A/N: I'm sort of sad to see this one end, I was enjoying the boys living the good life. Thank you to all my readers and reviewers - your support makes every story possible. Love you all!

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction using characters from the Supernatural universe. I do not claim any ownership. This work is solely for entertainment purposes and is not considered film or tv canon (not by a long shot).

With a yawn, Dean walked out into the dining area. He wore a long dark navy robe and his boxers. Before Castiel, Dean wouldn't have thought anything about walking around in his altogether – he smiled, thinking about everything he'd learned and how he'd changed since talking his way into a silver Lotus a week ago. The reason for the difference in him sat scrolling through the morning WSJ and nibbling on a piece of toast with honey. Dean watched him for a moment, watching the play of muscles beneath the dress shirt and waistcoat. He remembered the feel of those muscles, warm under his hands. Dean swallowed hard as he recalled the previous night and what he'd admitted to Castiel. What shocked him the most was that in the light of day – he still felt the same about the man.

"Hey, Cas ... whatcha thinkin' about out here by your lonesome?" Dean asked, pushing his reverie aside.

Castiel looked up with a faint smile. "Good morning, Dean. Actually, I was considering the fact that it is our last night together. You'll be rid of me finally."

Dean grinned broadly to hide the sudden lump in his throat. "Yeah, Cas ... you've been pretty hard to take."

Castiel chuckled as Dean poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat down. He picked up the print copy of the paper and found a review of the symphony opening night. Castiel studied the young man, still amazed as ever at how handsome he truly was. The blue robe made him appear very sophisticated without detracting from his more casual nature – Dean had found a comfortable balance. When Dean glanced up and met his eyes, Castiel blinked and held the look. Dean's hazel gaze was more amber in the morning light. Castiel could lose himself just watching the shifting colors of the elder Winchester's eyes.

"Dean ... I would like to see you again," Castiel said softly.

Dean felt his heart slam into his rib cage. He gave Cas a blinding smile. "You would?"

Castiel nodded. "Yes. I've arranged for you to have an apartment, Dean. Also, a car and a very wide variety of stores guaranteed to cater to your every shopping whim."

Dean's smile had faltered at 'apartment' and then faded completely as he heard the rest of Castiel's plan. His heart was tugging at him again but for an entirely different reason. This time, it was actually breaking against the realization that Castiel saw him as just another aspect of his life – a detail to be accommodated. Dean had no doubt Castiel cared about him, but apparently not enough to allow him to share his life. Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"What else, Cas? You gonna leave the money on the dresser when you blow through town?" Dean asked, unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice.

Castiel frowned in confusion. He'd considered his offer very carefully and had actually been quite excited to share it with Dean. The man's reaction was far from what he'd expected.

"Dean, it would not be like that," Cas said.

Dean looked over at Castiel. "Really? What would it be like, Cas?"

Castiel pursed his lips. "For one thing, Dean, you would no longer have to work the street to survive."

"Yeah? That's just geography, Cas." Dean said, getting up and walking out on the balcony.

Dean's heart was back in the same vise as when he stood at the elevator following the polo match. The self-berating thoughts were the same too.

Never fails, Dean, my man ... never fails. Worst. Luck. Ever.

"Dean," Castiel said as he walked a short way out onto the balcony. "What do you want? What do you see between us?"

Dean leaned on the balcony rail and looked down at the busy Beverly Hills traffic. "I don't know, Cas." He raised his head and gazed across the city landscape then sighed.

"When I was little, Cas, my mom used to tell me that angels were watching over me. I believed her. When the fire happened, I prayed for an angel to save my mom but she died. Dad went sideways. He was angry a lot of the time. I tried to be good, Cas, I really did ... I tried to take care of Sammy and do whatever Dad told me to do. But he'd lay into me whenever I didn't do good enough – which was a lot of the time. Pretty but dumb, remember?" Dean looked up at the clouds. "I thought maybe ... just maybe if I was good enough, an angel would come and take me and Sam away. I pictured this avenging angel with huge wings and glowing eyes coming to rescue us. Dreamed about that a lot and you know what? The angel never mentioned anything about settin' us up in a great condo.

