"Move over, Olivia." Fitz grumbled and inched away from Olivia's cold feet which she had pressed against his back.

"The alarm clock." She stated simply, still half sleep. The alarm clock had been blaring nonstop for the past fifteen minutes and after Fitz made no attempts to reach over and shut it off, Olivia rubbed her cold feet against his back. The clock continued to sound off for another minute or so before he began to complain.

"Fitz, get up and go turn off that damn alarm clock."

"Why can't you get it?" Fitz asked with his face now buried beneath his pillow.

"Because you're closer and it's your alarm clock!"

Groaning loudly, Fitz tossed the covers back off both him and Olivia - he heard her hiss after doing so - and sat on the edge of the bed. Rubbing his eyes and running his hand over his face, he finally reached over and slammed his hand over the alarm clock bringing silence to the room. Olivia stretched her legs out across the bed and wrapped the covers around her again in an attempt to fall back asleep. Fitz stared at her for a second, watching as she made herself comfortable in what was supposed to be the peacekeeping zone of the mattress.

"Liv, I love that you're in my bed every night and that I get to wake up to you every morning, but what the hell is the wrong with that side of the bed?"

She exhaled an annoyed breath, but barely opened her eyes to look up at him and ask what he meant. "This huge, king size bed has more than enough room for the both of us, yet, for some reason, you seem to only like this half of the bed which also so happens to be my half. Every night you start over there." Fitz pointed to her side of the bed. "Then end up over here." He continued, pointing to his side. "It's not like you're trying to cuddle- which I wouldn't mind. You just want to literally sleep under me. I'm an inch away from the floor, LIV!"

"Oh, grow up, Fitz." Olivia mumbled and rolled over, fluffing up one of his pillows to prop under her head.

"And the pillows! You have two pillows and I have two pillows, or at least that's how it started off. Now I only have one half of a pillow. What's yours is yours and what's mine, also seems to be yours."

"Why are you still here?" Olivia asked irritated, wishing he would shut up. Her head was slightly buzzing from the excessive amount of wine she consumed the night before and she honestly didn't feel like being bothered so early in the morning. Fitz didn't know of her night spent pacing back and forth in the kitchen since she snuck out of bed after he had fallen asleep. She'd had too much on her mind to sleep herself, so she instead downed one glass of wine after another until the entire bottle was gone.

With two days left before she was to leave, she was beginning to grow nervous. Her mind was clouded with worried, negative thoughts and countless what ifs. What if her trip to France is not what she expects? What if her culinary skills doesn't match the speed and experience of the rest of her counterparts? What if Fitz's mother was right and finds a way to interfere with his plans to meet up with her at a later date? What if their relationship began to suffer as a result and they didn't last? What if she was making a big mistake? What if?

"Why are you so grumpy this morning?" Fitz asked. He stood from the bed while Olivia completely turned her back to him. "Olivia..."

"Fitz, go away!" She yelled harshly and pulled the covers over her now throbbing head. "Go take your shower and go to your stupid job. It's too early to listen to your annoying ass complaints!"

Fitz stepped back, speechless and shocked by the tone of her voice. They'd never really argued before and they definitely never raised their voice at one another. He didn't want their morning to turn sour or for whatever problem Olivia had to continue to grow so he silently left the room just as Liv turned over. She groaned, unhappy with her decision to lash out at him when it was so undeserving.

Her frustrations, headache, and lack of sleep were not Fitz's fault, and as she walked down the hallway towards the bathroom she thought up an apology. The steam from the shower was just beginning to fog the room when she dropped her clothes to the floor and pulled back the curtain. Stepping into the shower with him, she rubbed her hand up the length of his back and Fitz sighed.

"I'm sorry, Fitz." She grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face her. "I should not have snapped at you."

"It's fine, Olivia." He shrugged it off but she could tell that it still bothered him "No, it's not." She pressed herself against his warm, wet body. "I had no right to be mean to you." She said and furthered explained, "I'm nervous about leaving and what's going to happen to us while I'm gone. There's a lot on my mind right now, but that doesn't give me the right to take my frustrations out on you."

"Livvie." He said softly with a gentle smile. The water trickled over them as he brought his finger to her chin and raised her face to his. His lips grazed hers before he kissed her gently; their lips connecting for just seconds before they both pulled away. "It's okay, Olivia." He smiled sincerely as his eyes connected with hers. "Baby, I understand." He gripped her waist and pulled her in closer, "I don't want to argue, I don't want to fight. I was shocked but I'm not mad. I was going to give you your space until you were ready to talk about whatever was on your mind."

Fitz hands were still around Olivia's waist when she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his lips to hers again. "Thank you for understanding." She whispered before embracing him in a sweet and eager kiss. Their lips moved together as their tongues tangled in a erotic dance. Olivia arched into him, moaning softly into his mouth when his hands gripped her ass. He wanted to hoist her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist and bury himself deep inside of her but time was not on their side.

