Summary: Buffy, Faith and Dawn were born to Regina and King Leopold in the Fairy Tale world. Shortly after Dawn's birth when Faith and Buffy were six, they were kidnapped by Rumpelstiltskin and sent into our world. There they were split up. Buffy going to the Summers family. Faith going to the Lehane family. And Dawn going to the Order of Dagon to become the vessel for the Key. They lived their separate lives and as they grew up they forgot about each other. Till one day long after they were reunited did they finally start to remember.

Pairings: No Pairings

Disclaimer: So I don't have to repeat myself in every chapter I will only say this once. I do not own Buffy or Once Upon A Time. Buffy is owned by Joss Whedon and Once Upon A Time is owned by Disney.

Chapter 1: Once Upon a Slayer

The sign that read WELCOME TO SUNNYDALE toppled backward into the crater; the fillip on the town's demise, as girls milled about, counting their losses, checking in, processing that they had not only survived, but prevailed.

"Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business," said Faith.

"There is another one in Cleveland," Giles said. "Not to spoil the moment..."

"We saved the world," said Xander.

"We changed the world," said Willow.

"I can feel them, Buffy," said Dawn.

"As can I," said Willow. "All over. There are Slayers awakening everywhere."

"We'll have to find them," said Dawn.

"We will," Willow agreed.

Giles sighed theatrically. "Yes, because the mall was actually in Sunnydale, so no hope of going there tomorrow..."

"We destroyed the Mall? I fought on the wrong side ..." Dawn choked as Buffy laughed at her sister.

"All those stores gone," Xander said sadly. "The Gap, Starbucks, Toys R Us ... who will remember these landmarks unless we tell the world of them?"

"We have a lot of work ahead of us," said Giles.

Faith appealed to the group. "Can I push him in?"

"You got my vote," Willow said, grinning.

Faith yawned, stretched. "I just wanna sleep, yo. For like a week."

"I guess we all could," said Dawn. "If we wanted to."

"Yeah, the First is scrunched, so..." Willow looked at Buffy. "What do you think we should do, Buffy?"

Faith grinned at Buffy. "Yeah, you're not the one and only chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. How's that feel?"

Buffy looked at Faith and smiled.

"Buffy?" Dawn asked her big sister. "What are we gonna do now?"

0 – 0 – The Enchanted Forest Sometime in the Past – 0 – 0

Buffy ran up to her mother as she stood beside her sisters. Her mother smiled as she looked between, her, Faith and their half-sister.

"Do you want to meet your baby sister?" the mother asked as Buffy, Faith and their half-sister nodded.

"Yes, we do," the half-sister said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, mom." Buffy and Faith agreed.

The mother looked to her step-daughter. "Snow would you like the honors of naming her?"

Snow, the half-sister, smiled and nodded. "Dawn, I think you should name her Dawn."

The mother smiled as she looked down at the baby in her arms. "Dawn, it is then," she said as she handed the baby to Snow.

0 – 0 – One Year After the Battle of Sunnydale – 0 – 0

Buffy woke with a start and looked around the darkened room in her suite at the International Slayer's Council. After the destruction of Sunnydale; she along with the rest of the Scoobies and Giles had made their way to England. The first part of their plan was to acquire the access to funds that the Watcher's Council had and their properties. Within two months they had setup in one of the properties in Scotland.

She shook her head as she tried think about why she would have had a dream about Dawn and Faith that she was sure was fake.

0 – 0 – The Enchanted Forest Sometime in the Past – 0 – 0

A woman walked walking down a hall of a castle passing mirrors as she headed down the hall.

In the mirrors was a man's face. He moved from mirror to mirror as the woman walked past them. "What happened?" he asked. "Did you get your answer? What's going on? Your Majesty? Your Majesty!"

The woman entered the room at the end of the hallway and she looked at the elderly man that was there lighting candles. "Did Rumpelstiltskin tell you what you needed to know?" the elderly man asked.


"And?" he wondered.

"I'm not sure I should say. I'm conflicted," The woman replied with a twinge of regret in her voice.

"How bad is it? Maybe I can help."

"I have to cut out the heart of the thing I love most."

The elderly man nodded in understanding. He was the thing she loved the most. "Me?"

The woman let out a long sigh. She did not want to kill him. "Daddy, I don't know what to do."

The father sighed; he too did not want his daughter to kill him. "My dear, please. You don't have to do this."

"I have to do something."

"Then move past this. I know this may sound self-serving, but you don't need to enact the curse."

"But I can't keep living like this," the woman said as she looked at her father. "What Snow did to me, what she took from me? It's eating me alive, Daddy. Her very existence mocks me. She must be punished."

"But, if the price is a hole that will never be filled, why do it? Stop worrying about Snow White and start over. We can have a new life." Father said.

"But what kind of life? All I've worked for, all I've built, would be gone. My own children are gone. My power will disappear. They already think I'm nothing."

"Power is seductive. But so is love. You can have that again," her father said as he smiled at her.

"I just want to be happy."

"You can be. Of this I'm sure. But I believe, given the chance, we can find happiness. Together, maybe even find my granddaughters—your daughters. But the choice is yours."

