Damilia's POV

During school, I searched around for Rebekah and she was no where to be found, after school I went to grill and she wasn't there, I spotted April and Matt who were the closest people to Rebekah,

"Hey guys" I said,



"Have you guys seen Rebekah?" I asked,

"April was just asking me that too, I haven't seen her" Matt answered,

"I thought she might be with you" April said with a bit of spike before leaving,

"What's up with her?" I asked Matt,

"Rebekah and her are besties but since you came Rebekah stopped hanging out with her to hang with you"

"Oh" thankfully Nik immediately walked into the bar,

"I'll be right back" I said to Matt before walking up the Nik,

"Hey" I said, immediately he turned to face me, my palms started getting sweaty,

"Yes, love?"

"I was wondering if you happen to where Rebekah is?"

"I've been looking for her myself, but I do think I know someone who does" he said as we walked over to Damon and Elena,

"Damon" Nik called picking up a dart and hitting it the bull's eye,

"What?, I thought you where suppose to leave town?"

"Well I'm missing two things, 1) my coffins and 2) my sister" coffins?

"When did start to hang out with him?" Elena asked me,

"I don't know maybe since you all ignore me" I snapped back it was annoying everytime I called one of them, it was either they were busy or they didn't pick up and when we manage to hang out they question my every word then bail on me and when I make new friends they complain, the only one who even called to apologize was Bonnie,

"Seems like your cousin is following the wrong crowd" Damon said,

"So backstabbers and loud mouth skirtchashers are the right crowd?" I snapped back at him, making Nik chuckle,

"Whatever. Cute, blonde bombshell, head cheerleader, I'm not sure she wouldn't be too hard to find?" he said ignoring my comment,

"And why do have a feeling you have something to do with it?" Nik asked him, I cocked my head at Elena she seemed to be un-easy with the topic,

"Because you have trust issues, I'm still wondering how Blondie slipped in" Damon replied, he is just a handsome pain in the ass,

"Don't call me blondie" I noticed Nik walk off to answer his phone,

"Of course I wouldn't because you say so, blondie"

"The sight of you irritates me, both of you" I said to both them, I walked over to where Nik was,

"Who was that on the phone?" I asked,

"Stefan" his voice seemed as if he had a fight with him,

"What did he do?"

"He took something that belongs to me"

"That doesn't sound like Stefan" I said eating for the chips I ordered,

"You know Stefan?" he asked trying to steal one and I allowed him,

"Um hm, old friend of mine" he tried stealing another one but I smacked his hand,

"Buy your own" I told him,

"Why should I buy mine?, when I can eat yours"

"That's just selfish"

"You not sharing is selfish" he said making me roll my eyes at him,

"I want to ask you something?" he began,


"Are you busy today?"

"No" my heart was literally pounding, maybe he was asking me out on a date,

"Well I was wondering if you would accompany me to the Winter Wonderland?" maybe this is the closest, I'll ever get,

"Sure, what time?"

"2pm" I looked at my wrist watch and it was past 12,

"I should better get going" I said bringing out my purse to pay,

"I'll pay" Nik said bringing out his wallet,

"No need"

"I insist"

"Oh no see, my money is already on the table" I said sarcastically with a little laugh dropping my money before I left.

Getting home I looked through my wardrobe trying to find the perfect dress, if I wore my usual jeans it would seem as if I didn't care and if I were a fancy dress it would seem as if I'm trying too hard, after minutes of debating I finally decided to wear a simple short blue dress with white designing, black heel which was mostly because I had only three pairs of shoes, pathfetic, I know and braiding my hair to one side of neck. A quater to 2 Nik arrived,

"Nice tux" I complimented,

"You look ravishing love" he replied as he placed a littLe kiss on my hand, the ride was silent as usual.

Getting there, I learned he draws,

"By Niklaus Mikealson" I said observing a painting,

"Like my work?, love"

"You painted this?, I didn't know you paint"

"One of my hidden talents besides you never asked"

"It seems lonely"

"Like the painter" I noticed him glum mood so decided to cheer him up,

"Why don't we skip this boring party and go fun?" I asked,

"Of course" he said, we were about to leave and I noticed April, she seemed pretty off and was shaking,

"Hold that thought" I told Nik before rushing over to April,

"What's wrong?"

"I-I know where Re-Rebekah is"


"The Lockwood Cellar"


"I don't know, I met Caroline dead in the bathroom and all suddens she woke up, I heard them talking about about Rebekah been in the cellar and other stuff, Caroline said I should forget I heard but I didn't"

"So Caroline is a vampire"


"pire, you must be on vervain, right?"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"Just come with me" we went straight to

Lockwood cellar and stopped at the door,

"After you" I said stepping away from the door, number 1 rule of survival, never be a hero,

"I'm right behind you" now she has an attitude, I slowly opened the cellar,we noticed the coffin in the middle, I slowly opened it and gasped at the sight of Rebekah,

"We should pull the dagger"

"Together?" I asked,

"Yep" we both placed our hands on the dagger,

"1, 2, 3" and we pulled it out and nothing happened,

"Nothing's happening" I said,

"We should wait"

"Fine" I said sitting on the floor, minutes later she woke up,

"I'm gonna kill that dopperganer bitch" she said trying to leave but I held her,

"What's going on?" I asked,

"I'm going to kill Elena, thats was going on"

"Can someone please explain to me what's happening?" April screamed,

"Thats what you have to do" I told Rebekah,

"First things first, I'll explain then go kill Elena"

"Sounds fine to me" that was how Rebekah explain everything to us, about her family, the Original Vampires, Nik been a hybrid, the Salvatores, dopperganers and all that stuff, when she finished her story we all decided to go back to the party, getting there I remember I left my purse in the cellar,

"I'm going back to get my purse" I told them,

"We'll come with you"

"No need" I went back to the cellar , picking my purse, I screamed seeing the dead body of a girl with her heart ripped out, I started running back to the party and I noticed Nik,

"Thank God, you're here, I saw a dead girl in cellar" I said pulling him in to a hug before noticing his blood stained attire which smudged blood all over mine,

"Oh My God, Nik what happened? You're covered in blood"

"In the end its all me" he said not paying attention to me, as tears streamed down his face,

"Its only going to be me" I pulled him too a hug not minding the blood as he sobbed On my shoulder,

"No one cares" normally I would laugh but I knew how he felt, I released him from the hug and stared into his eyes which where like the mixture of the sea and forest,

"Rebekah cares and I do care, you are not alone you will always have me" before I knew what I was doing, I was about to tip-toe and kiss him but he leaned down pressed his lips against mine and I kissed back not minding the blood taste.

A/N: I know is not the best first kiss or chapter but please REVIEW, atleast two REVIEWS before the next chapter ps that quote 'number rule of survival never be a hero' is from ZombieLand. Please REVIEW, love ya.

XoXo VampireJacinta.