Feeling him pull back, Olivia took control of the moment as her desire for him slowly built. His tone muscles tensed up at the feel of her hands wandering across his hot flesh and he yelped, struggling to hold in his moan when her dainty hand firmly gripped his dick.

"I'm going to be late for work." He groaned and Olivia's lips formed a devious and mischievous smile as she began to stroke him.

"You'll be fine." She growled against his ear and pushed him up against the shower wall. "Give me five minutes."

"Fi- Five minutes?" Fitz stuttered.

Olivia traced her tongue along his collar bone while her hand continued to stroke him in one tight motion. His breathing turned uneven as he became increasingly harder. She tugged on him at different speeds; slowly at first, gazing into his eyes then increasing the speed and watching him unravel at her touch.

Fitz's grunts and moans filled the shower as his approval towards Olivia echoed around them. He repeatedly groaned her name; shouting out when she grazed the head of his cock or tightened her grip. His knees buckled and he stumbled against the wall when Olivia massaged his balls with her free hand. He was so close to a release. His mouth fell open completely and his eyes clenched shut. His hips were rocking in motion with her strokes and just as he was about to climax, Olivia removed her hand.

"Have a nice day at work." She placed a chaste kissed on his cheek and hurried out of the shower.

It took Fitz a moment to comprehend what had just happened before he called after Olivia in disbelief. She has to be joking, he thought and flung back the shower curtain to reveal an empty bathroom. "What the fuck, OLIVIA?!" He yelled again, "Please tell me you're not serious!"

"Finish getting ready for work, Fitz." She strolled pass the bathroom door.

"You're just going to leave me like this?!" He defeatedly looked down at his raging erection then finally wrapped his hand around his member to pick up where Olivia had left off. "This shit is not funny, Olivia. Sick ass joke."

Olivia gazed down at the itinerary in her hand, processing all of the information that was laid out in front of her.

After making as much noise as he possibly could to show that he wasn't pleased with the little stunt she pulled in the shower, Fitz left for work and Olivia slept an extra hour then got up to prepare for her day. She had a few errands to run in preparation for her trip. She'd already had her passport and airline ticket, but she still needed to meet up with the lead professor on the trip for information about her housing and catch up on a few details.

The meeting was quick, no more than ten minutes. She wasn't the only student there who needed to do a last minute check in and was happy to see a few excited faces of her fellow classmates. This trip was a big opportunity for all of them and they were all anxious for the learning experience that was coming their way.

"Olivia! All ready for Thursday?" An old professor of hers walked up behind her and asked. While reading over the itinerary she had wandered and was now unknowingly standing outside of his office door. She moved out of the short, stubby mans way so that he could get inside.

"Yes." She answered. "I'm excited, a little nervous but that's to be expected with such a big trip. I've been a little distracted these past few days, worrying about the trip and what's going to happen to the state of my personal life when I leave." Olivia continued, not realizing the professor was no longer listening, but at this point she was mostly thinking aloud. "My boyfriend planned on meeting up with us at some point because six months is just too long for us to be apart, right? Our relationship is fresh and new, and we both agreed that this is what wanted, but now I'm afraid that I'll be taking this trip alone. His mother is important to him and she doesn't agree with him coming along. I thought she liked me, she said she liked me and I don't want to cause any tension and get in between their relationship, but I'm pretty sure she's going to convince my boyfriend to stay here in New York which is probably not as big of a deal as I'm making it bu- you... you don't really care, do you?" Olivia blushed, embarrassed at her longwinded rant and looked up for the first time. "Edison?!" She shrieked. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, Olivia." He chuckled then smirked at her startled expression. "Why have you ignoring my calls?"

"I'm not ig- I don't have to answer to you." She said flustered. He'd caught her completely off guard. She definitely wasn't expecting to look up and see him standing there. She hadn't seen him in months and honestly never thought about how she would react the first time they bumped into each other. But still, while she was surprised to be standing face to face with him again, she was proud of herself for not reacting to his presence. He didn't make her heart thud or her stomach flutter, there wasn't a rush inside of her and no old feelings came bolting back, she mostly felt indifferent about him. "What are you doing here? Are you following me? How did you even know I would be here?"

"Lucky guess." He teased. "Calm down, Olivia. I'm not a stalker." He smiled innocently and it made her skin crawl. "So, this new boyfriend of yours, he wouldn't happen to take after his crazy mother, would he?"

"I did not call his mother crazy." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"You implied that she didn't like you. She's crazy to not love you. My mother loved you." He leaned against the wall, leaving a small amount of space between them.

"Fitz is not like that. He's not the jealous type." Olivia responded stepping away. "He doesn't have a reason to be." She added with a polite smile.

"With a girlfriend as beautiful as you that must not be easy."

"He manages just fine."

"Better than I did?" He winked with what was supposed to be a handsome smile but it fell drastically short. "I still love you, Olivia."