"I think you're right. I can be happy," the woman said as she drew a dagger from inside the folds of her clothes. "Just not here." She thrusts the dagger into his heart, killing him. ""I'm sorry …"

0 – 0 – In the Present in Cleveland – 0 – 0

Faith woke with a start as she sat up in bed. She looked around her room at the new ISC's Cleveland facility. She searched the dark for answers to her dream.

0 – 0 – The Enchanted Forest Sometime in the Past – 0 – 0

Several men escorted two children and an infant into a large room of a castle or was it a manor house?

"Ah you have brought me the Queen's children. Happy day this is,"a man said who had a very pale and gray complexion.

"Our payment?" another man asked.

"It be waiting for you in the hall," the gray faced man said. "Leave us."

The men who brought the children nod and left them with the gray-faced man. They closed the door behind them so any escape plan the children might have disappeared with the closing of the door.

"Now to make my plan work to plant the seeds of discontent between the Queen and Snow White. You three will be sent far away and Snow White will be blamed for your disappearance," the man said as he smiled and with a little bit of magic the children vanished into thin air. "Oh, what a happy day this is."

0 – 0 – In the Present at the ISC – 0 – 0

After breakfast Dawn made her way to Giles office where she found Buffy waiting.

"Buffy?" Dawn asked as she saw the looked in her sister's eye and knew that something was up with her sister. "Apocalypse?"

Buffy shook her head. "No … no apocalypse. I just had a dream last night. Felt sort of like a Slayer dream. But it seemed to be of the past."

Just then Giles walked through the door. "What dream?" he asked having caught the tail end of the conversation.

"There was me and Faith, we were like six or seven. There was another girl with us, and a woman holding a baby. The woman asked the girl I didn't recognize if she wanted to name the baby. The girl in question said she wanted to name the baby Dawn. I saw never saw anyone but Faith and the baby's faces. Faith did look like a younger version of our Faith. And the baby, well she looked exactly like what Dawn does in my memory of mom bringing her home from the hospital. It seemed so real, kind of like a Slayer dream but not."

"Interesting," Giles said with a nod of his head.

"You say there were you, Faith, this other girl and a baby?" Dawn asked as she remembered her reason for being there.

Buffy nodded.

"Then I can up your weirdness. I dreamt of two little girls, one of them holding an infant. There were these men and they kidnapped them and delivered them to this gray-faced looking man. He was going to send them somewhere else and then blame it all on Snow White so that there be a rift between her and the Queen." Dawn said. "I saw no one's faces either. And I think I was looking out of the baby's eyes for the entirety of the dream."

"Interesting. Maybe we should have everyone research this and see if there is something to these dreams." Giles said.

Suddenly Giles secretary came over the intercom. "Mr. Giles, Faith Lehane is on line one."

Giles moves to his desk and put Faith on speakerphone, "Yes, Faith?"

"I think I may have had a Slayer dream last night, but I'm not sure." Faith said.

"Faith, Buffy and Dawn are here they were just relating to me dreams they had also. But tell me yours." Giles said.

"Hey B, little D. Well G-man…" Faith said.

"I wish you and Xander would quit calling me that." Giles said.

"Well … Anyways in my dream there was a man and a woman. The man was the father and the woman his daughter. I didn't catch any names or see their faces. But the woman killed her father. Something about getting revenge on Snow White for something she believed this Snow White had done." Faith said.

"Interesting." Giles said. "You and Buffy have had one thing in common in your dreams. You both mentioned a person named Snow White."

"Ok that's weird. Even little D had a dream?" Faith asked.

"Yes, I did, Faith." Dawn said.

"So, it's more than probably just a Slayer dream then cause last I checked little D, isn't a Slayer. Right?" Faith said.

"Correct, Faith." Giles said. "Dawn isn't a Slayer. Faith I think you should come here. Leave Kennedy in charge. And then catch the first plane here."

"Okay, G-man." Faith said and hung up.

0 – 0 – In Boston at that same moment – 0 – 0

Emma Swan drove towards the city limits of Boston, with a boy named Henry Mills in the passenger seat.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?" Henry asked.

"This is not a road trip. We're not stopping for snacks," Emma replied.

"Why not?"

"Quit complaining, kid. Remember – I could have put your butt on a bus. I still could."

"You know I have a name?" Henry said as he read from the book he had brought with him from Storybrooke, Maine. "It's Henry."

"What's that?" Emma asked motioning toward the book.

"I'm not sure you're ready."

"I'm not ready for some fairy tales?" Emma wondered.

Henry shook his head. "They're not fairy tales. They're true. Every story in this book actually happened."

"Of course, they did," Emma said skeptically.

"Use your superpower. See if I'm lying."

Emma sighed. "Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true."

"That's exactly what makes it true," Henry replied. "You should know more than anyone."

"Why is that?" Emma wondered.

"Because you're in this book," Henry said.

"Oh, kid. You've got problems." Emma said as she wondered what she had gotten herself into. She should have taken the kid straight to the police instead of driving him back to Maine herself.

"Yep. And you're going to fix them. You and your aunts."

Emma glanced at Henry briefly as she shook her head. "I have no aunts, kid. I'm an orphan."

Henry smiled. "That's where you're wrong."