Phineas and Ferb and The Serpent's Sacrifice

I do not own Phineas and Ferb, or in this case, Ohio Flynn and Rhode Island Fletcher.

I've been wanting to write an Ohio Flynn/Rhode Island Fletcher story for a long time now, so I decided this would be a good time to do that. Indiana Jones is my favorite movie series, after all, and I've read Indy comics and novels, too. Therefore, I'm going to make this story even a little closer to the Indy franchise than the Phineas and Ferb episode. I also wanted to try a story where Phineas and Isabella "make up" instead of just falling in love, which at this point, I have overdone.

As per the original Indiana Jones, Irving is essentially Marcis Brody, and Django is Sallah, roles that would be much better for Buford and Baljeet, but, as you will see, Buford and Baljeet are otherwise occupied.

This was originally part of Don't Deny It and other short Phineabella stories but it has been removed from that and reposted here by itself because I thought it deserved it's own story.

I hope you guys like it! This might be one of the most exciting (and complex) stories I've ever written!


Panama, 1914

Buford tossed the mooring lines onto the rickety wooden dock and a dockhand slipped the looped end over a cleat, securing the riverboat. "Alright, everybody off!" He barked at the five passengers.

"Thank you again for rescuing us," New Hampshire Garcia-Shapiro said to Captain Baljeet.

"Do not mention it, babe," Baljeet replied.

Ohio Flynn and Rhode Island Fletcher hopped to the dock and helped Candace, Isabella, and New Hampshire step over the boat's gunwale to join them.

"Thanks again for saving me and my mom," Isabella said to Ohio. "And, again, I'm sorry I betrayed you."

Ohio waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. Happens to us all the time." He elbowed Rhode Island. "Remember that time in Honduras?"

Rhode Island rolled his eyes. "Who could forget it?"

Isabella put a hand on Ohio's shoulder. "Well, Mom and I are heading home. Do you guys want to join us?"

"I will," Candace said raising her hand. "I need a break after all this trekking through the jungle." She held up her waterlogged camera. "And I need to buy a new camera."

"What about you guys?" Isabella asked.

Phineas pointed over his shoulder. "Nah. Rhode Island and I are going back into the jungle to look for our hats." He rubbed his bare head.

"Really? Your hats?" Isabella said with a glare.

"We're rather attached to them."

New Hampshire spoke up. "Isn't it weird that all five us were wearing hats when the temple collapsed, and then we fell into the river and Candace and myself didn't loose our hats, but you three did?"

"Yes, yes it is," Rhode Island agreed.

"Yeah, who writes this stuff?" Candace quipped.

Isabella looked at Ohio again. "Anyway, if you're ever in New York," she handed him yet another card, this one with her address printed on it, "stop by and see me."

"Of course I will!" Ohio exclaimed. "You can count on it."

"So long, boys," Isabella said with a wave.


And with that, Isabella, New Hampshire, and Candace left, heading for the small airfield near the Rusty Pickaxe Saloon.

New York City, One Year Later…give or take a few weeks

Isabella rushed to answer the knock at the door of her high rise suite. "I'm coming!"

She flung open the door to find Ohio Flynn, dressed in a gray suit and a tie, but with his battered old fedora perched on his head. He gave a sly grin. "Hello, Isabella."

"Ohio!" She threw her arms around him in a friendly hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Rhode Island and I are in New York regularly. We work for the Museum of Natural History. Where do you think they get their artifacts from?"

Isabella laughed. "I hope you don't hit everything you find with a rock."

"I try. Anyway, we're here for a few days for the opening of a new exhibit," Ohio continued, "so I thought I'd look you up."

"Well, I'm so glad that you did," Isabella said with a smile. "Would you like to come in?"

"Actually, I came to see if you'd like to go to dinner with me?"

Isabella was slightly taken aback. She didn't really know this man. They'd only met once a year ago on their adventure in Panama. She looked him up and down. He was rather cute…

"That would be very nice. Thank you." Ohio smiled. Isabella looked down at her clothes. "Just give me a moment to change into something a little more appropriate."

"Put on the fanciest thing you've got," Ohio said, his sly grin returning.

Isabella raised an eyebrow. "Okay."

"I see you found your hat," Isabella said. They were at a very fancy restaurant on the Hudson waterfront. The hat in question was sitting on the edge of the table between them.

"Oh yeah. We both did. But that's not all we found."

Isabella looked up. "Oh, really? What else did you find?"

