DISCLAIMER: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder

Author's Notes: Drabbles to one-shots. 'Bliss' of all shapes and sizes. Updates five hours before an exam, yeah.

Clear seems to think he needs to formally introduce himself to Noiz when Aoba and Koujaku have disappeared into Platinum Jail. They had watched as the red of Koujaku's kimono had finally gone from view, with Mink humming beside him in distaste, and the old man (Haga, Noiz thinks his name was), watching on with concern.

Mink leaves first, gone as fast as he arrived, with Noiz having half a mind to place a cube on his person so he could get the needed information on Scratch for one of his clients (but that bird hanging around him was slightly intimidating, not that he'd admit it aloud of course). Haga is the next to leave, mumbling about how he hopes they will be okay, and it's just him and Clear left. Noiz would have figured the damn idiot would have left next. After all, his "master" was now off with a guy who was so far in denial it wasn't even funny. But, Clear merely stood by his side, arms crossed, fingers tapping a rhythm Noiz couldn't understand.

"Do you think Master and Koujaku-san will be alright?"

The urge to snap at him that they wouldn't be increased tenfold. Clear was an idiot, but Koujaku was another kind. And, well, Aoba was so easily manipulated. Noiz knew this much. They wouldn't survive long in Platinum Jail. The only regret Noiz had for not reaching Aoba first was that he would never be able to get his rematch now. Snorting, he had to figure his luck.

However, Clear took the derisive snort as an answer to his question, latching onto Noiz's arm, wailing. "No! They will be alright! Master is so strong!"

Shaking him off, Noiz scowled. "Got no idea what you are on about," he muttered, eyeing Clear's mask with increasing interest. It looked like the eyes had fogged up, as if Clear was crying. Which was absolutely ridiculous. Why would he cry? It wasn't like he had personally known Aoba up until the other day, right?

Clear made no further effort towards conversation, and Noiz took it as his sign to go. If Aoba happened to return … would he ambush him again? No, he couldn't prompt that damn thing to appear again. That's why he lost the first time. He needed a guarantee that Aoba wouldn't cheat to win. A fair ground would then mean he wouldn't be allowed to ambush him. Noiz felt the argument going around in circles.

He failed to notice then that Clear had begun to dawdle after him, taking slow, meticulous steps to match Noiz's own. Clear happened to be only three feet behind, playing with the sleeve of his jacket, content with just wandering. He made no move to disturb Noiz, leaving his coat be as Noiz turned his head slightly, eyes narrowing.

"Why are you following me?"

"A-ah … Noiz-san looked interesting."

Noiz's eye twitched. That wasn't a phrase he liked to be repeated so casually, so he dropped it, continuing walking forward. Clear's soft footfalls kept him company, as they made their way through the back streets of Midorijima – or, he made his way and Clear just followed him. As they drew closer to Noiz's makeshift apartment, the urge to turn around and tell Clear to fuck off grew.

But when he reached the corner of the apartment block, speech all prepared, there was no one there. Noiz blinked at the spot where Clear should be, before huffing about wasted energy thinking of ways to tell Clear exactly where to go. It was then his cubes began to go off one after another, alerting him to a flurry of requests from clients and the Ruff Rabbits.

As he made his way into the apartment building, organising the day's schedule with client meetings and the like, he didn't notice the figure on the opposite rooftop, humming to himself a small tune, in awe of how interesting he really was.

Please review.