Author Notes: Thanks again, everyone! Here's the next chapter. Hope you like it and please leave your review! I appreciate them very much, both positive and negative. Now, I'm already working on the next chapter, and looks like Cristina is going to please her eyes a little, like Callie suggests! ;) (Not spoiling or anything…) Anyways, enjoy!

The next morning was very different from the previous, mainly because of the weather. When Cristina woke up, she could hear birds singing and see the sun lighting up the clear blue sky. As she did her morning routine, she couldn't help looking out the window and marveling at the view outside. It was a calm and beautiful morning – a sight that didn't occur very often in Iona during the summer. Such rare days seemed to have a magical effect on everything. Without the seeds of a storm in the distant horizon, even Helen seemed to be doing better. It was during those rare periods of calmness when Cristina was able to see a faint glimpse of the woman her mother had once been. When she entered the kitchen, her mother was making a grocery list with Saul. "Morning, dear", she said as Cristina sat down to the table. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please", Cristina replied, a little bemused. She wasn't used to seeing her mother like that. Not that she complained about seeing her mother so vivid and smiling, but it was also a bit sad to realize just how much her mood was affected by the weather. One glimpse of the sun to calm her mind, one dark cloud to plant fear into her heart.

At breakfast, Helen asked Cristina about her plans for the day.

"I don't know, really", Cristina answered. "Today is an easy day, Callie and I only have work 'till noon. I think we're going to go for a walk after work since Callie doesn't like being alone and Arizona is going to be working all day. It'll be nice to go around town since it is so beautiful outside."

"It is", Helen agreed and glanced out the kitchen window. "It's so nice to finally have a clear, warm summer day. Everyone must be excited."

Cristina was about to say that she knew a certain bunch of people who probably weren't too happy about the calm weather, but then remembered that the subject of storm hunting was a sore subject for her mom and decided to stay quiet.

"Well, I happened to hear a rumor that a certain lady is very excited at the moment", Saul stated. "I heard from Mr. Harris that Catherine Avery's son is in town."

Helen raised her eyebrows in surprise while Cristina nodded. "Mm, he is. He and his wife were at the diner yesterday. The man said they're in town for business, whatever that means."

"Oh really?" Saul seemed curious. "Well, this raises a very interesting question. I wonder what the Avery's are up to."

"Maybe something about the inn?" Helen speculated. "Maybe they're expanding – as if the inn wasn't successful enough already. This town is going to have rough time with two Averys."

"I don't think so", Cristina said. "The man didn't seem like Catherine. He was friendly and not snooty at all. His wife seemed a bit too bubbly but otherwise they appeared to be a nice couple. They even tipped Emily Kovach when she served them. I don't see Catherine doing that."

"All that glisters is not gold, nor is everything silver that gleams", Helen said. "The man is an Avery, Cristina. They are cunning and ruthless folk. You should be careful around them."

"Thanks mom, I'll keep that in mind", Cristina said as she finished her breakfast and then headed out the door.

Even though Cristina was on the move ahead of time, Callie was already at work when she arrived to the diner.

"Wow", Cristina said as she walked to her. "You're early."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I came early; I don't want Webber to lecture me again. I see you're ahead of time as well."

"Yea." Cristina looked around the diner. "Where is Webber?"

"He went out. Probably to the cemetery to visit Adele's grave. He said he will be back soon."

"Okay. I guess we'll have to run the diner ourselves, then."

"Looks like. Say, could you give me a hand in prepping the kitchen?" Callie asked. "I know you can't cook, but I trust you know how to flush vegetables and peel potatoes."

"Sure", Cristina said and followed Callie into the kitchen. After giving her a spare apron, Callie introduced her to a huge pile of potatoes that needed to be peeled. Cristina stared at the pile with wide eyes. "All of them?"

"All of them. Better get to work so that we have everything set when the diner is opened."

The women got to work, Cristina peeling potatoes, Callie preparing the meat and the fish.

"I'm actually a bit anxious about today", Callie said as the women worked. "It's a beautiful day. Many people will be out dining."

