Title: Fallen Angel.. (previously Dark Angel)
Rating: T.. (Maybe M in later chapters)
Summary: One moment can be the difference between life and death.. One moment can be the difference between right and wrong.. One moment can change someones life forever.. fem!merlin..
Disclaimer: I own nothing..

A/N: So I haven't written anything in a long while.. After being inspired by some very well written stories (A Twist on Legend by gilesc3 amongst others) I decided to relax and use the start of my summer break doing something that I used to enjoy.. Writing :).. Since coming up with several ideas, I finally came up with an idea that I liked and it has since taken on a life of its own.. I know many people don't like the idea of a female version of Merlin, but I thought it would be interesting on how things would be different so I thought I would give it a shot.. Be warned though, this isn't your usual fem!merlin story.. Characters may be the same, but their roles, backstory and even loyalties are completely turned on it's head.. Hope you enjoy and I welcome feedback.. xx


Prologue – Renegade

The skies opened, flooding the ground below. No one was out in this weather. One by one the lights in the houses were extinguished, leaving only the torches that lined the walls of the castle and the flashes of lightning as to see by. The guards took shelter in a small cabin at the sides of the gates. Lightning struck through the skies, crashing into the highest trees in the forest.

A silhouette stood in the window of one of the rooms in the castle, the Prince's room to be more precise. The blonde haired man looked over the treacherous weather as his servant came into his room.

"Your supper, my Lord." The young boy said.

"Thank you, Morris." The Prince told him. "You are dismissed for the evening."

"Thank you, my Lord." Morris bowed, even though the Prince was facing the other way.



"Go to the forest."

"Now! Run!"

"You must go now."

"Go to the forest and don't look back."

"Remember everything I taught you, keep your abilities hidden and stay safe"

"Run!.. Run.. I love you.."


Standing in the shadows of the forest, she stood. She was not the young girl she once was. Her dark hair flattened and stuck to her head, coming to just below her shoulders. Her toned shape was covered in leather armor that fit her like a glove, with two blades strapped to her sides. Over her shoulders hung a strung bow and a quiver of arrows. Daggers lined her belt as she had a small pack slung over her shoulder.

Her blue eyes turned gold as she focused in on a figure standing at the window of the castle. Things were about to change.