"How dare you?" Olivia barked with furious eyes. "I don't know why you are here or why you've been calling me and I honestly do not care. You don't get to pretend that our breakup didn't happen or that you didn't treat me like shit our entire relationship. Not once did you show me that you loved me. You didn't deserve my time then and you do not deserve it now."

She didn't wait to see if he planned on responding, she made a mad dash towards the exit with plans on leaving her past in the past.

"Good morning." Fitz woke Olivia up with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"You're up early." Olivia sat up noticing he was already fully dress. "And you made breakfast." The thick smell of bacon and eggs lingered in the air and she smiled when Fitz leaned in to kiss her again, this time on the lips.

"Breakfast and coffee. Well, coffee for me and orange juice for you." He turned around and revealed her plate on the dresser. Grabbing the tray and setting it in front of her, he took her hand into his before she could pick up her fork and begin eating. "Eat up, get dress and be ready within the hour. We have a busy day ahead of us."

"You're not going into work today?"

"On your last day in the city?" He grinned. "Not a chance."

Excited for what Fitz had in store for her, Olivia quickly ate her breakfast and to her surprise it was actually really good. Fitz's cooking skills had made a major improvement from when she first moved in. She might have had something to do with that.

After her shower she decided to straighten her hair while trying to figure out what to wear. Her mind wandered back the night they went shopping and she wondered if she should wear the dress they picked out. But he would've mentioned for me to wear the dress if that was what he wanted, she thought and decided against it.

Outside of her window the sun beamed high in the clear blue sky, it was supposed to be one of the least humid days of the summer so far and she wanted to take advantage of it. After Fitz urged her to hurry up, she put on a black backless halter shirt and a pair of snug jean capris to match Fitz's black T-shirt and jean cargo shorts.

He smiled, taking in her appearance when she walked to the door. "Trying to be like me, huh?"

"Maybe." She blushed and took his hand. "I don't know what you have planned for today, but I am thankful that you've thought to send me off in your own special way."

"I love you, Olivia. I love you so much and it's important for me to show you how much you are loved before you leave. These next few weeks are going to be hard for me without you by my side but I'll get through them and I promise to be with you as soon as I can."

"If you're trying to win over my heart, baby, I'm here to tell you that it's already yours."

And a busy day it was. Fitz had planned every moment down to the smallest detail, he knew exactly how he wanted them to spend their last day together and it was nothing less than perfect.

From lunch at Olivia's favorite restaurant to their walk long through the park holding hands with matching ice cream scoops and everything else in-between.

Before the day was over, Fitz made sure they stopped at a bear at build-a- bear workshop. A playful competitive game of who could create the best bear sparked tones of laughter from them and they ended up enjoying themselves more than the children present the entire time.

Fitz named his bear, Livvie, after Olivia of course. He dressed the brown stuffed animal in a pair of studious glasses and a small white apron with a chef's hat while Olivia named her bear Olitz, an obvious combination of both of their names. Her soft rainbow colored teddy bear held a paint brush in his hand and wore a small smock. They each privately recorded personal messages for the other to hear before exchanging the bears.

The day was nothing less than perfect.

Night was just beginning to fall, the sun slowly setting when they arrived home. Olivia assumed the night was over until Fitz told her to freshen up and put on the dress he'd bought her because they had one more stop to make.

She asked various questions on the way to where ever they were going and while she was mostly met with silence from Fitz she still wouldn't let up. It was all playful fun though. She held on to his free arm as he drove, smiling against his shoulder.

She felt free and happy to be in love with her man. He treated her like a queen the entire day, doting on her, spoiling her with endless I love you and sweet kisses. She would have preferred they stayed home the rest of the night and made love until the sun came up but she was still excited for whatever he had planned.

"Close your eyes." He hummed in her ear when they pulled into a parking lot. Olivia did as she was told and willingly shut her eyes. She heard him exit the car and open the door for her.

He securely held both of her hands and guided her to their destination. She felt the temperature change and knew they'd walked inside. He led her through a door and up two levels of steps. "Keep your eyes close, Liv." He told her when he felt she was getting ready to take a peak. "Be patient, my love. We're almost there."

After a few more steps and a couple more second they walked through another door and Olivia could feel a cool breeze brushing against her face. "Fitz?" She said when he let go of her hands.

"Open your eyes." He stood behind her and murmured in her ear.


"You. Didn't!" Olivia exclaimed staring into the happy, smiling faces of her closes NYC friends.

"You're right, I didn't." He kissed her neck and smiled with his arms wrapped around her waist. "It was all, Abby. My only job was to keep it a surprise and get you here."

"I just- I love you." Overwhelmed with emotion, Olivia simply turned in the circle Fitz made around her with his arms and kissed him.

"Those better be happy tears!" Abby appeared from the small crowd and walked towards the adorable couple.

