I felt the need to write some childish Dramione stuff, so here! I feel like this needs a sequel, so if you guys demand than yeah, i'll write a follow up/part two for this story.

Draco stared over at the other, tapping his fingers on the table in order to try and keep himself calm. Did she really have to study in here? Hermione sighed, running her hand through her thick brown hair as she continued tapping her quill on the table, unaware of the affects it was having on the blonde.

Draco tried to ignore it, he really did, but Hermione's continuous and nonstop tapping was starting to piss Draco off. Immensely. "Will you quit it?" Draco suddenly snapped, looking up from his book with a sigh. Hermione glanced up, snorting. "Cant you just ignore it?"

"No, and if you insist on continuing then will you just go to study in the library or something? You're giving me a headache, woman." Draco said, sneering at her. Hermione scoffed, looking back down at her parchment. "Just because i'm the head girl doesn't mean I can just run about the school grounds in the middle of the night, ferret."

"Stop calling that before I hex you, Granger!" Draco hissed, glaring at her with slanted eyes. Hermione ignored him, continuing to glance between her book and parchment, occasionally scribbling something down. When she wasn't writing, she was fiddling with her quill and tapping it on the table, brushing the end of the feather across her cheek.

Draco snapped his book shut with a sigh, walking over and snatching her book up. "I said knock it off." Draco fumed, glaring down at the witch. Hermione stood, glaring up at him fiercely and crossing her arms. "Give me my book back, Malfoy." She said sternly, holding out her hand only for Draco to move out of her reach, glaring at her.

"No." He said with a mischievous smirk, Hermione groaning and tapping her foot on the floor impatiently. "Stop acting like a child, you little ferret!" Hermione warned, reaching for the book only for Draco to hold it up above his head. "Awww, is little Granger too short?" The blonde teased, obviously amused by her efforts to retrieve the book.

"Damn it Malfoy, i'm in no mood for this!" She stood atop his feet, pressing herself against him as she reached up for the book desperately. Draco shoved her off, quickly running across the room. "One step closer and you'll never get this book back, Granger." He said with a smirk, holding the book up and waving it back and forth.

Hermione groaned, stepping forward only to freeze as she saw the book disappear behind the couch, along with Draco's other hand. "W-what did you just do?" Hermione asked, face going pale. D-did he just..? Oh sweet Merlin. Draco only smirked over at her, eyebrows raised. "Want to find out, Granger? By the look on your face I think you know bloody well where your precious book went."

"Y-you're such a child!" Hermione spat with a loud groan of annoyance, face flushing as eyes scanned the room for something of his she could grab. Draco snickered, sitting on the arm of the couch and watching her, Hermione flushing as she noticed the outline of her book which was... Well, somewhere where it shouldn't be.

Hermione huffed in annoyance, noticing his book on the armchair next to her. She quickly snatched it up, glaring at him. Fine, if he wants to play dirty, then she'll participate as well. "Is this yours?" She asked, holding it up for him to see. Draco frowned, snorting. "Yes, and?" He asked, eyeing the small book in her hands nervously.

What the Hell was she doing? She knew he needed that for tomorrows assignment, all students had to bring a book to potions class that they found useful and that tiny little book was Draco's key to 20 points. Hell, he had to fight a first year for that book, the little brat just wouldn't give it up, so it wasn't like it was Draco's fault or anything, but still... Hermione on the other hand couldn't believe she was stooping to his level, whether it was from sleep deprival or stress she couldn't tell, but she was too far gone to turn back now.

Without another word the witch slipped the book into her bra, crossing her arms and walking over to Draco so that she was only a few feet away, staring down at him. "You're not the only one here capable of playing games, Malfoy." She said, Draco only staring up at her in shock. Oh, she wanted to play games, did she?

"Granger, give me that book back or so help me..." Draco warned, slowly standing up. "Or what? You going to hex me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the blonde. Draco suddenly tackled her, Hermione snarling angrily at him before reaching to grab her wand, only for him to smack it out of her hand, the wand clattering across the floor and rolling under the couch.