"We'll survive", Cristina assured. "Besides, even if today is busy, we're the lucky ones: Emily and Jo have the afternoon shift which is always worse."

"Right." Callie was silent for a moment and then asked: "Have you thought about what I said yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"About the storm-chasing men in our town?"

The peeling knife slipped from Cristina's grip and nicked her thumb as the image of red hair and blue eyes flashed in her mind."Ouch!" she exclaimed and put the thumb in her mouth. "Thanks."

"What?" Callie asked with an inquiring look on her face. "I just asked. Though I must say, that was an interesting reaction."

"Oh be quiet", Cristina said and grabbed a packet of band-aids from the cupboard. "We're not having this discussion again."

Callie shook her head in amusement. "You are the most hopeless case I've ever come across with. Clueless in dating and now you can't even peel a potato without injuring yourself."

"Well, I'm a waitress, so my job shouldn't include peeling potatoes. Let's just get this over with."

The women finished prepping the kitchen and then checked that everything was set in the diner. With Webber still missing, they decided to open the diner. It soon became clear that this day was, in fact, a lot busier than the previous. Thanks to the beautiful weather, many couples and families had decided to spend the day out and also dine out. And since the diner was the only eatery in town (the locals supported Webbers' Better Than Homemade by favoring it over the Avery Inn), all the people came to eat there. The upside of that was, of course, the extra money the employees made. The downside was the rush.

"… and I will be back with your orders in a few", Cristina said to Theodore and Denise Harris after taking their order. "It may take a little longer than usual, since I'm the only waitress working at the moment."

"It's all right dear", Denise Harris replied with a sweet grandma-smile. "We can wait."

"Thank you", Cristina replied and hurried to take the order to Callie. She seemed to be on fire in the kitchen, her hands moving as a blur. Cristina couldn't help but smile as she watched her work. "You okay in there?"

"Sure, no problem", Callie replied while cooking salmon with her right hand and stirring the sauce with her left hand. "I'm a rock star with a frying pan."

"That you are", Cristina chuckled as she heard the jingle of the old doorbell. Great, more customers, she thought and turned around to greet the customers – only to be rooted to the spot as she saw the person who had entered the diner.

Catherine Avery stood at the door of the diner, examining the place with her cold brown eyes. The expression on her proud face was sour. Her curly brown hair was loose and surging to her back and shoulders like a waterfall of rust. Despite it being warm outside, she was dressed in a black robe-like suit. Her appearance, combined with the way she stood at the door like an evil queen with her chin up, made Cristina think of a witch. All that was missing was a black cat and a broomstick.

Behind Catherine stood her son Jackson and daughter-in-law April who seemed a bit intimidated by her. The couple followed in Catherine's footsteps as she walked to the counter and tapped the wooden surface with her painted nails. "Good morning", she said with a low voice and looked at Cristina with a despising look. Other customers turned to see Catherine Avery, most of them looking a little frightened or vexed.

It took a moment for Cristina to get her mouth to work, for she was rather stunned to see Catherine in the diner. "Good… Good morning, Ms. Avery. How may I help you?"

The elder woman gave her a bleak laugh. "Isn't it obvious? We're here to dine."

"Oh. I mean, of course", Cristina stammered. "Would you like to order now or sit to a table and look at the menu in peace?"

"We'll order now", Ms. Avery said without even looking at the bill of fare. "We'll each take the best dish this place has to offer, plus three coffees for dessert. All black, thank you."

"Alright", Cristina said, feeling a little uncomfortable under Ms. Avery's disapproving gaze. "I'll bring your orders in a few."

"Thank you", Catherine said, and the three Averys went to their table. Cristina went to take the order to Callie, feeling like freaking out.

"Was that…?" Callie asked with round eyes as Cristina approached her.

"It was!" Cristina exclaimed. "What on God's green earth is Catherine Avery doing here?"

"Beats me. What did she order?"

"She asked for the best dish this place has to offer. And three black coffees."

Callie looked confused. "The best dish this place has to offer?"

