It was a normal, average, completely not, not, a romantic day.

It was raining actually, and he was walking through the hallway, listening to the water pad against the windows. It was empty, the lights off, and shadows flicked on the smooth floors like playful spirits. Rei watched them out of the corner of his eye as he walked, taking his pace rather slow. Most of the students had gone home, he was just wandering around, waiting for the rain to let up, and maybe, maybe secretly waiting for Nagisa. It was an average day, certainly not one for anything particularly heroic or roman-

"Hey, you know, you could always come with us?" He heard voices at the end of the hallway, near the stairwell.

He brushed it off and continued walking, until the youngest member's voice rang through the air. "Well, I really need to get going, and I have to meet my frie-"

He heard several chuckles interrupt his cheery friend, which was extremely uncommon, as the blonde wasn't silenced easily. His voice seemed quieted, almost crushed. Rei was instantly concerned and began to walk faster, coming closer to the stairs. He turned around the corner and spotted the small boy pressed up against the wall, with two bulky seniors on either side, watching his lithe form wriggle under their hungry gazes. Nagisa was clutching his bag to his chest and letting out small puffs of breath, something he did when he was nervous. He spotted a piece of paper crunched up in his right hand, squished around the side of the bag as he held onto the item tightly. He wondered faintly what it was, but remained silent as the three did not notice him, each too distracted by the others.

"You're so cute, why don't you just let us have some fun?" The larger of the two leaned in, breathing close to Nagisa's ear and causing the younger boy's eyes to widen.

Something in Rei snapped.

He rushed forward, pulling the oversized teen out of Nagisa's face and flinging him against the opposite wall. Nagisa's face was instantly flooded with relief, and Rei smiled.

"Rei-chan!" He shouted. The two boys chuckled.

"Yeah Rei-chan, how about you get the fuck out of the way." The one still dangerously close to Nagisa spoke. He sent Rei a glare, however, the blue haired boy did not falter. He felt anger bubble up inside him and came face to face with the male, a ragged teen with short, black hair.

"I believe it is wiser for you to get the fuck out of way." He replied. The larger of the two, still leaning against the opposite wall with a mop of long, blonde hair, let out a growl.

"Don't mess around, you pussy." He grunted. Nagisa stood tall, but keep his form behind Rei as the two began to walk backwards, trying to slip around the corner.

The blonde reached out and grabbed Nagisa's wrist, somehow maneuvering around Rei, and pulled him to his chest. Nagisa dropped his case and paper, letting out a squeak as he came face to face with chest. The beast inside Rei let out a roar and he lashed out, without thinking, punching the man in the face. He lost his grip on the small male, who gathered up his belongings and scrambled to get out of the way. Rei moved forward again and grabbed the back of his shirt, spun him around, and threw him towards the form of the other who was coming rumbling towards him from the other side.

The black haired male dodged his partner, letting him slam into the wall and let out a cry of pain. He crumpled. Before Rei could think of attacking the blonde again, a fist was thrown towards his face and his cheek erupted in heat, pain bursting into his mouth and through his face. He was thrown back and collapsed on the ground.

"Rei-chan!" Nagisa screamed.

Rei stood up quickly, dodging a kick and snatching Nagisa's wrist.

He sprinted down the hallway, ignoring the sharp pain in his face and the curses ringing down the halls.

He couldn't think of where to go, and he led them outside, into the rain, by the pool.

Rei felt his cheeks burning, not only due to his injury, but to the fact that their hands had slipped together and their fingers intertwined.

"Rei-chan, are you okay?" Nagisa asked quickly. Rei turned to his companion, his anger subsiding as he looked into two, big innocent orbs filled with worry. He smiled.

"Yes, of course, I just, couldn't stand to watch you get harassed that way." He blurt out.

Nagisa smiled. "Thank you Rei-chan, but, I'm sorry you got punched, and it is partly my fault…"

Rei shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's fine."

Nagisa's face suddenly lit up. "Come to my house! No, don't give me that look! No one's home and I want to repay you. I'll ice your bruise and fix you dinner, how does that sound?"

Rei hesitated. "Nagi-"

"Please!" He begged, unleashing big, pleading eyes.

Rei sighed and nodded, allowing himself to be pulled out of the rain, which he had honestly forgotten about, being in Nagisa's presence, and through the school.

Honestly, it was just a normal day!

Will be continued.