I write a lot and I'm currently working on a story and my college essay(still don't know what to write) so this is kind of just a place-holder for when things get too…stressful, shall I say. All mistakes are mine, obviously, missed the second read around, sorry. I'll try to care as much about this story as I do everything else, right now it's not a top priority but I'm sure by the end I'll be writing a prequel to the relationships, who knows. I've also been forced to watch Teen Wolf Season 1 with both my sister and my nephew. While it never gets bored it frustrates me.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Except my OC's those are all mine(or well the people they're based off of anyway.)

Summary: Stiles thought his life would change drastically after his move but he still belongs to a pack. A family he loves with a husband who's an Alpha. However, he gets a phone call one night and is forced back to Beacon Hills where it's a roller coaster of emotion.

A/N: So Boyd and Erica are still alive and Scott's not a true Alpha in this. Because it doesn't work well in this.

Stiles thought everything was going so well, he thought he was with the love of his life. Derek said forever, Derek said mate which even meant forever. Yet here they were breaking things off and Derek kicking Stiles out of the Hale house, leaving the young boy alone. The entire pack was cutting him off and it sucked. It sucked because only a year and a few months prior his dad had passed away.

It was hard on Stiles, really rough and it beat him down. His whole life surrounded that man, surrounded that pack. Everything he did and everything he knew was revolved around that pack. He knew it was bound to happen when the two of them ended up deciding this needed to stop, that they needed to stop. They ended it, their relationship. Stiles had expected some comfort from his friends but they never showed up. Slowly but surely the texts were ignored, the phone calls went unheard and he was losing his best friends. Scott, who he had known since elementary school, who had been his best and only friend for a good part of his life wasn't in his life anymore. Issac no longer cuddled him at night, scenting him and reminding him how much he smelt like home, like pack. Jackson and Erica no longer needed his assistance in breaking up a fight, sitting down quietly and humming in content when he gave them each a mug of his special hot chocolate. Boyd no longer talked to him about his problem and let Stiles ramble on when he felt Boyd needed to know he wasn't alone anymore. It sucked and when he realized he wasted his life on helping these werewolves, on assisting them with their problems and they weren't going to return any of it, he trashed his old room at his fathers house and made the phone call to move up to New York in hopes for a better life. The apartment was his, the job was his and he would have to start all over, with some of his life gone and wasted he'd have to try his best to get over the fact he had nothing and no one. Not since his father died.

When he arrived at the Hale house with a moving truck he had expected his stuff on the porch in boxes. He sighed when it wasn't and pulled out his key, entering the empty house. The wolves must've been on a run. Not that he minded, he just wanted to grab his clothes, laptop, TV and dresser. Derek could have the rest, obviously. Even if they both paid for it. He didn't want to fight with Derek, they had done enough of that over the years they'd been together and even more over the years they knew each other. He wrote a note and left the key on the coffee table when he was done. He smiled lightly at the picture of him and Derek with the pack around them.

"Stiles?" Erica asked, looking at him, tears in her eyes.

"Hey, Catwoman, long time no talk." He looked to his watch. "I gotta get going, my flight leaves in two hours. Hey, listen if any of you ever need anything, remember I'm just a phone call away." Part of him wanted to be bitter, to hate them for leaving him, but another part of him, the part that had come to call them family, the part that needed them knew he couldn't. He'd be back in a second if they called and they'd beat him down again and again. He knew that too.

"Stiles." He walked past her biting back his own tears at losing everything he's known and drove the car away, with a small frown. Of course, he'd lose his home, his life and his best friends in this break-up. Part of him knew he'd be able to find a better life, maybe never replace the old one. He didn't think he could top the life he had here. He knew he would never find someone he loved the way he loved Derek. He could never replace the pack that had come to be his family. He couldn't replace them and they all had a special place in his heart.

The flight was long, he listened to his music the entire way, hoping to ignore the pain that stabbed in his chest. He didn't want to think about the life he was leaving behind. He couldn't even think about how bad it hurt to see the people that claimed to love him ignore him, turn their back on him. Not when he's done so much for them, not when he cared this much about them. He never wanted to be alone, was always afraid of being alone, yet here he was on a flight to New York, alone, with no one who would be waiting back home for him. He didn't have that pleasure anymore. He wasn't going to wake up curled next to Derek in the morning, kiss him on the lips, say goodbye to the pack and come home to loved ones that missed him.

And it sucked to know there was only one reason he was alone, one reason he lost everything. The only reason he was losing his friends, the only people he had left in his life was because the man he loved, the man he was losing was also their Alpha. Their leader and without him they'd be fresh meat in a butchers shop. Without Derek who knows what would have happened to them but they used to say the same thing about Stiles. They used to tell Stiles they needed him, that without him they'd be no where. It didn't matter though that didn't change the fact, didn't change how they could never chose Stiles over Derek, never.

AN: I am so sorry. I'll update as soon as possible. Promise! Hopefully a longer chapter next one too and maybe a little bright. Let me know your thoughts I guess.

ALSO: I'm not positive what a 'spark' is but I've decided that's what I'm making Stiles for future chapter and that's what he shall be called...but honestly any insight into this 'spark' thing would be amazingly appreciated. I have spent a few hours looking it up but have found nothing and decided I can swing it. If that's not okay, let me know I'll reswing something else.