Last Chapter my lovely readers, sorry it's taken me a few weeks to update this one.

Chapter 10

Brenda was pacing back and forth in front of the evidence board, waiting for the arrival of Jessica Hampton. She was in two minds whether or not she should call Sharon and let her know that they had a new lead and decided to wait and talk to Jessica Hampton first.


She looked up to see Detective Tao enter the room.

"Did you get her?"

"She's in interview room 2 with Gabriel."

"What's she like?"

"She seems almost…normal. She seems so calm despite the fact that we've just arrested her on an attempted murder charge."

"Does she now, well let's go and unravel her…shall we." Brenda smiled, as she walked away.

Sergeant Gabriel sat across from Jessica, watching as she played with a piece of threat on her blouse, she was in her mid thirties with long wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looked up to see him staring at her and smiled at him.

"See something you like sweetie." She joked.

Gabriel remained silent, not wanting to encourage the woman while he waited for Brenda to arrive. He let out a sigh of relief moments later when the door opened and Brenda walked in and took a seat beside him. She placed her bag on the table and took out some files before setting her bag onto the floor beside her chair.

"Good day Mrs Hampton, my name's Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson and this is Sergeant Gabriel…."

"Yes, we've already met." She said bluntly.

"Do you understand why you've been arrested?"

"They said attempted murder, although I'm rather curious as to whom I've supposed to have attempted to kill."

"Really, you're surprised are ya'?"

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" She asked, suddenly defensive.

"Oh I think you already know what am' talkin' about. Two words…Sharon Raydor."

Brenda and David watched as Jessica's features suddenly changed to anger.

"So you do know who am' talkin' about?"

"I know her, so what."

"So, someone tried to kill her, hired a trained hit man to take her out. Now what kind of a person would do somethin' like that huh?"

"Why ask me?"

"Am askin' you because….well, I hate to be the one to tell you this but….your little buddy gave you up."

"What are you talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm referrin' too, Nathan Collier."

"Don't know him."

"There's really no point in denyin' it, we have his bank statements and yours. Three payments of $10,000 paid into Collier's account from your's over the course of 3 weeks….not really something you're gonna be able to back out off I'm afraid."

Sharon woke up and her hand reached over to the other side of the bed to find it empty, she slowly opened her eyes and sat up a little too quickly, grabbing her side as a sharp pain ran up her side. She moved slowly out of bed and made her way through to the sitting room. She walked over to the couch to find Andy fast asleep, she gave a small smile to herself before reaching down to shake him awake.


He heard the softness of Sharon's voice before he opened his eyes to see her staring down at him, he quickly sat up to see her.

"Sharon, what are you doing up, you should be resting."

"I'm bored in bed…why are you sleeping out here?"

"I didn't want to disturb you."

He moved up as she slowly sat down beside him, taking hold of his hand.

"Andy, I'm not made of glass…I won't break."

"Is it so bad that I want to take care of you?"

"Of course not, I wanted you here remember and….I'm glad you stood up to Jack the other day. I think he'd have eventually broke me down had he stayed here with me."

"You'd never go back to him, not after what he's put you through, you're stronger than that."

"You think so."

"I do and you're strong enough to get over what's happened to you and we're all here to help you."

"Will you do me a favour?"


"I want to go down to Major Crimes….thank everyone for all their good work and making me feel a little safer in my own home."

"Sure, we'll have something to eat first and then I'll take you…okay."


Jessica Hampton sat quietly after being shown the bank statements, deep down she knew she had nowhere to run. She could feel Brenda's eyes on her, boring into her.


"Alright what Mrs Hampton?"

"I did pay Nathan to kill her, I did it and I don't regret it….not for a moment."

"Why, what could Captain' Raydor possibly have done to you."

"Clearly you haven't done enough checking into my background Chief Johnson."

"How so?"

"My Husband was Gregory Hampton, Detective Gregory Hampton."

"Am' sorry I don't…."

"Chief, Detective Hampton was a Senior Officer in the drugs squad. 8 months ago it was discovered that he had been pocketing money from dealers in order to keep them working the streets."

"He didn't do that, I'm telling you…I know my Husband. That bitch never gave him a chance to try and explain himself."

