I'm back! I've decided to turn this into a longer-running series of one-shots. It will always be labeled complete, because the multi-chapter story is complete, but I will post other chapters in the same universe, including possibly the rest of the Batclan, maybe some second generation (Kingdom)Titans (such as the third Red Hood (Speedy and Cheshire's daughter), Nightstar (name is self-explanatory), and maybe Darkstar (Donna Troy's son), as well as others).

Now that that's done, the next thing I want to say is... Wow! Review count into the double digits? Thank you guys so much! And so many favourites! Woohoo! Thank you so very much to everyone who reviewed, favourited, followed, or read this story.

After the last chapter, Cheshirekitty12 requested that I write about the other pairings more. I'm not good at writing romance (my only knowledge of what happens on a date is from my friends' descriptions, which usually go something like "so-and-so stalked us" or "so-and-so bothered us for the whole time"), but with Valentine's day right around the corner, it seems like an apt time to try. So without further ado, here is...
The (First) Milestones Valentines Day Special!

~(Intruder Valentine)~

It was a sunny day this February fourteenth, as it always was in Steel City. But the peace and quiet in the city was not paralleled in the home of its protectors.

Speedy had been sitting at his desk in his room, trying to compose a love poem to give to his not-girlfriend along with a box of chocolates. Despite the fact that he was writing it on a card with one cover shaped like a heart and the other shaped like a cartoony cat, he would fervently deny that it was for a certain on-and-off villain who named herself after a cat. If anybody asked, it was for Ollie's cat Fluffikins and Ollie made him make a card every year. If Ollie asked, Speedy wouldn't know quite what to do, because Ollie (probably) knew his cat was named Parka and it had died a few years ago. He would just have to hope that if someone asked, they weren't Ollie and they didn't know that the box chocolates would have been a terrible idea to give to any actual cat.

However, when the intruder alarm started blaring, the card went to the back of Speedy's mind. He ran to the living room (or, excuse me, the briefing room) and met up with the rest of Titans East. Bumblebee ordered them to spread out and find the intruder.

They never did find who it was, but when Speedy went back to try and write his card, it was gone. In its place was a heart-shaped piece of paper, with this written on it:
"Dear Roy,
Happy Valentine's Day!
P.S. Thanks for the chocolate and very cheesy poem.
You know who"
Externally, Speedy banged his head against his desk in embarrassment. She wasn't supposed to have seen that poem yet! But inside, he smiled. Best Valentines Day ever.

~(more notes)~
A day late, pitifully short, and with a ton of notes. Worst chapter ever, if I may say so myself. Sorry! Some stuff's been happening, and I've been pretty stressed lately...
Well, thanks again for all the reviews, follows, and favourites. Hopefully I'll do a better job on the next special. And if you have a chance, please vote on the poll about this story on my profile. Thanks!