North and Sandy sat still, holding onto Jack's small pail hands, they watched as the black sand changed and moved throughout the night. They watched tiny black children die and a tiny black Jack scream and cry. When the real Jack began to do the same North broke and with a quick shake woke the child, holding close.

Jack cried "North?" he whimpered cuddling up to the big man, Sandy frowned still holding Jack's hand "is it morning?" he whispered hopefully.

"No Jack... I'm sorry..."

"It was horrible..." he cried into North's fluffy coat "it was horrible!"

"I know, Jack, I know... sh, it's okay" North tried to speak as quietly as he could, sounding soft and comforting as he held Jack close.

"There was a blizzard..."

"I know Jack..."

"Did you see it?"

North nodded still holding Jack lovingly "don't worry, it was just a nightmare, it wasn't real."

"Are they always that horrible? The nightmares..."

"They can be worse..." North said sadly "see why we didn't want you making the deal?"

Jack nodded "but I have my staff..."

"I know Jack, that's good but... you need to sleep and when you do... you're going to suffer, and we don't want to see you suffer..."

"I know..."

"Do you want anything? Some milk and cookies before trying to sleep again?"

Jack shook his head "just stay with me... okay?"

"Of course, we wouldn't leave you."

Sandy squeezed Jack's hand comfortingly.

North lay Jack back down in the bed, still holding his hand "are you ready?"

Jack nodded taking in a deep breath before he closed his eyes letting sleep take over his body and letting the black sand return.


Jack was lying on a tree branch staring up at the moon, he had a content smile on his face and the wind was blowing around him lovingly, showing him her favourite snowflakes and making him smile and laugh as she tried to form picture with them.


Jack looked up, almost falling from the tree branch he smiled when he saw the owner of the voice, Jamie was running towards him with Sophie, Pippa and Cupcake accompanying him.

"Look at you, you sure do know how to flirt don't you?" he asked swinging upside down from the tree.

Jamie stopped, his cheeks going red as Sophie giggled "Jamie looks like a tomato."

Jamie glared but pretended he didn't hear either of them "are you bringing the snow? The weather man says there's a blizzard coming!"

"Blizzard?" Jack blinked jumping down from the tree branch "I wonder where he got that idea from..." he looked up at the sky, not a cloud in the sky then shrugged "well I guess if the weather man says so I have no right to prove him wrong, so how many inches of snow do we want?"

"Enough to have a snow day!" Pippa shouted.

"And have a snowball fight!" Jamie shouted.

"And make snowmen!" Cupcake added.

"And snow bunnies!" Sophie jumped up and down excitedly.

Jack laughed "okay then, run inside now and prepare yourselves for the best snow day ever!" he shouted and with a single jump he took for the skies as he began to prepare for the day ahead. Forming big puffy snow clouds filled with thousand upon thousands of snowflakes, every single one original.

Finally at about eleven pm he sighed having finished his hard work "okay wind, you want to do the honours?"

The wind ruffled at Jack's hair whistling happily before grabbing a few hundred snowflakes and starting the snowfall. Jack landed on top of a tall tree watching as the wind gracefully carried his snowflakes down to the ground, slowly becoming faster and stronger.

At first Jack enjoyed the blizzard but then he spotted a few familiar faces, children where coming outside to play, searching for Jack Frost the creator of this so called gift.

Jack's eyes widened, quickly he tried to fly over but wind was too occupied carrying the snowflake to realize her child needed her and instead Jack fell to the ground, only avoiding injury thanks to the already thick snow waiting at the bottom. He let out a grunt but quickly stood up and began to run in the direction he had seen the kids.

He was still in the woods while the children where in town, he ran as fast as he could dodging trees and bear traps that had once caused him much pain. But in the end he was too later, as he exited the forest and stepped into town he was welcomed by the sight of parents, crying and shouting as they picked up the cold bodied of there young.

"I told him to stay in outside! I swear I did... why didn't you listen!"

"Jack Frost this and Jack Frost that... Jack Frost doesn't exist! And if he did... he is a murderer..."

"I knew I should have locked the door..."

"He climbed out the window... why? Who told you that was a good idea?"

Jack watched wide eyed "Jamie... Sophie... Pippa... you're all idiots..." he felt frozen tears fall to the ground "didn't I ever tell you how dangerous blizzards are?" he clenched hi fists "of course I didn't... because I'm an idiot."

"Got that one right, mate."

Jack's eyes widened as he turned around to see Bunny, North, Tooth and Sandy, glaring at him "I didn't meant too..."

"You should have been more careful..."

"This one was worse then the blizzard of '68"

"I expected better from you, my boy..."

Jack turned around to look at the parents and found they also where glaring at him, despite there lack of belief in him, they saw him. They pointed at him.

"You killed my child!"

"You're a murderer!"

"She wasn't even ten years old!"

"How could you be so cold?!"

"You heartless ice cube!"

"Nothing good could have ever come from you!"

Jack's eyes filled with more tears "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry" he fell to the ground, and cried, nobody attacked him, no one else talked to him. Not even the wind. He was alone, alone in the darkness, in the cold.

Jack screamed at the top of his lungs, he screamed until his voice stopped working and then he finally woke up. Cuddled up to North and Sandy he cried, his voice still not working, he cried and cried until Bunny and Tooth came.