A/N: Guys I'm so sorry for the wait! I wanted to have this chapter out a week ago, sorry! I also forgot to mention in the last chapter that this chapter is going to skip the Sweden challenge and do the Niagara Falls one instead. Hopefully I didn't disappoint anyone who wanted to see that. One last thing, I know a few people were disappointed there wasn't going to be any aftermath chapters so I decided to have one chapter near the end that will focus on the eliminated contestants and what they think about the season. So look forward to that, it'll be fun.

World Tour Halfway Remix

Chapter 5

It was early morning as the remaining seven contestants were dragged out of bed by interns and lain out near the back of the plane. They were all still asleep as the hatch beneath them opened and they began falling out of the sky.

Tyler was dreaming. He was playing hockey in the final match of the season along with his team, the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They were playing against their long time rivals, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Time was almost up and his team still needed to score another point to win. As he headed for the other team's goal with the puck he was suddenly tripped by Bowser. He wasn't sure why Bowser was there, but at the time it didn't seem particularly strange. The trip sent him falling forward into a hole in the ice. He was rapidly falling into the dark blackness of the hole.

And that's when he woke up and realized his dream had come true. "Aaahhhh!" Tyler screamed at the realization that he was falling in mid-air. He barely noticed that his team and the Amazons were also falling beside him. "Help! Guys wake up! Help!"

"Wha…?" Cody woke up. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "Holy crap!" His arms reached out to grab something but only found air.

It was Noah who realized there were two swan paddleboats falling alongside them. "Get in the boats!" He cried out.

He reached for the nearest boat and pulled himself in alongside Tyler and Ezekiel. A few feet away Cody, Heather, Gwen and Courtney were doing the same thing with the other boat. Despite being in the boat none of them felt safe as they were still falling rapidly. They gripped the side of the boats as tight as they could until their fingers turned white waiting to hit something.

Without warning they hit the water hard with a big splash. They weren't given any time to recover however as the current was sweeping them away. "Where the heck are we?" Courtney asked clearly aggravated.

Ezekiel suddenly pointed off into the distance. "W-W-Waterfall!"

Everyone looked over to where he was pointing and screamed. "G-Grab the oars!" Heather cried out. "Row!" Everyone did as she said and grabbed an oar and put it in the water. Using all the upper body strength they had the contestants tried to escape the waterfall. But it was to no avail as the dangerous drop only came closer and closer.

With the fear of death upon her Courtney put her hands together and started to pray. "Please God, don't let me die! I still haven't become a lawyer yet!"

Tyler put his hands together in prayer too. "And I still haven't become an amazing athlete yet!"

Ezekiel did the same. "And I haven't even kissed a girl eh!"

Just then Chef appeared thirty feet away on dry land carrying a rope. He swung the rope high above his head before letting it go over toward the boats. It flew over toward team Chris' boat and Tyler reached out and gripped it in his fingers. Normally in this situation being able to grip a rope and hold it would be near impossible but Tyler's super strength fingers kept the rope from slipping away.

"Grab the other boat!" He called out to his teammates.

Noah was in the back of the boat and he reached out and grabbed Gwen by the hand and pulled their two boats closer together. Then Chef began to pull on the rope bringing both boats over to shore. Soon they were all back on dry land.

"What the hell was that?" Heather screamed at Chef.

"Yeah, were you trying to kill us or something?" Gwen added.

"DON'T YELL AT ME!" Chef yelled at them. "I was just following Chris' stupid notes." He held up a notepad. After looking over it again Chef tossed it over his shoulder. "Well I'll never do that again. Sorry about almost killing ya." He chuckled. "Anyway as ya'll probably noticed we're at Niagara Falls. We were supposed to head to Sweden first but it was a stupid non-elimination challenge so I threw it out. Ya'll be happy to know this is an elimination challenge."

Everyone groaned. "NO WHINING!" Chef yelled. He suddenly got up in Cody's face. "Did I tell you you could whine soldier?" The tech geek shook his head. "That's what I thought. Now everyone give me twenty push-ups!"

