Slowly emerged from the basement, looking pale and weak.

"I-It's done!" the feeble writer holds up a few pieces of paper, showing the next chapter! "We finally finished it!"

I am happy to say this chapter is finally done! There were many reasons why this chapter took so long.

However, I know my Beta Reader is currently blaming herself for how long it took for her to get back to me/ editing this chapter. So, don't worry Skymia! It is fine! :D I don't blame ya at all. I mean, we all get busy. And it is really close to the end of the year and things get hectic.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Shifting in his seat slightly, Laxus frowned. His gaze locked on Draca from across the table.

It had been ten minutes since the mysterious unfolding of events, and Laxus was just as confused as before.

On his left, his old man was sitting on top of the table, his walking stick held on top of his shoulder. He was looking at the wood in contemplation, as if he wasn't sure how to begin the conversation.

"Here you go." Mira stepped forward to hand Draca a cup of herbal tea. The liquid steamed gently, almost a picture of tranquility among the worried faces of Fairy Tail.

"Thank you," The older women took the cup carefully into her hands, taking a sip. When she gulped, she pulled away from the cup with a satisfied sigh.

Guild members surrounded the table or watched from upstairs. Whispers and anxious glances were dispersed throughout the building, but all were silent with worry for Laxus.

All, except one very loud pink-haired fire mage.

"WELL?!" Natsu screamed angrily. "What is goin' on!?"

The archive mage glanced at him. Her expression remained unnerved. "Are you Laxus Dreyar?" she asked.

Natsu blinked. "…No."

"Then this matter doesn't concern you. Though I am sure you are worried, I must politely ask that you shut up, and stay quiet." Draca sighed irritably. "I've travelled a long way for this and quite honestly, will gladly wait until Laxus is alone to tell him what is happening to him."

Natsu's shoulders tensed and his face turned ugly; about ready to have a raging fit. But a cold glare from Erza convinced him enough to do as told, and shut his mouth.

Draca nodded acceptingly. After a short pause, she looked at Laxus and Makarov. "You are Laxus' grandfather, Makarov Dreyar, correct?"

Makarov nodded. "Yes, the one and only, miss."

She nodded back with a small smile. "Then I suppose I shall start this explanation with a question for you."

Makarov raised his eyebrow curiously. "Very well."

"Have you ever heard of a Dragon Slayer living to the age of 24?" Draca inquired, placing her tea back on the table.

Makarov frowned at the odd, and very disturbing question. Rubbing his chin he answered, "No, none in my time. Though there are not many known Dragon Slayers in the world, to begin with."

"True." Draca mused. "It is a lost magic, after all. What do you know of it, though?"

Makarov glanced at Laxus for a moment, who was staring at his feet in silence.

"The user is granted power belonging to that of a dragon. It is the only magic that can slay dragons, as the name implies." Makarov began.

"Go on."

"Dragon Slayers are also known for eating their magical element in order to restore their magical power and can often times, eat more than just one element." Makarov glanced at Natsu and Gajeel, who both smiled innocently.

Draca nodded. "All of those are true. However… there is one crucial detail you seem to have left out."

Makarov frowned. "Is that so?"

"Yes." She lifted her cup of tea from the table. "Dragon Slayers also have the ability to transform their physical form into a dragon."

The room was silent. Makarov was at a loss for words. Recalling Dragon Force, Makarov nodded with understanding."…That is true."

Closing her golden eyes, the older Archive mage allowed the silence to fill the room before she continued.

"I came to you this day for a reason, Laxus Dreyar." She opened her eyes, looking to him. She waited for him to lift his head before she continued. "The pain you felt just now, was not a random occurrence."

Laxus' lips began to twist in annoyance, but he controlled himself to say nothing.

Taking that as a sign to continue, Draca sighed. "You will go through a great change when you turn 24 years old, Laxus Dreyar.

Laxus turned his head to her ever so slowly. "…What sort of changes?"

Draca locked eyes with him. "Allow me to answer that question with a story. A story of the Dragon known as Acnologia."

"Acnologia?!" the guild gasped.

"Yes. As I'm sure most of you are aware, Acnologia was once a human over 400 years ago."

The guild members nodded. All were aware of that fact when Team Natsu had told them after the Grand Magic Tournament.

"He was ruthless, killing any dragon in sight. Even if they were his own comrades." Draca stared at her teacup as she spoke. Her reflection was pained, but she was careful not to let anyone notice this, "However, when Acnologia was 23, he began to notice changes. His body began to take the shape of a dragon's until the day of his 24th birthday, when a full transformation took effect. On that day, he was transformed into a full-blooded dragon."

"Something like that… it sounds impossible." Levy murmured.

"Yes, something that would belong in fairy tales." Draca agreed, a half-chuckle escaping at the irony of the guild's name. "Some fairy tales as you know though, are based off actual occurrences in time. This fairy tale we are in right now… is very real."

"Wait, are you saying that… Laxus will turn into a dragon on his 24th birthday?" Lucy stepped forward, shocking everyone in the room. Her expression placid, the archive mage nodded meekly.

"That… that can't be!" Freed yelled. "Laxus couldn't just turn into a dragon out of the blue."

"It has happened before." Draca took another sip of her tea.

Laxus said nothing, staring at the older woman, as if trying to find any trace in her eyes that she was lying. Seeing only hardened honesty, he leaned back into his chair and took a breath.