"I don't know. But I suggest you really put some extra effort to this one. Who knows what she'll do if she doesn't get what she wants."

"This can't lead to anything good", Callie muttered and began preparing the special meal. Cristina resumed to her work while trying to figure out what could the Averys possibly want from the diner. Every now and then she took a quick glance at their table and every time she looked, she saw them either discussing something with their heads close together or looking around the diner or to the direction of the kitchen. Their behavior made Cristina very curious, but also a little anxious. They were clearly plotting something. But what?

Once the food was done, Cristina took the tray and walked over to the table where the three Averys sat. "Here you go", she said and served everyone their meals. Callie had really outdone herself, and Cristina could see a positively surprised look on Jackson Avery's face as he looked at the food. "Thank you", he said with a smile.

Cristina went back to the counter. Callie soon joined her, looking nervously at the Averys. "Do you think they like it?" she asked.

"It seems so. At least Jackson Avery looked satisfied at the mere sight of the meal."

"Good. That's good", Callie muttered.

When the Averys had eaten, Cristina delivered them their coffee. Catherine Avery looked up at her, and Cristina was surprised to see a sugared smile on the elder woman's lips. "Could you please give our compliments to the chef, please? The meal was… surprisingly excellent."

"Will do", Cristina replied, a little puzzled.

"Was she the woman I saw you talk with over at the counter?"

"Um, yes, yes she was."

Catherine Avery's smile turned even wider. "Excellent. Now, could you give us the check, please? We'll drink our coffee and be on our way. We have some very important matters to discuss."

"Alright." Cristina went back to the counter and started working on the check. Callie once again emerged from the kitchen, her apron full of sauce stains. "Well? What did they say?"

"They liked it. Catherine actually sent you their compliments."

"Okay", Callie said and looked to the direction of the Averys, her face suddenly turning pale. "She's staring at me."

"What?" Cristina looked up and to the direction where Callie was looking. Catherine Avery was staring at them with a ruminative look in her eyes. It was a scary look, as if she had been plotting something malicious for their undoing. It made the hairs on the back of Cristina's neck stand on end. "Okay, I admit it: that's creepy", she said.

"I'm going to go back to the kitchen", Callie said and retreated through the kitchen door. Cristina wrote the check and took it to the Averys' table just as they had finished drinking their coffee. "Here you go", she said and handed the bill to Catherine, but she didn't take it. "No, no, my boy will pay this", she said. "Won't he?"

"Absolutely", Jackson Avery quickly said and took the bill. He looked at it and then took out his wallet from the pocket of his jacket and paid Cristina. "There. Keep the change."

His mother snorted: "Such waste", and then looked at Cristina with an unfriendly smile. "No offence, of course."

"None taken", Cristina replied, unable to hide the chilly tone in her voice. "Thanks for the tip and please come again."

"We'll see", Catherine said as the three Averys got up. "And dear, you're in customer service, so I'd advise you to mind your tone with customers. Other places won't hire a waitress with a bad attitude. Just something to… think about. For the future."

Other places? Cristina thought as the three Averys swept past her. She followed them with her gaze as Catherine led her retinue to the door. They were just about to step out when the door suddenly opened, Richard Webber standing behind it. Cristina saw how his expression went from somber to stunned as he realized that he was standing face to face with his rival at the threshold of his own diner. "Cath–! What the –"

"Morning Richard", Catherine said with an unctuous voice. "How nice to see you."

"Catherine. What are you doing here?" Richard asked with a voice as tough as steel.

"I was having a nice brunch with my family. Isn't your diner supposed to be a family place?"

"Aren't you supposed to have your own restaurant where you can have a family brunch?" Richard retorted.

"I have, as a matter of fact, and it is a fine restaurant. And soon it will be even better, hence the visit. I thought I'd pay my last respects to this place before your business is shot down." She chuckled with a voice that was nothing but poison. "Good day to you."

Richard stepped back and let the Averys go past him, the expression on his face rather shocked. He then came in, spotted Cristina and walked directly to her. "What was she after?" he urged.

Cristina shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly? I don't know."