Castiel looked sadly at Dean as the man walked up to him, hazel eyes shining with emotion. He startled when his mobile rang and he tapped his headset to answer it. Crowley was chuckling in his ear as Castiel watched Dean cross his arms and stare at the ground.

"Castiel, you will never guess who called me?" Crowley chattered. "Singer! He wants to meet with you!"

"What does he want?" Castiel asked.

"He wouldn't say, but Castiel darling, I think we have him. His nuts are on the proverbial block, Castiel – we have him!" Crowley snapped a towel against his counter-top. "He's about to break – I want to have him commit his stocks this afternoon."

Castiel frowned darkly. "No ... if he's truly caving, I don't want to wait. Have Singer meet me downtown this morning. Castiel ended the call.

Turning to face Dean again, Castiel pulled on his suit jacket. He stepped in front of the elder Winchester and tipped his chin up to meet his eyes.

"Dean ... I have to go but I want you to know this – I did hear everything you said. My offer ... this is all I'm capable of right now. It's ... this is a very large step for me, Dean," Castiel said, willing Dean to understand.

Dean straightened Castiel's tie and left his hand resting against the man's chest for a moment. "I know, Cas. And hey, it's an awesome deal for a guy like me."

Castiel winced at Dean's words. "Dean ... I've never treated you like a prostitute."

With that, Castiel walked out of the hotel room. Dean sighed to himself. "Ya just did, Cas."

Dean dressed in one of the casual jean outfits he'd purchased in Garth's store. Closer to his original clothes, but somehow different. Dean regarded himself in the mirror. Gone was the slouching, too thin rent-boy – he had to admit he didn't fully recognize the man who looked back at him. Hair neatly combed, button up shirt with just enough green to bring out his eyes naturally and a fade-washed black denim jacket – Dean smiled. He looked better than he ever had working the corners. The smile faded when he thought about the night he'd met Castiel. Nothing was the same now and Dean knew he was never going to be able to go back to his old life.

Dean's mobile rang and he went to answer it. "Yeah?"

"Yo, Dean-o! Can you come get me? I'm in the lobby and the undertaker with the stick up his ass won't let me pass," Gabriel complained.

"His name is Balthazar and I'll be right down," Dean chuckled.

Dean walked with Gabriel out poolside. "Dude, I've been calling you all week!"

"Yeah, I know ... Benny over at the Banana told me you were lookin' for me," Gabe said with a shrug.

"Gabe! I left you that money on Tuesday," Dean protested.

"It's been a busy week! Besides, I was hiding out from Alastair," Gabe explained.

"If you picked up the money, you wouldn't have to hide, dude," Dean teased.

"Yeah, whatever," Gabe snorted. "Anyway I got the money now, thank you very much for savin' my ass. Now Alastair can get off it." Gabe looked over at Dean and appraised him. "You know he was talkin' about you the other night – he would pop a vein if he saw you – I nearly didn't wanna hug you – ya might wrinkle!"

"Sure, Gabe ... notice that didn't stop you," Dean chuckled.

"You don't look like you belong on the boulevard like that ... not that you ever really did, Dean-o," Gabe said. "You clean up sharp, kid."

"Thanks, Gabe. Easy to do when you got money," Dean murmured.

Gabe agreed. "So when does he leave?"


"You get to keep the threads?"


"Cas asked me if I wanted to see him again," Dean said. "But ... nah, I don't think so."

"You don't think so," Gabe repeated. He looked at Dean's face. "Oh man, you're kidding."

"What?" Dean asked with a frown.

"I know this downtrodden broken-hearted look on your face," Gabriel said, squinting at Dean.

