Okayyy so ppl this is a AU where everyones 14 ok?

i'll continue it soon thanks for reading :3

Annabeth groaned as her car came to a stop and her father hopped out of it. She could see the horrible school looming at the top of the hill. It was huge and it looked like a evil knight's castle. There were hills and greenery all around them.

"Come on Annabeth, we don't want to be late!" her father said, putting on a cheery smile. How could he even do that? He was sending his only, fourteen year old daughter to a BOARDING SCHOOL IN THE ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE. He said it would be good for her and would be a great experience. Plus, her mum had gone there. Her mother was dead. She had seen the photographs of her. She had been a beautiful woman. Annabeth had her grey eyes and her father's blonde hair. She sighed and looked at the school again. The Olympian Academy. Like she had ever heard a more ridiculous name in her life. Olympian? Really? Lame.

"Annabeth" her father said again.

"Fine." She sighed as she pulled out her trunk and her father grabbed the bags. The air outside was freezing cold.

She glanced at her faint reflection in the window of her car. Her curly blonde hair were loose around her shoulders. She was wearing a long orange sweater, black tights, and a scarf. She looked okay, though she wanted to look very pretty as it was the first day of a new school.

"Be a little more happy about this. Your mother would have wanted it" He told her as they walked toward the school. That made her feel a little better.

"Are you nervous?" he asked

"Of course I'm nervous. And you know that, so you decided we should arrive like two hours before the others because you think that will help!" she exclaimed.

"You'll thank me. You get your choice of the bed in your dorm and you'll get the see the school before its overrun by teenagers." he said.

Ugh. he had a point. This school was supposed to be really good. It was opening again after five years of renovations, so everyone would be new.

She gasped as the walked past the huge oak doors. It was warm inside, and the school was beautiful. The architecture was fantastic; it was olden times architecture, dark wooden floors and walls, high ceilings, long and narrow windows dome shaped at the top. There were armours, banners and swords hung up on the walls. And there were even knight armours in every corridor. They stood in a huge room with corridors on both sides and a huge, winding staircase at the back. A little ahead of that were a bunch of chars and even ahead of that was a desk with files and a computer on it. A woman sat there, facing the chairs and apparently talking to someone. Wait.. someone was here before her?

Her father cleared hid throat and the woman turned and stood. She gave them a tight smile, but her eyes were kind. The was tall and thin, with auburn hair gathered in a bun and she wore a business suit.

"Ah hello. A little early but that's good. It will give you time to settle in." she said. "I am your principal, Ms Brown. What is your name?" she asked Annabeth.

"Annabeth Chase" she replied.

"Ah…Chase, chase… yes. You're in number fifteen, in B wing. Its on the fourth floor, with the other ninth graders." She pointed to the huge staircase behind her "This leads to the classrooms, kitchens, dining hall and teacher's rooms. The corridors on your right and left lead to wing A and B; the boys' and girls' dorm buildings. Oh, and the doors behind the staircase lead to the field. The dorm buildings overlook the fields."

Annabeth stared in awe at the castle. "The architecture…its amazing" she managed.

Ms Brown smiled. "We have an excellent course on architecture, Miss Chase."

"Maybe Annabeth can go up to her dorm now and get settled in?" her father suggested.

"No…not until someone else from her dorm arrives. Your roommates… Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, Thalia Grace, Rachel Dare and Reyna-"

"Six people?" Annabeth interrupted.

"Yes, I'm sure you will find that all the rooms here are extremely large. This used to be a castle after all." she told Annabeth.

A voice came from behind Ms Brown. "Excuse me, but could you tell me who my roommates are, Ms Brown?"

Annabeth looked at the speaker of the voice. Damn, he was hot. He was tall, had tanned skin, silky black hair completely messed up and bright, sea green eyes. Next to him sat a pretty woman, his mother; she assumed; wearing a blue dress and her brown hair in a bun. She smiled at Annabeth. She seemed so nice, Annabeth smiled back.

"Yes of course, Mr Jackson. You are in room number fifteen too, A wing. You share that room with… Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang and Jason Grace, Thalia's twin brother."

She turned to Annabeth and her father. "Please be seated." she waved toward the chairs behind her. Her father and Mrs Jackson immediately struck up a conversation about the benefits of barding school, impossible teenagers and how both their spouses had attended it. Annabeth was trying to memorise every detail of the castle for her to sketch out later. She was fascinated by architecture this old. She had always wanted to live in the era of knights and castles almost as much as she had in the era of Greek architecture, her personal favourite. People believing in gods, all those beautiful temples and statues…

She had gotten lost in her thoughts of ancient times when suddenly the guy walked over and sat next to her.

"Hey. I'm Percy. This really sucks, huh? Us American teenagers being shipped of to schools in the English countryside." He said with a smile. His voice was deep, and he was really, really good looking. He sat with such ease, leaning back with his legs spread out in front of him and a casual smile.

"I'm Annabeth. Yeah it does, but this place is pretty cool, I guess." She was at a loss of what to say for like the first time ever.

"Its cooler than I expected. Funny how we're in the same room number but different buildings." He said.

"Yeah. So how come you're here early?" She asked.

"Well, my mom insists I should like, get a feel of the place before everyone arrives, settle into my dorm room early and stuff." He said.

"Well it's the same with my father." She said with a smile. She glanced around. The huge room was almost completely empty. Ms Brown was busy with her files, and their parents were sitting far away, engrossed in their conversation. Percy took a chocolate muffin with blue icing out of his bag. He broke it into half and offered the other half to Annabeth. She took it. Their hands brushed and it was like electricity coursing through her veins. She suddenly felt weak at the knees. She had seen this in Cinderella 3 as a child. When Cinderella touched her prince, they both felt something. But that was ridiculous. She was only fourteen and she barely knew this guy. This very hot, sweet and awesome guy. She felt herself blush.

"Wonder when the others will arrive" she muttered.

"I know. But its kind of nice like this. Empty and stuff. I don't really want to know who all go here. I just hope my roommates aren't asses." Percy told her. She nodded.

"And mine aren't people who love backstabbing and catfights." She said, voicing for the first time something that had been bothering her since her father told her she was off the Olympian Academy. What if no one befriended her? She was intelligent, and what if she was considered a geek?

Suddenly the doors opened and two teenagers walked in, a boy and a girl. The boy was tall and as hot as Percy. He had short blond hair and sky blue eyes. The girl next to him had black hair just till above her shoulders, electric blue eyes and freckles across her nose. She was dressed in black, a mix of punk and goth, with a long silver necklace with a skeleton hanging from it. There was something similar in their eyes.

Ms Brown looked up at them.

"We are Jason and Thalia Grace." The boy said.

sooo how was it? i will continue it soon...

dont forget to review thanks 3