Hello Yaoi lovers :)
This is something I just couldn't deny myself to write.. I love HaruxRin .

This ff takes place after the 7th episode when Haru looses against Rin in the competition..

Enjoy :D

I'll swim with you

"I will never swim with you again! Never!"

Rin tried to catch his breath in front of the door. He had rushed here as fast as he could. Why was he even here? Maybe he should just turn around and leave. But as he was still thinking it, his hands were already ringing the doorbell beneath the sign with "Nanase" written on it.

Nothing happened. He rang again. Still nobody answered.

"Haruka!", Rin yelled. "You're here, aren't you?"

A few days ago, Rin had finally accomplished his goal he was running after for so many years. He had finally beaten his eternal rival Haruka Nanase in freestyle swimming. Now everything should have been fine. He could have just moved on, leaving his memories and feelings behind and working only for his dream to become an Olympic swimmer. So why was he here now?

This morning his sister Gou had visited him. She had been upset, her face in tears, screaming at him. From her he had heard that Haruka had quit the swimming club, claiming he would never swim again. Why was he even bothering? Why did he get such a bad feeling from that?

"Haruka!" Rin ripped the door open. Strangely, it hadn't been locked. "Where are you?!"

He ran into the house, looking around, searching for his former friend, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Hopefully he didn't do anything stupid. Rin gulped. He was feeling worse with every moment.

"Haruka!" He screamed desperately when he opened the door to the bathroom and froze immediately.

"Rin..? What are you doing here?"

Haruka stared at him startled while sitting in the bathtub. Rin blushed and turned around.

"H-here you are.."

"Why are you here?" Haruka's voice was calm again, like it always was.

"I've heard you quit the swimming club.."

"So what? And if you want to talk to me then look at me at least.."

Rin flinched and turned around again. Haruka was still sitting naked in the bathtub, his perfect pokerface on.

"I wanted to ask you why.."

Haru stared in the water beneath him and answered quietly. "I don't know.."

Rin tried to pull himself together again and smirked. "You're so depressed that you lost against me that you never want to swim again?"

Haru kept a straight face. "That's not it. I just.. don't want anymore."

Rin didn't know what to say. He was feeling really awkward.

Suddenly Haru's face changed a bit, it became slightly mad. A sight too rare to be true, Rin must have been imagining things, as Haru never let on any emotions.

But then he raised his voice and it sounded oddly upset.

"You said you would never swim with me again! Why?" He looked shortly away and clenched his fists. It seemed like he had to really bring himself to say the following.

"Are you afraid you only won out of luck and you could loose the next time?!"

Rin's jaw flapped open and his eyes became smaller as he gnashed his spiky teeth.

"What did you just say?!"

He stepped towards him until he stood in front of the bathtub to glare Haruka straightly in the eyes.

"I'm the better swimmer of the two of us! If you can't believe it I will prove it to you as often as you want!"

Haruka's eyes became huge and he jumped up. "Really?!"

He stared at Rin, now they were both on the same level, with his deep blue, glimmering eyes and his dumbly naïve way to look when he was happy.

"You'll swim with me again?"

Rin felt his heart beat getting louder and faster looking at his eyes. His mind became dizzy and his face hot.

"Haruka..", he whispered.

"Yeah..?", Haruka answered with his airily manner, obviously having no idea what was going on in Rin's head.

Rin tried to find his mind again which he had lost for a second right now. He had to change the subject.

"Why are you sitting in the tub with your swimming trunks on?"

Haruka was really standing in front of him, wearing his trunks in the bathtub like it was the most common thing to do.

"You'd prefer if I didn't wear them?", he countered plainly.

Rin's face became high red as he searched dumbfounded for the right words.

"N-no.. that's not it. It's just.. why?"

"I want to feel the water. I like it. I want to become one with it. Don't you want to try it too and come in?"

Rin's head felt so hot, it had to steam already. Was Haru doing this on purpose? Or did he really not realize what he was doing to him?

"Or are you sick..?", he asked with a worried tone in his voice as he was putting his forehead on Rin's. "You're really hot.."

This was too much. Haru's face so close to him, his forehead touching his, the deep blue eyes right in front of him. Rin's head became so dizzy, he feared he could loose consciousness any moment now.. or his restraint.

He drew back forcefully, turned around and made a few steps towards the door.

"The one who's sick is you! I won't do something that weird. I'm off now."

"It can't be helped then.."

Rin heard the splashing sound of Haru sitting down again in his tub.

"I guess I understand that not everyone is made for the water.."

Rin's brows furrowed and he clenched his fist.

"What?! Are you forgetting who is the better swimmer of us?"

He turned around and ripped his shirt off.

"I'll show you! I'll become one with the water before you!"

Beneath his trousers he wore swimming trunks, of course, and with those he hopped in the tub to accompany Haru. When he was sitting there, face to face with Haru, their legs crossed, he realized what an idiot he was. That guy was teasing him on purpose right? But was he even smart enough to do that? Either way, this sight must have been ridiculous, two grown men sitting in a bathtub together wearing their trunks.

"It feels nice, right?" Haru asked him while staring distantly in the water, splashing about a bit.

His face was placid and strangely at ease, it looked like there was nothing in the world that could make him happier than sitting in the water.

