Jim didn't know how much time had passed while they were on the planet. He knew Spock would be able to tell him the exact time but he didn't want to know. He didn't want to think of time because that would mean that little paradise had an end. To Jim it felt like a blink of an eye since they had arrived and yet the small device in their hands told them that they had sent all the animals. Now the only thing left was to compare their results.

Jim didn't want it. The shore leave made him believe he and Spock were about to be a couple. He wanted it almost as much as he wanted to be a Captain of the Enterprise. But he was frustrated; he and Spock didn't get a single identical flower from any of the animals. The only one that was at least similar was one that was brought to them by a little yellow bird that resembled hummingbirds. Jim feared what he was going to be told, but he knew he could do nothing about it.

He slipped down from the branch and he stumbled over one of the smaller ones. Spock caught him and that sent shivering sensation of warmth and love through their bodies. Jim smiled and kissed Spock when the Vulcan smiled back. They walked towards the only building in the area where – as Spock had noticed – Bones and Carol had gone.

They didn't talk but it wasn't an unpleasant silence. As if they didn't need words as they could feel what the latter was thinking about. Jim didn't understand it, but he felt like he was linked to Spock; there was something between them. He didn't believe in God or things like that, but he knew this night was his destiny. He was meant to be with Spock; all his life, since the time he had beaten the Kobayashi Maru test his life was leading to this moment when they would be told they were made for each other. Kirk believed it and Spock could feel the solemnity of the moment.

Before they entered the building, they had been met by an officer they hadn't seen before. Jim could easily recognise that the person was a very beautiful female, but he didn't feel like he usually did in presence of pretty women, human or alien. He had Spock and that was more than he could wish for.

„Will you please come with me?" she asked with serious expression on her face. Kirk panicked and paled. Would they be told that they were so unsuitable that they shouldn't work aboard one ship? Maybe he was right when he thought Spock had hated him. There were many illogical things about it that made Jim stop and think about it once again, but his brain was clouded.

„Of course," Spock said because Jim was temporarily mute. The officer turned around and led them to the other side of the building where she opened some door. Spock walked after her and Jim was forced to follow them even though he was going through his personal hell. She walked down a long corridor and the men went after her. Spock suddenly stopped and turned around to see Jim. The Captain had a troubled expression on his face and avoided eye contact with the Vulcan. Spock waited for him to reach him and then he took Kirk's hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze. It was hard for Jim to pursue the idea of Spock willing to kill him and become a Captain over his cold corpse after such a tender gesture. Vulcans couldn't lie. Right?

„Please, come in," the woman said and opened door to a small office. Spock led Jim in and she went after them and closed the door. Once inside, Jim could feel his desire for Spock slacken to a normal degree. He could also feel the Vulcan returning back to his control; however he didn't let go of Jim's hand. The woman sat down on one chair and gestured for them to sit on a another chair on the other side of the table. She seemed to realise it the same as they did and she blushed.

„I'm sorry, I'll bring you another chair I-" she didn't finish the sentence when Spock inetrrupted her.

„It is alright, do not bother yourself. I can take Jim on my lap." He said and sat down. The others were staring at him but Kirk couldn't miss a chance to sit on Spock's lap. He sat down carefully, but the Vulcan held him firmly as if he was light as a feather. When they were seated, the woman was looking at them for a little longer and then she sat down as well.

„My name's Rozhad and I am a keeper of this area. I own this place for S'pin'de testing as well. Usually I don't talk to visitors, I have my employees to do that. However, they don't speak Standard very well and I wanted you to understand what I am going to say." She made a pause and leant closer.

„I was called here because one pair of our devices was sending strange data. We thought it was broken so before I say anything more, I would ask you to give them to me. It may only be a misunderstanding." She said and reached for the devices. They both gave it to her and then they looked at each other, silent question in Jim's eyes, unspoken answer in Spock's. What was going on? They didn't know.

She took the PADD-like things with her and went out of her office. Jim laid his head on Spock's shoulder. If they were going to be said that they should be as far from each other as possible, he could enjoy his last moments with Spock. The Vulcan wrapped both his arms around Jim, completely neglecting his Vulcan control. He held Jim in embrace and his slow breathing almost lulled Jim to sleep.

Rozhad returned after a long time and she had a shaken expression upon her face. Jim was startled but he didn't move. Spock was calm and his heart beat steadily against Jim's back.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," the woman started and took a steadying breath, "so. As you know, S'pin'de is a very credible method to find people with compatible minds. It works on any intelligent form of life, but it is more specific for species of our body structure. However, that changes nothing on the fact that two minds are considered highly compatible if they get the result of seventy percent. You got ninety-one and a half."

Jim thought he was dreaming. He was born to be with Spock. It was the purpose of his life. He was supposed to give Spock as much love as he could think about. He was obliged to be with Spock. It was their destiny.

"May I inquire how does it work?" Spock asked quietly. Jim found Spock's fingers and intertwined them with his.

"Of course. It is a bit complicated, but I will tell you the basis." She nodded. We have several various animals here. Each of them reacts to a different part of the person's personality, abilities or wishes and dreams. And they bring a flower that fits the best with this one particular part of the mind. There is a long research behind it and I don't know all of it myself. It would be a very long story to tell. Nevertheless, each one of the flowers has its exact opposite. If you get this pair of flowers, you score hundred percent in this part of mind. And so on. That gives the final result."

Spock and Jim looked at each other and the time stopped for some time. They saw comprehension and acceptance in each other's eyes and they knew that it wasn't a mistake or a coincidence. They were meant for each other and they saw it just now.

"Why do I feel like I would die if I let go of Spock here?" Jim asked quietly. The woman didn't look surprised.

"The atmosphere of this planet makes people react this way. Some are more sensitive to it than others, and of course it does have something in common with who you are with." Rozhad explained.

"Obviously." Jim mumbled and squeezed Spock's hand.

Carol and Bones got normal results, but good ones due to it. They were told their score was sixty-seven percent, which didn't seem much, but they were assured that it is a good deal of compatibility to build a relationship upon. Bones looked at Carol and she nodded slightly, her eyes full of hope. They decided to wait for Jim and Spock.

"I knew it," Carol said, "I knew it from the moment on that planet, when you defused the torpedo."

"I hate to argue, but it wasn't me to defuse it. I had my arm in it and thought I was gonna die." He opposed.

"Alright, it was me to grab the lid and pull it out with shouting." She laughed.

"Yeah. You were really sexy," he grinned.

"Yes, like when you asked me if I got seasick," she smiled, "my leg hurt like hell and I thought I was going to die, but you were so funny and cute."

"All of us thought we were going to die," Bones nodded.

"Everybody except Jim, I guess," Carol sat down into the grass. Leonard joined her.

"Yeah," he mumbled, "he would never admit it."

"Do you see the constellation there?" She pointed up on the sky. Leonard raised his head and watched the small shining points.

"Which one?" He followed Carol's fingers with his gaze.

"The one which looks like a piglet." She laughed and took his head to hers to show him what she meant.

"It's a loaf of bread. I don't get where you saw a piglet." He laughed finally.

"And they said we were meant for each other." She replied and laid him down. She kissed the point of his nose. "Do you know what you have to do now?" She asked teasingly.

"What?" He smirked.

"Ask me if I am enjoying myself."

"And are you enjoying yourself?" He repeated her sentence.

"We have compatible minds. Figure that out," she giggled.

"I think you are. Would you fancy a dinner with me to prove my theory right?" He said and rolled them over.

"I think I would," she replied and watched him tenderly.

And here we go with the last chapter. Thank you all for reading. :)