Hey, everyone! It's Koneko with the sixth chapter of Day of Endymion! Sorry for the delay and I really hope you all enjoy it!

Thanks a bunch to:





for reviewing the last chapter! It means the world to me!

Thank you:





for adding this story to your alerts! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Thank you:


Effina Solaris

for adding this story to your favorites! I'm so glad you guys like the story so far!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon!

RRTAB: Read, Review, and Tell A Buddy!

Usagi sat at one of the desks of the mythology class room. She waited patiently for Kana to return from making copies for tomorrow's lesson. She doodled on some notebook paper with a hum.

Her phone beeped for the third time in the last ten minutes from the corner of her desk. She scowled and turned the volume of the phone down.

Kana walked into the room just in time to see Usagi's grimace. "Hey, what's with that face?"

Usagi rolled her eyes. "It's Mamoru," she said with a sigh. "He won't stop texting me."

Kana raised an eyebrow. "Most girlfriends wouldn't look so annoyed by that. Do you want to tell me why you do?"

Usagi sighed and put down her pencil. "He stood me up on our anniversary," she explained with a shrug. "And then sent a text the next morning as if nothing even happened. I don't feel like talking with him around now. Especially if he can't even manage to speak to me in person and explain himself."

"Well, that doesn't sound like something Mamoru would do," Kana said with enough calmness for them both. "I know he has been trying to get in touch with you. Have you tried to speak with him at all since then?"

"I sent him a message to tell him exactly how I felt but since then, no," Usagi said.

"And this was when?" Kana asked.

"Three days ago," Usagi replied.

Kana sighed and rubbed her temples. She pulled up a chair and sat across from Usagi. "Listen, Serenity," she said in a patient, motherly tone. "You can't expect this situation to be fixed if you're not willing to meet halfway."

Usagi looked at Kana and sighed. "So I should answer his text?"

Her cell phone started to ring. Kana smiled softly. "I think you should answer that call."

Usagi gave one last look at Kana, then picked up the phone. She answered it. "Hello?"

"Usako!" Mamoru exclaimed, almost surprised that she finally answered. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear your voice. I am so sorry. You have to believe that, Usako."

"I don't want to talk about this over the phone," Usagi said softly. "I want you to meet me at the park in fifteen minutes. And Mamoru?"

"Yes, Usako?"

"Don't you dare be late," Usagi said. She hung up the phone and sighed. She looked at Kana.

Kana smiled at her. "I'm proud of you," she said simply. "Go ahead. We can train later."

Usagi nodded and quickly packed her things into her backpack. "Thanks, Mom," she said as she stood. She rushed out of the classroom and ran out of the school.

Yuri sat on the roof of the Tsukino house. She was silent. According to Usagi, the date three days ago with Mamoru went seamlessly. Her hypnotic storm was not powerful enough to even have a small effect on putting a wedge between them. Beryl would want results soon and so far, she had a bunch of nothing. "Think, Yuri, think," she chided herself. If she could not think of an answer to this, her brother would be in serious danger.

She pursed her lips together. She had a fragment of an idea but it was risky. She had so many strikes against her and if Usagi found out what she was planning, it would probably be the final nail in her coffin. She scowled. How in the world did she end up in the middle of the fight between the Sailor Senshi and the Dark Kingdom anyway? This was becoming entirely too complicated and too deadly. Either way, she was doomed.

She stood. If she failed her, Beryl would probably be more dangerous than the Sailor Senshi at the moment. At least Sailor Moon would (possibly) give her a chance to plead her case. With Beryl, the evil queen would obliterate now and ask questions later. Yuri transformed into Sailor Oblivion and teleported off of the roof.

Sailor Oblivion reappeared on the balcony of Mamoru's apartment. She hid in the blind spot beside the window and peered inside.

Mamoru quickly rushed around his bedroom, gathering his shoes, jacket, and a gift box from the nightstand drawer. He ran out of the room and through the apartment. "I'll be back soon, Mom and Dad!" he announced as he rushed to the door. "I'm going to meet with Usagi!" He did not wait for a reply before leaving the apartment and closing the door.

"Mom and dad…?" Sailor Oblivion repeated with a small frown. Although she just came for hints as to how to break Usagi and Mamoru up, it seemed that she stumbled upon something even more interesting. Had she not heard that his parents were dead? If that was the case, who were the people he was talking to?

