Somewhere Old Yet New

Disclaimer: If it is familiar it is NOT mine. No matter how much I want it to be.

A/N: Things will be made up. I do not know all of the episodes of Justice League or the true time frame. I am placing the show to be in the early 1990's. Also Static has a mild wardrobe change. It is the same but he keeps his hood up, keeps his goggles down, and wears a black cloth mask that covers his lower face. It is attached to his black shirt.

"Gear, Do you have any idea how to close that!" Static shouted over the wind.

"Yeah, but you are not gonna like it" Gear replied.

"Tell me any way!" "Okay but don't say I didn't warn you." "GEAR!"

"You have to go inside the wormhole and release a strong electric burst. In theory it should cut off the connection and collapse in on its self. It's a suicide mission!" Gear screamed.

Static stilled. "I know, but if I don't the worlds will collide and both will be destroyed."

The two sixteen year olds clasped hands. "It was good working with you Gear. Tell Pops and Sharon who I really am. Okay." Static asked.

"Yeah man. I'll tell them." Static nodded then flew into the vortex. "All right let's see how much juice you can handle." Static started concentrating his power to his core. As he felt himself transform he released it in one massive burst. The wormhole exploded and Static was engulfed in the blast.

When the air cleared Static was nowhere to be found.

Gear dropped to his knees. "STATIC!"

Scene Break

Gotham 21:30

Whoosh! Thump! "Owww." The sprawled figure moaned as he sat up and shook the cobwebs out. He looked around and found himself surrounded by thugs in clown masks.

"Oh please tell me I'm not where I thank I am." Static groaned to the thug on his left as he stood up.

"Ha-ha Ha Ha- ha. Well boys, look what dropped in. A baby hero has come to play."

Static froze then slowly turned around. There stood Joker in all his green haired, purple suited insanity.

"Okay, so I somehow ended up in Gotham in the Jokers lair. Oh man Batman is going to kill me." Static laminated disregarding everyone around him.

"Not if I kill you first boy." Joker sneered. How he hated being ignored.

"I'm not staying to give you a chance." Static replied taking out his collapsible disk. He charge it then hopped on.

"I magnetized the floor so until I'm out of range you all can't move. Later" He took off out of the sky light with Jokers curses at his back.

Sorry it is so short. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer. Also updates will be irregular. This is my first year of college so that will take up most of my time. Though I will try to update at leased once a month.

DemonCry out!