I don't own Twilight, or 'Ours'

This was inspired by Ours, and I take quotes from the song, but I'm not going to count it as a song-fic.


You always laugh about the strangest things; you laugh at my 'sparkly skin', you laugh about the sound the subways makes as it stops, you laugh at your Alpha, (And he doesn't like that) you even laugh about the vacant stares people get when they're bored.

I remember the night you told Sam's Pack about us, Sam started sputtering about how you couldn't imprint, and you told him, giving me a loving smile, that you hadn't imprinted. That you had fallen in love. I felt such anger, and hate coming from him; I felt envy.

Seth and Jacob had a suspicion about my feelings for you even before I did. They cornered me, and told me to either get a move on or give it up. And that if I hurt you (Emotionally or physically) they would tell Sam's Pack that I had broken the treaty, convince them to slowly and painfully rip me apart into little tiny pieces, then, one by one, burn the pieces, saving the head for last. Once you found out about our little conversation months after the occurrence, you were about to storm to Mr. Black and demand he have Jacob castrated. I, being the kind, loving vampire; told you not to worry your pretty little mind about it, in my 'sexy' Southern drawl.


The night when Alice came back to our Coven was one of the most annoying nights of my life. She came to the house, telling our family she had made a mistake, and wanted everything to go back to normal, with a pointed look to you. I smiled sweetly at her, slipped my arm around your waist, and kissed you hard on the mouth. She backed off after that, realizing that I had marked you as mine.

The only reason I didn't freak out that night, (The one where Alice came back) was because I knew I didn't have to worry my pretty little mind about it. Cause on our second date, we went out on La Push beach, and I was starting to get angry and jealous of all the girls and women trying to flirt with you. When you noticed, you smiled your stunning smile and told me 'Don't you worry your pretty little mind' in your sexy Southern drawl, and so, I didn't.

And I heard what everyone on the Reservation was saying, and even though they weren't in on the secret, they disproved and they judged. But I am Leah Fucking Clearwater, the Bitch of La Push, and I don't give a fuck about what they think. But you are Jasper Cullen, and you felt their disapproval, and their resentment, so whenever someone would look at us funny, I would sent them a glare, and you smile and all the love you provoked.

I love all the scars that litter your body, even though I would love to rip the people who gave them to you apart, because they make you, you. I love how cryptic you are, and your sexy Southern drawl. I love how I can feel the cold that radiates from your body, letting me know you are there, and you are safe. And any snide remarks from Sam will be ignored, because you hold my heart.

And when we went up against the Council of Elders, when the ruling could be we get to be together, I was banished from the Packs, or we where kept apart, you were worried, and I told you not to worry your pretty little mind. After the Council decided to let us marry (Much later, of course) you gave me the smuggest smile I have ever seen, and told me 'I told you not to worry your pretty little mind', only to have me smack him upside the head and walk off to my house mumbling about how the Council made a mistake .

The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours