H is for Hunters

warnings: not edited, paranormal (specifically werewolves) though nothing bordering on the lines of Twilight, i assure you, swear words maybe? Boy/boy love as always c:

a/n: i originally thought of expanding on EternalFalsity's suggestion of 'Hikaru' with a chapter emotionally describing Kaoru's devotion to him, but at last minute decided to follow Nimblefoot13's suggestion. C: i've seen/watch/read many paranormal stuff including antagonistic guys hunting down vampires/werewolves/lycans etc and thought it would a bit more interesting.

A great big thank you to: Lylia00 (thank you for the greetings! ^^ have a great year! i was tempted to pick housewife!), Nimblefoot13 (thanks for your awesome reviews and suggestions QuQ), PerfectingSilence (wow; your name is priddy xD thanks for your review! 10 words would be fine as long as it starts with the letter haha!), EternalFalsity (awwwh thank you bebe QuQ i missed you too! hope you had a spectacular year), Smirff2013 (yes, unfortunately all i can do are boy/boy stories, sorry), Dreamer's Secrets (another awesome name! thanks so much for your review!), godess bubbles (thanks for your review and suggestion! updated! :D) and For My Personal Pleasure (Thank you for such kind words! –melts- ouo well, i'm late too so it evens out XD) for all your amazing suggestions and reviews, you guys make my day!

"Shit." Buzzed the walkie-talkie, the static slightly distorting the tone of voice. Though Kaoru could tell the rough panic of the leader of the Hunters, Tamaki Suou.

"What is it, boss?" Kaoru very quietly asked, holding down the button of his receiver as he crouched down in front of a wall divider.

"You've got one coming your way, Kaoru. Careful, the beast is moving at a rapid rate, he must be a strong one. I'll send backup coming your way. Whatever you do, stay put and don't move a single muscle. Remember; those horrid creatures don't attack unless provoked or manic." Tamaki muttered seriously, one of the very few times where he ditched his happy-go-lucky personality and stuck to the facts and cautions. It made him a great leader.

Great, just what Kaoru feared; being in a delicate, fluctuating situation that he had to face alone. His newly-formed hunter group, consisting of Tamaki Suou, a well-known leader and heartthrob, Kyouya Ootori, probably the community's best strategist and mind, Haruhi Fujioka, the rational peace-maker and gadget inventor (and the group's only cook, she had a hard time, let me tell you), Honey Mitsukuni, their nation's greatest fighter and Takashi Morinozuka, a well-known figure that could rival Honey's fighting skills. It didn't help that Kaoru could barely do anything and had always felt like the useless one in the team. Though he had set out a goal for himself—to reach up to his childhood friends' levels. For now, he was the baby of the team trailing behind triumphant partners. One day though, just one day...he knew he had potential hidden deep within him.

Kaoru stood up very slowly, his heart beating so fast and hard that he feared that someone could hear it. With a terrified face, he imagined that werewolves maybe could hear it. Nevertheless, he breathed in quietly and squinted his eyes through his surroundings. It was so dark. Kaoru tightened his hold on the magazine of his gun which was locked to his hunter belt. Gulping softly, he turned around to face the direction of the wall, where the opening was-though slightly afraid to the point where he'd shoot anything that passed by that opening.

A few seconds past. A minute. Kaoru frowned, vaguely wondering if the werewolf changed his direction. Shrugging, relieved, Kaoru pressed the button of the receiver and whispered.

"Sir, there appears to be no movement from where I'm situated. I request permission to move into the room behind me." He said, his throat constricting tightly. Even if a pack of werewolves did kill his family and he wanted the most terrible of revenge to fall down on them, he was shit-scared of the beasts.

There was a silence and then a click. "Permission granted. Move swiftly." Tamaki ordered quietly.


Kaoru rapidly turned around only to have a full gulp of air sucked in so fast that he thought was going to have a heart-attack. Before he could examine the two red orbs that were glowing in the dark, a large figure forced him down and pinned his limbs and Kaoru couldn't see because it was too dark-and all the light sources he could find were the two crimson orbs and he was looking into them and he was thinking about his life and his family and now he was hyperventilating and—


"Tamaki." Kaoru whispered.


"How do you know which werewolves are manic?"

"Well, instead of bland red, their eyes are occasionally narrowed. Oh, and since they're bigger in figure and drastically stronger than other mutts, I guess they're just authority short of an actual Alpha."


"And their eyes glow in the dark."



Kaoru gazed at big, narrowed eyes that were undoubtedly glowing in the dark. "Oh, nothing. Just that I think I found one."