"Oh, thank you Abby." Olivia threw her arms around her neck and hugged her dear friend closely. "Thank you so much." She dried her teary eyes. It touched her heart to know that someone cared enough to go out of their way and make her feel extra special on her last day.

Olivia looked around and recognized the beautiful rooftop bar they were all gathered on. She couldn't remember the occasion but knew she'd been there before. It was decorated with white lights along the rail and a clear view of the New York City skyline. There was a bar and a DJ stand as well as a small dance floor centered on the middle of the roof. The sky was a dark, navy blue color and each star brightly twinkled above them. It was still warm, the heat had yet to dwindle from earlier that day but there was a slight breeze going to keep them comfortable.

"You deserve this and so much more." Abby told her as tears of her own begun welling up in the corners of her eyes. "You followed your dreams. Not too many people can say they've accomplished such a task. I'm so unbelievably proud of you, Liv, this is the least I could do."

By the time Abby was finished talking Olivia was teary eyed again. She hugged her friend even closer and embraced her for a few seconds longer.

"Would you two stop crying!" Harrison stepped forward and echoed Fitz's thoughts. Both women laughed and dried their eyes. "No more tears for the rest of the night. Happy or not!"

Fitz nodded in agreement and yet again wrapped his arms around Olivia. "First drink of the night is on me."

The entire night Fitz couldn't keep his hands off Olivia. He didn't want to be a shadow, overbearingly standing over her the entire night so he did give her space to enjoy the company of her friends, but whenever he had a chance to sneak a kiss in or a small affectionate touch he did.

It warmed his heart to see her so happy. More than once he found himself smiling in response to her own smile from across the room. Her happiness was infectious. She was in rare form and looked absolutely beautiful, too beautiful for words. The most he could do was stare. The pure joy he felt watching her face light up as she laughed and mingled with her friends was a feeling he'd always remember.

"Can I just say how adorable you and Fitz are?!" Abby gushed. "I mean, really, Olivia when did this happen? How did this happen?"

"First, who told you before I could?" Olivia asked swaying her hips. She knew Fitz was watching and wanted to give him a small preview of what to expect later that night.

"Weelll." Abby's eyes wandered over to where Harrison stood.

"I did not!" He exclaimed with his hands up. "Okay, I might have hinted at it, but I did not actually come out and say Olivia is sleeping with and now dating Fitz."

"If I weren't so occupied with my own life, I would've picked up on this long ago." Abby said displeased with her hectic schedule.

"No, this just happened." Olivia explained. "Well, the sex has been going on for awhile but the relationship is new."

"You two are clearly still in the honeymoon stage." Abby noted. She was genuinely happy for Olivia. It had been so long since she was so openly happy. Too long. She wished nothing but the best for Liv and knew Fitz would treat her well. "Fitz cannot keep his eyes off you."

"His eyes, his hands... I'm bout' ready to tell him to back off." Harrison chimed in.

"Harrison." Olivia warned.

"Don't worry. I'm just joking" He smiled and embraced her in a warm hug. "I'm really happy for you. It's refreshing to see you so happy."

"I mean really, really happy, Liv." Abby said. "You're glowing! I know the sex is bomb. The way Fitz is watching you, I just know you're putting it on him good. Please share the details, spill them beans!"

"Please don't." Harrison cringed. "I'm still standing here."

"Then leave!" Abby joked and Olivia bumped her shoulder. She agreed with Harrison, now was not the time or the place to jump into details about her sex life. "Fine. But before you get your ass on that plane you're going to fill me in on everything."

"I'm going to go see if Fitz wants to dance." Olivia smirked and went to walk away but was stopped by Abby's sudden gasp.

"Oh no. Look who just walked through the door."

Olivia's heart sunk as she slowly turned around. She already knew who would be behind her. He was be the only one arrogant enough to show up to a special event just for her uninvited.

"Son of a bitch!" Harrison roared and set his drink down. "Want me to kick him out, Liv?" He didn't wait for Olivia to respond before heading off in the unwanted guest direction and she had to grab his arm and pull him back.

"Let me handle this one please." She asked of them then charged towards Edison.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she tried to remain calm, not wanting to cause a scene and bring any attention towards them.

"No hello? No how are you? That's not the way to greet your guest." He opened his arms expecting a hug but was disappointed when Olivia stood back with her arms folded over her chest. "You know I love it when you make that adorable, frowny face.


"I came to see you off, love." He chuckled.

She looked around for Fitz and was relieved to see his attention was already occupied by someone else. "I obviously did not make myself clear yesterday so listen to me when I say that I do not want you in my life anymore. You were not invited here, you're not wanted here so leave."

"You want me here. You're just too pissed to admit it."

Olivia huffed a loud breath. She was seconds away from calling Harrison over to forcibly remove Edison if he did not leave soon.

