Hello, this is another story i came up with after watching some looney toons cartoons for a long time, and decided to make a certain someone like Pepe le Pew!

disclaimer: only own plot and OC!

warning: triggers for stalking and craziness!

Chapter 1: 'catch a lover by the toe!'

"WHY DO I GET MYSELF INTO THESE THINGS!?" I scream as I run through the London streets, trying to find a place to hide from one Thomas William Hiddleston as he kept chasing me while trying to somehow woo me and speaking some Shakespeare quotes. Oh, sorry….I probably should tell you guys about what happened prior to what was happening to me now as I was finding, at least trying to, a place to hide from the desperate love-sick man who women would sell their soul just to have a quickie with 24/7.

I had moved from the states to London in order to start fresh as a newly graduated student with a degree in English literature as I wanted to be an author, hoping to start finding a place to live before going to a publishing agency to kind of fill out some paperwork. I went there and long story short, I got the contract signed and they even provided me with somewhere to live, as my parents managed to inject some money into my account enough for me to find someplace that I could at least try and help out with rent. A few days after all that was done, I decided to find some creative juices to flow about, so I went to a bookstore to pick up what I thought had been a comedy novel but the cover was of Henry V, only to find out, after opening the book and reading the first few pages turn out to be a hilarious comedy novel. I tried to sneak it into the bag after buying it, but I was epically screwed as I was trying to get the holy fuck away from there by speed walking, only to hear loud footsteps coming from behind me, and I made the mistake of turning around and seeing that one of my favorite actors, Tom Hiddleston, or as I call him now 'Pepe le Pew', was bolting straight for me with a weird looking smile on his face, and the only thought that I could think of is running for my goddamn life! But, as I started doing that, he caught up with me, pulling me into his embrace and kissing me over and over again. "So, you like Shakespeare too, mon amor?" he said before kissing me over and over again as I was squirming like a madwoman. "Marry, if you were to put me to versus, or to dance for your sake Kate, while you undid me….." he said before kissing my neck, and when he was distracted, I squirmed away and ran straight towards a building at break neck speed.

Now, back to what I was doing before…..oh yeah, running. I at first headed straight towards a Hot Topic, hoping to pick out some gothic clothes to disguise myself, and settled for a pair of Tripp pants with straps and studs, an Alice in Wonderland tee, skater shoes with zipper linings, fingerless gloves and a trench coat with hood, I may as well have looked like a gothic version of Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts II, but I ended up spending part of my money to get it, hoping to hide myself from Tom. I went outside the place, with my other clothes and book in the bag, wallet in my back pocket and went walking towards a restaurant to have something to eat, but when I thought I was in the clear, I put my hood down hoping he wasn't there, only to find that he was behind me in a trench coat with what looked like an Armani suit on, smirking at me. "Even with dark clothes, you shine like the sun itself, fairest maiden." He said before I bolted yet again, running across the street and not caring about what got in the way, with some apologies here and there. I ended up running towards what I thought was the Thames river, stopping at the bridge where I stopped to take a little breather from running so far away from an actor, who so far was acting like the love-sick cartoony skunk himself. "Whew, what the hell is up with him, what did I possibly do to make him run after me constantly!?" I ask myself after lowering my hood. As I was looking at the river, feeling a sense of calm, I felt like someone was watching me, only to turn around and see that 'Pepe le Hiddleston' was running straight towards me again, prompting me to run off the bridge and towards the streets, running towards….somewhere, but as I kept looking behind me, I had not realized that Tom was in front of me until I turned around and there he was with arms stretched wide as if going to give me a hug! "OH, SHIT!" I screamed trying to halt myself, but it was too late as he caught me and held me tight. "Oh, little darling, it's love at first sight, is it not?" he asked kissing me like crazy while I was squirming like there was no tomorrow. "I shall be the Romeo to your Juliet, Henry V to Catherine…" he was kissing my neck while I was still squirming. "Maybe I will be Loki to your Sigyn, Claudio to Hero…." He was going on and on while I was squirming out of there while he was distracted with his own monologue. I managed to run again towards somewhere I don't know, but not without me hearing, "Love shall find a way dearest Love!" before realizing that he was by now running after me again!