"I-I thought Acnologia turned into a dragon because he used a lot of his Dragon slaying magic." Wendy piped up in desperation.

Draca glanced at her. "Part of that is true, little one. The more Dragon Slayer magic he used, the quicker he sped up the process. However, no matter how much magic he used, the transformation would have still occurred or continue. "

"This is ridiculous. Why should we believe you?" Bixlow seethed.

"Why, indeed?" she countered.

"Bixlow is correct, Draca." Makarov stepped forward, his expression grim. "What you are suggesting is beyond anything anyone has ever heard."

The archive mage nodded. "I understand. The idea of one turning into a dragon sounds impossible. I once believed it to be uncanny myself. However, I have seen it happen before."

"You have?" Erza questioned.

Draca nodded. "For starters, there is the incident with Acnologia, who is very much real." She lifted one finger, as if she were beginning to count the times. "Then, over 20 years ago, there was another incident." Draca suddenly paused, as if it was hard for her to continue. "She was a good friend of mine. The only difference is that she did not know the change would occur and it happened without her understanding of what was going on." Draca lowered her head, her eyes growing dark with sorrow. "…I could do nothing for her."

The guild grew silent. It was hard for all of them to believe that this was happening, and even harder to accept it. Seeing the sorrow in this stranger's eyes though… they could do nothing more but believe.

"I'm so sorry." Lucy said softly, seeing the older women's distress.

Glancing at her, Draca smiled at her kindness. "My friend lost her mind because of the change and disappeared along with all the other dragons 14 years ago. I swore to her the day she changed that I wouldn't let any other dragon slayer go through what she went through without a warning."

"Without a warning?" Gray blinked. "You mean, you can't stop the transformation?"

"No." she looked at Laxus. "I'm sorry, but I can't stop what is coming."

"No way." Evergreen murmured.

Draca sighed, her fingers curling in frustration, knowing all to well how the guild was feeling. "I've spent the last 20 years researching as much as I could on Dragon Slayers. Going through old libraries, books, and ruins, all in hopes of finding some way to stop this from happening. I have, sadly, not even come close to a solution."

"Laxus is only a Dragon Slayer due to the Lacrima in his body though." Freed pointed out.

"It does not matter whether he is a first generation or second generation Dragon Slayer. The transformation will occur regardless."

"What if we removed the Lacrima?" someone spoke out from the crowd.

"Then Laxus would die." Draca answered bluntly, as if she were talking to a child.

"But… Wouldn't Natsu and Gajeel already be dragons if that was true?" Erza questioned.

Draca shook her head. "They are technically 25, just as Laxus is technically 30 right now. However, since you were all trapped for seven years in Tenrojima's time magic, your bodies are still at the ages of 23 and 18. Laxus' body will be turning 24 in only a week."

The sickening truth began to seep in, and everyone couldn't help but look to Laxus for his reaction. His expression portrayed little emotion, as it often was.

Whether he was shocked or freaking out, he wouldn't show it.

"How do we know when the transformation will begin?" Laxus leaned forward, finally speaking up. His voice was low and calm.

"You'll know, trust me." Draca sighed. "You felt the pain just now, did you not? That is the beginning sign."

"Okay, what's the first thing that will happen after that?" Natsu asked, looking a little confused, but trying to understand as best as he could. Though turning into a Dragon sounded cool to him, it seemed to be a very bad thing in this situation.

"Besides the pain?" Draca blinked

"Well, yeah." Natsu nodded.


"What?" Freed's eyes grew wide.

"My friend went through random moments of amnesia through the course of the week before her Birthday. She would remember and forget things in only seconds."

"Will that happen to Laxus?" Makarov glanced at his grandson, who was staring at his shoes, as if thinking.

"Most likely."

"That… That can't be! You're saying Laxus will forget everything?" Levy gasped within the crowd.

"Yeah! He will forget who he is?" Evergreen sounded horrified. "Team Thunder Tribe, Fairy Tail… everyone!?" the guild began to murmur, their fear of losing their lightning mage growing larger with each passing second.

"Not completely." Draca spoke quickly. "He will forget things and then have them return seconds later… or perhaps even days later." She frowned. "For my friend, she lost all memories of herself for hours on end, and would suddenly regain them at random. The constant change of mind was a heavy burden on her conscious." Draca lowered her gaze, as if lost in a painful memory.

"And this… shall happen to Laxus?" Makarov inquired.

"Most likely." She didn't look up.

"Most likely?" Erza repeated.

"What does that mean?" Gray scowled.

The archive mage sighed in frustration, closing her eyes, as if to think, "You all must understand something. I may have researched this for 20 years now, but I have only ever seen it happen once. What happened to my friend long ago may be completely different then what Laxus will go through."

"What do you mean?" Lucy frowned.

"For starters, who knows if the transformation is different from males to females. Or even if the type of magic one uses changes the outcome. There is also the difference between Laxus' will and the strength from my friend." The tired archive mage reached up and began to rub her temple, all the different problems hitting her like a smack in the face.

"So, to be blunt, you yourself are not even completely sure what could happen." Erza summed it all up.



Yeah, I'm going to be doing that for a while. So, here we are. You all know what is going on now.

...I'm honestly a little worried how you all will react to this. Please don't kill me!