I guess this is like a compilation of one-shots about Christmas on Castanet Island. This first chapter is just the introductory part. After this it'll basically be like each family's story about how their holiday went. I hope you like it. :) (note: I don't own any of the characters and stuff that's mentioned in here)

Christmas On Castanet

It was late on Christmas Eve, and everyone on the island gathered in the Celesta Church for the Christmas service. No lights illuminated the inside of the church; the only source of light came from the candles that everyone was holding. One candle to every person. Perry led the service and everyone followed along. The people began softly singing "Silent Night" in the stillness and warmth of the church.

Renee and Toby sat in the middle rows of the church. Toby was holding Renee's candle though, because in her arms she held Matt. He'd fallen asleep when the soft unison voices began inadvertently lulling him to sleep. She slowly swayed side to side to keep him comfortable. She and Toby smiled at each other throughout.

Roy kept glancing up at his parents to watch them sing the words to the song because he wasn't sure of most of the phrases. Some he got, others were too confusing at first. Kathy grinned at him and over exaggerated the words as she sang them so that he could copy her movements in time.

About halfway through the song, Chase had to confiscate Dakota's candle because she couldn't keep still and wasn't watching where she swung the flame. Almost twice his sleeve nearly got singed. Maya prevented a tantrum by letting Dakota hold the candlestick, but Maya kept her hands wrapped over her daughters' so that she'd have a little control over where the fire was pointing. Chase held the two candles and nodded a thanks to his wife for keeping their little ball of energy calm.

Anissa and Jin stood with Van in between them. He had his little head bowed down and eyes closed as he held his candle out before him, singing the words precisely and loud. Jin patted his son's head, smiling a bit. Nothing could break his concentration when he was really focusing hard on something. Anissa noticed her son's behavior too. She pushed a piece of his hair behind his ear to keep it away from the flame. Little Van continued singing his heart out in a devout and meditated way.

Lucy and Heath ended up getting in a pretend sword-fight with their candles together. As soon as Phoebe caught sight of it, she whisked the candlestick away from Heath, much to his protest. Calvin made him sit down until he said so as a punishment. Heath tried to explain that he wanted to pretend to be the Harvest King with his blazing sword of fire, but Phoebe put a finger to her lips as a signal for him to be quiet until they could discuss it later.

Lucy was also scolded by her parents for misbehaving during such a peaceful part of the service. Selena picked the girl up and sat her on her hip for the rest of the song. Lucy did turn around though to wave at Heath, which he happily returned. Selena also wasn't very familiar with the song, since she hadn't ever been on Castanet for Christmas, so Luke held a song book up for he and Selena to share while she held their daughter, so she wouldn't feel like she wasn't the only one who needed to see the words.

Gill had his eyes closed as he listened to the harmonic singing of the whole town in one building on such a special night. He was deep in prayer, thinking about previous holidays and how pleasantly different this one was compared to others. As he thought about his mother, he looked down at Vivian, who reminded him so much of her. Vivian also had her eyes closed and was holding her candle and standing with perfect posture. Suddenly, all her own, she knelt down and folded her hands in prayer while still holding the candle. And she stayed like that. Gill gently nudged Luna and gestured with his eyes at their daughter. Luna smiled big and put a hand over her heart.

As the singing commenced, Candace smoothed out Angie's dress sleeves. She was so proud of her work; Julius had designed Angie's dress and Candace had sewn it up. It looked absolutely perfect. Julius reached over and carefully adjusted the big bow that Angie was wearing in her hair. He smiled. Candace and Julius linked hands behind their daughter's back. Angie kept singing and looking at what everybody was wearing. The islanders all looked so pretty in their formal attire. As she turned around to see who else was behind her, something caught her eye. She tugged on her father's sleeve. "Daddy, who's that-" but he quickly hushed her. Candace stroked her hair to get her to turn back around and face forward. Julius and Candace glanced at each other. It was no use trying to explain to her what she saw in the middle of the service. They'd have to do that later.

What Angie had seen in the back of the church, was a shadowy figure standing near the door of the church with a hood up and face slightly lowered. It was the Wizard. He never really left his house, which was why it was so intriguing to little Angie-she'd never seen him before. He too held a candle. His mismatched eyes had an eerie shine to them, even though he could never hurt anyone. To a child though, it probably looked scary. He knew Angie had turned around and saw him. He supposed that maybe his giving her a small smile didn't help her fear.

As the song was ending, the church doors opened slightly and someone else slipped in. Wizard sighed when the Witch Princess entered late. He handed her a candle and used a quick spell to light it. She accepted the candle and also wore her black hood up over her head. She remained in the back with the Wizard. She could feel his stare. She rolled her eyes. "Lil' trouble finding this place," she whispered to him. He gave a half-smile. He'd think of a witty response to her later.

The service finished up after "Silent Night" came to a peaceful conclusion. Everyone blew out their candles (which to the children was the most fun part) and quietly proceeded out to the church courtyard. Wizard and Witch Princess glanced at each other before everyone recessed, and they left the church first. On the way out, everybody wished each other a merry Christmas, since the next day was usually spent with just family and occasionally close friends. Everyone began departing to their homes with sleepy yet excited children eager to get to bed so Santa could bring them their presents. As Angie walked away with her parents, she turned back and gave Wizard a small wave. He didn't think she'd notice him; he was standing with Witch Princess out of the way of everybody-off to the side. He gave a small wave back and a hint of a smile. Witch Princess nudged him. "What are you all grins about?" she asked. He shook his head slightly. "Nothing…I was just reflecting upon the service. Although…that's something you might not be able to do, considering…you came so late…" he replied, winning a frustrated sigh from the girl beside him. People walked in groups back to their homes, depending upon where they came from. The Garmon Mine group melded into the Flute fields group until they had to split ways. The townspeople also walked back with each other. A light snow began to fall. It was the beginning of a very special Christmas.