*IMPORTANT NOTICE!* As of 1/28/15, this story has been EDITED to abide the FFN guidelines. To view the entire, unedited and much better version, links are available on my profile.
I am abiding by FFN ratings and removing-anything overtly dark or violent, and the scenes of complete and unrepentant smut that are considered MA, from this site. I do this in order to protect reviews linked to my stories and account that I want to keep from anyone with an email account, hate for my stories, and want my account banned for whatever their weak excuses may be.

Warnings: Contains adult language, themes, and suggestions. It is not suitable for anyone below the age of 16 per FFN guidelines.

Soft hands, warm to the touch. Naruto could feel hands on his face through the haziness of sleep but he was too comfortable and warm to make himself wake up. So, instead of determining who's hands were on his face, he let himself doze. Tendrils of tingling pleasure raced through Naruto's limbs that only served to further soothe the blonde into a contented slumber. He could feel one of them on his face, another in his hair. Fingers traced his jaw line; then his lips and up his cheek to his hair again.

Those hands ran their fingers through his hair gently, calmly, Naruto's mind drifted in and out of semi-consciousness and oblivion for what seemed like days. The blonde could lie there for eternity, just sleeping and let those skilled hands run through his hair but the person who owned the hands had other plans in mind.

'Naruto…' A low baritone voice whispered, Naruto felt a spike of brain activity as he started to wake up at the mention of his name. Warmed fingers trailed across his forehead and traced one of his eyebrows. '…So beautiful.' The soft touches stopped the brain activity as they caused a mini brain meltdown.

Drifting off again Naruto felt a palm on his cheek, thumb softly rubbing the scarred skin. The remnants of pleasure had disappeared, replacing it with the warmth of another body in the bed when he next felt semi-awake. The fingers had found their way back up to his head and were affectionately petting Naruto's blonde hair. He wanted to open his eyes and look at the person attached to the hands in his hair but he just couldn't rouse himself.

'If only this moment…' The fingers continued to massage his scalp slowly, almost sensually in the cloud of sleep. Naruto tilted his head, closer to the smooth hands almost subconsciously. The voice that the blonde had assumed was a part of his dream hesitated before finishing its sentence.

'…Could last forever.' A pair of lips gently pressed against his forehead and as soon as those lips had touched Naruto's skin they were gone. The fingers continued to pet Naruto's hair and lulled said blonde back into the darkness of slumber one last time.

His phone was ringing. Itachi realized this and cracked his eyes open. Reaching for the damned thing on the night table, he missed on his first try, hand only grasping air. He managed to get it on the second try, the fourth ring. Looking at the caller ID, Itachi was hesitant to answer; he was tired and wouldn't be able to properly irritate the caller. In the end he answered the call.

"Why Sasuke, what a pleasure to have you calling at this indecent hour on my day off." Itachi glanced over at the clock that sat on the nightstand. It was seven in the morning. He yawned silently; it would not do to have his little brother know he had caught him unaware on the first day off he had had in years.

"Where is he?" Sasuke's voice crackled over the phone. It wasn't hard to hear the unbridled fury through the phone and it didn't take a genius to know his little brother was pissed.

"Where is who?" Itachi feigned ignorance. A smirk slipped over his features and he got up out of bed. There would be no time for sleep once this call was over.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about." Sasuke hissed into his phone. There was a rushing wind on Sasuke's end of the phone and Itachi rolled his eyes. He was going to have less time to get ready than he thought. "Where is Naruto Uzumaki?" Walking over to his suitcase on the ground, Itachi pressed his phone between his ear and shoulder and leaned down, hands in search for a shirt. He was silent for a while, looking through his luggage with a practiced slowness.

"Itachi, where is my friend? He wasn't at the airport to pick me up." Sasuke's voice was muffled from the wind on his side. Itachi ended up not picking a shirt out, they were all for formal occasions. He would have no need for formality today.

"Don't you mean your boyfriend, lover, and" Itachi hesitated on purpose. "Session partner." The silence on the other end of the line was more than enough to tell Itachi that Sasuke was upset about Itachi finding out.

"What have you done with Naruto?" Sasuke asked. The wind sound had stopped; Sasuke was most likely in his car already. Time to move faster. Looking again for pants that would suit the occasion, Itachi decided dress pants were also not suitable, the boxers he was wearing would have to do.

"He's safe, fine even." Itachi closed his suitcase and switched the position of his phone. Walking out of his room he found his way to the kitchen, looking for something to eat.

