursed under my breath and sprinted to the stadium to archery before Coach would kill me.