Hermione groaned and kicked his leg, only for him to groan and roll them over so that he was on top, staring down at her. They sat there panting, Draco staring down at her with a determined look in his eye. "Just because you're too prude to come and get your book doesn't mean i'm too prude to get mine." He hissed, Hermione freezing immediately.

She suddenly began struggling, face now flushed red as she tried to squirm away, only for Draco to slip his hand up under her shirt, Hermione shivering as she felt his cool fingers dance across her stomach. "Malfoy knock it off..." Hermione whimpered, looking away and biting her lower lip with a groan.

Draco grinned, sliding his hand under her bra slowly and grabbing his book, smirking as he realized that he could see the outline of her hardened nipples through her shirt. "It doesn't look like you want me to stop, Granger." Draco purred, Hermione gasping as she felt his hand move away from the book and cup her breast, causing her to shiver involuntarily as she stared back up at him with glassy eyes.

Draco slowly teased her nipple into complete stiffness, Hermione whimpering and moaning softly under him, biting her lower lip and weakly trying to squirm away, all the while making the least amount of noise she could manage. There was no way she was enjoying this! Draco moved his hand to her other breast, Hermione letting out a soft gasp as she felt him lift up her bra and shirt.

"Who knew you'd have such nice tits under these baggy robes, Granger." Draco purred with a smirk, massaging her breasts in his hand, the book now completely forgotten. "N-no, stop it..." Hermione gasped, back arching up off of the floor as she felt his mouth on her nipple, teeth grazing and nipping at her delicate flesh as she whimpered and moaned under him.

Hermione let out a surprised gasp as she suddenly felt a hand slip under her skirt, cupping her intimately. "S-stop, i'll give your book back just please remove your hand!" Hermione moaned out, eyes slipping shut as she felt him rubbing her through her panties.

"No bloody way." Draco mumbled against her chest, groaning as he felt the wetness through her panties. Hermione moaned loudly as Draco quickly moved her panties out of the way before rubbing her intimately, mouth moving to tease her other breast. Hermione moaned breathlessly, pressing her hips against his hand. "M-Merlin..!" She moaned softly, leaning into his touches.

Draco chuckled against her before removing his mouth from her breast with an audible pop, leaving a gentle trail of kisses down her stomach. Hermione panted, whimpering as she felt him pulling away, shivering at his delicately teasing kisses. Hermione let out a yelp as he flipped her skirt up, looking down at her.

Hermione shyly closed her legs, biting her lower lip. She had never had anyone see her down there, and having him poking around down there made her feel so... Exposed. Draco immediately groaned, spreading her legs and holding them apart, Hermione closing her eyes tightly and looking away. "So neatly shaven and slick, Granger. You surprise me more every day," he said with a smirk, Hermione flushing in embarrassment.

Hermione tensed, back arching off the floor at an almost painful angle as Draco suddenly moved down, taking her clit into his hot mouth suddenly. "Draco!" Hermione cried out breathlessly, hands quickly moving to tangle into his blonde locks, egging him on. Draco sucked and licked at her folds, nails digging into her thighs as he pushed his tongue into her sex.

"Oh!" Hermione moaned loudly, head thrashing back and forth and chest heaving. Draco surprised her by slipping two fingers into her heat, Hermione letting out a soft gasp as he curled them upwards to hit her sweet spot, mouth latching onto her clit once more.

Hermione released with a loud cry of the others name, tensing against him and tightening her grip on his hair. Draco continued thrusting his fingers into her, letting the witch ride out her orgasm before slowly pulling away, looking down at her. Hermione's hair was now disheveled, face flushed and chest heaving.

Draco chuckled, reaching into her bra and grabbing his book before standing up. Hermione heard the sound of his zipper before she felt her book land in her hand. She weakly propped herself up on her elbows, closing her legs as she watched Draco leave. "We'll have to play this game more often, Granger." Draco purred as he finally made his ascent up the stairs, leaving Hermione flushed and confused.

It was safe to say that she didn't (and most definitely wouldn't) get much studying done that night.