Rating: T (for language)

Pairings: Channy

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Sonny with a Chance.

Part II

Sonny's Point of View

I'm seriously getting tired of Marta glaring at me.

I pointedly looked at her from across the table, but she didn't stop; her glare hardened. I heard "somebody" snicker and I sent my own glare at Chad. He just smirked at me.

Ever since that little text conversation between us, Chad had been… strange. He teased me more than usual and seemed to end up spending more time with me than anybody else. That, obviously, didn't help the fact that Marta wanted to kill me. She believed now more than ever that there was something going on.

And Chad still hadn't told her that he didn't like me.

I waited until we were alone, which happened often, before asking him about it again.

"So have you talked to Marta?" I questioned, staring at him quizzically. "No." He paused, frowning. "About what?" I rolled my eyes. "About you NOT liking me." Chad found that funny and I slapped his shoulder.

"I want her to stop glaring at me all the time."

"Why does it bother you so much?" Chad asked, turning on the couch so that he was facing me.

"Because she never stops." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "She won't listen to me. Can you just please talk to her?" Chad raised an eyebrow.

"Please?" I gave him my best sad puppy look. He stared at me a minute before he sighed.

"Alright," He said, and I broke into a smile. "I'll talk to her about it."

Marta's Point of View

I was back in my (mine and Sonny's… ugh) room after a hell of a day. I couldn't wait until Mr. Condor let us leave. These stupid bonding trips were getting worse and worse.

I had just laid down on my bed when someone knocked. Sonny usually knocked before she came in. "Go away." I shouted, grabbing my phone and logging onto twitter. "Marta?" Chad's voice made me jump.

"Chad?" I sat up as he came in. "Hey." He said shyly, brushing his hair out of his face. A lot of good it did; it just fell back down, covering his perfect blue eyes.

"What's up?" I asked, forgetting my phone. Somehow, whenever Chad was around, he always had my full attention. "I wanted to talk." He looked so nervous.

Usually I was all for anything to do with Chad, but the way he said that… I didn't like it.

"About what?" I asked, shifting my weight so I could sit Indian-style. "Look, I know we've been over this before, but…" Chad watched me for a minute and then shook his head.

"You gotta stop this… obsessing over me." I opened my mouth to protest, but he beat me to it. "Or whatever it is you're doing. You're like a sister to me, Marta. How many times do I have to tell you that? I care about you a lot, but not in the way you want. I'm sorry, but you really just need to move on."

I've heard this so many times. Too many times. But why was he doing this now? I can think of one reason… and her name starts with an "S".

"Because of Sonny, right?" Chad rolled his eyes. "Marta…"

"She doesn't deserve you, Chad. I don't know what you see in her." He held up a hand. "This isn't about Sonny. Forget about Sonny, okay. Listen to what I'm saying; I don't like you the way you like me. I never will. It doesn't matter who you think is flirting with me. It won't change."

I just shook my head. We stared at each other in silence for more minutes than I care to count. "I don't know what else to tell you, Marta." Chad sighed, heading towards the door.

My words were stuck in my throat. Literally. I couldn't even swallow. Chad stopped and leaned on the doorframe. "I'm sorry, but you're just gonna have to accept it."

"When is this gonna stop? When are you gonna just admit it?" I whispered, more than asked. Chad smirked.


Sonny's Point of View

"You did what?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Chad sat down next to me on the porch. "I told her that we would never happen and that she just has to move on." I blinked. "But you didn't tell her that you don't like me." Chad shook his head. "I didn't really mention you, actually."

"Why? That's what I wanted you to tell her." Chad didn't answer me and I sighed.

We sat there in silence, the warm air covering us like a soft blanket. Somehow my eyes had closed and I felt like I could fall asleep just sitting there.

"Why didn't you tell her?" I asked again, my voice softer than I intended. Chad asked me to repeat myself. I did.

"Well… I didn't want to tell her a lie." I could hear a smile in his voice and I refrained from groaning. I was too sleepy to deal with his teasing right now.

"Yeah sure." I sighed. "What's the real reason?"

"That is the real reason."

"Chad." I said warningly. He didn't say anything and I opened my eyes.

I didn't expect him to be as close as he was. And I definitely didn't expect the expression on his face.

From what little I knew about love, from watching movies and reading books… not having any personal experiences to go by… he really looked like he was in love. His eyes had softened into that caring gaze I saw very rarely.

But there's one little problem; He's looking at me.

I blinked at him. "What?" I asked, my voice sounding small. He smiled softly.

I quickly looked away and cleared my throat.

I thought about asking him again… but I couldn't make myself speak. I could still feel his gaze on me and it made me uncomfortable.

I felt my face warming up and I hoped my blush wasn't that noticeable.

Look somewhere else, please.

I finally broke after a few minutes. Turning to him, I put on a brave face. "Just what are you staring at?" His smile widened. "Nothing."

I narrowed my eyes again. "Okay, seriously. You have to tell her."

He just shook his head.

"I'm not telling her a lie." Was his excuse again. I studied him for a moment.

"So are you telling me that you do like me?" I asked teasingly. He shrugged. "I could be."

I snorted and laid back on the deck. The wood was warm on my back and I squinted up at the sun.

I could see Chad watching me from the corner of my eye. I gave him a rude hand gesture. That made him laugh and I laughed with him, thankfully that the somewhat serious atmosphere had been broken.

"Do you enjoy torturing me?" I asked him. "Marta's gonna kill me." I said sadly, glancing up at him. He had that stupid "in-love" expression on again.

"Stop it!" I yelled, my voice rising in pitch. He jumped. "What?"

"Stop staring at me like that." I squirmed, "It's uncomfortable."

He laughed and leaned over me. "Not more than this I bet." Chad settled on his elbow, his face hovering too close to mine.

I knew he was just messing with me… I knew he was.

But part of me wondered… what if he wasn't? And the warm, tingling feeling I got when he was this close wasn't helping. At all.

I didn't really know how to respond to that and I couldn't move without touching him, so I just stared off into space. Somehow my eyes found their way back to the sun. It hurt, but it was something I could focus on.

"You'll hurt your eyes." Chad murmured, his voice soft. I didn't react.

"Sonny." I raised an eyebrow to show I was listening.

Apparently that wasn't good enough, because Chad turned my head so that I was looking at him. My chin burned where he had touched me.

I made the mistake of looking into his eyes.

Those deep blue eyes of his had always been my weakness. They were what made me fall for him (just like every other teenage girl) back in Wisconsin. Then when I moved to California, it was the one thing I couldn't help but love about him, even when I wanted to kill him. And now…

Now I was getting lost in them, again.

I felt him moving closer, but I couldn't do anything about it.

Chad rested his forehead on mine and I let out a sigh. "So, are you serious? Or are you just joking?" I managed to say.

He pulled back enough to look at me. "That would be pretty mean if I was joking." He finally said, that smile still on his face. I nodded in agreement and then realized what he just said.

But then again, Chad had always been mean.

"So…?" I pressed. He confused me so much sometimes.

Chad chuckled, his low voice making me shiver.

He moved closer again and my eyes closed on their own accord. I gasped when his lips brushed against mine.

"I'll let you decide if I'm joking or not."

Alright you guys. A lot of people asked for a second part to this, so I thought why not? I hope you enjoyed it. The part in Marta's POV was difficult. I'm not completely happy with it, but…

REVIEW and tell me what you think. Every thought you guys have helps.