Upon realizing their new host was serious everyone got down on the ground and started doing push-ups. "That's better. Now Niagara Falls is the jewel in Canada's crown, one of the top ten wonders of the world, yada yada…" Chef flipped through a different notebook. "And it's known for its casinos which is where the challenge takes place."

"A casino?" Courtney asked stopping partway through a push-up.

"Whoa cool!" Tyler smiled.

"Not cool." Tyler frowned.

Ezekiel looked around confused. "Something's wrong here eh. I've never been to a casino before, but aren't they usually filled with those machines with bright lights that shoot out money?"

"This is no casino." Noah sighed.

"Did I say anything about the gambling floor of the casino?" Chef asked rhetorically. "You're all underage so we're doing the challenge in the casino's concert hall."

"Do we at least get to see a show?" Heather asked with more than a hint of irritation.

"Sort of." Chef looked through his notes again. "Some kind of show anyway. On that last aftermath special they had a second chance challenge where one of the losers got the chance to win a spot back in the game. Whoever they are they're supposed to sing or something." Chef shrugged. "For some reason all the interns are coming back with bruises…"

"Is it Harold?" Cody asked.

"Maybe it's Leshawna!" Gwen hoped.

Chef ignored them as he read from a note card. "It says here she's two hundred pounds of muscle and fifty pounds of anger. Wait…what? Aww hell it's Eva."

The curtain on the stage opened up and standing on a platform five feet up was the muscular girl Eva. She had her arms crossed and was frowning. Once the curtain opened up she jumped off the platform and walked over to the edge of the stage. "Let me just get one thing clear here: I am NOT going to SING!" She screamed. Everyone cringed while she took a quick breath and seemed to relax slightly.

"Eva?" Heather said in shock. "You're bringing her back?"

"But she wasn't even in World Tour in the first place!" Courtney complained to Chef.

"Hey I don't run that terrible show." Chef shrugged. "Go ask Geoff or that broad Blaineley."

"They let anyone that wasn't in the game at the time compete." Eva explained. "They had even rigged it so that stupid Blaineley woman was going to win until I punched her in the FACE and she let me win."

"How very…interesting…" Gwen sounded a little worried. Meanwhile Ezekiel was backing up a good few paces.


Eva: I'm finally back in the game! And with only eight of us left and me at full strength I'll definitely win! I've even gotten better at controlling my anger. Sadly I can't help but lose control every time I see Heather's evil BACKSTABBING face!

Ezekiel: Dear lord it's Eva! Why did it have to be Eva? She hates me! The last time I saw her she tried to push me under a bus! What if this time she tries to push me off the falls?!

*End Confessional*

Eva turned to the new host. "So what team am I on?"

"Neither." Chef announced. "As of this challenge there are no more teams."

"Yes!" Heather and Courtney cheered. Courtney threw her fist up into the air while Heather wrapped her arms around Cody from behind.

"I made it to the merge?" Tyler asked almost disbelieving. "We made it to the merge dudes!" He high-fived Ezekiel (whose fear had been replaced with excitement) and then Noah.

"Ouch…" Noah looked at his now red hand hurt from the high five. "I mean…yay."

Gwen gave her own small cheer before turning to her friend. "Isn't this great Courtney?" But was surprised to see the CIT glare at her before walking off. "Courtney?"


Gwen: What the heck was that? Courtney's never just ignored me like that before. She's my only friend in this game and I don't think I could stand to lose her too!

Courtney: *just shakes her head slowly*

*End Confessional*

Up on stage three of the interns were struggling to push what appeared to be a giant slot machine into view. "Since we're in the honeymoon capital of the world today's challenge involves some arranged marriages." Chef told the contestants. The teens had different reactions upon hearing this. Cody grabbed Heather's right hand with his own and squeezed. Courtney and Eva didn't look happy with the idea, Gwen looked downright sad while Ezekiel looked somewhat interested.

The slot machine itself showed three faces. Courtney, Eva and Heather. "Each boy pulls the lever to win a wife he'll team up with to win today's challenge." Chef explained as one of the interns pulled the lever. The three faces disappeared as it spun around until it stopped on three Gwen's. "Simple right?"

"Why do the boys get to pull the lever?" Courtney complained.