Ohio paused dramatically. "We found Doofenshmirtz."

Isabella shuttered. "In the debris from the temple?"

"Yes. I'm not sure how, but he survived. He's in the custody of the United States government."

Isabella relaxed noticeably. "That's comforting. What about that platypus that rescued us?"

Ohio shook his head. "Not a trace." He took a bite of his steak. "So how's the tile and grout business?" Ohio asked as they finished their dinner.

Isabella laughed. "I never said that's what I do for a living! I just said I was licensed."

"Oh, excuse me," Ohio laughed back. He smiled and she smiled back. She looks really beautiful in that dress. The green really brings out her eyes.

Across the table, Isabella was thinking along those same lines. He really is quite handsome without the boots and heavy leather jacket.

Ohio picked up his long-stemmed champagne glass and held it high. "I propose a toast." Isabella picked up her own glass and smiled. Wow. She has a really incredible smile. "A toast to our good fortunes, that we ended up in The Rusty Pickaxe at the same time." He looked straight into her eyes. "And to my new friend."

"I'll second that," Isabella said with a smile.

They clinked their glasses together and drained the bubbly liquid within.

They stopped outside the door to Isabella's apartment.

"It was really nice to see you again," Isabella told Ohio. "Thank you for dinner."

"You are quite welcome."

Isabella reached slowly for the doorknob. "Well…goodnight."

"Goodnight." Ohio leaned forward and kissed her full on the lips. When he pulled back, Isabella looked shocked, to the point of silence. "What can I say?" Ohio said with a shrug. "I'm an adventurer."

Isabella stared at him for a moment longer and then grabbed him by the front of his jacket. She pulled him into another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. When they broke apart, they both smiled.

"Would you like to come in for a while?" Isabella asked.

Ohio laughed. "I would love to."

She pushed open the door and pulled Ohio inside. The door closed behind them with a click.

New York City, 1919 (Four years later, incase you were wondering)

The knock on the door startled Ohio. He dropped his fountain pen and crossed his office to the door in three steps. He unlocked it and pulled it open.

The person at the door was Irving Du Bois, the curator of the Museum of Natural History. "Ohio-"

"What, Irving? What?" Ohio barked. "I'm busy!"

The beady little man with glasses shrank back nervously. He'd never heard Ohio yell like that. "I, uh…I just got off the phone with someone from the BOI-"

Ohio closed his eyes and gave his head an annoyed shake. "The what?"

"The Bureau Of Investigation."

"Which is…?"

"The FBI. But they won't be called that for another seventeen years."

Ohio leaned his head against the door frame. "Fine. Stop breaking the fourth wall. What did they want?"

"You…and, you know, Ferb." Irving was one of the few people on the planet who actually knew Ohio and Rhode Island by their real names, and even fewer who used those names.

Ohio rubbed his eyes. "Why?"

Irving shook his head. "I don't know. They wouldn't tell me. They just insisted that you and Ferb get to Washington D.C. as soon as physically possible."

"Well, I don't particularly want to. Call them back and tell them thanks, but no thanks." Ohio started to close the door to his office, but Irving stuck his foot in the door. Ohio slowly opened it again, glaring at his boss and long time friend.

"What happened to you, Phineas?" Irving asked. "You used to be so happy, so full of life. Now you're always…surly and…I don't know, angrier. The last four expeditions you made Ferb go on alone while you stayed here and catalogued artifacts. You hate paperwork!" He looked at Ohio with a pleading expression. "What happened?"

Ohio didn't answer right away. "She did." He offered nothing more on the subject. Leaving the door open, he darted back into his office and tossed a few things into his briefcase before grabbing his fedora off the hat rack. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He headed down the hall toward the exit, followed closely by Irving. "Did you tell Rhode Island yet?" He asked.

"I'll call him right now," Irving said blankly.

"Good. Tell him I'll meet him at Grand Central Station in two hours." Ohio turned on his heel and stuck a finger at Irving's chest. "I expect there will be train tickets waiting for us when we get there."

"I know the drill," Irving assured him.

Ohio didn't move for a moment. He just stared at Irving, a hard look etched on his triangular face. Then he suddenly sighed, and lowered his arms. "I know you do," Ohio said quietly. He turned away. "Thank you."

Irving watched Ohio push the door open and place his fedora on his head as he did. Irving sighed. "Your welcome," he whispered after the door had closed. Irving spun on his heel and headed toward the stairs.

How's that for an opening?