Hey guys! I am SO SORRY for not posting stuff! It was mostly because I was super busy with college and finals... I'm also kinda in my Avengers phase right now too...but don't worry! I'm trying to multi-task! I was losing inspiration for this story, but after watching the Rise of the Guardians again...I fell in love with it once more! I'll still love that movie! I really hope they make a second movie...that would be the best! Anyway, I'll keep trying with this story! I really like it and a lot of people told me that this story is awesome and you guys are amazing at making me feel good about myself! I have low self confidence really...moving on! Enjoy the chapter! I really tried. I went with a certain reviewers choice of kind of using stuff from another movie. Guardians of Ga'Hoole? (I dunno if I spelled that right...I tried.) And I also used spells from the show Charmed. Not everything belongs to me okay?! ENJOY!

'What was this about Jacqueline's weakest form? I didn't even know she had one...', Jack thought to himself. Jacqueline and Jack didn't need believers before and they had an unlimited amount of power. Now that they actually had believers and became Guardians, it was different. They got more powerful, but Pitch was right. The less they were believed in though, they would soon fade away as well. But this just confused Jack to no end. Did that mean Jackie had no more believers? Jack kept thinking about his first battle with Pitch, how Bunny was in his 'weakest form'. What would Jacqueline look like? Jack flew over to Jamie's house to check in on him. It had been a while since he had really visited him...

"Jamie!" Jack came in through Jamie's bedroom window.

"AAAH! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" Jamie screamed and dove under his bed.

"Jamie! It's me! Jack!" He gave Jamie a confused look.

Jamie reluctantly came out from under the bed after recognizing Jack's voice.

"What's got you so scared?" Jack walked over to him.

"I don't know...I've just been more jumpy lately. Sorry about that..." Jamie smiled weakly.

"Jamie?! Are you okay?!" Jamie's mother called from the stairs.

The two panicked. Jamie was probably really loud.

"Yeah! I'm fine mom!" Jamie quickly replied.

It went silent for a few seconds and soon enough Jack and Jamie resumed talking.

"Have you been getting any nightmares?" Jack sat down on the bed with him.

"A little bit yeah..." Jamie scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm sorry that Jacqueline hasn't been here lately...things have happened."

"Who is Jacqueline?" Jamie's face scrunched up in confusion.

Jack froze and his eyes widened.

"What do you mean who is Jacqueline? She's a Guardian just like me. You two are incredibly close!" Jack gave Jamie a look of disbelief.

"Jack, I think I would remember another Guardian...when did this happen?" Jamie seemed weirded out.

Jack was in a state of shock, but managed to snap out of it. He needed to tell North about this, say NOW.

"I gotta go, Jamie. I'll see you later. I promise." Jack got up and rushed over to the window.

"Jack wait! Where are you going?!" Jamie seemed afraid.

"I have to meet up with the other Guardians. I'm sorry...I know I just got here. I'll be back soon okay?"

"But Jack! I'm scared! I haven't seen you for days!" Jamie grew upset.

Jack stopped and came back over to Jamie.

"Scared? Jamie...you'll be alright...you've gotta stay brave and strong for me okay?" Jack smiled warmly.

"Brave? I'm no where near brave anymore...I'm such a chicken..." Jamie frowned.

Jack was now growing concerned. 'Shit...this isn't good...', Jack thought.

"I'll visit you tonight okay? I'll be here in a few hours!" Jack's playful and warm smile remained on his face.

Jamie hesitantly let Jack go and Jack immediately rushed to the North Pole.

"North! We've got a serious problem here!" Jack burst into North's private office.

North put down his recent project and looked at Jack with concern in his eyes.

"What is problem?" North asked seriously.

"I think I know why Jacqueline is in her 'weakest form'. She has no more believers! Jamie doesn't even remember her!" Jack practically yelled.

North remained silent and he leaned back in his chair completely taken by surprise.

"Pitch and Discordia must have done something...they grow stronger. I can feel it in my belly." North finally spoke up. "We need to plan ahead and take them down before they..." North left his sentence unfinished. Jack knew what he was going to say though...