"Because Chris wanted the girls to pull the lever." Chef explained. "And I'm gonna prove that I can host better than he can! Now get in the slot machine girl!" He screamed at her.

Heather turned to her boyfriend. "You better win me Cody!" The tech geek gulped before nodding.

An intern led all four girls into the slot machine. They all got in (unhappily) without a fight except for Eva who elbowed the intern in the gut. Once they were all in Chef turned to the four boys. "Alright let's get this challenge started. Ezekiel, you're up first!"

"Cool!" Zeke walked over to the giant slot machine wearing a goofy smile. "Ma always said the chance of me finding a wife was like winning the lottery, but I never realized she was being literal eh!" Off-stage Noah snorted. "Here's hoping I get the pretty one!" He grabbed the giant level and pulled it down.


Noah: Which one's the pretty one?

*End Confessional*

The face bar started to spin faster and faster. Eventually it slowed down and the three bars showed Courtney's face. The door at the bottom of the slot machine opened up and the CIT came tumbling out. "Huh? Wha?" She seemed disoriented from the fall and didn't immediately realize what was happening.

"Oh boy!" Ezekiel clapped his hands together. "I got the pretty one!"


Noah: COURTNEY is the pretty one?!

*End Confessional*

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Courtney complained once she realized she was paired with Ezekiel. "I'm married to home-school?"

"Is there actually a guy here you'd prefer to be married to?" Noah asked. Courtney looked around the room and realized her only choices were Ezekiel, Noah, Cody and Tyler. She shook her head, sighed, and resigned herself to her fate.

"Cody you're up next!"

The tech geek gulped as he stepped forward and approached the slot machine. "Come on luck don't fail me now." He grabbed the top of the lever and pulled it down. The bars began to spin as Cody watched on nervously. His fingers were crossed as he muttered quietly to himself. "Please be Heather, please be Heather…"

The look on his face changed from fear to relief as the three bars stopped to show Heather's angry face. "Yes!" Cody raised his arms up and cheered as the queen bee fell out of the machine.

"Ouch!" She rubbed the top of her head. "Stupid slot machine." Then she looked up to see Cody standing next to her.

"Heather I won!" He pulled her to her feet and hugged her.

Heather smiled, "Good work Cody. I knew you could do it."


Cody: I wasn't worried. I knew I could do it easy. The red string of fate and all that. Ha ha…holy crap that was close.

*End Confessional*

"You're up Noah!"

"Oh yay, I get to find my true love." Noah says sarcastically as he walks over to the giant slot machine. "Whatever. Let's just get this over with." He wastes no time pulling the lever. The bars spin again and before too long Eva's face is shown over all three bars.

Eva comes out and lands on her feet. Noah walks over. "Looks like it's you and me iron woman."

Eva shrugs. "Could be worse. At least I'm not married to home-school."

The host turns to Tyler. "Well Tyler I guess you know who you're stuck with."

"I guess." The jock pulls the lever and Gwen pops out. She gets up and stands next to him. Neither appear particularly satisfied with the arrangement. The Goth looks past him to see Cody standing next to Heather conversing with her. Gwen sighs when she sees this.

"I just want to make one thing clear." Tyler said getting Gwen's attention. "I have a girlfriend: Lindsay. So don't try anything okay?"

Gwen rolls her eyes. "Tyler, it's just a challenge. It's pretend. We're not actually getting married."

"I know that. I just don't want you to get any ideas." The jock explained.

"Trust me," Gwen walked off, "the thought never crossed my mind."

Twenty minutes later the interns had the stage set up for the first challenge. It was set up with four different paths (one for each couple) each with its own traps. The girls were all standing at the starting line while the guys were each standing behind them on top of a pillar to give them a clear vantage point.

"Alright here," Chef pulled out a note card. "Let's see here… Because a good marriage is based on trust…and the ability to argue louder than your spouse, each groom will use a megaphone to guide his blindfolded bride safely to her gown. Only couples with the dress can continue."

"I'm not wearing a dress." Blindfolded Eva said crossing her arms.

"Then this'll be easy won't it?" Chef said. "Now go!"

"Alright Cody, listen up!" Blindfolded Heather ordered her boyfriend. "I want clear, precise instructions. Any slip-ups and tonight is going to be very lonely for you!"

