This idea came to me and wouldn't leave till I had written something and my mind is still running with ideas lol. Please let me know what you think and whether I should continue or not.

I do not own harry potter.

An unexpected Arrival

It was rainy afternoon in the late February of 1960 that would find one Minerva Dumbledore nee McGonagall in the Hogwarts infirmary undergoing one of the worst pains of her life, this was the pain of labour.

"I can see the head Minerva, just one more push and the new Dumbledore will be here" explained Poppy calmly to a tiered and upset Minerva.

"Where's Albus? He should be here for this" proclaimed Minerva.

"I'm right here my darling" was heard from the direction of the infirmary doors as one very late Albus Dumbledore entered and went immediately to his wife's side. "Where were you? You almost missed it" asked Minerva quietly.

"I'm sorry my darling you know I went to Diagon Alley well I should have figured that this little one would arrive early as we both can be rather inpatient, but none the less I was taken unawares when I received your patronus and left immediately" explained Albus as he laid is hand on top of her stomach and laid a kiss on her forehead.

"Right Minerva on the next contraction I want you to give your hardest push yet and then it should all be over. Ready?" asked Poppy.

Minerva could only nod as the contraction began and she started to push, it seemed to last forever before she felt a sudden release and heard the cry of her baby.

"It's a beautiful baby girl" proclaimed Poppy as she cut the cord and placed the baby on Minerva's stomach right in the eye line of her parents.

Minerva although exhausted reached for her baby immediately and hugged her in her arms before turning to Albus and saying "We did it isn't she beautiful". "Gorgeous my darling and I'm not sure what I did but you were brilliant" proclaimed Albus as he gave his wife a tender kiss and leaned down give his new and only daughter a kiss on her tiny forehead. She already had a full head of brown hair the colour of his darling wife's and her eyes twinkled back a brilliant blue just like his own but it was too soon to tell if they world remain that colour.

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Hours later Minerva was sleeping peacefully in her hospital bed as Albus walked around with his new daughter in is arms trying to calm her down to let Minerva get some well-deserved rest. In fairness to the baby girl she was being very good and seemed quite enamoured by her father and quietly and calmly held on to his outstretched finger as he talked to her.

"We must be quiet mustn't we to not wake mummy up. Look at you my beautiful girl I love you so much and I am so happy to finally meet you, you and your mother mean the world to me and I promise to always love you and keep you safe and happy" Albus said calmly as his daughters eyes slowly closed and he laid her gently in the crib Poppy had left before retiring and began to get comfy in the seat at his wife's and daughters bedside as he had no intention of leaving either of them tonight.

Tomorrow things would change they would name their daughter and announce her arrival to the castle and their worlds occupants at large, and Albus could not help but worry what that would mean would she be left alone to grow and come into her own or would she be forever watched and pressured because of who he was, no she would have a normal childhood and life if it was the last thing he did after all if he could defeat Grindewald he could certainly do that. But right know she was all theirs a little secret shared only with one other outside him and his wife and that was Poppy who he knew had not told a sole. No she was safe and would remain so and it was with that thought Albus closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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The following morning the new parents woke yet again to a sound they were already accustomed to after only one night and Albus quickly retrieved his crying daughter and handed her to his wife so that she could be fed her breakfast, before he himself perched on the side of the bed.

"So what are we going to name our little witch" queried Albus of Minerva as she quietly hummed to the baby as she fed.

"Well I like Hermione for a first name. What do you think? Queried Minerva.

"Mmmm Greek for messenger I do like it and I think it suites her very well. What about Jane for her middle name?" Albus asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"God is Gracious, i think my father would like it" laughed Minerva "and I love it welcome to our lives Hermione Jane Dumbledore".

So what do you think? Do you like it or hate it? Drop me a review and let me know