When Jealousy Strikes

By: theclique34

OK, guys! I've thought about it and I think I WILL make Kickin' It stories. It depends what YOU guys think. Leave a review for what YOU want.

Chapter 4: Luke Gets His Happy Ending :)

Luke's POV:

The next day, I woke up, and I was walking downstairs to get breakfast. As I finished walking down the stairs, I heard Bertram singing to his Russian opera. (A/N: A strange man that fool is. 0_0) I walked into the kitchen and said, "Good morning, guys." "Ehh…," they all mumbled. "What's up with YOU guys?" I asked. "We're still tired. Bertram had a "surprise" breakfast for us today," Zuri said, air quoting the word "surprise". "Oh, OK…," I said. I took my usual seat next to Ravi.

Jessie was sitting in front of me. She looked up and smiled. I smiled back. Emma burst into the room. "JESSIE! LOOK WHAT YOUR BOYFRIEND GEORGE POSTED ONLINE!" she yelled. Jessie jumped up from her food and quickly walked over to Emma. Ravi, Zuir, and I followed. We watched the video on Emma's phone. "How DARE he!" Jessie yelled. Emma exited the video and went to the description. "Why would he say those things about me? Serves me right not to find men on Facebook," Jessie mumbled. (A/N: You GO, girl!) She grabbed her pocketbook off of the counter and dashed out of the room. "Jessie, where are you going?" I asked nervously. I was following her out of the kitchen. I didn't expect my plan to backfire THIS horribly! "To give him a piece of my mind," she said firmly.


"So, was THIS the stupid surprise you woke us up early for?" Zuri asked. "No. It was something MORE entertaining. But since it's "stupid," I don't think I'll show it to you," Bertram finished. Zuri and Ravi's eyes widened and they immediately started begging Bertram to tell them. "OK! Worst brats ever," he said. He walked to the dumbwaiter and took out a chest. "OOO," the kids said…

Luke's POV:

"Are you SURE you wanna do this?" I asked. "YES," Jessie almost yelled in my face. (Wow… Ravi was right… Love DOES make you do stupid things. THIS is why this whole problem is here. -_-)

As if summoned, George walked in through the elevator. "Jessie! How's it goin'?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face. (A bit TOO friendly, if you ask me. 0_0) "And THIS is why you need a grieving period," I said. I jogged into the kitchen. I knew I was in big trouble if I couldn't think of a heave of lies to save myself. So, I started thinking while eating my Choco-ghetti. (A/N: Spaghetti with chocolate on it. XD You remember that episode. Don't even deny it. XD)

All of a sudden, I heard a noise as if someone was getting hit. I ran to the door and looked out. Jessie all of a sudden had a baseball bat and was hitting George in the face with it. "HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME ON THE INTERNET LIKE THAT, YOU JERK!" she yelled. "I DIDN'T POST THAT VIDEO!" he yelled back. And THAT'S when me and my big mouth came in. "I can't believe this! You posted that video and you don't even have enough respect for Jessie to admit it," I said innocently. "EXACTLY!" Jessie said. "I seriously didn't post that video. I'm telling the truth," he said. "Wait… Luke… You almost NEVER tell the truth," he said. "So?" I said. "So… why is George telling me no and you're saying yes?" Jessie said. I tried not to look guilty. "Are you ACCUSING me?" I asked, trying to sound slightly ashamed. Jessie nodded. (Well she said THAT pretty fast. ) "Adults lie, too, you know. And there ARE some times when I tell the truth," I said. Jessie rolled her eyes and looked at George. "George… I just don't think this is gonna work out. The kids weren't ready to see me date anyone after Tony. I'm SO sorry," she said. George got up off the floor and said, "It's OK. I understand." Jessie smiled at him, then said, "A goodbye kiss?" He smiled back, then said, "Of course." They leaned in, but I jumped in the middle just in time to separate them. "OK. GEORGE! I think you'd better leave. It's almost time for bed," I said. "It's 6:45 in the morning!" he yelled. "WHO CARES! YOU'RE MAKING NOISE IN THE HOUSE!" I yelled. "It's a penthouse," he said. I pushed the elevator button vigorously, and pushed him into the elevator. I fought with him until the door closed.

I turned around and said, "So… Jessie…" She cut me off. "Luke, I KNOW you recorded that video and put it on the internet. And I KNOW you put some weird chemical in my makeup. So just tell me now," she said. I opened my eyes in surprise. "What?... OK. You know what? You caught me," I said. She smiled and ruffled my hair. "You're not mad?" I asked. "Of course not. You're still growing up and you have some love hormones that you CANNOT control," she said. "I know. I'm sorry," I said. "It's OK," she said, bending down to my size. "When you're dating a girl, I hope I can do the same to you someday," she said. "FINE, but don't start dying if I'm around," I said smirking. She smiled, then kissed me on the cheek. My face got hot and my eyes widened. She laughed a little, then said, "Go eat breakfast… Or whatever you made." She slapped my butt to make me move faster. (A/N: Do other parents do that? Or does only my mom and dad? 0_0) I turned around and looked at her. "Did you just…?" I started. "Yes…? I didn't mean it like that!" she yelled. "RIIIIGGGHHHTT….," I said, smirking. I continued walking into the kitchen.


Jessie wishes she was 13 just like Luke… XD (A/N: XD HAHA! Old woman…)

Anyway guys. Thanks for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed. And… YEAH. PEACE!

~ theclique34 :3