Light my Tiki doll

Chapter 1.

˝Listen up brats I have a few things to tell you˝ - Makarov's voice silenced the noisy crowd in the guild. He was standing on his usual place, the bar and waiting for everyone to shut up.

˝What's up old man?˝ - a pink haired boy asked grinning.

˝Just before the S-Class Exam I stumbled on a girl, she was a rogue mage and was taking jobs so she could provide for herself and her companion. She was savage and rude but strong. Even then almost an S Class mage. I learned her name and that's she had been alone for the most off her life, after her Father passed away. I promised to return for her and make her join my guild˝- Makarov stopped and closed his eyes ˝Then the S-Class exam and the 7 year gap happened. Luckily I got in touch with her. Now older, wiser and more powerful. She's at your level Laxus, maybe even more powerful. She is a Thunder Dragon Slayer. Not embedded with a Dragon Lacrima but thought by a dragon named Elektra. She is on a mission, a S-Class, if she succeeds she will become part of this guild. I expect her arrival in a week˝

As soon as the master finished speaking people started shouting, asking and yelling away. A stunned Laxus stared at his grandfather and master ˝Another Dragon Slayer?˝

˝Why not? She is powerful and cute˝ - Makarov finished cheeky.

˝I'm guessing her companion is an Exceed?˝- Carla observed.

˝Yes, Pepe˝

˝Alright! She's powerful, huh? Can't wait to fight her!˝ - Natsu exclaimed, flames already coming from his mouth

˝This should be interesting gihee˝ - Gajeel commented while Lily merely nodded his head.

˝Why is she on a quest before joining? And what kind of ?˝ - Erza being the only levelheaded (most of the time) asked.

˝She is pretty antisocial and wild. This quest is 50 years old. It doesn't need great strength but faith and a pure heart˝ he chuckled ˝I'm sure she'll pass˝

He lifted his mug and drowned sake laughing. Soon the life in the guild returned to normal. Like nothing happened.

** 7 days later before the entrance of Fairy Tail **

**Thorianna's POV**

Pepe grunted next to me ˝C'mon do we really need to do this?˝ - the purple Exceed asked for the hundredth time. I laughed

˝Yes we do. They're the number one guild in Fiore. And besides I don't want to be lonely all the time. I do have you but I miss humans sometimes˝ - I shrugged as his jaw dropped.

˝YOU MISS HUMANS? RIA DID YOU HURT YOUR HEAD SOMEWHERE?˝ - he jumped on my bosom and stared me straight in the eye

˝Get off me you hentai neko! Don't you remember? There are more mages like me here and more like you too. Possibly a girl˝ - I winked at the grumpy cat.

˝Possibly˝ - he huffed but trailed next to me. We came in front of the guild, Fairy Tail.

It stood there along with a stand with merch, benches and an open bar. There were people everywhere. Most of them smiling and chatting.

I felt a pressure in my chest. Would I be able to do it? Pepe looked at me worriedly but I gave him a smile and spotted Master Makarov. Now or never.

Mentioning Pepe to follow me I made my way in front of the master.

˝Thorianna you made it! I'm so happy!˝ - the master grinned at me ˝Oh and Pepe as well! Well then. BRATS!˝ - he raised his voice.

˝This is Thorianna the Thunder Dragon slayer I mentioned last week and her companion Pepe, welcome her to our family!˝ - he cheered and pointed his hand at me.

Heads turned and whispers began. Oh fuck. Just breathe. Nice and slow. I forced myself to stay still and not run like a wanted to. I was stiff and my heart raced.

Finally someone spoke ˝Welcome to our guild, I'm Mirajane!˝ - A pretty blonde with huge blue eyes greeted me and gave me a smile.

˝Welcome, I'm Erza!˝ - the red-headed Titania spoke. Whoa she is pretty! I smiled back at her and felt myself ease a bit.

Suddenly I head a yelp. I turned and saw Pepe getting smacked by a white Exceed. She was furious! A blue one jumped in front of her and atempted something. Like a battle stance. Pepe smacked him and another popped out. This time a black one.

˝Stop it. I'm Lily, this are Carla and Happy˝ - he said ˝You're preety˝ - a voice startled me. A blonde and a bluenette stared at me

˝I'm Lucy and this is Wendy, Carla is her compaion˝ - a dragon slayer then?

˝Nice to meet you!˝ - they both smiled at me. SO far so good, the girls seemed really nice.

**Laxus' POV**

I stared at the blonde that entered. She seemed flustered but relived. As soon as grampa introduced her she freezed. She seemed scared. An S class mage? Phew

˝Look at her˝ - I said to my Raijinshu.

˝Oh I am watching her˝ - Bixlow said rolling his tongue. Evergreen snorted and Freed didn't even comment.

˝She's a beauty look at her˝ - the ero seith mage continued. His ˘babies˘ started flying in loose loops and repeated ˝Preety˝ ˝Beautiful˝ ˝Dammn˝

He didn't tear his gaze of her. Sure she was okay looking. Long blonde hair, slim but muscular at the same time. Sharp green eyes and a full mouth. She had nice curves and long legs wich where in boots. Still she was too damn shy and scared. I snorted and got up.

˝Where you going?˝ - Freed asked alarmed. That mother instinct of his.

˝Aske the little dragon slayer something˝- I mumbled and smirked.