Cody gulped again. "Y-Yes Heather!" He looked past her at the obstacle course. "Okay walk forward…now turn to the left a little. Yes, now keep going forward…now turn right…not that far!"

Heather's feet slightly bumped into something. "Cody! What part of clear and precise did you not understand?"

Cody apologized. Meanwhile Tyler was having his own problems conveying directions. "Alright," he called into the megaphone toward Gwen. "Now go counter-clockwise across the watchamacallit and then hop over the pond thing."

Blindfolded Gwen just got more and more confused as she made her way forward. "Tyler what the heck does that even…" But before she could finish expressing her confusion she tripped into a kiddie pool filled with mud. She quickly stood back up dripping mud. "Eww! Tyler!"

"Sorry Gwen!" The jock cringed seeing the Goth covered in mud. "My bad dude!"

Ezekiel on the other hand was doing surprisingly well; not that it made Courtney any happier about the situation. "Faster home-school!" Courtney demanded as she dodged various traps via Zeke's instructions. "I want to win this!"

"O-Okay Courtney," Zeke nodded. "Then go left, stop, now go right. I mean left again!"

But it was too late as the CIT had gone right and slammed into a giant piece of wedding cake. "Urghh! What is this?" Some of it got in her mouth and she swallowed it. "Cake? Mhmmm this is pretty good…" She decided to take a few more bites of the cake.

"Umm…Courtney?" Ezekiel asked. "Don't we still got to get the dress eh?"

"Dress?" Courtney asked with a mouth full of cake. She quickly swallowed it in one gulp. "Right! Dress! Got to get the dress!" All the sugar in the cake had gotten to her. "I'm coming dress!" She screamed excitedly as she suddenly ran off acting hyper.

"Courtney wait! You're going the wrong way!"

Meanwhile Noah was trying to guide Eva to her dress. They were having a little trouble as Eva managed to slam her foot into an obstacle. "Son of a…!" The muscular girl cringed in pain before kicking out with her other foot at the obstacle. "STUPID thing! Get out of my way!"

Once the obstacle was safely destroyed she addressed her 'husband'. "Hey Noah! What's with the crappy instructions?"

"They're not crappy!" Noah called out through the megaphone. "I'm telling you exactly how to get there in clear, technical terms!"

"Exactly! I don't speak nerd so don't give me a math equation!"

Noah rolled his eyes. "I just used the word circumference."

"Well don't!"

The sarcastic teen groaned in frustration before a thought popped in his head. "Listen up Eva! The dress is directly in front of you. There are just six different obstacles in your way, but that's not a problem is it?"

Eva smirked. "Not at all." After taking a minute to prepare herself she breaks into a sprint and runs as fast as she can forward with both arms shielding her face. She quickly smashes through all six obstacles without stopping before knocking over the wedding dress.

"Like a bull in a china shop." Noah mused.

"And Eva wins the first challenge!" Chef announces.

"Yes!" The muscular girl cheers before taking off her blindfold. She looks at the dress. "But I'm still not wearing this!"

Meanwhile back on stage Heather had just safely and successfully maneuvered her way through the obstacle course and bumped into her dress. Taking her blindfold off she realized that Eva had already won just moments ago. "No! We lost!"

"We got second place." Cody said. "That's still good right?"

"Second place is the same as losing Cody! Get that through your head!"

Not too far away Courtney's sugar rush was causing the CIT to ignore most of Ezekiel's instructions and run wild across the stage. "Whoo!" Courtney laughs excitedly before tripping on a nearby kiddie pool sending a pool of piranhas into the air. The vicious animals flew over toward Gwen. As they started to bite her she freaked out and ran as fast as she could to get them off and managed to run right into her dress.

"Nice job Gwen!" Tyler called out through the megaphone.

"Yeah…yay for me." She said bitterly as she pulled off the last of the piranhas.

"Looks like time is just about up." Chef said looking at his clock. "Which means Courtney—

"No wait I got it!" Courtney yelled out as she finally reached her dress. "It's mine!" She took her blindfold off and raised her dress over her head. "Whoo! Whoo…" She suddenly started to feel lightheaded. "I don't feel so good…"

Chef shrugs. "I guess that's everyone. Put on the dresses girls because the next challenge starts soon."