"Let me talk to him." Sasuke growled. Itachi opened his fridge, looked through it and closed the door.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, he's a bit tied up at the moment." Itachi moved to the cabinets, finding nothing that would appease his appetite. Today he would have to go without breakfast; his body was craving something else.

"Touch him and die." Sasuke threatened. Itachi couldn't stop the chuckle from bubbling out of his throat.

"Now, now little brother, you'd kill your only living relative over something as small as skin to skin contact?" Said older Uchiha leaned against the counter, smirking.

"You know what I mean." Sasuke paused just as the sound of the front door being unlocked echoed all the way to the kitchen. Still smirking, the eldest Uchiha could only think of one person who would be at the front door.

"Oh, I do know what you mean and I have to say, you should be thanking me instead of threatening me. I'm doing you a favor." Itachi left his counter and took the short journey from the kitchen to the front door as the door opened.

"Thanking you? You broke into my home and took my boyfriend hostage." Sasuke's reply was curt. The front door opened, Sasuke Uchiha, dressed in an expensive suit, phone in hand, keys in the other walked inside. He gave his older brother a trademark glare to which Itachi smirked.

"I haven't heard him complain once about his situation." Itachi answered.

"You've gagged him then. Naruto is never quiet." Sasuke's reply was quick and sharp. He flipped his phone shut and grabbed his suitcase. "Shouldn't you be in your office, working?"

"I have the day off little brother, I think the company will go on for a day without us there." Stepping into the house, Sasuke made Itachi stand aside as he did so. Itachi watched his little brother stalk deeper into the house and shut the door behind him before following. Sasuke knew exactly where to go, instead of going to the bedroom where Itachi had slept but to the door in the kitchen that led to basement.

'He knows me too well, what a shame, I was planning on playing with him a bit longer.' Itachi thought to himself. Moving faster to catch up with Sasuke, Itachi shut the basement door behind him. Sasuke was quick to move down the stairs but Itachi was just as quick. They reached the bottom, Sasuke first with Itachi milliseconds behind him. From where they stood it looked like a normal basement, a bar to one side, a pool table set up in another corner but Sasuke was quick to the door that led to the only other room that made up the basement. He stalked towards it, leaving Itachi to follow behind him.

Sasuke opened the door and walked in, making Itachi smirk as he followed his younger brother. The room Sasuke walked into was a small room, bare from any furniture save a window into another room and a door that led to said room, the window was dark, Sasuke found the light switch and turned it on before Itachi shut and locked the door behind him. The lights in the other room turned on and as soon as his little brother saw what was inside he darted to the other door, trying to turn it's locked knob open. Itachi looked into the room to admire his handiwork and wondered why Sasuke was in such a tizzy to get in when he could admire the sight just fine from the window.

**~ Restricted Content. Visit links on Profile for the full and completely intact story~**

"Give me the key." Sasuke commanded. He had tried to jiggle the door and then attempted to bust it open with his shoulder with no result. Finally, he had resorted to demanding; ah his little brother was still so very spoiled.

"I think not little brother, not until we have discussed an important matter." Itachi smirked when Sasuke grit his teeth and gave his best Uchiha death glare. From behind his back Sasuke tried the door again but it was still locked.

"What do you want?" Sasuke growled. Itachi tore his eyes away from the arousing sight and smirked at his little brother.

"I want to be part of the sessions." The younger Uchiha's reaction was quick and full of fury.

"No!" Sasuke screamed. "They're our sessions!" Itachi looked back through the window, savoring the sight. "You broke into my home and took my boyfriend hostage! You're lucky I haven't called the cops yet." Sasuke moved away from the locked door and stepped between Itachi and the window.

"Really?" Itachi asked calmly. "You know Sasuke, I was only doing this for you." Sasuke's face was turning red in anger.

"What are you talking about?" The younger Uchiha hissed.

"I was only trying to save your relationship with the blonde." Itachi watched as Sasuke deflated sourly. "You know he isn't satisfied, even I can tell." Itachi stepped around Sasuke and peered through the glass, looking the blonde over again.

"That's none of your business." Sasuke spoke quietly. The anger had not left his voice but Itachi knew he was getting to his brother, as he always had.

"It is. He's the one we both wanted, you're the one he chose." This seemed to strike a chord in Sasuke; he turned around and looked through the window at the blonde.

"And yet I can't make him happy when we're in there, he's always so closed off when I try to talk to him about it." Itachi looked down at his little brother, watching his dark eyes look over Itachi's work.