But before he could respond, the receiver was slapped out of his hands and he gasped as the werewolf was advancing, backing him into the ground and covering him with his every threat. Kaoru flung his arms forward and covered his face defensively, chest rapidly rising and falling as he tried not to hyperventilate. His Mother forced him to get into werewolf hunting, damnit! He didn't want anything to do with this! He wanted to be a fabric man, sewing bits of pieces together and selling rare materials with his guarantee and recommendations. That was where his passion was. Not this blasphemy! Kaoru wanted to go home! Away from this beast! Away, away, away-!

Everything in his vision blacked out.

Perhaps he can overcome his peers with his talent of getting captured by werewolves.


"Ru-? Kaoru, can you hear me!? Kaoru!"


"Eh? Who is that? Where is Karou!?"

"I said enough. You're just way too loud, Hunter Tono."

"T—oh-Tono!?" The voice sounded aghast. "I...I like the sound of that."

"Then the name shall stick, Tono." Hikaru said with a slight smirk. "Now if you want to see your cute little friend again, you shall stop loitering around the grounds your group invaded. We may be a pack of werewolves but we are of the civilized type."

"Impossible! If you were marked off as safe then we would have never received order to—!"

"Oh, I never said we were safe. I just said we were civilized. Meaning that we have the ability to negotiate with creatures that differ from us. I know you have enough power to stop humans from entering our borders, so I suggest you do that while I'll keep 'Kaoru' alive. What'dya say? Our legal grounds start from the coordinates of B12 to the last point of D."

"Just what are you going to do to Kaoru, huh!? Don't you dare touch him!"

Hikaru sighed condescendingly. "May I please speak with an enemy with an IQ higher than five? No? Then let me break it down for you, Tono. I will do nothing to him in a threatening manner if you keep your troops on leashes."

"...I see. Mummy, what shall we do?"

There was a slight cackling of static as the receiver released a different, more solemn voice.

"There's only one lucid thing we can do, Daddy, however low we can reduce ourselves. For the sake of Kaoru's well-being and the other team members."

Tono replied is a concerned tone. "Then...I guess it can't be helped. I accept, werewolf. But I swear to the heavens, if Kaoru so much as has a single scratch on him by the time he gets back (and he better get back), I will rip your eyeballs and drink them in my juice! While daintily cushioning the landing of the delicate cup with my pinkie finger, it adds such a pleasant result, doesn't it? Ah, I'll tell you another one of my secrets—!"

In less than a second, the device was crushed in Hikaru's grip. Expression indifferent, he shrugged and let go of the broken contraption, giving it one last stomp as it landed as a dump on the ground of his flat. The sweet scent that infiltrated his nose made him hum in pleasure and he merely stared up as he sensed the awoken boy who had lied immobile in his bed.

"So you're awake, Kaoru." Hikaru said with a pleasing drawl in his tone. "I'm sure you caught the bargain I had with your boss so no need to keep one eye open; I won't harm you. But that also means that I'm going to have to keep you here until your noisy boss makes his part of the deal."

"You..." Kaoru rose up from the bed in alarm, only to collapse back in a sitting position since his legs were still shaky. "Werewolves have human forms?!"

Hikaru rolled his eyes. "Of course we do. What do you think we are: mere strays?" He said in a tone that insinuated Kaoru's idiocy. After the silence continued, a devilish grin formed on his handsome face as he dumped himself on the bed next to Kaoru, smirking at the human's shout of shock. "I'm Hikaru, by the way. I'm not the most powerful in the clan, but I'm damn strong. So you better not think about running away, okay?"

"W-wait!" Kaoru pointed in accusation, his face the perfect picture of horror. "Why do you look exactly like me? Did you steal my body? Bastard, stop looking like me!"

"Oh." Hikaru started dumbly, holding out his hand and staring down at it while wiggling his fingers. "Is that right? I look like you? What a coincidence."

"Don't give me that!" Kaoru snapped back, on the stage of hyperventilating. It wasn't everyday that you got to talk to someone identical to you just out of the blue! "What did you do? Why are you like this!? You—mmmph!"

A warm hand was slapped over his mouth, muffling his words. Breathing through his nose as he told himself to calm down, he rolled his wide eyes to his captor, Hikaru the werewolf who also looked exactly like him. Staring into familiar gold eyes was like a short horror film unravelling.

"Calm down, Hunter." Hikaru offered in a bored tone. He kept his hand firmly over that mouth as he idly raked his glance up in thought. "Come to think of it, this is about the second time I've ever been in human form. The first was when I was a newborn." He gave a boyish grin.

"So I never kept track of my appearance. But I'm glad to know that I apparently look like you. You're the prettiest thing I've ever encountered, so I must have the best luck in the world~" His tone was sing-song and sounded overjoyed.

"Stop that!" Kaoru yelled as soon as he slapped the hand away, righting himself as he patted down his shirt and cleared his throat. He tried to keep a bewildered expression straight off his face. He's conversing with a beast after all. "You mean to say that you were born like this? The reason to our identical resemblance is purely...coincidental!?" His pitch went screech-high as he uttered the last word.

