Author's Note: So, I've noticed that there are a LOT of American state-fics out there, and some Canadian province-fics. BUT NO ONE WRITES ABOUT NON-NORTH AMERICAN ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICTS!

This is my fail attempt at remedying that. I know next to nothing about relationships between these regions of countries, and am too lazy to research it, so I shall just portray them with normal sibling relationships. If wherever you live hates some other place, but I portrayed them as being friends, sorry!

Oh, and this fic is also because I discovered that China's provinces are cannon. Yep. Look in Volume 5. And Japan's prefectures are cannon as well, so... Yep.


Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia in any way, shape, or form. Kinda obvious...

England sighed and started to gather his papers. Another G8 summit, over and done with. And they had gotten even less accomplished this time around than last time.

Sometimes, the island nation wondered what use it was to hold these meetings.

Beside him, Japan was packing away his materials, and across from him, France was telling Italy some... things... while Russia smiled creepily at... the empty chair next to him? Wait, that was Canada... At the front of the room, Germany was reminding everyone of some last minute details.

That was when England realized something was wrong.

Usually, America would be jumping up and down, munching on burgers while yelling something impossible about superheroes or something. But today, he was just sitting quietly in his seat.

England began to have a very uncomfortable feeling.

Japan turned to America, who was sitting next to him.

"America-kun, are you OK? You seem subdued."

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine, Japan. Just... thinking."

"Ah... I see..." But inwardly, Japan was cringing. America thinking while sitting quietly and not munching on burgers? That was not a good sign...

Upon hearing America's statement to Japan, France immediately started laughing.

"Ohonhonhon~! Amerique, what are you thinking about? Care to share with big brother France?" he said, winking.

England immediately grew red and started sputtering at the French nation.

France just continued laughing, ignoring the slight twinge of "something's wrong" in the depths of his mind.

"Ve?" Italy tilted his head. France and England were arguing again, Russia was staring, and Germany was facepalming. Suddenly, the fighting nations crashed into his chair, making him jump up in terror and run to Germany.


"Italia! Stop clinging to me!" Germany pried Italy's fingers off of his arm. Saddened, Italy looked back at the room while blabbering to Germany about pasta.

What was America doing, sitting all alone...?

Like Italy, Germany was also wondering what America was doing. Usually, the nation would be trying to get control of the conversation (not that Germany ever let him).

This silence was... unnatural.

"Ja, ja..." he responded to Italy's query as to whether they could make pasta together. But his mind wasn't on pasta.

He just knew something bad was going to happen.

Russia's smile grew wider. Maybe America was considering becoming one with him! And the country next to him looked like a soft seat...

Russia stood up and sat on Canada, who quietly squeaked "Maple!". The Eurasian nation ignored it, and continued pondering the enigma that was America.

Somehow, he didn't think the superpower was about to give up that easily...

From his position trapped under Russia, Canada sighed. This was not good. Knowing his brother, America would probably explode with a crazy suggestion that would throw the world into chaos.

He tried to push Russia off of him, intent on stopping his southern twin before he could get into any trouble, but the other northern nation was really heavy, and Canada didn't want to go hockey mode on him. He valued his alliances.

Then he saw the glint in America's eyes. Panic overtook him, and he shoved both Russia and the meeting table out of the way, jumping on his brother.

But it was too late.

America stood up from his seat, ignoring the Canadian nation that flew past him in a missed fly-tackle. He flipped the meeting table back into position, and slammed his hands down on the wooden surface hard enough to make it crack.

"DUDES! I HAVE A PROPOSITION!" he announced loudly.

"I didn't know you knew the word "proposition", you git," England muttered absentmindedly. America just ignored him.

"NEXT MEETING, WE ARE GOING TO BRING..." Here America paused for dramatic emphasis. "...OUR CHILDREN!"

Silence fell over the room.

Then it exploded.



"Kolkolkol... Amerika, you cannot be serious, da?"

"Ve... DOITSU! Doitsu, I'm scared..."


"America-san... I do not think this is the best idea..."

Canada just sighed and facepalmed. "Maple... not this..."

America shrugged off all the protests. "England, you can just bring your brothers. I guess we don't need you and your brothers' however many children..."

England's eye twitched. "You want me... to bring my brothers?"


"Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland?" he clarified.

"Uh... yeah."

"... ARE YOU BLOODY INSANE, YOU [the rest of this rant has been censored for purposes of keeping this rated T.]!"

Suddenly, Canada spoke up. "You know what? I actually agree with my brother for once."

Everyone jumped.

"Canada? When did you get here? You agree with me?" America asked.

Canada sighed. "I was here the entire time... But yes, I agree with you."

"Why, mon petite Canada? Why would you agree with him?" France lamented dramatically.

"Because. It will show him that his ideas are horrible. And give our children some time to get some of the destructive energy out of their systems..." Canada shuddered, thinking of two very specific provinces who were probably destroying his house as he spoke.

"Then it's settled! Everyone's bringing their children to the next meeting!"

With that, America ran out of the room, dragging Canada along behind him.

Author's Note: Hehehehe... Here goes nothing...