"I'm NOT wearing the dress!" Eva repeated.

"Just wear it over your clothes." Noah suggested. "And stop complaining." Eva grumbled but didn't reply.

Rubbing the bite marks on her arms Gwen walked over to Courtney who was standing next to a garbage can. "Hey Courtney," the Goth said trying to engage her friend in conversation. "Nice job getting your dress. Looks like we both made it to the next challenge."

Just then Courtney lowered her head into the garbage can and vomited. "Bleaachh!" Gwen immediately took a few steps back. After she pulled her head out of the trash can Courtney send a hateful glare at Gwen before quickly walking away. Gwen stood there looking hurt.


Gwen: I wasn't imagining it before! Courtney really is mad at me! But why? What did I do? Is this about what happened the other night with Cody? I knew she didn't like him much but… Or is this because the teams are dissolved? Were we only friends because we were on the same team?

Courtney: Note to self: never eat cake again.

*End Confessional*

Not long after the eight contestants and Chef were outside near Niagara Falls on a small dangerous platform with a small rope that connected it to another platform on the other side of Niagara Falls. The four girls were each wearing their wedding dresses including Eva who was wearing it over her normal clothes. "This challenge is called till death do you part." Chef explained.

Cody looked terrified. "We escaped falling down Niagara Falls just so you could make us walk over it? On a tightrope?!"

"It's not that easy." Chef said. "Each groom has to carry his bride across the gorge. And then you've got to successfully clear customs. First pair to do so wins invincibility, and a pimped out wedding reception in first class." He explained. "Noah and Eva won the first challenge so they get a head start."

"I'm not sure winning a challenge on a reality TV show is worth falling to my death." Noah said looking down at the falls.

"You're going to do the challenge," Eva said getting in his face. "And we're going to win! I didn't put this dress on for you to chicken out!"

"Fine iron woman, but don't expect me to carry you!"

"Ha!" Eva chuckled. "As if I'd be caught dead being carried by a shrimp like you."

"Oh there's something I forgot to mention." Chef spoke up. "The falls have been stocked with hungry sharks in case someone falls." Everyone looks down to see a group of sharks circling the water. "So…good luck with that." The black man says before laughing evilly.

"Sharks!" Ezekiel exclaims.

"Oh no, not more sharks." Gwen sighed.

"Time to begin!" Chef declared.

"Don't move short stuff." Eva says picking Noah up with ease and carrying him with both arms. She then approaches the rope and begins the cross before soon realizing that muscle doesn't do much in a contest of balance. Eva wobbles a bit but keeps moving.

Then the other three pairs are allowed to go. "We're first!" Heather declared. "Okay carry me Cody."

"S-Sure." The tech geek answers as he struggles to pick Heather up. He then approaches the rope and starts to move across.


Heather: Looking back, making Cody carry me across wasn't my smartest move. We probably would've done better if I had just carried him across. Not only am I stronger, I'm definitely more balanced. But hello! I had my pride to think about.

*End Confessional*

Ezekiel picked Courtney up and started to carry her across. While he struggled a little he was stronger than Cody and could manage reasonably well. Behind them Tyler carried Gwen with no trouble onto the rope. They didn't get far before Courtney could see the jock wasn't going to last long.

"Whoa…whoa!" Tyler kept slipping on the rope and barely managed not to fall.

"Keep it together Tyler!" Gwen begged him. "I really don't want to fall!"

Courtney saw the whole thing and smirked. "Too easy." She turned to Ezekiel. "Hey home-school, jump up and down on the rope a few times."

Ezekiel shrugged. "Whatever you say wife." He jumped up and down only twice. It was harder than he thought and he almost lost his balance. But he didn't need any more than that as Tyler and Gwen quickly slipped off the rope and fell into the falls.



Tyler: I would just like to say what a bummer it was that Lindsay is already eliminated. I would've loved to get married to her at Niagara Falls! Plus she complains less than Gwen. Anyway, I miss you babe!