"Hmmm, maybe." Hikaru shrugged, uncaring as another grin plastered onto his face. "There may be some logical explanation. Maybe we're long-lost twins or brothers from an alternate universe. But who cares right now?"

"Wha—I do!" Kaoru said, almost one hair short of flailing his arms around or fainting right there and then. "How is it that you look exactly like me? How on Earth could this happen?"

"Like I said, I don't know." He replied, rolling his eyes. Kaoru wondered where he must have learnt that human mannerism. "Are you going to shush about this now? It's getting quite boring and late, not to mention. I want to eat you up already." The werewolf whined.

"Huh!?" Kaoru yelled out, scooting towards the back of the bed. "You said you won't harm me!" How his body was quivering violently.

"I did?" Hikaru sighed. "How unfortunate."

Kaoru pressed his lips together to stop them from trembling. Then a huge shit-eating grin nearly split the werewolf's face in two. "Jus' kiddin'. What, you think I was really going to eat you?" He looked like he was about to laugh. "Even your body is trembling. How adorable."

"Shut up!" Kaoru launched himself forward, grabbing a hold of Hikaru's collar and pulling the boy towards him in an angry manner. He raised his free hand up as if to punch him, venting his heated breath through his teeth as they were gritted.

Suddenly, a growl ripped through the air like a blade slicing soundly through matter. Kaoru felt forced to release the gasp that wrecked beneath him, and he attempted to back away as his captor made a move to crawl closer. And closer. He could feel Hikaru's breath on his lips. A prominent blush was performed on his face and he moved his hand up as if to cover his face in embarrassment.

But Hikaru was quick with the smirk and the sensational groan that rumbled out of his chest, out of his mouth and travelled through the atmosphere. It was more like a threatening purr, fond, as if a sign of love yet it still held the same amount of authority and warning as the first one. As the purr reached Kaoru's ears, he couldn't help but close his eyes and scoot back into the headboard of the bed.

"Good." Hikaru sounded way too pleased as he hooked a finger under Kaoru's chin and tilted his head up. "You're reacting just as you should be to a male with higher ranking than you. This is werewolf language, Kaokao." He teased, his pink tongue flickering across his lips briefly.

The younger shuddered from the close proximity, denying himself off the full blush that was spread over his soft cheeks. He wanted to shout out in protest, call Hikaru a bastard, or kick him in the chest and run out. But for some reason, his body and mind betrayed him, and he kept still, that warm finger under his chin acting as if it was a chain connecter. He closed his eyes.

And gasped as he felt a tongue swiping across his lips. His eyes shot in recognition, registering a cheeky face with sharpened fangs. "Hold still, okay? I'm going to put my scent on you."

Kaoru inwardly panicked, and it must have showed in his face because Hikaru gave him a generous, reassuring smile. "It's harmless. The procedure is literally just placing another scent on you. It will protect you from any more werewolf attacks in the future."

"You were the one who attacked me!" Kaoru said, voice muffled in accusation.

"But that alone is excusable, because I am the only one allowed to jump you." Hikaru nuzzled his nose into Kaoru's cheek, and the younger felt his heartbeat speeding up. "After I do this, everyone will know that you're mine. So stay still, okay?"

"No—nngh!" Kaoru refrained himself from squealing as his lips were brutally pressed against the werewolf's, a tingling sensation that made him squirm travelling down his spine at a rapid pace. He felt strong arms encircle his waist and the hands squeezed his creamy thighs, just daring him to push a manic werewolf away. Kaoru's hands and arms were trapped between both their bodies, feeling them twitch as if they were going to push against Hikaru's chest. As if the guy would let him do that. He felt his toes curl in his socks, a low whine building up at the back of his throat before they finally disconnected.

When their lips separated, it took him a couple of seconds to register what happened. But he needed none to notice they were a breath's apart from each other and his face was fully red, lips most likely swollen and a messed up appearance over all. With two hands boldly placed against Hikaru's chest, he gave a might push, finally exploding.

"What the hell was-!?"

In response, Hikaru released that same growl that rumbled out of his chest, making Kaoru gasp, his blush deepening as the elder clasped both his wrists and held them above his head, gently pushing him downwards until the background around Hikaru's handsome face was the ceiling. When Hikaru made no distinct action of stopping the dominating sound, Kaoru closed his eyes and let out a small, sweet whimper.

"Young master!" A knock suddenly echoed through the walls of the room before a young girl barged in, bowing at the sight of him without any blush whatsoever from the situation. Instead, she merely stared into Hikaru's eyes.

"Sorry for interrupting. We have received word that the Hunter leader finally called off his troops. He is outside right now with his clan, demanding for his friend. Shall I let him in?" The girl asked with a quiet voice but one of authority.

