Butch's POV

Ah crap, where the hell could she be? I tried looking everywhere I can. But nothing. Wait, I see Momoko!

"HEEYY, MOMOKO-CHAAAN!" I scream out loud. Don't tell Brick this, but: I can yell better than him. What? He screams weak. (A/N: No offense to Brick fans! I love him too!)

She turned around. "Ah, Butch!"

I was all sweaty and drenched with sweat while running to her. "Have... you... seen... Kaoru... anywhere?" I breathed out. Momoko shook her head. I finally caught my breath and stood ups straight. "Thank you, Momoko-chan. If you see Kaoru, you know where to find me." And I dashed off.

Only I wish where she could be.

Brick's POV

God damn it, how does she run so fast? Oh right, she's athletic. Curse it!

Wait, I know one place where she could be. Our house! She hangs out with us all the time. And I mean all. So I ran home to see Kaoru napping on the couch. I rolled my eyes and got next to her ear.

"YO KAORU! WAKE UP!" I screamed. Kaoru jolted up, frantically screaming. "OW, BRICK! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" she yelled at me. I gotta admit, she yells better than me.

"Well, all three of us were trying to find you when you ran off."

"Oh, well. I was tired and I wanted to nap. So the closest house was yours."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why couldn't you go to your house, Kaoru?"

She glared at me, "'Cause it's sooo far!" she made a motion.

"Riiiggghhtt." I sarcastically answered.

"Shut up."

Boomer's POV

I wonder where Brick and Butch are. I'm just with Miyako-chan here in a cafe. Wait, who was I looking for again? Damn, I forgot. Oh well!

"Hey, Boomer." Miyako quietly said.

I turned to look at her. "Yes?"

"Do you think Kaoru'll be okay?" she looked me in the eyes. Oh that's who I was looking for, Kaoru-chan!

I started to panic, "Um, Miyako-chan, do you know where Kaoru-chan is?"

"Huh? Oh, she just texted me that she's at your house."

I got up. "Thanks, Miyako-chan! I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay!" she cheerfully grinned. I did too and ran out the door.

Normal POV

Kaoru sat on the couch, watching TV with Brick here. Actually he's sleeping right now.

Who don't I remember? Kaoru thought.

Then the door busted open with Butch and Boomer. Brick instantly woke up. "Guys, don't you ever knock?" Brick grouchily said. Kaoru glanced at them and back at the TV.

"Kaoru, where were you?" Butch asked. She looked at him and stood up. "Well, I was tired and I came to your house. Got a problem with me here?" Kaoru explained and put a hand on her hip. Boomer and Brick stifled a laugh.

"Well..." Butch started. Kaoru just had the urge to just slap him, but he girly shyness side kicked in and yelled no. So she was arguing with the girly side and tomboy side.

"Okay. I feel like slapping you right now, but since I'm in a good mood, I'll just let it go." Kaoru said. The three brothers just blinked at her. "What have you done with our Kaoru?" Brick joked. Kaoru rolled her eyes.

"Damn, it's still me, Brickhead!" Kaoru chortled.

"Okay, our favorite Kaoru is back!" Brick announced, throwing his hand in the air dramatically. "Whatever." Kaoru scoffed and crossed her arms.

She felt like a sister to them.


Momoko called for the blonde who was currently in her closet grinning at the clothes she made.

"Yes, Momoko-chan?" Miyako put the hanger back on the rack and faced the orange haired girl.

Momoko was probably chewing her nails off. "I haven't seen Kaoru all day! Maybe she got in another car accident!" Miyako sighed. "Momoko-chan, you're overreacting. There is a possible way she's with our boyfriends!" Miyako cheerfully smiled.

She slumped back on the chair.

"I guess..." Momoko trailed off. Miyako went back to looking at her clothes again.

"Unngh... I wonder how Kaoru's doing right now." she wondered out loud.