She teleported again. Sailor Oblivion reappeared inside Mamoru's bedroom. She opened the door very slowly and quietly, careful not to make any suspicious noises that would give away her location. She peeked through the crack of the door, trying to listen in on the people that remained in the apartment.

"Oh, he's going to meet Usagi," Ayaka said with a happy sigh. "Thank goodness those two made up. I really like her."

"Right," Motoharu said sarcastically.

"Huh?" Ayaka said, confusion in her voice. "Why do you say it like that?"

Motoharu chuckled. "Am I supposed to forget how you behave the last time he was going out for a date with that girl?"

"What do you mean?" Ayaka asked.

"Remember?" Motoharu asked. "After you were playing in the rain, you came back inside and convinced Mamoru not to meet her! In fact, you're probably the reason his in the doghouse right now! Making him stand her up on their anniversary… I'm surprise she didn't dump him for that stunt!"

"I-I don't remember that at all…," Ayake said in concern. "I don't understand why I'd do such a thing. I like Usagi!"

Sailor Oblivion gently closed the door with a smirk. "You don't understand, but I do," she said with a dark chuckle. "Usagi lied to me. And it seems that I've found their weakness too. And it's all thanks to you parents." She teleported away, a sinister plan forming in her head.

Usagi sat in the bench of the park. She glanced at her phone every few seconds, checking the time. If Mamoru were even a minute late, she would leave wordlessly and go home. "13 minutes," she said aloud with a sigh.

Mamoru ran down the path, breathing heavily. "Usagi!" he called when he spotted her.

She looked in his direction and stood. "Mamoru."

Mamoru ran all the way to her and captured her in a tight hug. "I've missed you, Usako."

Usagi reluctantly hugged him back. "Meeting with you doesn't mean that I forgive you."

Mamoru let her go and nodded. "I know, I know," he said. "But still, I am so sorry. I…I have no idea what happened. I'd never leave you waiting for me for hours like that. Especially with a call or explanation. You know me—that's not me."

"I thought so," Usagi said. "Until I sat in a booth alone for hours. I watched the candles melt and the last customers leave and I stay for another hour after that. I was hurt, I was embarrassed…"

"I know," Mamoru said. "And I'll say as many times as I have to—I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was leaving the apartment to meet with you."

Usagi frowned. "Wait, you don't remember? Like one of your blackouts?"

Mamoru nodded. "Exactly. I don't know what I did or where I went. But I'm sorry I wasn't with you. Trust me, I was looking forward to our night more than you were. And I want to give it another try. That is, if you'll forgive me. Please, Usako. I love you."

Usagi was silent for a moment. It was rare to see Mamoru so vulnerable. Every fiber of his being showed just how apologetic he was. He was telling the truth and nothing could convince her otherwise. That thought made her heart ached, however. She had been holding an unnecessary grudge for three days. Three days that they could have spent together. She finally nodded. "I love you too. And I'll forgive you if you forgive me. You know, for overreacting."

Mamoru's features lit up. He smiled and gently touched her cheek before leaning in for a kiss. He broke it a moment later and pulled the gift box from his subspace pocket. "I want you to have this. I wanted to give it to you during our dinner but, you know."

Usagi accepted the gift box in surprise. She looked it over before looking back at Mamoru. "Are you sure?" she asked. She placed a hand over her locket. "You already gave me an anniversary present, remember?"

Mamoru chuckled. "That I remember. But we're not like other people. We have two anniversaries. That locket was Usagi's anniversary present. Go ahead. Open it."

Usagi smiled a little and gently wrapped the box. She opened it and her eyes widened. "This…"

Mamoru chuckled again. "This locket is Serenity's anniversary present."

Usagi wiped away tears that tried to form, then pulled the necklace out of the box. "It's the Star Locket. It plays our song… I gave it to you when we got engaged in the Silver Millennium."

"That's right," Mamoru said. "It might seem silly but I'm giving it back to you. I'm hoping to receive it as an engagement present in this lifetime too."

It was Usagi's turn to hold him tight. "Consider it done," she said softly. "I love you, Mamo-chan."

And that's the chapter! Love it? Hate it? Tell me in a review!

I have to tell you guys, this chapter was really fun to write! Don't you guys just love those moments that leave you with warm and fuzzy feelings? I think it's a great way to start off the new year!

Also! Wondering what I've been up to lately? I've published the first chapter of my new manga, Diamond Witch, on Pop Comics! There's a link to it on my profile page and it's completely free to read so please read and rate it! It'll mean the world to me!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!