I really was starting to rethink my decision to move to a whole new country after what was happening to me so far. As I was walking towards a fast food joint because I was hungry as hell from 'my ordeal', I kept looking around to make sure that Tom wasn't there, trying to chase after me like I was in a goddamn Looney Toons cartoon. When I noticed he wasn't there, I had gotten a burger with fries and drink, right now food for the gods as I was inwardly celebrating losing that lunatic known as Tom Hiddleston. "Wow, if that's how the brits would try to woo their women, I hate to find out how they catch the men." I shuddered as I was sipping my drink. After I was done, I still kept my goth disguise on for fear that he would see me, but so far no one was there. I made the mistake of taking my hood down again when I thought he wasn't there, he was headed straight towards me running at a fast pace, I hated myself right there! I was running so fast I would've made the road runner from the wile e. coyote cartoons blush! As I was running around a corner, I had an idea that would be flawless! "Oh, my god, it's Tom Hiddleston!" I scream out hoping someone would hear, which of course someone did because the next thing I knew, there were too many girls on him like bees on honey, making it the perfect opportunity for me to run towards my building where I was renting.

As I was finding my way towards the building, I heard someone yell out something, so I made the mistake of turning around, again! It was Tom Hiddleston, although his expression slightly wavered over me setting up that barricade, he was still relentless in what he wanted to do with me, so I ran faster than a lightning bolt towards the building I was staying at, only for him to turn a corner and catch me as I was halting myself. "Hmm, why do you run from me, do you not think yourself presentable, mon amor?" he asked while I squirmed yet again as he kissed me. "We will make beautiful music together, little darling!" he said kissing my neck while I tried to get away again from his embrace. He was getting a little frustrated that I was struggling, so I punched him in the face, staggering him long enough for me to get to my 'flat', as they called it here, lock the door and windows and just sleep.

As I was dozing off, I was contemplating on the error with the book that I bought from the bookstore, wondering if the cover of the book was what had made him go crazy, sure I knew about him being a Shakespeare fan-boy, but I never knew it would be this crazy with him, I wondered if maybe something was up with him, like cupid shooting an arrow at him and having him go from a gentleman to a crazy hormonal teenager, I would need to consult some books before making crazy assumptions about the guy!

Tom POV:

Bollocks, I lost her again! Ok, maybe I being crazy wasn't the best of ways to try and woo her, but I won't give up, I had no idea where this crazy flirtatious attitude was coming from, but I somehow was enjoying it, and it scared me to death! I remembered seeing her when I was in the states for a movie promotion/shoot, and it was as if I was somehow drawn to her presence, but while I would be confident and charming around my fans, this one although I somehow knew she was a fan, she was a sane fan because I remember when I first met her that she only wanted my autograph and nothing else, and I had someone look in her dorm to find that there were no posters of me on there, no computer wall paper of me or my characters, apart from some browser history that had to do with me, but otherwise a sane fan. That sweet woman had not only gotten my autograph, she also had my heart without even realizing it!

I went back to my flat, exhausted from the day of trying to chase her around, but it was as if she was afraid of me, I couldn't blame her but once she would've calmed down, I would have courted her, gotten to know her more and then everything would have been more fantastic for both of us, not just me! I looked in the mirror and I saw that I was having a nosebleed some but not too bad, that girl can punch well, I wondered if she took self-defense classes in the states at some point. When I first heard that she was moving to London to start anew, I was ecstatic that I would finally 'introduce myself' to her, but I got too overexcited, causing her to be frightened of me, I didn't want that to happen, but something caused me to come after her and refuse to let her go…..I ended up putting a bag of frozen corn on my face, more towards my nose, hoping to numb the pain of a nosebleed.

As I was watching some telly, I contemplated on how I could try and properly introduce myself without seeming like I was a bloody cartoon character in love! If I were to do this right, without slipping into the 'cartoon character in love' side of me, I would be the man of her dreams, she would be treated like my own princess, no…..my own queen, that seems more appropriate but some go with princess.

Reader/OC POV:

I first started looking on the internet about that sort of reaction from Mr. Hiddleston the next morning, searching for people who were crazy in love, and then looking at an article that had to do with that sort of thing, and I agreed with what it was saying about love being an addictive drug like cocaine or something and the second someone you cherish either walks out on you or dies, the depression starts. Going through inappropriate behaviors to win the person you love, that was an understatement as he kept following me and chasing me like a damn stalker. I called the agent at the publishing agency and told her that I might start writing my first chapter for my story and emailing it to her to check to see if there were any mistakes on it. At first she was suspicious about why I was doing it alone, but she agreed with me saying that because I didn't want to alarm her with the fact that a world famous actor was suddenly acting like 'Pepe le Pew' around me, and probably me, but I wasn't sure about it. I would need to deal with this myself, but otherwise, I would need to put some sort boundary against him or get some protection if something happens with me. Living in a whole country…..a privilege, but sometimes hectic to live in because there were things I needed to get used to, but I needed this, this sense of independence, and I wasn't going to let this crazy person ruin it, one way or another!

I hope i got the Shakespeare line right, as i only thought about it from watching some adaptations about his plays!

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