"You are are testing my patience, Clarissa," Valentine warned. "Stop moving, dammit!" Clary glared at her father as he shouted and continued to wrestle against Sebastian's- no, Jonathan's- hold. "Clary, stop it!" Jonathan hissed. "Let me punish her now, Father, please!" Valentine glanced in the rearview mirror at his children. "Not yet, Jonathan. We need to get rid of this vehicle before heading to the hide out. Once we get there, she will be punished." A burst of fear shot through Clary as nuerous scenarios flashed to the front of her mind. Valentine's arm extended back toward them, in his hand was a stele. Jonathan took it as their father said, "You know what to do." Clary shouted against her gag when she felt the stele's tip burning a bunch of runes on the skin of her neck and shoulder. "Sweet dreams, little Clary," Jonathan whispered in her ear as darkness began to cloud her vision. The last thing Clary saw before the darkness enveloped her was her father's eyes locking with hers in the mirror.