"Catherine Avery?" Emily asked in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"I am", Cristina assured as she leaned on the wall, waiting for Callie. It was noon and their shift had just ended. "She came here to dine with her son and daughter-in-law and then tried to upset Webber with some talk about this place shutting down."

"Really? Gosh, the nerve on that woman."

"She can't really… do anything, can she?" asked Jo Wilson. She was the youngest employee in the diner and this job was basically everything she had. "I mean, it was just jawing, right?"

"I don't think she can do anything", Cristina said. "People love this diner and our food, and there's nothing she can do to change that."

"I hope you're right", Emily said as Callie emerged from the kitchen. "You ready?"

"Yea, let's go", Cristina said. She and Callie said goodbye to Emily and Jo and then stepped out of the diner to the warm summer air.

"I can't believe she came to our diner to threaten us", Callie said as they began walking down the street. They didn't really have any destination; they just picked a direction and started walking. "Especially since she's in no place to talk. Our diner is doing better than her inn."

"For now", Cristina stated. "Remember that she has something that we don't: room to expand."

"How's that going to make any difference? She already has a spa and a gym and the whole nine yards and people still avoid going there, because she is a mean old hag and basically declared a war against our diner when she first arrived. The town is on our side, that's her problem."

"I hope your right. You know, she said something to me about other places not hiring me in the future."

Callie furrowed her brows. "Maybe she meant that as a general advice for the future? I don't suppose you're going to be working at the diner for your whole life?"

Cristina gave her friend a meaningful look. "Do you really think Catherine Avery cares a crap about my future? That was a threat." She sighed. "If only we could find out what she's up to…"

Callie chuckled. "Way to go, Nancy Drew! How are you going to do that?"

Cristina suddenly stopped, looking ruminative. "Are we actually going anywhere? Do you need to go somewhere?"

"No. Well, I need to get the groceries since Arizona's working all day, but I can do that later. Why?"

Cristina had a clever expression on her face. "Catherine came to visit us, how about we return the favor and pay her a visit? Who knows, we might see something there."

"You mean you want to spy them?"

"Why not? We wouldn't be spies – just two friends having lunch."

Callie suddenly gave her friend a sly smile. "You mean to tell me that you want to go to the Avery Inn just to spy the Averys? Just that, with absolutely no ulterior motives?"

"Yes? What else could we possibly –" Cristina paused, realizing what Callie was chasing. "Oh for the love of God, Callie!"

"Gotcha!" Callie laughed heartily and then playfully pushed her friend's shoulder. "Ok, come on. Let's go see what the Wicked Witch and our hubbies are doing."

The Avery Inn was a beautiful old building on the outskirts of Iona, built in Art Nouveau style. With four floors, grand windows and beautiful balconies, it was one of the most majestic buildings in town. Cristina didn't know much of its history before Catherine Avery had renovated it, only that it had been abandoned for a long time before being turned into a successful inn. The building, much like the town cemetery, had miraculously so far been spared from the harsh weather. The only part of the building that had ever suffered any kind of storm damage was the winged statue of Tyche, the Greek goddess of success, which stood on top of a column in the front yard. The goddess' left wing had been blasted off by a lightning only a few days after the statue's placement. A local legend told that the statue was mocking the sacred Memorial of the Lost Children with its similar appearance, so in revenge, a lightning was sent to cut off the wing of the false angel, thus creating a difference between the two statues.

"Oh look!" Callie said as they walked towards the building. "The RV and the truck are not in the parking lot."

Cristina immediately turned her head towards the parking lot and saw that Callie was right. A strange feeling twitched her stomach. It was like… a bummer. "Maybe they left already", she stated.

"Could be… Do you want to turn back? There's nothing to see here."

"Yes there is!" Cristina exclaimed. "We're here to spy the Averys, not the storm hunters. Seriously, if you don't stop doing that, I'm going to tell Arizona that you're chasing men here."

"Hey! Arizona gets to hang out with hot nurse chicks without me minding, so it's only fair that I get to please my eyes with some muscle every once in a while. You should try that as well."