"Oh bite me, Gabriel. I'm not broken-hearted."

"You fell for him, didn't you?"

"Gabe, shut up – please," Dean rolled his eyes. "I did not fall for him, that's just dumb."

"Did you kiss him? On the mouth?" Gabe asked pointedly.

Dean blushed. "Yeah ... it was nice."

"What the fuck, Dean? You fall in love and kiss him on the mouth, did I not teach you anything?" Gabriel said, exasperated.

"Look, I ain't stupid ... I'm not in love with him. I'm not," Dean said firmly.

"Say it one more time, Dean-o, maybe you'll believe yourself," Gabriel chided. "You definitely like him."

"Yeah ... yeah, I do," Dean agreed.

"Well," Gabe said, leaning back. "He's not a bum ... he's a rich, classy guy."

"That's gonna just break my heart ... oh wait," Dean groaned.

"Hey, Dean ... you don't know what might happen. You guys could ... I dunno ... buy a couple of horses maybe. Some diamonds?" Gabe mused. "It could work. It happens."

Dean laughed. "Yeah? When does it happen, Gabe? When does it work out for people like us?"

"Hey, life ain't Disney and you sure as shit ain't Cinder-fuckin'-rella, Dean, but you never know. Maybe he's your guardian angel ... you said he was named for one." Gabe said with a grin.

Dean had to laugh at the thought of Cas with wings.

Castiel paced the boardroom at Crowley's offices. He couldn't seem to sit still. Crowley was all but preening in his seat across from Robert Singer and Joanna Harvelle-Singer.

"Mr. Singer, you wanted to meet with Mr. Novak ... he is now listening," Crowley said smugly.

Singer sighed and looked at Castiel. "I've reconsidered my position on your acquisition offer. With one condition – I could give a shit about myself, but the people who work for me -"

Crowley waved dismissively. "Not to worry – they'll be taken care of. Now then, gentlemen, let's address the contracts in front of us."

Castiel inhaled deeply and said, "Wait, Fergus. I'd like to speak with Mr. Singer alone."

Crowley's face darkened. "What are you talking about, Castiel?"

"I would like to meet with Mr. Singer alone – please."

"Fine ... gentlemen, please wait outside."

"Crowley? You too." Castiel said softly.

"What the hell are you doing, Castiel? Why does blondie get to stay?" Crowley said, pointing to Joanna.

Singer bristled but he motioned to Jo and she walked out of the room ahead of Crowley. Once the door shut, she rounded on the man. "Call me 'blondie' again, Mr. Crowley, and I'll kick your ass to hell and back."

Crowley sneered but didn't stand too close to her while they waited.

In the conference room, Castiel shuttered the blinds against the sun's glare and offered him a cup of coffee. Singer declined and looked at Castiel.

"What do you want now, Novak?"

Castiel sighed. "I no longer wish to buy your company and take it apart – it is still vulnerable, however, and I do not want anyone else to attempt a takeover. I think ... perhaps we can do something special with it."

Singer listened to Castiel's offer and smiled. "Why the change of heart, kid?"

Castiel chuckled at the informal address. "I met someone ... "

When Crowley re-entered the conference room, Castiel patted him on the shoulder and said, "Wrap it up, Fergus."

Castiel could hear Crowley's protesting shouts all the way into the hall. He smiled.

Instead of going back to the hotel, Castiel decided to walk in the park he and Dean had visited the day before. He slipped off his shoes and walked barefoot for a while. As he did so, he contemplated his week with Dean and all the ways they'd laughed and enjoyed one another's company. He thought about Dean's smile – the genuine one that could light a room with its brightness. He thought about the hazel eyes that changed color in different light. Mostly, Castiel thought about how he was desperately in love with Dean Winchester.