*End Confessional*

Halfway across the tightrope Eva and Noah were still going strong but coming up behind them was Heather and Cody. Cody seemed to be struggling immensely while Heather kept urging him on. "Come on Cody! Faster! We have to beat gorilla girl if we want to win!"

This comment caused Eva to stop right there and turn around. "What did you call me?!" She screamed at the other girl. Quickly she grabbed Noah by the feet and swung him around like a sword.

"Whoa whoa! What the hell iron woman?" Noah's head barely missed hitting Heather.

"Cody don't even think about using me as a weapon!" The queen bee warned him.

"That's not something you need to worry about Heather." Cody's legs felt like jelly and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold onto his 'wife'. But even so, he managed to do a quick turn around to make sure Heather couldn't be hit by another attack.

Apparently this was a good idea as Eva swung Noah at them again and this time his head hit Cody right in the back. "Ah!" He lost his balance and fell over dropping Heather at the same time.

"No!" Heather cried out as she grabbed the tightrope with one hand. Cody had managed to grab her ankle and they were both hanging by a thread. "I won't lose! Cody let go of my leg and I can climb back up!"

"But Heather we're a team!" Cody said sounding hurt. "We can't win alone!"

"Well I can't get up with you holding me down!" But just then it didn't matter as Heather's fingers gave out and they both fell into the falls. "Ahhhh!"

Eva smirked and turned back toward the finish. "No one calls me gorilla girl and gets away with it."

But Courtney and Ezekiel were catching up. "Faster Zeke! Faster!"

"You might want to hurry up." Noah suggested. Eva nodded and made her way on the tightrope as fast as she could. But even so Courtney managed to catch up.

"Nice work Zeke." Courtney said in a rare compliment. "Now jump on the rope again!"

"Gotcha!" Ezekiel said before doing just that.

"W-Whoa!" Eva struggled to keep her balance.

Noah rolled his eyes. "This isn't hard iron woman. Just jump at the same time as Zeke!"

This time Zeke jumped up and down on the rope again but Eva jumped at the same time and was unaffected. Unfortunately jumping up and down on a tightrope is pretty hazardous in the first place and Ezekiel slipped and fell off taking Courtney with him.

"Zeke! You idiot!" Courtney's scream could be heard as she plummeted toward the falls.

Eva turned back and made it to the finish line where an intern in a booth was waiting. He asked them some basic questions about Canada to which Noah answered every single one correctly.

"That's right." The intern said. "Do you have anything to declare?"

"…that we win?" Eva said.

"I declare that Chris Mclean sucks." Noah stated.

"Amen to that!" The intern smiled.

Just then Chef walked over. "Nice job you two. You'll be traveling together in first class and you've both won invincibility."

"YES!" Eva dropped Noah on the platform and cheered. "I knew I could do it! I won!" She then began laughing excessively.

"Oww…" Noah picked himself up off the floor. "I wonder how the others survived the sharks? No wait, I don't care."

A few hours passed and our contestants were back on the plane flying to their next destination. Eva and Noah were up in first class while the other six were back in loser class. It wasn't long before Heather approached Courtney.

"So Courtney, I noticed you and Gwen are in splitsville."

"What about it?" The CIT answered unhappily.

"Interested in voting her out?" Heather came right out and said it. "We could get enough votes to ensure we never have to look at her Goth face again."

"That sounds good." Courtney nodded. "I could use a little revenge right about now."

"Great!" Heather smirked. "Then get your 'husband' Ezekiel to vote with us and I can get Cody and maybe even Tyler's vote. Sound good?" Courtney nodded. "Then I'll see you at elimination." The queen bee walked off.

Courtney didn't feel like sitting around anymore so she decided to go for a walk. She didn't go far before spotting Gwen sitting on her own in a corner. The loner girl looked really sad and Courtney was surprised to realize that hurt her. That Gwen's pain didn't bring her pleasure, only her own pain. She sighed.

The CIT stepped into view. "Gwen listen…I'm sorry."

Gwen was surprised to suddenly see Courtney standing in front of her but more surprised at what she said. "Courtney I don't understand."

"I know." She took a seat next to the Goth girl. "I was mad at you today and you didn't even know why. But the truth is I saw you during the last challenge with Duncan."