"Yeah..", Rin admitted, but he stayed silent about the fact, that it wasn't the water making him feel good. He couldn't get enough of Haru's face, his eyes, their feet touching. He could feel his pulse from his head to the toes.

"Rin.." Suddenly Haru had become a little more serious, his eyes were a little worried once again.

"When you said you would never swim with me again, it made me kinda sad.."

He looked in the air like he was wondering about something. It was rare for him to look so thoughtful. Actually, it was rare for him that he thought at all.

"I guess..although I lost.. I like swimming with you.." This seemed to be the conclusion he had come up with after his long thinking.

Rin's heart stopped for a moment.

"I really look forward to swimming with you again."

There it was. A smile. Haru was smiling at him. Rin couldn't believe it. And he couldn't take it. It was simply too much now.

"You bastard.." He knelt in the tub and leaned towards Haru. "I wonder.. are you doing this on purpose?"

Haru was confused. He didn't understand. So naïve... and so damn cute.

"You know what you're doing to me?" Rin was slightly pissed, but another emotion dwelling inside of him was stronger.

"What's up with you all of a sudden?" Haru really didn't get it at all.

Rin snorted. "All of a sudden..", he repeated derisively. 'I'll show you', he thought to himself.

Without any word of warning he came even closer to him and kissed him.

This was possibly the dumbest thing he had ever done. Something he could never take back. But he didn't care anymore. He was finally doing what he wanted for the whole time.

He drew back to look in Haruka's face. His eyes were wide in shock and pure confusion. Did he still not understand? Was he really such an airhead? Rin started to become really pissed now.

He kissed him again, more oppressive, putting his hands on Haru's cheeks. But Haru barely reacted. Neither did he try to stop him nor did he return the kiss in any way. It frustrated Rin only more. All he wanted was a reaction, an answer.

He let his lips glide down Haru's neck, his hands gliding alongside, deeper and deeper down Haru's body.

"Rin? What are you doing?" Haru gasped like he had a hard time breathing under Rin's touch.

"Do you still not understand? Or could it be you don't want to?"

With these words Rin licked across Haru's nipple causing him to moan slightly. Almost simultaneously the doorbell rang and Rin startled. He pricked up his ears. Did he just imagine that?

"Haru? You're here right?" It was Makoto's voice.

Rin hastily jumped out of the tub. Haru was still sitting there, his face red and disturbed.

"Haru? You're in the tub again, right?" Makoto opened the door to the bathroom and flinched just like Rin had before.
"Rin? What are you doing here?" He was confused and somehow not very pleased. "And why are you wet and in swimming trunks..? Did you..?!" His face went slightly red and shocked when he understood. "You've been sitting in the tub with Haru?!"

Rin bit his lips with his shark teeth, grabbed his clothes and went to the exit. "I'm off!"

His walk quickened as he was next to Makoto and looked like he just wanted to run away.

"Rin! Wait!" Haru was screaming after him. He didn't want them to part like this, without any word of explanation, but Rin acted as if he didn't hear it. The next moment they heard the door being closed loudly and Rin was gone.

"W-what was that just now?" There weren't really a lot things which could disturb the calm Makoto, but this time he was really, definitely disturbed.

"I don't know.." Haru seemed to be really confused as he stared in the water of his tub.

"What did Rin want?" Makoto appeared to be a bit angry.

Haru didn't answer. He was thinking, staring in the water. Maybe he had already forgotten that Makoto was there. But finally he answered.

"Makoto, I'll return to the club."

Makoto's jaw flapped open.

"Really? That's great!" He smiled. "I was really worried. That's why I came here."

Haru didn't really react any more, he was just staring in the air like he was somewhere in a far off place.

"Haru? Can I ask you why you quit in the first place? And what Rin said to change that?"

Again, Haru took a long time to find a reply. And it wasn't really pleasing still.

"I don't understand it myself. All this time I wanted to settle things with Rin. I didn't care whether I would loose or win, I just wanted an outcome he would finally accept. I finally wanted to be free again. But then.. he said he would never swim with me again. At the thought that I'd never be able to swim with Rin again, I just had no motivation anymore. I just couldn't imagine swimming at all anymore."

Makoto thought about those words for a few moments, sighed and put his head in his palm.

"Just what is.. your relationship with Rin?"

His voice sounded hesitant asking this question. Like he wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answer.
"We're friends, of course." The first answer Haru could state immediately. But then he seemed to remember something and his face went to thinking mode again, his mind anywhere but in his head.

Makoto watched him silently for some more time before he decided it made no sense.

"I'm going home for now. We'll be seeing us tomorrow, right?"

Haru startled like he had completely forgotten Makoto's presence and nodded slightly.

Hours later, when the sun was already about to set, Haru was still sitting in his bathtub and wondered. He wondered about the reason he had suddenly felt so sick of swimming. He wondered why Rin's word have changed everything for him so easily. He wondered why Rin had behaved that way he had and what he should think about it. And most of all he wondered how it could be that Rin's touch was feeling even better than the touch of water.

It confused him, but somehow he couldn't deny himself that, just like the feeling when the water touches his body, he couldn't get enough of it.

Hope you liked it^^

Continuation hopefully soon..