"But how could they have erased the children's memories of Jacqueline? Wouldn't Tooth have known about it?" Jack thought aloud.

"There is a way..." North spoke up.

Jack perked up in surprise and gave North a skeptical look.

"Like how?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Discordia...she is also known for trying to Moon Blink the children of the world and bend them to her will. We managed to stop her before that happened." North informed him.

"And...you lost me. What is Moon Blinking?" Jack gave North a skeptical look.

"Moon Blinking is when someone is forced to sleep beneath the shine of the full moon, which destroys their free will. Is much more dangerous when that person is forced to sleep. If the person repeats certain information, they forget that piece of information." North explained in great detail.

"And Discordia tried doing this to children, so that she could rule the world..." Jack slowly pieced together. "How did you guys stop her last time?"

"Moon Blinking can be resisted by thinking of things that are good and pure. Moon Scalding is much more powerful, and much harder to resist. It is also why we are Guardians. The hope and wonder we give to the children helps resist the Moon Blink mostly." North added.

Jack stood in his spot just pondering about what North had said. Was Discordia trying to do this Moon Blink thing again?

"It's starting to make sense now...without Jacqueline, kids won't fight back. They won't be brave anymore. That's when Discordia will use the Moon Blink thingamajig on the kids...I've gotta go back to check on Jamie." Jack made his way over to the window in North's office.

"Be careful, Jack. Discordia is going to pull something...I can feel it...in my belly!" North patted his stomach.

Jack cracked a small smile and mock saluted him before jumping out of the window. He started making his way back to Burgess yet again.

'The wind must be tired of carrying me by now...', Jack thought.

"Jamie! Jamie!" Jack flew into Jamie's bedroom window.

Jamie looked absolutely miserable...Jack was more than worried. Jamie looked so upset, something Jack had never witnessed. What could have happened in just a few hours?

"Jamie?" Jack mumbled softly.

"My sister...she uh...she's gone..." Jamie barely muttered.

Jack's eyes widened.

"The police searched for her everywhere...Sophie got kidnapped by someone. We couldn't find her..." Jamie's voice cracked.

Jack slowly lifted Jamie's head up. Jamie's eyes were red and shiny, proof that he had been crying for quite some time. Jack frowned as he pulled Jamie in for a hug. This wasn't good...not good at all. 'Looks like North was right...Discordia already made her move...', Jack thought to himself.

"Did you see who took Sophie?" Jack rubbed Jamie's back soothingly.

Jacqueline used to do that for Jack all the time...

"I...I don't know...she was so creepy though. I didn't know what was going on, but before I could figure it out...she took Sophie and they were gone." Jamie whimpered. "I tried telling my mom, but...she wouldn't listen."

Jack's hold on Jamie grew a little tighter.

"I could have done something...I was just so scared...and now Sophie's gone because of me." Jamie barely whispered.

Jack stiffened up before pulling away from Jamie and looking into his eyes.

"I'll get Sophie back...I promise." Jack vowed.

"I don't know why I'm so afraid all of the time, Jack. I wish I didn't feel like this..." Jamie sniffled.

Jack wiped away a tear rolling down Jamie's cheek.

"Don't worry, pal. I'll fix all of this in no time." Jack gave Jamie a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Jack..." Jamie gave Jack a small smile.

"- - and children have gone missing. I think that Discordia and Pitch are the cause of this." Tooth concluded.

"Hold on, mate! They're kidnapping kids now?!" Bunny's eyes widened. "There's no way they'd be snatching up- -"

"They took Sophie..." Jack cut him off.

Bunny stiffened up and looked down at his feet. No one could tell what his current expression was, but by the way his fists were clenched shut...he was furious. Everyone knew how much Sophie meant to Aster.

"Jamie saw Discordia take her, but he was too afraid to do anything..." Jack added.

"Is very obvious that without Jacqueline...children are no longer brave. They're too afraid to fight back." North sighed sadly and sank into his seat.

"Guys look!" Tooth gasped.

They turned over to look at the globe. Several lights had gone out at the same time...

"We need a plan...and fast." Bunny finally spoke up.

"I've already looked for Pitch, his old lair is empty...there's no sign of him." Jack said. "They probably have a new lair somewhere..."