Dean sighed. He'd packed up all the clothes and looked around the empty hotel room he'd call home for a few days. Every room held some memory of his time with Castiel and he was loathe to leave it but he knew his time with the man was at an end. Walking over to the desk where Castiel had done most of his work at night, Dean smiled. Jo had called him and told him how he'd saved her step-dad's company. Dean felt proud of Castiel ... and glad that he'd finally realized that he wasn't quite the heartless mogul he considered himself.

Picking up a pen, Dean decided to leave Castiel a note even though he had no gift for words. He'd just started when the doorbell rang. Walking over, he opened it on a face he really didn't want to see. Crowley.

"Well, if it isn't the streetwalker. I'm looking for Castiel," Crowley growled.

Dean ignored the insult. "Cas ain't here ... I thought he was with you."

Crowley pushed past Dean and walked toward the bar. "Oh no, Dean darling – Castiel is definitely not with me. I believe that Castiel is with you. The Castiel I knew did not blow off billion-dollar deals. Mind if I have a drink?"

Dean shrugged. "Help yourself."

Crowley held out a glass. "No thanks ... look, Cas is probably gonna be home soon. I can tell him you came by."

"Ah ... you see, there is the thing you do not understand, Dean. This a hotel room ... not 'home'. You are not the man of the house ... you are just a relatively cheap fuck that Castiel picked up for the week." Crowley sat next to Dean on the couch, pressing against him. "Perhaps you are better at your chosen profession than most ... is that it, Dean? If I fuck you -" Crowley's hand slid up Dean's thigh and he jerked away. "If I fuck you, will I join Castiel in his happy-place? Let's find out ..."

Dean pulled away and stood. "Back off, asshole – I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last person on the planet."

"Really ... are you a discerning hooker now? Exclusive clientele?" Crowley sneered.

Dean's eyes narrowed. "Get the fuck out of here, Crowley. Go screw your wife ... or did you not marry her for that either?"

"You little -" Crowley said coldly as he moved toward Dean.

Dean had let his guard down around Castiel. The old Dean would never have allowed Crowley a clear path to him and before he could get out of range, Crowley had him flipped around and slammed over the desk. Dean's head hit the surface hard and he saw stars for a minute.

"Get off me!" Dean yelled.

Dean had been attacked by johns before but he until he could get his feet under him, he couldn't buck off Crowley. The man had an iron grip on his hair and he banged Dean's head down again, stunning him.

"Let's see how you like being fucked with, Dean darling ... maybe I won't care about the millions of dollars Castiel just cost me. Because at this moment I do care ... I care a great deal."

Dean felt the man pressing against his ass and he struggled harder to shake off the fuzziness. "Get off me, fucker!"

Dean's head hit the table again and then the weight on his back was gone. Dean slid to his knees and looked woozily over at Crowley ... and Castiel.

Castiel's face was nothing short of total wrath. His blue eyes were almost glowing as he dragged Crowley away from Dean.

"What the hell do you think you are doing, Fergus?!" Castiel snarled.

Crowley looked at Castiel in disbelief. "He's a whore, Castiel! A fucking male prostitute and you choose him over me? He's nothing but a cock-sucking rent - "

Castiel's fist connected with Crowley's nose, cutting off the rant. Dean was standing unsteadily behind him, watching the altercation. "Get out, Crowley!"

Crowley staggered to his feet. "My nose! You broke my nose, Castiel!" When Castiel advanced on him threateningly, Crowley looked desperate. "Come on, Castiel! You've known me for a decade – I dedicated my life to you!"

Castiel tossed Crowley's briefcase out into the hallway. "You dedicated yourself to your own gain, Crowley. I've made you a very rich man doing what you love – going in for the kill! Now – Get. Out."

Even Dean paused when Castiel's voice dropped into an octave he'd never heard before – one that did not brook disobedience. Fergus Crowley wisely listened to his own survival instinct and fled. Castiel slammed the door shut behind him and met Dean's eyes.