"You're still mad at me about something I did back when I was a different person." If she didn't know better she would think he was being serious, but Edison had mastered the art of telling lies well and playing emotional, mind fuck games. She had fallen for his bullshit countless times before but this time was different. She was no longer the young, naive college girl anxious to be in love. "I was serious when I told you that I still loved you, Olivia."

"And I was also serious when I told you, you never loved me." Olivia shot back. She was becoming more annoyed by the second.

"What happened to my sweet Olivia?" Edison amusingly stepped back and asked. "Don't be so angry. You're breaking my heart, Liv." He teased.

"Breaking your heart?" She chuckled coldly. "I was under the impression that you didn't have a heart."

"Can you stop fighting me, Olivia, and just listen."

"There's not a damn thing that you could say that I want to hear. Leave. NOW. Before I embarrass you and have you forcibly removed." She began to walk away when he reached for her arm and called her back.

"What we had was special, Liv." He stepped to her with a sincere look in his eye. "If you could let go of the past and just imagine what the future could be like. Our future."

"Edison.." Olivia smacked her teeth.

"You were good for me, we were good for each other." He took her hand in his and further continued, "I know you're leaving tomorrow, but before you do there's something that I need to do."

She could feel every eye on the roof slowly turning their attention towards the two of them and panicked. No, no, no, she thought. It was really time for him to go. She looked back at Harrison and motioned for him to help. She knew Fitz was probably watching by now too, and the last thing she needed was a showdown between him and Edison.

"You told me that I didn't show you that I loved you enough. You said I didn't treat you the way you deserved to be treated and you were right." The entire bar was silent; frozen together as one as they watched Edison pull out a small black box and get down on one knee. "I am so sorry for not loving you they way you deserved to be loved. I'm sorry for the way that I once treated you and if you give me the chance, I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you. Will you marry me, Olivia Pope?"

Olivia was completely and utterly speechless. Every inch of her body; her mind, her heart, and soul was screaming no, but she could not move or bring herself to speak. She was too shocked. Edison was smiling warmly and gazing into her eyes with an hopeful glint in his. He has to be out of his damn mind, she thought. She recognized the ring in the box he held as his grandmothers, he'd shown it to her once before. It was a beautiful ring but she did not want it.

Her heart was beating loudly and her stomach was twisted in a tight knot when she caught Fitz's angry eye. He stood back in disbelief as Olivia and Edison held the attention of the entire bar. He was angry, enraged, shocked, livid, embarrassed.. The nerve of this bastard. He swallowed hard. Stephen reached out and touched his friend's shoulder, but that did nothing to stop Fitz's blood from boiling. He was overcome with rage.

"Calm down, Fitz." Stephen whispered in his ear. "You look like you're ready to explode."

Fitz waited to see what Olivia was going to do, he was counting on her to say no but she instead remained motionless. He knew he had Olivia's heart - she told him so that morning, but he needed her to tell everyone else. He needed to hear it again. The seconds continued to drag on and her silence became frightening. Did he need to be worried?

She was still trying to process everything that was happening around her. Edison's proposal, Fitz's anger, the watchful eyes of each party guest. It was all a mess.

Fitz scoffed. Disbelief. "I need some air." He said to Stephen in a low, dangerous tone that sent chills through the man. Fitz brushed his hand off his shoulder and stormed off inside.

"But we're already outside..."' Stephen called after him confused.

Fitz wandered around the building, passing through the hallways until he came to a unlocked bathroom. Once inside his shaky hands splashed a handful of water on his face. How could such a perfect day, perfect evening come to such an alarming halt? While he was angry about the proposal from Edison more than anything he honestly couldn't believe Olivia wouldn't speak up.

Were the words no or hell no no longer apart of her vocabulary? He tried to suppress his anger by taking a moment to breathe in and out. He thought about every time she told him she loved him, every time they made love and it absolutely made no sense to him that she wouldn't say something.

"Fitz...?" Olivia's timid voice flooded the bathroom when she stepped inside. Fitz inhaled sharply when she closed the door behind her. "Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" He snarled and Olivia hesitantly walked towards him. She'd never seen this side of Fitz before. Tense shoulders, burning red frown on his face. While he didn't quite scare her, she still was careful with each move she made. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Wow. Just go, Olivia. I don't want to talk right now."

"I need to stay with you."

"No, you need to go."

"No, Fitz."

It frustrated him even more that she wouldn't leave him alone, he wished he thought to lock the door upon entering. "Okay, you want to stay? Then answer this, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" He barked at the top of his lungs.

"Don't yell at me, Fitz! I don't know why he would do that."

Fitz stormed around in circles. "Have you been in contact with him? Why is he even here? This is not making any sense, Olivia. A man doesn't just get down on one knee and propose to a woman if he doesn't think she's going to say yes. Were you going to say yes?!"

Olivia gasped. "How could you even ask me that? You're obviously drunk, Fitz, and behaving like a jealous idiot."

