The Disorder

Summary: "When I'll grow up I'll marry you Levi, Just you wait" Eren declared "Just eat your damn cereal brat" AU


Pairings: Levi/Eren, Jean/Armin, Christa/Ymir (others not decided)

Disclaimer: If I owned Shingeki no kyojin there would be a lot less titan fighting and a lot more boy on boy kissing lol, Dont own cover image either XD

Chapter 1: I hate kids.

Levi really couldn't stand kids. As a healthy thirteen year old boy he should be hanging with his friends or spending time with a pretty girl never mind the fact he had no friends, wouldn't 'hang out' with any of the idiots in his year and he had no interest in girls.

That was how his Mum persuaded him to go meet some girl, A friends daughter and chat with her for the entire day, His mum hadn't counted on her little brother taking a fancy to Levi.

It started normally enough. He arrived at Hanji's house in the morning dressed in the clothes his mum picked out for him, black combats with matching boots and grey T-shirt with a jacket. It wasn't totally uncomfortable so he bore with it.

The girl Hanji had opened the door and he got his first glance of her, A cute looking girl with brown hair packed into a ponytail and glasses, She looked smart too bad she was batshit crazy.

"Come on Levi-kun" She whined as she chased him around holding some sort of injection that she wanted to insert into him. He involuntarily shivered. Their conversation had gone normal enough at first, She had offered him tea and they had sat down to crumpets and ear grey while making small talk then she suddenly asked him his blood type, He had replied by saying he was O negative, the rarest blood type and the one thought to be Immune to cancer.

She had gotten some sort of creepy glint in her eyes afterwards then she pulled out a syringe and needle from her jeans pocket and proceeded to chase him around with it like a mad person.

Levi finally saw a door so he ran into the room locking the door as Hanji started banging on it and whining for him to let her in.

"Phew" He sighed as he slumped down against the door. He took in his surrounding, The room was painted blue with pictures of race cars, superhero's and airplanes. The bed had batman and kid flash bed sheets and pillow cases. It obviously belonged to a little boy, He tsked when he saw how dirty it was but anything was better than being out there with that crazy person.

"Who are you?" Levi finally noticed a little boy in the room, He must have been around eight and he had dark brown hair and turquoise eyes. He looked nothing like Hanji (Who Levi guessed was his sister as why else would he be living in her house?)

"Levi." Was his reply, He didn't want to be talking to this brat but he had no choice as they boy might kick him out from his room.

"Hehe I'm Eren" He grinned happily.


"Are you my sister's boyfriend?"

"Heaven forbid"

"Then why're you here?" Eren wanted to know.

"I was forced here and your crazy sister is chasing me."

"Oh" Eren didn't seem surprised." She does that a lot, you just have to tell her that you'll tell Mummy and she stops."

"Okay you go out and try it." Levi wasn't planning on taking any chances

"I'll do it if you marry me" Eren smiled

"No way brat." Levi replied when.

"LEVI COME OUT! I PROMISE TO BE GENTLE WITH YOU" She started scratching the doors in a panicked frenzy,

Levi paled considerably and locked eyes with the brat who was sporting a growing smirk. It wasn't as if he would remember any of this anyway when he turned to marrying age and it wasn't like he was signing a contract or something besides he was just an eight year old , what could he do."Fine I'll marry you." Levi sighed

"Yay" Eren cheered and unlocked the door going to face his sister." Hanji if you don't leave my wife I'm telling Mum." Levi's eye twitched at the 'wife' part

"Your what!" She screeched. "He's my test subject- I mean boyfriend."

"No he isn't" Eren stuck his tongue out at her."You're ugly and crazy, No one likes you."

"Why you little brat" Hanji looked ready to murder her brother

Levi was already inching towards the door ready to make a break for it when Eren grabbed his hand and held on tightly to it." Come with me Levi."

So Levi was pulled by an eight year old I nto his kitchen where Eren proceeded to pour two bowls of cereal, one for him and one for Levi.

"Frosties are my favourite" Eren beamed as he shovelled the frosties into his open mouth,

"Whatever brat." Levi wasn't hungry, seeing Eren shovel all that food into his mouth like a starving wolf was enough to put him off cereal permanently

"When I grow up I'll marry you Levi, Just you wait" Eren declared.

"Just eat your damn cereal brat."

"I will if you kiss me"




"Pretty please with sugar on top."


"Just on the cheek and I'll never ever ask again until we're married."

Which is never Levi thought but didn't say anything. "Fine but just this once and on the cheek." He couldn't help but notice Eren's happy smile.

"Yay" Eren cheered as Levi bent forward to kiss him on the cheek. As Levi's lips were nearly on Eren's cheek the younger boy suddenly turned making Levi kiss him on the lips instead." Now we're properly married." The cheeky brat grinned.

Levi was fuming, No he was furious and he was going to explode at any moment. "I'LL KILL YOU DAMN BRAT THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS."

And that was how the happy couple got engaged

A/N: Just something I thought about, Do you guys like it? Lol review if you want me me to continue the story XD