"That's fine, Renge." Hikaru replied, nodding politely at the girl. "Tell the boss that I will bring his friend to him instead. You may go."

"Understood." The girl gave off one final bow before turning her eyes onto Kaoru's for a brief second. The girl smirked, revealing her werewolf fangs and Kaoru thought he could have died from embarrassment right there and then. Renge turned swiftly and in less than a second, she was gone to fulfil her second in command's orders.

"KAORUUUU!" Once again the door was barged open, and the hair at the back of his neck immediately pricked up as Kaoru recognized that voice. The blond leader had kicked the door down successfully but was being held back by Renge in a desperate hold.

"Sorry, master!" Renge said, huffing in weariness as she struggled to keep Tamaki in her hold. "I explained it to him but he didn't listen to me! Baka King!" She yelled, thumping her fist down on Tamaki's poor blond head. "Doesn't your human clan tell you to respect the ones with higher authority than you!? Stop struggling! Stop struggling, I say!"

"Are you hurt, Kaoru!?" Tamaki wailed out urgently, dramatic tears already streaming down his face. "I promise that Daddy will never let you out of sight again! Have you been violated?! You've been violated! I swear on my life that I will avenge you! Female mutt, would you let go of me now!? Can't you see that this poor son of mine needs my assistance!? Kaoru come here! Kaoru!" Then a gasp, and a point of accusation. "You. YOU! DIE!"

Hikaru merely raised an eyebrow at the pointer finger that was aimed at him.

Then in a blur of motions, the Hunter leader and the servant girl meshed together in a mass of fists and punches and yells and shouts, the noise already making Hikaru's eyebrow twitch.

Then at the side appeared a charming young man with raven hair and a neat appearance. His glasses glinted under the dim lighting as he observed Kaoru and Hikaru. After a moment of inspection, he stood at the door way and stretched out his arm, his fingers unravelling out as he motioned for Kaoru to follow.

"Come, Kaoru." Kyouya said calmly. "We have no business with these monsters anymore."

Hiding a snicker behind a hand, Hikaru crawled off his look-a-like with the grace of calmly getting off the bed in the morning. Kaoru still sported a full-blush though it had dimmed under the eventful situations that happened like a car rush. Hunching his shoulders submissively, the younger boy hopped off the bed without a backwards glance to Hikaru as he sauntered towards Kyouya.

As soon as he was a metre away from Kyouya, the bespectacled boy nodded in confirmation, turned around with elegant grace that came natural to him, blindly reached for Tamaki's ear and pulled him upwards as they walked forward, ignoring the king's cry of pain. Renge had backed off but was still displaying her glare at the king in full-boom. As they reached the entrance of the building, Kaoru vaguely noticed that Hikaru followed them, walking them out in a faux polite manner.

The door opened and Kyouya tossed Tamaki out by the ear and calmly walked after his landing spot, uncaring that neither bid the werewolves goodbye. Kaoru idly wondered if the atmosphere of many werewolf bodies made them feel uneasy just as it did for him. He was about to exit the door way when a thought suddenly struck him.

"Wait." Kaoru said, turning around and meeting the full intensity of Hikaru's animalistic eyes. "That was placing your scent on me?"

"No." Hikaru said with a smirk. It felt as if Kaoru only blinked before gasping because he was sure that Hikaru was on the other side of the room and now he was so close, even lifting up Kaoru's chin with a finger in the process.

"That, my cute little puppy, was a kiss." Hikaru stroked his cheek with a soft thumb. "Just like this one." And Kaoru couldn't move as Hikaru leaned even closer, their lips pressing together. But that was all that was initiated, like a junior-grader, innocent kiss that felt so sweet that Kaoru could almost burst.

Hikaru pulled away and smirked at Kaoru's adorable expression.

"You...did that thing again." Kaoru whispered accusingly.

"What thing?"

"Where...it's unfair." The younger bit his lip. "You do it and you make it so I can't move."

"Ah, that." Hikaru smiled. "Yes, there is that. I have the ability of rendering human bodies motionless temporarily. But let me tell you something."

Kaoru's breath hitched as the other leaned closer and lapping at his neck, softly snickering. "I did not use that ability once today." And with that, Hikaru bit his earlobe gently.

Kaoru cried out before pushing the werewolf away, turning on his heel as he staggered to his teammates, desperate to get away from that one bastard that caused him more embarrassment and confusion than he probably had in his life. He pretended he couldn't hear Hikaru shout behind him:

"Remember to watch your back, Kaoru, okay!? After all, I will be coming back to attack you again very soon~"

The rookie hunter harboured a blush the whole ride home.

a/n: well...that was weird. xD remind me not to get into the paranormal teen romance crap genre for fanfic writing in the future. thanks to all the reviewers again c: especially the ones who stay faithful! ;u; thanks for reading!

the letter after H is I! suggestions, anyone?