"I'm not drunk." He shouted in response. "And I have every right to be jealous. Your fucking ex boyfriend just proposed to you in front of a room of all our friends. How else am I suppose to feel? Why is he even here?" He flung his arm towards the door and turned his back towards her. Placing both hands on the sink, he dropped his head and attempted to maintain some self control.

"His cousin owns the bar." Olivia admitted softly suddenly remembering why it felt so familiar. Fitz exhaled loudly and in the mirror she could see him clench his eyes shut. "He probably told him I was here and he just showed up. I didn't invite him, Fitz. I do not want him here."

"Then go out there and tell him that." He demanded. "Go tell him, in front of everyone that you're not marrying him. Tell him that he can go fuck himself and that the answer is NO."

"No, Fitz.. I'm not.."

"You're not going to tell him no?" He spun around and asked through gritted teeth. He stalked towards her, towering over her petite frame. "You plan on saying yes then?"

"No, Fitz." Olivia frowned slightly and stared him in the face. She hoped her soft expression would ease his flaring temper some and but the rage in his eye never wavered. "That's not what I mean. You're angry and full of rage. I'm not leaving you alone. You could hurt yourself"

"Olivia, I need a moment to myself. To calm down, to think. I can't do that with you in here with me." He quietly pleaded with her rocking back and forth. He knew he was out of control. He felt completely unlike himself. This wasn't just jealousy he felt, it was pure rage and it was pounding through every inch of his body. Olivia was worried about him hurting himself but he was suddenly worried about hurting her. The amount of anger that was seeping through his veins was something he'd never felt before.

"I am not leaving, Fitz." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and said with finality. "Whatever you need to do to calm down you're going to have to do with me standing right here."

"I need you- I need for.. I n." With each muddled word Fitz spoke he closed in on Olivia until she was cornered between him and the door behind her. Her breathing turned heavy and her wide eyes glared up into his. She could finally see that he wasn't just angry because of Edison's stunt, he was also hurt. She didn't realize that her silence had shook him to his core. He didn't doubt Olivia's love for him, not for a moment, but it scared him to think that what she felt for him didn't compare to what she once felt for Edison. Still felt for Edison.

"Whatever you need." She whispered and the flicker of heated desire he saw in her eyes set him off. With one hand, he grabbed Olivia by the wrist and completely pinned her to the door. With her arms stretched over her and Fitz's tall frame pressed against her, she continued to stare him deep in his eyes and even though his rough hands touching her body was beginning to turn her on, she still hoped that the Fitz she knew, the gentle Fitz she'd fell in love with, her Fitz would eventually reveal himself. The man she was currently starring down she didn't not recognized. He was dark and rough; hardcore Fitz, he was showing traits she would never use to describe him.

He kicked her legs apart and his free hand snaked beneath her dress. He cupped her core and she whimpered, slightly buckling at the knees. She was amazed at how easily he tore her panties off with just one hand. They were skimpy, but still, damn.

She stood on her toes when his fingers roughly flickered her clit. She could barely get a moan out as the sensation sent electric shocks through her body. Her hands balled up into tiny little fist and his grip around her wrist tightened. She squirmed against the door and her hips jerked up when his fingers made hard circles against her clit.

Olivia's heat was calling him, he could smell her sweet arousal and he closed his eyes with a deep, masculine groan. Separating the lips to her opening, Fitz drove two fingers inside of her swollen pussy.

"I'm going to fuck you, Olivia." He told her confidently while driving his fingers back and forth against her slick walls. Her warmth dripping down his fingers and coating the inside of her thigh drove Fitz absolutely crazy. He was eager to feel her walls contracting around his dick. His hard face pressed against her neck and he opened his mouth to suck down on her skin. His teeth grazed her sensitive flesh and Olivia helplessly cried out. "I'm going to bury my dick so deep inside of you.

"Fuck. Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Every inch of your body will feel my thrust."

"Fitz." Olivia cried not sure she could hold on any longer. He slowed the speed of his fingers, moving them at an agonizingly slow pace. Olivia crumbled against the door. Her eyes rolled behind her closed eyelids as she begun to unravel. Her body tensed up and she clenched around his fingers. She was so close but Fitz began to tease her, refusing her an orgasm.

"Pleassse, Fitz." she begged. "Let me comeee."

"No." He replied. It was so unexpected to hear her beg. She'd done it many times before during sex but tonight she sounded so different. The desperation seeped through her voice as she whimpered and cried and Fitz had to admit he liked it. "You don't come until I say."

Olivia whimpered and her raspy voice panted his name. "Fitz, baby, please. I need you. I want you." He let go of her wrist and grabbed her face, kissing her hard and urgently. His hungry mouth broke through her lips and he slipped his tongue inside. They sucked on each others lips, tongue, the crook of the others neck. Whatever their mouths could find.