"Saw us?" Gwen repeated. This worried her. She knew she had rejected Duncan, but still. "What do you mean?"

"I saw Duncan flirting with you when he thought I couldn't hear you two." Courtney admitted. "And that night I saw him go in the confession when I knew you were in there…" Gwen thought she saw a tear in Courtney's eyes.

"Courtney no," Gwen shook her head. "I know what it looks like, but I promise you that Duncan and I didn't do anything. It's true that he hit on me and tried to kiss me but I stopped him." She paused for a second to look into the other girl's eyes. "You're my best friend on this show Courtney, and I wouldn't betray you so easily."

The CIT wiped her eyes. "Thank you Gwen. But Duncan, he…?"

Gwen looked down at her feet. "He did hit on me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Court, but I was afraid you'd be angry at me."

"I guess it's not your fault." Courtney sighed. "You're a good friend. Duncan on the other hand, he was a terrible boyfriend."

"You deserve someone better." Gwen assured her. "How are things working out with Ezekiel?"

This got Courtney to laugh. "As if!" She playfully pushed Gwen. "I don't think he's my type."

"You sure?" Gwen jokingly pushed her back. "He seems like a good match to me."

"Not for me!" She said and both girls laughed.


Courtney: This is for Duncan, wherever you are, if you're watching this there's something I want you to know. It's over between us. Gwen told me everything. So just leave me and my best friend alone.

*End Confessional*

"I should make it up to you." Courtney told her best friend.

"You don't have to do that."

"Yeah I do. Listen, what do you say we get your worst enemy eliminated tonight?"

"You mean Heather?" Gwen asked incredulous. "Do you think we can?"

"I know for a fact that Eva hates her and we can probably get Noah on our side as well." Courtney explained. "Want to head up to first class?"

"Let's go!" Gwen stood up.

Both girls walked over to first class. Courtney gave a quick knock before going inside. "Hey Eva and Noah, I've got a proposition for you—HOLY CRAP!"

Gwen looked over her friend's shoulder to see what had caused such a reaction. She understood immediately when she saw with her own eyes the sight of Eva and Noah making out. Noah was sitting on Eva's lap as the two were kissing intensely.

Both immediately stopped once they heard Courtney scream. Eva looked startled. "This…this isn't what it looks like!"

"Oh yeah, that'll convince them." Noah rolled his eyes. "You girls have terrible timing…"

"Sorry for interrupting." Courtney took a step back. "Maybe we should go…"

"But we haven't asked them yet!" Gwen said stopping Courtney in her tracks.

"I don't care!" Eva's face was red (though unknown whether from anger or embarrassment). "Just get out."

"Wait!" Noah said. "Ask us what?"


Eva: It wasn't what it looked like! Okay…maybe it was. Alright, alright, I admit it! I like Noah alright? You got a problem with that? Because if anyone does I'll be happy to kick their ass right off this plane!

Noah: Iron woman and me? I have no idea how it happened. But I've got to say, she can be a lot more delicate than you'd think. Plus if Duncan ever tries to mess with me I'll have Eva kick his ass.

*End Confessional*

Meanwhile while Gwen and Courtney were having their chat, Heather approached Cody. He also was sitting alone looking tired and rather glum. "Hi Cody."

"Hey Heather."

"Listen…I should apologize."

"You? Apologize?" Cody was surprised. "For what?"

"Well don't get the wrong idea!" She glared at him. "It's just I was pretty hard on you today. Too hard. I know everyone else thinks I'm a huge bitch, but I don't want you to."

"Heather I don't think you're a huge bitch." Cody suddenly stood up and gave his girlfriend a hug. "You're just being you. It can be hard to deal with sometimes, but that's what makes you…you. And I wouldn't change it."

Heather hugged him back. "Thank you Cody."

"I'm sorry I cost us the challenge."

"No," she shook her head. "It's fine. It wasn't your fault."

Cody broke the hug. "Hey I didn't get to tell you earlier, but you looked really beautiful in that wedding dress."

'Did I?" The queen bee felt some color in her cheeks.

"Very beautiful." Cody nodded. "And also sexy."

"Then I guess I should've left it on huh?"

