You stare at the park as you stand outside the gates, eyes wide with excitement and wonder. Gamzee is grinning lazily.
This is your first time ever going to a Disney Land. Your large Latino family isn't exactly the wealthiest, and you don't have much extra cash to go and do things, so you don't ever get to.
Gamzee, your three-month boyfriend, is on a mission to change that.
You have the entire weekend to yourselves, and this is where you're starting it. Gamzee looks a little uncomfortable without his face paint - his mother never lets him leave the house with it after he got attacked by a few drunk guys and beat them close to death - but you're glad to see him smiling.
When you reach the front of the line, he pays for your tickets and leads you inside. You grin and squeeze his hand.
"Where do you want to go first?" he asks in his loopy way.
"I don't know! You can, uh, choose if you like," you say. It's a little overwhelming, and you have no idea where you want to start.
He thinks for a minute, before he starts walking. He seems to know the place fairly well. You're confused when you find yourself standing at a desk.
"Excuse me," he says the lady standing there. She looks up and smiles. "My friend here is recovering from an accident, and doesn't have the best use of his legs. It's hard for him to stand for a long time, or walk. Can we have a handicap pass?" He puts your arms around his shoulders for emphasis.
She nods sympathetically. "Of course."
When you leave with the passes, you pipe up. "Gamzee, I, uh, had my accident four years ago. I'm already used to my, uh, prosthetics."
He grins at you. "Yeah, but now we don't have to wait."
You smile toothily at him. You feel kind of bad for lying, but it's too late now and you might as well enjoy it.
The first ride you hit is Space Mountain, and you end up clinging to Gamzee. It's fun though; the exhilarating feeling of moving that fast in such an environment is incredible.
You demand the two of you go again.
After two more rides on that and a try on the spinning cups, you spot a store with costumes. Gamzee looks over as well.
"Want to be motherfuckin Peter Pan?' he asks. You look down.
"Wouldn't that be, uh, expensive though? I don't want you to -"
He shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me, Tavbro. Besides, you'll be motherfuckin adorable as shit."
You smile and blush a little. You always get flustered whenever he compliments you.
After finding the right size, he pays for it (refusing to tell you the price), and insists you wear it. You feel kind of silly wearing it in public, but it's also fun and you like it.
You go on a few more rides, try your first cotton candy. Just as your taking your last bite, some little kids come up to you and ask for your autograph. You don't want to disappoint them, and sign as Peter Pan. It gives you a warm feeling.
You hit the mini games after that, and Gamzee wins you a stuffed bull at the strength machine - he hit the thing so hard the ball went all the way to the top. It's white and cute and you cuddle it to your chest.
At around sunset you leave, damp from Splash Mountain, hungry, and happy.
You stop at McDonald's on the way back to his place and buy as much as you can eat. You eat your ice cream in the car before it can melt.
His parents have already left for their trip when you get to his house. After setting your food on the kitchen counter (you'll never get over how large the kitchen is, or the rest of the house for that matter) you grab blankets and pillows from his room and move them to the basement where his gaming systems and tv are. Once you grab your food and some pie you find in the fridge, you settle in to watch Peter Pan - your all-time favourite movie and childhood hero.
By the time the movie is over, you're stuffed and falling asleep to Gamzee cuddling you with a smile on your face.