"This isn't good...why did Discordia have to come back now?" Tooth hugged herself feeling nervous.

"Well we need to figure out a way to find those little tykes not to mention Jackie..." Bunny pointed at the globe as more lights started going out. "Without Jacqueline, children are going to be nothin', but afraid. They'll be too damn scared to fight back."

"Even if we found Jacqueline...she'll be too weak to help children be brave again. She's in her weakest form which only means one thing." Tooth pointed out. "Pitch and Discordia broke her spirit..." She mumbled softly.

Jack couldn't bear the thought of seeing Jacqueline in such a state. She was usually so full of life, she wasn't really afraid of anything.

"We need to calm down and think guys..." Jack said. "We really need a plan of action here!" He looked at everyone in disbelief at their attitude.

"Jack is right. Let us not lose our heads." North tried being optimistic.

Sandy also nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah Tooth, I'm surprised you sound so hopeless right now! Especially in front of me!" Bunny pouted.

"Does Jacqueline have anything that could help us find her wherever she may be?" North turned back over to Jack.

Jack became silent and tried his very hardest. Maybe if they searched her room again...they would find something...

"Jacqueline must have had something up her sleeve for a situation like this. She's always prepared..." Tooth said. "She makes potions for everything!"

"Maybe there's a spell in that book of hers that could help us find her location!" Bunny seemed hopeful.

"I...I think she does." Jack slowly perked up. "She...she mentioned that she whenever she lost something she used this stone to look for it!" Jack smiled.

"That's it!" Bunny laughed and smiled. "Where's this stone at, mate?"

"It's in her room!" He replied. Jack's smile slowly faded away. "But uh...I don't know how to use the stone..." Jack grunted and slammed his face down on the table in annoyance.

"Maybe there are instructions in spell book?" North smiled sheepishly.

"It's worth a try." Bunny sighed.

The Guardians stood up and ran towards Jacqueline's room. It was mostly neat and organized. Jack remembered how Jacqueline was a little OCD and had a certain way of organizing things. It was time to put his friendship with Jacqueline to the test! Does he truly know her like he think he does? Jack went over to a jewelry box on Jackie's wardrobe and opened it up. One of the necklaces inside reveals the necklace with the huge diamond she uses to locate things she's lost. Jack grins and holds it out for his friends to see.

"Alright! Now we're in business!" Jack chuckles. "I think she mumbles some kind of spell when she uses it...I'm not sure what she says but...it usually rhymes." He finished lamely.

Sandy skimmed through the spell book and stops when he finds something interesting. He points to something and shows it to Tooth.

"Hmm...that could be it." Tooth mused. "Alright, maybe you say this spell while holding the diamond?" Tooth showed the book to Jack.

A "Lost and found spell" That would work...

Jack put the necklace on and read aloud what was in the book.

"Guiding spirits I ask your charity, lend me your focus and clarity, lead me to the one I cannot find, restore that and my peace of mind?" Jack sounded unsure.

Nothing happened.

"You didn't sound confident, mate...try again. And make sure you think of Jacqueline. Magic can be tricky." Bunny said.

Jack nodded and repeated the spell. This time the diamond glowed brightly like a star. It was actually very beautiful...the diamond on the end of the necklace started floating up and it pointed to the window (While almost choking Jack...he managed to walk towards the window so that he wouldn't be choked by the necklace). Everyone smiled with hope at this new lead. They were gonna find Jacqueline!

"It worked!" Tooth smiled brightly.

"Ow ow ow! It's literally yanking me over to the window!" Jack yelped.

Bunny snickered as North grew serious.

"Jack. You go ahead, we'll follow you in the sleigh." North told Jack.

Jack nodded as he grabbed his staff and opened Jackie's window. He let the wind carry him as the others ran out of Jacqueline's room.

Jack had to find those children...but most importantly...he had to save Jacqueline.

I hope you like it! I do not own the Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Rise of the Guardians, or Charmed. Other than that, let me know what you think! I tried really hard so be nice! And again, I'm sorry it took me so damn long to post this chapter! Just bear with me! XD