"Maybe," Cody shrugged. "But you're sexy anyway. You don't even need the dress."

Heather smiled. "You idiot, why are you complimenting me so much?" She leaned down and captured his lips with her own. It was a quick ten second kiss and then she pulled back. "If you wanted to make out you could've just asked."

Cody smiled. "Want to make out?"

"Always." This time Cody kissed her first and they engaged in a pleasurable kiss much longer than the first.

An hour later the eight contestants were gathered in the elimination room. Noah and Eva were sitting on one row with Gwen and Courtney while Noah and Ezekiel were sitting on the bottom row near Heather and Cody (who were holding hands).

Chef walked over to the platform where Chris normally did eliminations. "Alright grunts, Eva and Noah have immunity but everyone else is fair game. So who gets kicked out this week?" The host looked over the elimination passports. "Really? Interesting…"

"Tell us already!" Heather demanded.

"It looks like we've got three votes for Courtney, but five votes for Heather." Chef declared. "Which means you're out Heather!"

"W-What?" Heather stood up looking generally surprised.

Cody stood up beside her. "What do you mean Heather's out? That can't be right."

Heather turned to Courtney who was sitting down calmly with her arms crossed. "Courtney! You traitor! You agree to vote out Gwen!"

The CIT shrugged. "I changed my mind. I decided you should go instead."

Heather clenched her fists. "Why you little…"

"No time for that." Chef grabbed her by the arm and over toward the exit. "You have to take the drop of shame."

"Let go of me!" Heather pulled her arm free. "This isn't over Courtney!" She said strapping on a parachute.

"Heather!" Cody ran over and hugged her. "I'm sorry! I had no idea they were going to pick you."

"It's not your fault Cody." She ruffled the top of his hair. "Now listen up." She suddenly sounded serious. "I lost, but you haven't. You have to win this okay? You have to win that million dollars for us!"

"I will!" Cody declared. "I promise I'll win it for you Heather!"

"I know you can do it." Heather turned toward the exit but Cody stopped her.

"Wait Heather, there's something I want you to know." He gulped. "I love you!"

Heather blushed when she heard this. "Cody I…I love you too!" They embraced again and this time their lips met in a fiery kiss of passion.

Chef wiped a tear from his eye. "That's so beautiful…"

Courtney rolled her eyes. "Aren't you going to stop them? Chris doesn't even let couples kiss and you're just going to stand there and let them make out?"

The host waved her off. "Chris was an idiot. Viewers like romance. Nobody liked it when he stopped a couple from kissing."

Gwen looked uncomfortable seeing the two kiss. "You might be right Chef, but I still think you should stop them. I think they're using tongue…"

Realizing she was right Chef pulled the two apart. "Now jump already!"

Heather grasped the open door with one hand. "Goodbye Cody," she blew him a final kiss before letting go and falling out of the plane. Cody ran over and watched her disappear into the clouds. "Goodbye Heather…"

The elimination was over and everyone started to leave. When Cody moved away from the open door however he saw Courtney still sitting there looking smug. Suddenly he was hit with a rare moment of anger. "You!" He ran over to the CIT and pointed his index finger at her. "This is your fault! You got Heather eliminated!"

"Yeah, I'll take credit for that." She smirked. "But Heather had it coming. She pissed a lot of people off and not even her little boy-toy could save her."

This only got Cody angrier. "That's it! I promised Heather I'd win this, and I will, but first I'm going to avenge her and take you out! Next challenge: you're gone!"

"Ha!" Courtney laughed. "Good luck with that pipsqueak. Without Heather's short shorts to hide behind you're nothing! This'll be easy."


Cody: Courtney has pushed me too far! She's never been considerate of me, but I've always overlooked that because she's Gwen's friend. But I meant what I said; she got Heather eliminated so she's going down!

Courtney: Ha Cody? Talk about not intimidating. All that talk did was give me a target to eliminated next challenge. He may as well have painted a red circle on his chest. I don't mind either way; with Heather gone this game just got a whole lot easier.

*End Confessional*

A/N: Sorry to everyone who wanted Izzy to come back. I wanted her back too but I could only do one person. Reviews are appreciated.