"Man, if I'd a known that desk was so sturdy we coulda had some real fun, Cas," Dean joked while holding a makeshift icepack to his face. He'd have a bruise but hopefully not a black eye.

Castiel smiled wanly. "A pity neither of us thought about it, Dean."

Dean looked over at Castiel. "Heard what you did with Singer."

"It was a business decision."

"It was good, Cas."

Castiel smiled again. "It felt good, Dean."

Dean looked down and then lay the ice pack aside. "I – uh ... I gotta get goin', Cas."

"I noticed you packed," Castiel said softly. "Why are you leaving now ... today?"

"Cas ... there's always gonna be some jerk who thinks like Crowley. Who thinks it's allowed like Crowley – even a friend of yours," Dean said. "What're you gonna do, Cas? Be my avenging angel?"

"That isn't why you are leaving, Dean," Castiel said, studying the cuts on his knuckles.

Dean stood, and for once did not jam his hands into his pockets. "Look, Cas ... the offer you made me – it's great. It's tempting." Dean exhaled slowly. "A couple of months ago, I woulda been all over it in a heartbeat. But ... things are different now – you changed that and you can't change it back. I want more."

Castiel stood. He regarded Dean with eyes that threatened his resolve.

"I know about wanting more, Dean. Who do you suppose invented the concept?" Castiel smiled in response to Dean's grin. The smile faded to a soft confusion. "The question is ... how much more do you want?"

Dean looked at Castiel and answered honestly. "I want my angel, Cas."

Turning, Dean grabbed his jacket and slid into it. He went to put on his shoes and Castiel sat next to him. "My special gift, Dean – impossible relationships." Dean smiled over at him while he tied his laces.

Castiel smiled back and handed over an envelope. "Thank you, Dean."

Dean fingered the envelope and then put it in the interior pocket of his jacket. "You're welcome, Cas."

Castiel held out a business card. "Dean, if you ever need anything – perhaps more bubble bath? Please call me."

Dean grinned. He companionably leaned against Castiel's shoulder. "I had a good time, Cas."

"I did as well, Dean."

Picking up the garment bags, Dean walked to the door. Castiel opened it and then abruptly slammed it shut again. "Dean ... stay. Please stay the night with me – not because you feel obligated but because you truly want to."

Whatever had been holding the tear back relinquished its grip and one drop slid down Dean's cheek. Castiel brushed it away with his thumb.

"I can't, Cas," Dean said hoarsely. "I wish to God I could."

Castiel nodded and opened the door again. "Good-bye, Dean."

Dean paused in the doorway and looked at Cas. "You're a pretty special guy, Cas. Don't let 'em make you forget that again."

Dean walked to the elevator and Castiel softly shut the door behind him. He leaned his forehead against the door and was surprised to feel something wet on his cheeks.

Balthazar had just given directions to one of the bellman when Dean came out into the lobby. He smiled at the young man.

"Hey, Balthy," Dean quipped. "I wanted to say 'bye."

"I suppose that means you won't be accompanying Mr. Novak to New York?" Balthazar asked with regret.

"Nah. You and me live in the real world, Balthazar – most of the time." Dean replied.

"Do you have transportation, Dean?"

"I'll just catch a cab."

"Allow me - " Balthazar waved over the hotel driver. "Take Mr. Winchester anywhere he wishes to go."

Dean grinned and held his hand out to Balthazar who shook it firmly. "It's been ... interesting ... knowing you, Dean. Drop by to see us again, sometime – you certainly liven things up." Balthazar smiled warmly.

"Stay cool, Balthazar."

It was raining as the limo headed out. Dean sat pressed into one corner of the back seat trying desperately not to look back. He wasn't successful. He watched until the limo rounded a corner and he could no longer see the hotel. Dean managed to actually make it to the apartment and put down his bags before losing it entirely. Gabriel didn't ask, he just sat beside Dean and gently rubbed his back until the shaking stopped.