"I find that very hard to believe Mrs Hampton, if there's one thing you could never accuse Captain' Raydor off, it's not following the rule book…take it from someone who knows."

"I won't apologise for what I've done, I'm just sorry I didn't do the job myself. If I'd done it, I'd have made bloody sure I killed the bitch. Some bloody hit man he was, pathetic."

"Nobody deserves to be shot Mrs Hampton, not even Captain' Raydor."

"I guess we'll just have to disagree on that one Chief Johnson."

"What has it really accomplished huh, you'll be spending a significant time in prison now for what you've done."

"I don't regret any of this, as I said…I should have made sure the job was finished. Send me to prison, I really don't care anymore. My Husband's dead, my Daughter's with her Grandparents because I couldn't cope after Gregory's death. I've nothing left, I show no remorse. I'm done talking now, I have nothing left to say."

Brenda and David sat silently watching her, her face showing no emotion what so ever as she went back to playing with the thread in her blouse.

"Detective Gabriel, take her down to the front desk and officially charge her please."

"Sure Chief."

Brenda remained seated as David took Jessica and escorted her out of the interview room. Brenda got to her feet and stood in the doorway watching Jessica walking away, her eyes widened when she suddenly spotted Sharon and Andy coming along the corridor. She was immediately headed towards them as she saw Jessica tense and suddenly release herself from David's grasp. Before either Brenda or the others knew what had happened, Jessica was lunging herself at Sharon, pushing her up against the wall, her arm under her neck.


Sharon was backed up against the wall, utter shock displayed on her face. She was frozen on the spot, unable to move from fear of Jessica.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are. I don't…."


"Hey, get off her…..NOW." Brenda yelled out.

Andy and David eventually managed to pull Jessica off Sharon and David quickly put the handcuffs on her as Andy held onto Sharon, doing his best to protect her.

"Do you really think that just helped your case, do ya'." Brenda asked, anger clear in her voice.

"I don't give a shit, she deserves everything she gets."

"Detective Gabriel, take her away please."

"Yes Chief."

Brenda waited for David and Jessica to leave before turning her attention back to Sharon and Andy.

"Why don't you both come into my office huh?"

"Thank you Chief." Sharon smiled.

They headed towards Brenda's office, everyone looking up form their desks when they saw Sharon and Andy walk past. Nobody said anything as they headed into Brenda's office and closed the door behind them. Sharon and Andy took a seat as Brenda leaned against the desk in front of them

"Who was that woman?" Andy asked.

"Well I…."Brenda began.

"Gregory Hampton's Wife." Sharon added.

"You recognised her Sharon."

"A little Chief, I did recognise his name when she said it and I do recall her face, not much but….at the funeral, I saw her for the briefest of moments."

"You went to his funeral?"

"I heard what had happened to him after his dismissal from the force." She replied quietly.

"Andy, why don't you go and get Sharon some water huh."

"Okay, I won't be long Sharon okay."

Sharon nodded to him as he got up and left the two Women alone, once he left, Brenda pulled the chair he'd been sitting in a little closer to Sharon.

"It wasn't your fault Sharon, he broke the rules and he was punished fairly. You did your job."

"I never imagined he'd ever kill himself. Was she the one who shot me, his Wife?"

"No, she hired someone to do it. His names Nathan Collier, he's wanted in England for the same crime. He murdered a Barrister by the name of Adrian Molten, that was 10 years ago and Collier was known back then as Leon Clark. He's in a whole lot of trouble, not just with us."

"I've never had anyone hate like that before, is that how you all felt when I had to investigate your team."

"Sharon, you were doin' your job, in the end we understood that. We hold no grudges, please don't think we do."

"I don't think I can work in F.I.D anymore, not after this."

"Don't let this one incident impact your quick decision."

"It's not just this, I really would like to go some place, where people might actually be glad to see me, like me and not be suspicious of me. F.I.D is not for everyone and I really don't feel like it's me anymore either."

"Well, whatever you decide I'm sure you'll make the right choice and hey, there's always a place here for ya' if you want."

"Do you mean that?"

"After everything you've been through, we stuck by you and you know why?"


"Whatever you've put this team through due to your investigation into us, at the end of the day, you're one of us and we always protect our own."

Sharon gave Brenda a soft smile as she placed her hand on top of Brenda's and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you Chief….thank you."