"Fitz." The way his name rolled off her tongue was the sexiest sound he'd ever heard. Hearing her painfully cry his name triggered a switch inside of him. His need to be inside of her overtook him and he couldn't hold it off any longer. "Fuck m-"

The words were barely out of her mouth when he locked the door and flipped her around. Hauling her off towards the sink counter, he plopped her down and freed himself through the zipper of his pants. His erection ached past the point of pain and discomfort he was so hard.

He pulled on the front of her dress, slightly ripping the material to free her breast. He roughly suck her nipples into her mouth and his lips shaped around the pointed brown buds.

Olivia frantically tugged on his shirt needing to feel his skin when he dropped his pants and pushed his cock to her opening, rubbing the head of his dick against her clit.

He took her body in his arms and sunk in deep. They both simultaneously let out a breathy gasp at how snug the fit felt. Her body gripped him tighter than he ever felt. Olivia bit her lip and wrapped her hands around his neck as he moved in and out of her. Her feet were positioned on the counter and Fitz's hands moved down to her waist to make it easier to keep her body still for his steady, hard strokes. Each stroke took Olivia'a breath away and caused her toes to curl. She could barely move her hips match his strokes so her body instead twitched and shook against him.

Without warning he turned her around and she tried to catch her breath, but his thrust was too quick and she fell forward on the sink counter. He slid into her at an urgent pace with long, hard strokes. The harder and faster he pushed inside of her, the wetter she became.

"Olivia?" Someone called from the hallway. They both knew who it was and Fitz's displeased groan did not go unnoticed. He began to relentlessly pound into her, releasing all that he felt in each stroke.

"Tell him you're mine." Fitz mumbled angrily. Edison standing outside of the bathroom door refueled his anger. "Tell him this pussy is mine and he can't have it."

"Edison, go away!" Olivia cried out.

"Liv, are you okay? You aren't crying are you?" He asked worried with his hand on the knob.

"STOP!" Olivia screeched at Edison. "Ohmyfuckinggosh, Fitz." She muttered under her breath. Fitz had grabbed her waist and plunged into her with such force, her entire body went numb before beginning to shake uncontrollably. She was completely turned on by his aggressiveness. The sex was rough, it was hot, it was dirty and it was good. So, so good.

Fitz grabbed her hair and flung her back, sinking in deeper than Olivia would've imagine was possible. "Tell him it's mine!" His animalistic growl shot straight to her core and she felt her pussy quiver in response. "Tell him."

"IT'S HIS." She finally screamed when he repeatedly pounded into her. She didn't thin she could take anymore.

"It's his?" Edison repeated confused. "What's his? Olivia, what the hell are you talking about? Are you okay?"

Fitz grabbed her arms and locked them behind her back. Her hips were positioned against the sink and she was sure to have a scar the next day from him pressing her against the hard material when slamming into her.

"Olivia, can you just open the door? Is he - that guy you're with in there with you?"

Fitz let go of her arms and pushed her forward, grabbing and elevating her leg in the air in the process. A beast had been unleashed inside of him and he was determined to brand Olivia as his. "Edison, go away." Olivia begged and dropped her head forward on the counter.

"Liv, are you sure you're okay?" He knocked again and asked, this time genuinely concerned.

"Yes, yes, yesss." She cried as Fitz fingers played with her clit. His release came before hers and he shot his seed off deep inside of her. His orgasm didn't stop his strokes and he continued to fuck Olivia until the point of no return.

"Olivia. Are you..."

Her legs were shaking as her body clenched around Fitz and she finally screamed out, "I'M COMMINNNG."

Fitz paced back and forth around his bedroom waiting for Olivia to come join him in bed. It was well after two in the morning and he'd heard her turn off the shower and leave out of the bathroom well over an hour ago, but she had yet to make it down the hall and to their bedroom.

They hadn't said much to each other since leaving the party, he would consider them to not be on speaking terms, but he couldn't bear to sleep without her warm body lying next to his.

He felt a bit guilty for the way Olivia's night ended as he dragged his feet around in circles. Her night- her special, last night had been ruined and he felt he was partly to blame. His biggest regret was not maintaining self control. He wished he had handled the situation with Edison a bit differently, but it was too late now.

It still infuriated him to think of Edison and what he did. He growled and punched the wall; not hard enough to injure himself, but with enough force for slight pain to be felt and throb through his knuckles. Stupid fucker

He wanted to go to bed and forget this day ever happened but first he wanted Olivia to come to him. He'd gave her space and time to think until she was ready to talk about how they would move forward from this, but she never showed and he was too anxious to wait any longer.

Her suitcases and taped up boxes full of her things lined the wall of the hallway as he walked towards Olivia's old bedroom. He stopped outside the door and wondered if he should just leave it alone for the night. Deciding against -because honestly did they really have tomorrow? he opened the door. Fitz knew her well enough to know that she wasn't asleep and stepped inside of the room, walking over to the bed and staring down at the still body lying beneath the sheets. Olivia kept her back to him and attempted to remain completely still, but it doesn't work as he pulled back the sheets and climbed into bed next to her, tapping her shoulder. "Olivia." He called softly and she ignored him, silently hoping he would leave her alone with her thoughts.

