Disclaimer: I do not own Heart no Kuni no Alice. The rights belong to Quinrose. I just own this story.

As a rule, a role-holder will always fall in love with an outsider.

No one ever questioned the rule.

It was accepted without doubt.

But it all came crashing down when a young foreigner entered Wonderland.


Alice Liddell.

The outsider changed them.

It was almost as if she reached into them and took their clock-hearts and gave them new ones. They were still clock-hearts... but they were different.

Was this because of their love for her?

Or perhaps her strange attachment to each and every one of them?

But what no one realized,

was that all their hearts belonged to Alice.


without her.

The pain would never go away.

Wonderland needed Alice.

They couldn't survive without her.

Ace whistled softly as he trudged through the forest. He didn't care where his feet led him. He just wanted to get away from it all.

The excitement that Alice was staying... and possibly for good.

He just wanted to forget... but it just hurt too much.

He stopped whistling and sighed.

He would never be able to forget.

Wonderland would never let him.

He let out a bitter chuckle.

How things had been, how they had changed.

He couldn't erase them from his memory.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

Her frown.

Her glare.

Her cry.

Ace sighed again and ran his hand through his hair.

It hurt... But it had to be done.

Ace clenched his fists tightly.

For Alice... and for himself.

He had to let go.

No matter the pain.

He had to let her go.

Ace took a deep breath and continued on... away from the Clock Tower where Alice resided.

He had to learn to live without her, just like before.

One day... he'd be able to forget. And, he'd be able to walk on his own.

Without Alice.

Author's Note:Well I've been listening to my B1A4 playlist a lot lately. X3 And well Ace and B1A4 have a special connection in my mind. Heh heh. ^^;; (If you're really curious, I'll tell you. It's not really interesting but hey *shrugs* I treasure it.)

Hope you guys enjoy it! :D