Castiel stood on the balcony and watched the lights moving across the city. He wondered if Dean was one of those moving lights. Clouds were moving in so Castiel could not see the stars. He sighed and turned in early that night. He did not sleep much - he kept waking up and reaching for someone who was no longer there.

The next morning, Castiel packed and had the bags taken downstairs. He looked out at the incoming rain and listened to distant thunder. It was fitting weather for his mood.

Gabriel sadly watched his friend pack. "You know, San Fran ain't that great – bad climate. Foggy and unpredictable."

Dean grinned. "I'll wear a sweater, mom."

"What're you gonna do there?"

"Get a job ... maybe check out a few vo-tech classes," Dean said softly. "I'm really good at cars ... I dunno. Maybe EMT training or somethin'. I can do whatever I want – just gotta figure out what that is."

Dean turned and regarded Gabriel for a moment. "You can still come with, Gabe."

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "And leave all this? Not in a million, Dean-o."

Dean laughed. "Fine. Here." Dean handed Gabriel a roll of bills.

"Whoa! What's this?" Gabriel said in shock.

"Part of the Castiel Novak Scholarship Fund, Gabe. You got potential, dude. A lot of it." Dean said with a grin.

"You think I have potential?" Gabriel asked. His voice held a note of disbelief that anyone considered him that special.

"Yeah, I do – don't let any of those morons tell you different, ok?" Dean's voice grew hoarse.

"When's your flight?" Gabriel asked softly, fingering the hem of his t-shirt.

"Tonight ... cab'll pick me up."

"Ok . . . I, uh ... I gotta split, Dean. Good-byes make me crazy." Gabriel looked at Dean fondly. "Take care o' you."

Dean bumped his fist. "Take care o' you, man."

Castiel signed the bill for his stay and handed it over to Balthazar. "Do you happen to have any ... messages for me?"

Balthazar regarded Castiel for a moment and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry, I don't, Mr. Novak."

"Just as well – I will need a car to the airport."

"Of course, our driver will take you wherever you need to go," Balthazar said quietly. "He also took Mr. Winchester home yesterday."

Castiel's lips quirked. "Thank you, Balthazar."

"Looking forward to your next visit, Mr. Novak."

Castiel sat in the limo trying to imagine Dean sitting beside him. He tried to imagine all the events he attended alone or with someone he truly didn't care about ... and he could only imagine the hazel eyes and the easy grin looking back at him. Tapping his phone, Castiel canceled his flight and began to make arrangements.

Dean sat alone in the apartment. He was doing another circuit around the apartment to ensure he didn't leave anything behind when he heard a loud noise outside – it sounded vaguely like a Led Zeppelin song ... only done with by a string quartet. Odd.

Opening the window, Dean glanced in the direction of the music that was pounding out of a car stereo. His eyes registered the car, but he couldn't decide if he was losing his mind or not. The 1967 black Impala hardtop that was rumbling down the street to park at the curb looked too familiar not to be his Baby. Then the driver side door opened and someone unfolded to stand beside the car with a grin a mile wide.

"Sammy?!" Dean yelled.

He was out the window and down the fire escape almost before Sam made it around the car. The brothers embraced tightly.

"Sammy ... Sammy is that really you?!"

"Yeah, Dean ... it's me." Sam said, his eyes tearing.

Dean shook his head. "Did you grow like another foot, you freak?"

"Shut up, jerk."

"You shut up, bitch – how the hell did you know where I was?" Dean asked.

Sam jerked his thumb back to the Impala. "I got a phone call."

Castiel got out of the passenger side slowly. Sam chuckled at the look on his brother's face.

"Cas? You – you did this?"

"I made a few calls, Dean," Castiel said smiling.

Dean blinked. "Why, dude?"

"Because I wanted you to believe in angels again, Dean."

Dean Winchester didn't say anything, he simply closed the distance between them and kissed Castiel. His mom was right - there were angels out there and he'd found his own.