"I know that you're awake. Tell me what you're thinking." He pleaded.

"I'm tired, Fitz." It was a terrible, unconvincing lie but she hoped it would be enough to get him to go away. In reality, she couldn't go to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes vivid images of the nights events would continuously play in her head. "Can we do this tomorrow?"

"No, Olivia, we need to do this now. He stated firmly. "We have to, Liv, it's the only way we'll be okay..."

"Okay, Fitz." She silenced him. She needed them to be okay so she sucked it up and spoke. "I've been laying here thinking. Going over countless scenarios in my head about what I would've done had I been in your position..." She inhaled deeply then turned to face him. "He shouldn't have even been there tonight, Fitz. I swear I didn't invite him."

"I believe you, Olivia."

"Do you?" She asked. The uncertainty in her voice was alarming to Fitz and he could see a small glint of hurt in her eyes and it puzzled him. "You never have a reason to be worried yet you still lashed out at me as if I'd done something wrong."

"Do I?" Fitz questioned. "I stood in a room full of all our friends and watch you be proposed to by a man you once loved." He reminded her. "You didn't tell him no, you didn't mention me. You just stood there silent and mute as if you were considering his proposal.

"What would you have preferred that I did?"

"You should have immediately said no." She can now see the hurt building in his eyes and the torn, agonizing look on his face was too much for her to bear to look at so turned her attention towards the ceiling and remained silent to gathered her thoughts. "That's what I would've done. I was embarrassed, humiliated in front of everyon-"

"I was humiliated!" Olivia choked out. She closed her eyes and fought back tears. "It wasn't just you there tonight, Fitz. I was there when he proposed, I was there when he stood outside the bathroom door, I was there through it all."

A single tear fell down her face. Fitz wanted to reach out and touch her, to wipe the tear away. It pained him to see that she too was now hurting. He swallowed hard and looked away from her.

"This is not just sex anymore, Olivia. We're in a relationship, and when I said that I loved you, I meant it. I was scared - no terrified that you were going to say yes. It hurt to watch-" He stopped midsentence when the mattress tilted and Olivia's teary eyes found his. With a sigh he opened his arms to her and softly whispered, "Come here."

She slowly curled into his side, resting her head on his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. Fitz ran his hands over her now tousled curls and clung to her. They laid quietly, neither speaking to the other.

While finally wrapped tightly in Fitz's bear strong hold the weight of the night came crashing down on her and Olivia released the tears she'd been holding in small sobs.

"Shhhh." Fitz rocked her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Fitz." She spoke between sobs .

"Don't apologize, Liv." He said unselfishly. "Nothing that happened tonight will affect how I feel for you. Ever."

"We're okay?"

"We're okay." He promised her.

She sighed happily. "I love you, Fitz." Olivia kissed his chest.

"I love you too, Liv.

She snuggled into his chest more and closed her eyes. Fitz pressed his nose to the top of her head and smelled her hair. It was a quiet peaceful moment between the two of them, but it was also a moment of growth. If they had allowed it the events from tonight could have torn them apart, but their was nothing neither wanted more than the other person. Nothing.



"Can we please go get in our bed? Its hot as shit in this room!"

Author note.

So we're back up and running!

I don't know how many of you follow me on twitter or heard through tumblr what happened and why Friends With Benefits was originally taken down, but back in March, I notice that someone from another fandom copied and pasted the entire first chapter word for word, only changing the characters name. (-_-) I thought I was doing the right thing by reporting the story and author to the site since she/he had also plagiarized other stories, but imagine my disappointment when I was told that my story (Along with her version) had to be removed because of inappropriate content. *sigh* I just want to make it clear that it was not my decision to delete FWB. I repeat it was not my decision to delete Friends with Benefits from FanFiction. I was not left with many options. It took me awhile to get back on my feet and find my rhythm again with not only FWB but also my other Fic, Broken. I've been so unmotivated to write and was very disappointed to know that someone would actually steal my work and attempt to pass it off as their own. I honestly, never in a million years expected FWB to be as popular as it was/is in the fandom and with there only being a few chapters left I did not want to leave you all hanging, so I got my shit together and tried my best.

But thank you so much to the supportive gladiators on twitter who helped me expose the author. The crazy thing is, if the bold bitch had not favorite FWB and I didn't click her profile to be nosy, I would have never caught her. So, be careful to my fellow fanfiction writers because while my story has been removed this person is still at it. (She changes her profile name daily but I have the link saved so if you want it just PM me.)

This update was a little longer than normal and you wouldn't believe how many times I wrote, then rewrote, then delete and started this chapter all over again. I'm not completely satisfied with it but still drop a review or leave a PM and let me know your thoughts. - Red XO