The fires that clouded deep within the faces of the Charred Council alighted at our arrival. The Watcher hovered at my left side and Death stood at my other. However we were not alone. All of the other Horsemen were standing to the side watching their brother finally complete his task. I'm sure they had been summoned here to ensure that if Death needed help on protecting me they would be at the ready.

War, stood with arms crossed and a stern face under his blood red hood.

Fury, Death's sister had her hand on her hip-or rather at her glowing whip that shined in a purple light. She looked, much sweeter than War but then again still without mercy

And Strife, sat laid back against one of the rocks, rotating a pistol on one of his fingers. His face was covered by an iron mask. I could only see his slitted yellow eyes staring at me.

We walked up the steps and paused for them to address us. Death leaned into me, still a little weak from the wounds I had put in him but he was recovering well. He whispered into my ear, quiet enough to where even the Watcher didn't hear. "Raven. Do you remember earlier when I told you I'd tell you about my race if you did a favor for me?" I nodded my head. "Good. After this...Will you-"

"Watcher. Your services will no longer be required. Take Krakish to the Keeper. See that his soul is no more." the Council interrupted Death.

"Yes, my lords." he replied with a bow and went to drag the demons body off past the rocks of the domain, around a corner and out of sight.

"Raven!" the middle head called in a deep voice and I scrunched my neck closer to my shoulders at the harsh ring of thunder in its voice.

"Yes?" I tried to speak in a firm tone, without sounding submissive.

"Come forth."

I paused, a little frightened to do so. Then I felt a push on my back and Death walked up with me, still limping on his leg.

"All of you, Horsemen. Come." the left head commanded.

Then the right head, "This requires all of your attention. We have made an important decision."

They all came up beside me and I tried to step back. It didn't sound good. Death grabbed my arm and shook his head. "You'll only make it worse." he whispered, the tone in his voice had an emotion that I didn't know in it.

The right head again spoke, "Raven, we have watched your progress. You have controlled yourself well. You are exceptionally cunning, as we always knew the humans were known for. You have even overtaken the power of Death. Since the beginning of man we have awaited the day we could actually commune with the third Kingdom."

Now the left, "Many things have changed since the angels worked under the Creator to make the Bible so that humans would not be completely unknowledgeble to the worlds around them. Any race should know that there are changes happening every day and that even something so ancient, such as the Bible, may have evolved a bit. Do you agree?"

"Completely." I said honestly. I understood them 100%.

The head paused and allowed another to continue. This time the middle. "Excellent. I think it's time for humans to move up to the next level. Agree?"

"Well, no offense but I'm not sure about that. They're still pretty much defenseless. I don't know if-"

"Of course we understand. But we didn't mean all humans. Mostly we meant you. You have a great power in you. We'd like to tame that power. As our own."

"Will you work under us?"

I was in shock. I didn't know what they were even talking about. As what? A representor of mankind? Was I still going to be on Earth? Should I be proud or afraid. I looked around at the Horsemen and they were all staring at me in shock. Some looks said, "No." Another was still dormant and one, to the right of me, was unreadable. He did not look at me. He looked at the ground in front of him, but I could see the expression in his eyes. I stepped up and looked at all three faces one by one.

"As what?" I asked.

After a long pause and the flicker of the flames they answered.

"The fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse."