Status Update 11/10/14: This is the new rewritten chapter one of the story. I knew it needed more detail and I know it could probably be better, but I hope you all enjoy it. I know it's been some time since I posted that update about rewriting the story, and I've finally decided to get down to it. I will be rewriting the story and changing somethings. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, please post it in a review or pm me. I know my writing could be better and would like to improve. At the moment, I don't know how how often I will update. I'm still in college and now have a part-time job at a grocery store. My hours vary though I mostly work 5 days a week and have each Tuesday and Thursday off. Maybe I can make Thursday or Friday my weekly update day. I would love for everyone to comment on this new chapter, and maybe I'll soon rewrite ch 2 and have it up. Enjoy the chapter! (I know you all are wondering why this was added as chapter 24 when it's an update of chapter 1. I did update chapter 1, but I didn't get an email of a chapter update like I usually do even though I'm the writer of it. I just wanted to make sure you all got the notice that there has been an update. If you did get an update, please let me know in a review. I may have to delete what I've already written so you all will get updates.)

Ranger Halt had just finished leading the King's Cavalry into a sneak attack a few minutes ago, and noticed that part of the front line was starting to fall back as he scanned the battlefield. He quickly spurred his horse as close as he could get and jumped down, leaving behind his beloved longbow. His longbow was useless in a situation where he could accidently hit someone on his side.

He quickly weaved through the people to the front of the battle line and held up his saxe knife. "Fight on!"

He charged forward as the men behind him roared with their battle cries and followed him. He hacked and slashed the Wargals infront of him, and used the advantage of his height to weave and dodge the opponent's attacks. The men beside and behind him fought hard, and Halt took a quick glance around to see this after dispatching the Wargal he had been fighting. But just one quick distraction was enough for one to sneak up on him and hit him with a blow to his head.

He fell over, hitting the ground and cursing at himself for letting himself get distracted. As he dizzily looked up at the Wargal standing over him, he thought of his friends and close friends who he considered his family but the one he thought about most of all was his beatiful wife, Pauline. He was glad that he stopped being so pig-headed and decided to marry her. She was one of the best things that had ever happened to him and though he had hoped to spend more time with her, it looked like it would be cut short. As the enemy started to bring his sword down for the last blow, Halt's only thought was that he loved her and that he hoped she could go on without him.

He closed his eyes ready to face the inevitable, but after a few seconds all he heard was a body hitting the ground. Halt opened his eyes to see a warrior standing over the Wargal that had just been about to kill him. The warrior looked down at him and smiled. "Don't worry, Ranger."

The man quickly went to work, taking Halt's place at the front of the battle line and taking out the oncoming enemies. He fought well and Halt's eyes widened as the one of the Wargals cut off the end of the man's spear, but he kept going and used the wooden shaft as a quarterstaff. He spun the weapon and knocked the Wargals out as he went but with one cut to his side, he fell to his knees. Halt quickly jumped up, grabbing his knives and finished the Wargal off. The men behind him advanced forward to protect him and their comrade. Halt kneeled down beside the man who had saved him, and saw all the wounds that the man had taken including the one that had made him fall.

Halt quickly tore off a part of his tunic to bandage the wound, and the man looked at him and smiled at him weakly in thanks. "Ranger...I have a wife and a child...A baby boy..."

Halt took his hand. "Don't worry. You'll make it back to them. We're getting a medic for you. What's your name?"

The man coughed up some blood and looked at him. "Daniel."

"Daniel, just hold on."

Daniel gritted his teeth in pain, but looked at him again. "Please...Please find my wife and child...Make sure they're taken care of...Please..."

He closed his eyes and Halt let go of his hand to grab him, shaking him. "Daniel! Daniel!"

The medic that had been called for ran up to them, and knelt down to feel for Daniel's pulse. He looked at Halt. "I'm sorry, Ranger...He's dead."

Halt gently laid Daniel down. "I'll find your wife and child, Daniel. I promise."

Finding what fief Daniel had been from wasn't too hard, but finding where he lived wasn't easy. He ended up following two of Daniel's fellow warriors that were petty thieves. They had decided to take the opportunity of Daniel being dead to rob him and his family of their valuables. Halt was too late to stop them from hurting Daniel's wife as she tried to defend herself,her son, and their home, but managed to stop the thieves from doing anything else. As the woman laid dying on the floor of her home, she told him the baby's name and pleaded with him not to leave Will here. He promised to take Will with him, and she died right after.

Halt did the one other thing he could for her by burying her behind the house with a headstone reading "A brave mother and wife." He couldn't mark it with anything else since he didn't know her name. As he picked up Will from his cradle, the baby giggled and reached for his beard. Halt smiled sadly at him, wondering what he was going to do with him. As he untangled Will's small hands from his beard, he decided to head home to Redmont and let his wife help him decide.

He walked outside and gently mounted Abelard with one he took the reins with his free hand, he took one last glance at the house and then looked forward, tapping the reins for Abelard to go. Abelard responded immediately and quickly came to a gallop. They soon disappeared out of the sight of the house headed toward Redmont.