"He doesn't want to force you, he wants you to do it because you want to. That's where I come in." Itachi smirked when Sasuke looked back up at him sharply. "I want to participate." Sasuke's expression relaxed and Itachi looked back to the blonde on the bed.

"You want him for yourself. Another toy for you to play with." Sasuke muttered.

"Of course, that's all I wanted and that's why he chose you." Itachi replied. "I know how to make him feel the way he wants too, little brother, let me join your sessions and I'll fix your relationship by doing so." Sasuke was quiet for a while, contemplating over what he wanted to do. Itachi waited patiently, he knew his brother would agree. He loved the blonde and would do anything to make said male happy.

"Fine." Sasuke finally gave in begrudgingly. "You can join us in this session." Itachi's smirk grew wide.

"That's fine with me." Itachi walked up to the door that led into the room, unlocked it and opened it, Sasuke following him dejectedly.

"What are you planning to do?" Sasuke asked.

**~ Restricted Content, aka majority of the story. Visit links on Profile for the full and completely intact story~**

Had Naruto known it was him from the very beginning? It didn't seem likely since he had made such a fuss. Maybe it had been when Sasuke took the headphones off, the blonde had probably recognized his voice. It couldn't have been when Itachi had moved him to the basement, Naruto had been asleep and could sleep like the dead. He had been extremely careful not to wake the already heavy sleeper.

Could Naruto have really recognized his voice? The blonde was not the brightest light bulb in the box but somehow the blonde had known it was him. He paused in his musings as he climbed the stairs, feeling out the muscles he had strained for being the position he had held for too long. Opening the door, Itachi stepped out into the kitchen and rolled his shoulders, grimacing when several bones popped. It had really been too long.

Looking over the contents of the kitchen, Itachi sighed. The trashcan was not visible which meant he would have to look through all the cabinets close to the ground to find what he was looking for. At this point he just wanted to shower and relax. Not even caring to think about it, Itachi opened the first cabinet he could reach. It was under the sink and it was filled with cleaning supplies, no trashcan. The next was baking trays, next to the oven. Sighing again, Itachi opened the next cabinet, cans of food. Sasuke didn't even eat canned food.

The last cabinet the trashcan would have been in would be in the island cabinets. Of course the trashcan would be in the last place he checked and sure enough, the small container had a black trash bag to keep the container from getting dirty. Itachi found the trash can almost completely full with empty instant ramen containers.

He almost laughed at that. Sasuke had been on his business trip for three days and Naruto had eaten that much ramen? It was amazing that the blonde was as lean and muscled as he was with his diet. Tossing the trash in hand into one of the empty ramen containers, Itachi closed the cabinet door and stood back up. He yawned and glanced at the clock, it stared right back at him with bright green numbers, 8:03.

"I haven't been up this early in a while." Naruto's tired voice surprised the longhaired male. Turning his head to the door, he saw the blonde shut the door behind him and leaned on it. The blonde tilted his head, giving Itachi a small smile as he yawned.

"When did you figure out it was me?" Itachi sighed and rested his elbows on the island counter. Naruto sheepishly looked down and stepped closer, dropping his hands from behind his back.

"I thought it had been a dream when I heard your voice in my sleep but I think I knew it was you when I woke up. Sasuke doesn't have the patience to carry me through the house asleep." Naruto met Uchiha's eyes and then looked down to his hands on the counter. "All that effort for just one session?"

"I had hoped it would be the first of many." Itachi muttered quietly. It wouldn't do any good to get ahead of himself, but there was no telling what the blonde thought of it. Naruto stepped closer, only a few feet away from Itachi now, the counter the only barrier between them.

"Sasuke isn't entirely convinced about it but," Naruto paused, resting his arms on the countertop opposite of Itachi. "It was good for him, even though he won't admit it." The older male felt his hope rising.

"If we do decide to do this again, there will be permanent rules set." Itachi eyed the blonde closer, looking for any facial expression that could give him insight on the blonde's thinking.

"Well yeah," Naruto frowned, raising a hand to his shoulder, scratching softly. "Sasuke knows that too and he's willing to try." Itachi restrained himself from smirking as the blonde looked up to him awkwardly.

"Willing to try is more than expected from him." Itachi straightened, rolling his shoulders back to relieve some of the tension. Naruto watched him with his bright blue eyes and the thought of another session made the Uchiha eager. "Go talk with him about rules, we'll see where we all stand on them." Itachi resisted the urge to smirk at the blonde as he walked past him, heading for the shower.