"Yea, yea", Cristina said as they walked up the steps to the front door. Feeling like they were at the gates of the underworld, Cristina opened the door and held it open for Callie before going in herself.

The atrium was a combined lobby and restaurant with beautiful high windows, dark brown paneled walls and soft white fitted carpet. The sofas and armchairs were made from red velvet and dark wood, and on the side of the room, next to the staircase there was a grand electric fireplace. The restaurant tables were placed to the left side of the atrium, near the high windows through which the daylight shone. The reception desk was facing the door, and behind it was the door to the kitchen. Cristina noted that there seemed to be some kind of remodeling going on in the kitchen.

"Now what?" Callie whispered. "Mama and her brood are nowhere to be seen. We look suspicious if we just stand here doing nothing."

"We could eat", Cristina suggested.

"I'm not really hungry."

"Me neither."

"Can I help you with anything?" asked the receptionist, a young blonde woman. She was smiling questioningly at the women.

"Um, not really…" Cristina answered. "We're just…"

"We're waiting for our friends", Callie said. "They promised to meet us here. Is it okay if we sit down and wait?"

"Sure, no problem", the receptionist replied and resumed her work.

"Nice one", Cristina said as the women turned on their heels and walked to the nearest sofa. As they sat down, Cristina looked around her one more time but saw no trace of any of the Averys. "They're probably plotting in the backroom", Callie said. She was resting her head against the wall, her eyes closed.

"Probably. Did you notice that they're reforming their kitchen?"

"Yes. As if that's going to do them any good. What they lack is a good chef."

"How can you be so sure? Who knows, that April Avery could be a world-class chef."

Callie shook her head. "A-a, she doesn't look like a chef. Our kind has a certain way we carry our bodies. We walk head high. She didn't have that divine quality."

"If you say so." Cristina closed her eyes, slowly beginning to wonder just what were they doing there. With her eyes closed, she could hear hammering from the kitchen. The receptionist was talking on the phone with a customer. Someone was coming down the stairs. A moment later, Cristina sensed a shadow in front of her just as a cheerful female voice said: "Hey, familiar faces around here."

Cristina opened her eyes, recognizing the voice. Meredith Shepherd was standing in front of the sofa, dressed in an olive drab jacket and jeans. Next to her was Lexie Grey, who had her dark hair on a ponytail and was carrying a shoulder bag. She was smiling a bit timidly at Cristina and Callie.

"Hi", Cristina said as she and Callie quickly got up. "You're still here!"

"Yea, our RV all but fell apart yesterday and the truck needed some maintenance as well, so the men decided to take them to that garage you mentioned."

"Ohh", Callie said and gave Cristina a meaningful look. "That explains it."

"What?" Meredith asked, puzzled.

"Nothing", Cristina said, ignoring Callie's devilish grin. "We just saw that your vehicles were gone and thought you had already left."

"Nope, we're still here. And by the look of things, we're going to stay here for a while. At least until our cars have been fixed."

"Ouch. To be stuck in here, of all places", Callie said.

"I wouldn't say that", Meredith said with a smile. "It's nice to be able to relax and spend time somewhere for a change. You know, look around and go sightseeing."

"You'll be lucky to find any sights worth seeing in this town", Cristina said. "Of course it's nice to walk around and enjoy some fresh air, but I wouldn't expect too much."

"We'll see. We were just about to go on a tour. The guys just abandoned us here so Lexie and I figured that we might as well go for a walk if we're going to stay here. I know!" Meredith's face suddenly lit up. "Would you like to come with us? We'd love to have someone with us to show us around and tell us about the town."

Cristina and Callie looked at each other. "Well…"

"Please, it would be an honor. Plus you would most likely save two tourist girls from getting lost, even though I know Lexie has already memorized the town map."

"It was a small map, there was hardly anything to memorize", Lexie said with a modest voice.

Cristina glanced at Callie. "Well, I guess we could join you for a tour. Right, Callie?"

"I don't see why not. It's not like we have anything else to do."

"Great!" Meredith was beaming. "Let's get this show on the road, then!"