Whatever you may read, this is Harvey/Donna. Written before episode 3x06. So basically, while we all suspected Stephen Huntley was up to no good, but had proof so far.

This was inspired - by the show of course - but also by all the other great stories I got to read here. Thank you, fellow writers!

Donna splashed cold water into her face and braced herself on the counter of the women's bathroom at Pearson Darby. Pearson Darby Specter she corrected herself grimly. She inspected herself critically and wasn't surprised that she looked as fucked up as she felt. Her face felt bloated - thank God it didn't look that way- but a blind person with a stick could see the dark circles under her eyes.

She kept flashing back to that morning a few weeks ago, when she had still felt relatively normal and her life sure as hell had felt easier too. Not that it had been easy, but a girl could delude herself.


"What would it take?"Stephen had asked, as he had caressed her bare back with his hand. He had been laying next to her in sheets that already felt too warm for her comfort.

"What?" Donna's head had shot up and she'd looked at him with wide eyes.

"What would it take for you to accompany me to London?"


Donna snorted. She hadn't known then. Well she had known something. A little truth she only admitted to herself at the dead of night when Stephen had breathed deeply next to her.

She wouldn't leave Harvey.

She couldn't.

She had been forced to last year and it had nearly destroyed them. Nearly destroyed her. They had always been dancing a fine line between being friends and him being her boss and sometimes they had to drop the one in favor of the other. And now…

Now everything was just messed up. Harvey had won Ava's case. Darby would have backed him for managing partner, but Harvey had declined. Had even stopped the partners' meeting from happening. Stephen had gone back to London with Darby and Jessica and Harvey were no longer speaking to each other.

What a mess.

She glanced at the clock. 17:00. It should be safe to return to her desk again without Harvey asking where she had been for the last 30 minutes. He had formed this annoying habit of doing that. Questioning her whereabouts. Keeping her late at the office.

Donna ventured back outside, the hallways already emptying out at this hour on a Friday. When she rounded the corner, she could see him. Harvey was sitting at her desk, a scowl on his face. Donna took a deep breath and had to keep herself from wiping her hands down her dress. She looked perfect. And he wouldn't be able to tell if she felt otherwise from just looking at her.

"What's this still doing here?" Harvey asked sharply as soon as she stepped up to her cubicle. He held up a blue envelope and Donna felt like groaning.



She looked up from the file she was putting together to see Stephen walking up to her cubicle.

"Stephen." She said evenly. This whole fiasco with Stephen, Harvey and Ava had blown up in her face, just like she should have known it would and she didn't feel like playing nice now.

"I'm leaving for London in a few hours."

"Oh really?! Have a good trip." Harvey said as he stepped out of his office at this exact moment and deposited a file on Donna's desk.

The two men eyed each other warily, while Donna peeked into the folder. Empty. Just like she knew it would be.

Stephen broke the eye contact with Harvey and looked down at Donna. Harvey stepped closer to her and put his hand on the back of her chair, hovering behind her.

Stephen just huffed at this blatant display and pulled a blue envelope out of his inside pocket, letting it glide onto the counter.

"If you ever change your mind." He said with a soft smile at Donna, giving Harvey a last look and turning around.

Harvey scoffed. "What a moron."

Donna meanwhile grabbed the envelope and checked out its content. Her eyes widened.

"What is it?"

Donna cleared her throat, tucked the paper back into the envelope and stored it on of her desk drawers.

"A one way ticket to London. Date pending."


"What are you doing at my desk?" She asked, hoping to get the right amount of playful indignity into her voice.

"Don't change the subject. Why do you still have this?"

Donna walked up to her chair and Harvey turned to face her but didn't budge. He pulled his hand back as Donna tried to make a grab for the envelope.

"Really?" Donna just asked and crossed her arms in front of her.

Harvey looked at her intently. "You can't keep holding this over my head."

"I'm not."

"Then what is it still doing here?"

Donna didn't say anything.

Harvey's gaze darkened. "Donna…?"

He watched her swallow hard and was sure that her eyes welled before she blinked away whatever emotion she felt and removed her gaze from his.

He got up from the chair. "My office. Right now." He strode away without checking to see if she would follow him. He didn't have to.

Donna closed glass door behind her, for whatever good it did, if only to gain a few more seconds. When she turned around, Harvey stood in the middle of his office, hands hidden in his pockets, a scowl on his face.

"Are you going to London?"

Donna shrugged. "I don't know. But I've thought about it." She admitted quietly.

Harvey took a deep breath. Everything was falling to pieces. He had made a mistake with Darby and thereby fell in disgrace with Jessica. And it was his fault alone. Donna and Mike had tried to warn him but he had been blinded by his bruised ego. It had hurt enough that Donna had slept with Huntley, but her leaving…

His eyes fell to the ground by her feet. He hadn't just lost her as a friend. He'd lost her as just about everything else. He hadn't realized how much their dynamic had changed. But now that he did…God, that hurt.

"Harvey, I am not trying to punish you," she said softly.

He looked up at her again, and the raw sadness in her face made him believe her.

"Then give me a reason. Anything to make me understand."

Donna blinked back tears and squared her jaw. This was Harvey. And despite everything that happened in the last decade, they were still here. Together. He was her best friend. Or she was his, she's never quite sure. But this, right here, telling her oldest friend, should not be this hard.

"I'm pregnant."

Harvey just looked at her.

His eyes fell to her flat stomach.

"Is it… Is it…" He was at a loss for words.

"His?" Donna asked annoyed. "Yes."

Harvey nodded. "Congratulations." He said with a thick voice. "How long have you known?"

"Since this morning. I was at the doctor's while you were in court." She admitted.

He nodded again before he turned around to pour himself a whiskey. He grimaced at the bitter taste. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Donna said.

"Are you going to London?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to move there?"

"Harvey!" Donna said exasperatedly. "Stop interrogating me. If you could just please hold the judgment for now-"

"Judgment? There's no judgment!" Harvey cut in.

Donna just threw him a look. "Oh, please. I slept with your arch nemesis and now got the baby to show for it." She let herself fall down onto his sofa cushions. "Shit, Harvey. I'm going to have a baby." Donna said disbelievingly.

Harvey put his glass down and walked over to her, sitting down in the armchair closest to her.

"You want a drink?" He asked as he leant back in the armchair.

Donna chuckled. "Yes. Desperately."

"You can have one in about 9 months." He said self-saitisfied with a smirk playing around his lips.