Author's note : here you go! The last chapter of toying around! ;u; this one is not as hardcore, not even in the slightest bit ;u; just some cutesy cuddly stuff. Thank you all for your interests in this small fanfic I whipped up! Rated T, contains yaoi, and I hope you guys like it! ;3

"Jean, wake up."


Jean rubbed his sore eyes, after feeling a hand shaking his shoulders, waking him up. He opened up his eyes, and found out that most of the guys had already been in their uniforms. Jean grunted as he slowly sat up, but he could still feel his body aching from what happened last night. The freckled boy who sat next to him only smiled, "Sorry for last night.", he said before leaving a small kiss on Jean's cheek. Jean cracked his knuckles, "Yeah, yeah.", he said, dismissing Marco.

All of them were still there. Except, for Armin and Connie. The two probably went out earlier. It might be usual for Armin, but not for Connie (that guy is a lazy assed person and a heavy sleeper! How could he possibly had woken up earlier than him?). Jean wondered why, though the reason should've been obvious. Jean, being the lightest sleeper in the group, wondered why didn't he wake up as early as usual. He was always the first to wake up, easily woken up by the smallest of noises. And then, he would wake Marco up afterwards.

He turned over to the edge of the bed, and tried to stand up. But his legs felt weak, and that was his answer to the question he asked to himself earlier. Bertholdt, who was trying to wear his 3DMG straps turned to Jean, "What's wrong?", he asked, a little concerned. Jean only shook his head as an answer. "Come on, we're going to be late if Jean won't move his stupid ass.", Eren mocked from the other side of the room, still trying to wear his boots (or were they Jean's? They looked a bit bigger; maybe he got it mixed up). Jean groaned, "Shut the fuck up, Jaeger.".

Marco, being the nicest one to Jean, stood up from where he was and walked to where Jean was. He sat down next to Jean, before letting Jean swung an arm around Marco's shoulders. "Up we go!", Marco cheered as he stood up, and Jean followed (struggling, though). Marco helped Jean walked to the bathroom. "This is taking too long.", Reiner sighed, and in the next five seconds, Jean was in Reiner's arms. Reiner wouldn't really mind Jean getting late, but then again, Shadis might've suspect Jean's roommates to be the reason of him getting late. Which, could lead into , could lead Shads finding out about their 'fun', and kicking them out from the 104th Trainee Squad.

But he felt a little bad about being too hard on Jean yesterday, so he figured out that he should somehow 'apologize'. And he decided it was probably best expressed not by words, but by actions.

Marco promptly followed Reiner (who was lifting Jean) into the bathroom. Marco closed the door behind them, after they entered the bathroom. Bertholdt only shook his head (Eren guessed that he was a little jealous). After finishing up with his straps, Bertholdt took his time finding Jean's clothes, before delivering them to the bathroom. Eren, being the one to care least about Jean, sat on his bed, grumbling over how stupid this all is and how this is going to make them late, and how much he hated Jean.

Both Eren and Bertholdt could hear someone cursing behind the bathroom's door. It was probably Jean, grumbling about how cold the water was and that he wasn't a baby and he could do this on his own, again.

Bertholdt knocked on the bathroom door, and Reiner appeared at the door. Bertholdt could see Jean naked, his body getting scrubbed off gently by Marco, and Jean saying something like, "Let me do it, I can do it myself. I'm not a baby!". "Here.", Bertholdt gave Jean's clothes to Reiner. Reiner smiled and gave Bertholdt a small kiss on his nose, "Thanks, babe.", he chuckled before closing the door, leaving Bertholdt with his cheeks turned, without even daring to look at Eren, he headed out from their room, without any words.

Eren sighed, "Fucking lazy bum.", he muttered, before getting out from the room to join Bertholdt outside.

It didn't took look, before Jean, Marco, and Reiner came out from the bathroom. "There!", Marco said cheerfully, as he finished drying Jean's hair with a towel. "I told you Marco, that wasn't necessary!", Jean looked away, cheeks a bit red. Marco smiled at his best friend's reaction.

Reiner looked around, "Looks like Eren and Bertholdt had left us already.", he commented, seeing the room empty except for the three of them. "I better join them.", he finally said, before walking out from the room to join the others. Jean sighed, "Marco, you should go too. You'll be late if you don't.", he said as he walked to grab his 3DMG straps and wore them. Jean was a bit hurried when he was wearing the straps, which got his hands tangled on the straps. He wasn't even sure the straps were in the right positions in the first place.

Marco giggled at Jean, before walking to Jean to help him out, still laughing about it, "Here.", he untied the straps which bind Jean's hands. When Jean was finally finished with his straps (in which, Marco helped), he started wearing his boots. "Jean, Jean. What would you do without me?", Marco joked, nudging Jean lightly on his arm with his elbow. Jean averted his eyes to his boots instead, trying to avoid eye contact with his best friend. He was embarrassed, "Whatever, Marco.".

Jean was finally finished with his boots (or Eren's, they were a size smaller so he figured that Eren must've got his boots mixed with his own), he walked out from the room, with Marco following him from behind.