Hello all! It's been a while, eh? Shoutout to all the people who've reviewed (since my last chapter):

Goddess101 – sorry for being a slacker but I updated (eventually!)

WalkingSmile – she'll get her memory back I hope the story is exciting enough until then for you!

Maria-gracia – the fanfic isn't for sale/reproduction but I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the fic, I just hope I can live up to expectations!

Geenny – Hope it continues well

+ Guest :D

*Warning* - Swear word and reference to drug usage – honestly though, it's not even that much of a reference

Gwen's POV

I must be dreaming. Or absolutely high. Because otherwise there would be no way that this irresistibly hot guy would be making out with me in real life...would there? I would never do drugs, so I must be having a dream. And then, of course, like the complete idiot I am, I bite the hot guy's lip instead of biting mine.

"What the...!" He steps back, blue eyes blazing (who knew blue eyes could blaze?) and a trickle of blood falling down his chin. "Gwen, why the hell did you bite my lip?" He looks so hot when he's angry. In fact, I feel the drool pooling in the corner of my mouth so at least that has reality covered. Shit.

"You're making me do things!" I blurt out near-involuntarily. "I'm flirting with you so easily but I don't know you and then I'm making out with someone I consider a STRANGER in a back corridor and wait, I'm sorry for biting your lip, I thought I was in a dream...". This Logan guy smiles so gently it nearly breaks my heart.

"If it comforts you Gypsy girl, you make me do things too. And I'm sorry for being too forward, what with our relationship...before all this. It's just a bit hard to hold myself back but I'll try now, I promise." His tone, though kind, is laced through with a sadness and before I can respond he enfolds me in a hug. His arms are warm and strong and his scent is so comforting that I sense myself automatically relaxing. "I hope this assures you that you're not asleep?" I laugh and reluctantly pull away while nodding.

"Tell me more about the necklace?" Logan asks quietly, gently threading his fingers through mine as he takes me towards the library.

"The necklace of Mnemosyne was a necklace given to Mnemosyne by Zeus after she gave birth to the Muses. The chain is made out of golden diamond and it encases a special jewel." I take it in my hand, the jewel light in my palm. It's stunningly beautiful and must have cost a fortune. Exactly what was I to this Logan dude?

"What kind of jewel is it?" he asks, peering at it over my shoulder. He leans down to do so and his breath tickles my cheek; although warm, I shiver. "You should be knowing that - since you got this necklace for me!" I lightly push him away. He chuckles.

"I found this is the Library archives. Thought you'd appreciate it, since you'd been working with loads of artefacts." It was such a considerate thought. Yet most people didn't know that working with artefacts actually made me quite uncomfortable. With my psychometry and everything I had gone through recently, I was all too aware of the power and feelings surrounding these objects. The only artefact I liked was Vic, and the sword had grown, both with and on, me.

"My psychometry!" I cried out, tugging on his arm. "I can find out how to help myself with my psychometry." I hold the jewel tight in my fist and empty my mind, opening myself up to the necklace.

"Gypsy girl, wait, you don't know if it's saf-." I don't know how Logan finishes his sentence.

*A few seconds later *

It's cold. A bone-chilling cold, as if I'm freezing from the inside out. I can tell I'm not far away from unbearable pain. All around me is a dark wasteland, the colour of brown mixed with grey.

"You're alive." A musical voice greets me out of nowhere. "But you won't stay that way for much longer if you're down here." A young woman, stunningly pretty as all supernatural beings seem to me, stares down at me from her ornate throne. It's the prettiest chair I've ever seen. In fact, it's the exact same colour of her hair; the colour of spun gold.

"Admiring my throne, are you?" Her sweet tone becomes bitter. "It is one of the nine gifts I received from Zeus for birthing the Muses. Zeus forbid I actually get some position in Olympus, no, he just treats me like a broodmare and leaves me down here with some pretty trinkets!" Her rant ends in a shriek and she tosses her pretty hair behind a shoulder before glancing down at me.

"Purple...you must be Nike's Champion. You have my necklace." She grins down at me. "This is going to be fun. I haven't had so much fun in aeons." I hug my arms around myself but it doesn't help the cold.

"I need your help. Your necklace...it took my memory away." Mnemosyne smiles, but not unkindly.

"I know. And you're going to have to figure out how to bring it back yourself. But it can be brought back. Just like how I'm going to make you go back to your life on Earth." My teeth are chattering now.

"But how will I get it back?!" I yell weakly, Mnemosyne spinning out of focus.

"Knowledge is power Gwen. Knowledge is power!"

Read and review guys, even just putting a smiley face as a review would be great :P Have a great 2016 everyone!