
A disarray of light beams down upon the hard stone centre of the room, cracks starting to form as the force annihilates the distinct floor tiles. An Angel is released, an Angel that had been exiled from heaven only a few moments before and now she remains on the ground of the mortal planet, deserted and abandoned. Her mouth opens, inhaling and exhaling the air, the force feeling unusual and unfamiliar. So this is what human air feels like. Her thoughts become scattered as the Angel starts to feel an excruciating pain coming from the concave of her back. Her wings are deteriorating and the pain is antagonizing.

She reaches her hand to her wings, the feathers falling off one by one, her pride and joy melting away at her grasp. Hot tears roll down her cheeks, the sensation making her emotional pain more distressing. Weeping the way a human does. The Angel doesn't like it, she wishes that she never had to weep and that she was never expelled from her home in heaven. Her fingers scrape against the ground, the Angel trying to divert the pain elsewhere yet it doesn't work, not for long.

" Impossible, what…this can't be real." This is the first time Jace Wayland has ever been speechless, as he lays his eyes upon this unrealistic divinity. The Angel hears his awed voice and attempts to open her eyes to get a clearer look at the male. Her eyes are still clouded and her vision is translucent. The light that used to welcome her was now blinding her. She feels his presence as he crouches down beside her. " It'll be alright, you're safe here." His voice wavers slightly, as if still surprised by this whole event.

The Angel feels a warm piece of fabric be placed upon her naked body and she winces as it lightly skims the open wound where her wings used to thrive. A human, a man. She tries to move away, but it becomes too much effort for her weak body to handle. " Leave me alone…

stay away from me." The Angel breathes out between painful breaths. She feels the male's hand lightly grip hers, as if he's offering kindness and safety. She gets lifted up by the human, which shows that he must be strong. Keeping her eyes closed, she lets him carry her away, hoping that he's taking her to a place of refuge as she needs to heal.

" There's no way in hell that I'm leaving you here alone." He firmly retorts back to the Angel, his calmness becoming quite unusual, as if he's been expecting this to happen, yet he still has a hint of surprise in his voice. " Not in the state you're in." The Angel tries to blink her eyes open, catching snippets of golden sleek hair and a distinctive face, a face perfect in many ways. As her vision becomes clearer the Angel sees that her discoverer has a defined jaw structure, and his eyes being a tawny gold which are alert and cautious.

" Who are you?" The Angel whispers as she feels herself being placed down on a bed, which appears to be in an infirmary. " Why am I here?" She starts to become frustrated, the fatigue and pain becoming an annoyance for her.

" Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Jace replies, his tone of voice teasing her. " You were the one who destroyed the library with your angelic light, not me. Also appearing naked with your wings deteriorating had me worried. But I can't say that I regret out first meeting." He shows her a cocky grin and he's even daring enough to add in a wink.

" You shouldn't speak to me so familiarly." The Angel replies, hesitantly pulling herself away from staring into his golden eyes. She winces again as another flicker of pain shoots through her back. Jace crouches down to collect bandage material from under the bed and jumps back up.

" Why because you're an angel?" Jace replies, his eyebrows narrowing slightly. " From what I witnessed, you're not one anymore." His words hurt and the Angel, or former Angel feels sadness run through her body and touching her heart. Unaware of the emotional effect of his words, he continues to speak absent mindedly as he unrolls a long length of bandages. " So what did you do to upset the 'King of the sky' himself?"

She feels tears disrupt her eyes again and fights hard to keep them at bay. Jace glances up at her and realises how insensitive he is acting. " Sorry, I should mind my own business." Something that Jace barely says and a rule that he rarely follows. His hand free of the bandages lightly touches her shoulder. " Your wound looked bad, I'll have to wrap it up, it should heal though. Angel or not, I'm sure you've still got some of your powers."

She leans foreword and slowly slips off the jacket he gave her, covering herself modestly and displaying the wound on her back to him. " If I do have any powers then they're not working. I can't feel them like I used to." Jace carefully wraps the bandages to secure her wound, his hands regularly brushing against her skin. " You didn't answer my question before."

Jace ties the bandage off, making sure that it's not too constricting. " Jace, my names Jace." He tells her, passing the jacket back to her. " Yours?"

" My father named me, yet I had a different name back up there." Using past tense when describing her home, starts to show how real this is becoming.

" The Father, or you're father? I thought angels were created by God." Jace questions her and she starts to wonder, should I tell him? After all he did rescue her, and it seems as if she can trust him for now.

" My father from this world. I do not know who he is, They wouldn't tell me. My father made an arrangement with the heavens, praying for them to take me in order to protect me." She explains to Jace and this makes him even more curious.

" Protect you from what?" He asks, already knowing the answer.

" Demons." The former Angel replies, again looking away from Jace's gaze. " And from himself." She grips tightly onto the coat and insists on changing the subject. " Those markings, what are they?"

" They're runes. My people, Shadowhunters mark them on their body. They bestow us with the powers we have, each mark having different effects." Jace replies and she looks at them, tracing her finger lightly over some. " I can show you the Gray Book later, it has all the runes drawn into it." The Angel nods and looks back into his tawny gold eyes. " So will you tell me your name?"

" Seraphina. My father called me Seraphina."