Kimiko had to admit that it was getting hard to resist lately. She kept sneaking glances during training and made up excuses to linger when he stayed behind for his extra training.

There was something about Raimundo lately that was more than attractive or alluring. It was…downright sexy.

Kimiko often shook her head of these thoughts as she did right then. Meditation was not a time to be glancing at her teammate out of the corner of her eyes.

'It's probably just because he's getting older and being Brazilian and all he's just so…'

"Hot!" Omi yelped quite suddenly and jumped out of his cross legged position. Kimiko covered her mouth in shame when she realized she had accidentally set her meditation neighbor on fire.

"Sorry Omi!"

"Did I do something to displease you?" The young monk whimpered as he formed ice around the bright red welt that formed on his waist.

Kimiko stood and embraced him, "No, of course not Omi. I was just thinking and got distracted."

"Which is the exact opposite of what mediation is supposed to do," Clay helpfully pointed out.

Raimundo took the disturbance in their daily meditation as an opportunity to yawn, stretch his arms, fold them behind his head and recline in the air on a hammock made from the wind, "I dunno about that, it's kinda like nap time to me."

"That is not the example a leader should set for his team, young monk."

Raimundo's invisible hammock deposited him on the floor abruptly and the dragon of the wind groaned lightly as he raised his hand as an apology and said, "Sorry, Master Fung."

Their long time teacher walked into the room with his usual composure and expression that betrayed nothing of what he was really feeling. Kimiko suspected it was amusement.

"Come with me, young monks," Master Fung said, "We have some matters to discuss."

Raimundo sat up and glanced at his teammates with curiosity in his expression which was perfectly reflected in their faces.

Once they were seated in the great hall Master Fung wasted no time in bringing up his first topic by saying, "The summer months are approaching and I have invited a new student to join us until the winter."

"Another student?" The others looked to Raimundo who was usually the first to hear about significant changes but he seemed just as puzzled as them.

"Who? It cannot be be Jermaine, he's attending a camp for basketball."

"Is it even someone we know?" Clay asked.

"In a manner of speaking," Master Fung replied and put a hand on his beard then gestured toward the boys, "All of you know of this person, however, Kimiko knows her very well."

More confused looks were sent his way but comprehension was slowly dawning on Kimiko's face.

"You don't mean-"

"Oh…" the boys muttered together once they understood who Master Fung was referencing.

The small Japanese girl made a squeal so loud and long that her fellow students were forced to cover their ears due to the fear of becoming deaf. When she finally calmed Master Fung removed a pair of earplugs and continued with his news.

"The new student that will be joining us is Kimiko's childhood friend Keiko."

"But Master Fung, why is she coming here all of a sudden? I mean, I'm not complaining but why now?"

"The reason involves my second bit of news," Order returned to the Xiaolin dragons and they waited patiently for the master to continue which he did after clearing his throat, "All of you have grown exponentially in these few short years but there is still more to come.

"Raimundo has under gone and made significant progress with his Shoku Warrior training, and Clay has learned to refine the control of his element to something as pure as metal. Omi has extended his control over water to every possible form it takes. And you Kimiko have learned much as well, but now that the others have improved we can finally assist you in reaching the next level of your training."

Kimiko looked taken aback and asked, "Another level?"

"Another form your flames can form take, yes."

"Master Fung," Kimiko extended her hand with her palm facing up before summoning a flame that burned bright red, then blue before turning an almost blinding white. She closed her palm to dismiss the flame and looked up at her teacher, "What form is left? And why would Keiko need to be here?"

Master Fung sighed. It held no sign of irritation, just a bit of wariness and fatigue.

"The training required for you to master this new form is the most dangerous of all the dragons. It even has the potential to be fatal."

Their mouths fell open and Kimiko blinked trying to grasp what he said and then asked, "What form is it?"

"Lightning, Kimiko."

"Shocking…" Omi whispered.

Clay shook his head and said, "Not the time partner."

"I could die? From the training?"

"It is a possibility. We can discuss the details later but I have invited your friend Keiko here to act as some support for you through this trial. It may be more difficult than any of us expect."

His students didn't respond and Omi and Clay observed Kimiko closely to try and determine how she was feeling. Raimundo exchanged a meaningful glance with Master Fung and stood as the older man began to speak.

"You will be off to retrieve Keiko very shortly; once Dojo returns from his errand. In the meantime I have something to discuss with Raimundo."

The others stood and bowed before turning to exit and Kimiko headed quickly off in a different direction before Clay or Omi could make a sound. She headed for the outskirts of the temple and bounded on the roofs of various buildings before settling on a tree by one of the smaller and isolated gardens that always had the appearance of being slightly neglected.

She pulled out her brand new miniature tablet and put in a video to her best friend.

The face that appeared was framed by wavy dark brown hair and round dark brown eyes stared into the screen making a very sheepish expression into the camera.

In Japanese, the girl started apologizing as soon as the connection was made.

"I know! Gomen! I'm sorry! I should have told you! But your dad and Master Fung asked me not to mention anything."

"Papa too?" Kimiko exclaimed with a flustered squeak to her voice, "Really, Keiko!?"

"Look, Master Fung was worried and he said that this training he wants to put you through could be dangerous so he just wanted to run it by your dad first, then our parents thought that my being there could help a little."

Kimiko considered this and said, "I'm not sure I've ever seen Master Fung this worried about training before. It must be really bad."

"He made it seem that way," Keiko responded.

"Whatever it is then. Thank you Kei-chan."

The girl on screen rolled her eyes and smiled widely, "Oh please Keiko. You didn't even have to ask."

Kimiko giggled lightly and said, "Yeah that's true."

"So when are you coming to get me?"

"Master Fung said as soon as Dojo gets back from whatever he's doing," Kimiko said and then she suddenly realized something, "Will you even have time to pack?"

Keiko chuckled and panned her camera around her suite sized room and focused in on a pile of luggage in the corner, "I was packed two hours after I was finished talking to Master Fung."

Kimiko sighed and proudly said, "We should have been sisters."

"We should have."

A shadow passed overhead and Kimiko looked up just in time to see Dojo in his fully expanded form heading for the great hall.

"My ride's here Keiko. Ja ne, I'll see you soon."

"Ja, Ko-chan."

Kimiko ended the call and jumped back across the roofs until see reached the clearing where Dojo had landed, still completely supersized listening to something Master Fung had to say. Raimundo was standing next to him and offered her a casual half wave when she stuck her landing off of the roof.

Omi and Clay were standing off to the side of the courtyard as if they had never left and were also speaking too low for her to hear. By the time she reached them, Master Fung had finished speaking and began to address Kimiko.

"It would seem that Dojo had some business to attend to at Mount Fuji, so all of you will be staying the night in Tokyo and will return in the morning."

"Nice," Raimundo said with a sly grin, "Tokyo night life!"

A pointed look from Master Fung warned him that there would be consequences if he didn't behave himself. Raimundo instead opted to pretend that he hadn't seen and rallied his team to be ready to depart.

"Let's get this party started meus amigos! You got five minutes!"

A/N- I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or Xiaolin Chronicles. This is merely the work of a fan.