Hunger Games: Final Hope

Prologue chapter for a new Hunger Games story, the basic premise is Katniss being captured after the 75th Games, rather than Peeta; hope you enjoy it :)

Disclaimer: Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins.

Prologue: Trapped in Darkness


Pain, when I awoke that was all I felt, pain. My body screamed out in protest as I tried to move. The injuries I had received in the arena hadn't been treated; I wasn't surprised; given what had happened. Following our show of defiance and my destruction of the arena there had been a flurry of activity with the Resistance and the Capitol attempted to get us out of the arena, for different purposes. I had the misfortune of being captured by the Capitol; I was unable to resist of flee, mainly due to my injuries which included burns from the arena's destruction. It was the burns that hurt the most; I had managed to avoid any broken bones but I was definitely bruised, cut and had several other injuries that I didn't care to count. Ignoring the flaring pain I pulled myself into a sitting position. I was surrounded by nothing but darkness; it didn't matter if my eyes were open or not; my cell was closed in pitch blackness. Wincing against the pain I moved, trying to get comfortable, no easy task as I was chained to the wall. My hands cuffed behind my back and my legs shackled at the ankles. The chains were fixed securely into the wall. I was still in my arena clothes; minus the floatation belt, they were slightly ragged and torn but still in one piece.

Trapped in the dark confines of the cell I was forced to face my worst fears. My mind raced as I considered several fears, most prevalent of which was my fears for Peeta.

'Is he here too, did they capture him?' I wondered fearfully. 'Or did he escape, is he with the Resistance.'

I shook my head, ignoring the jolt of pain that jarred my skull. I couldn't afford to be afraid, not now; I had to stay focused, to prepare myself for whatever they decided to throw at me. It was then I heard footsteps; I straightened up, determined not to show any weakness. I heard more movement outside and then the door opened; a pair of Peacekeepers and an Avox walked in. One stood back, aiming his weapon at me, I noticed the others stood so he would have a clear shot at me, if I tried anything. The Avox set a plate of food in front of me, along with a simple glass of water. The nearest Peacekeeper unlocked the cuffs and they stepped back; the armed Peacekeeper glared.

"Start eating bitch; make it quick, President Snow will be coming to visit you soon." He said, sounding almost bored.

I was shocked by this, what did Snow want with me; I knew better than to disobey however, I grabbed the food and drink before they left, leaving me in darkness again. I was able to at least make out the plate and glass in my hands so I began eating. Once I had finished I put them aside and waited, knowing that Snow would be visiting me soon.

Before long that trio returned, the Avox took the plate and glass while the second Peacekeeper cuffed my hands again. They left again while I waited, refusing to be intimidated, praying for the pain to stop so I could focus properly. I heard the door open again; this time the corridor outside was brightly lit and I was almost blinded. I blinked a few times to clear my vision and then saw him, President Snow stood before me; his gaze impassive as usual. I noticed that there were medieval torch brackets on the wall; the torches in them were lit, finally lighting up the cell. The man who lit them stood next to the door; his face blank. What disturbed me was his clothes; it looked like a Peacekeeper uniform, but it was stained red in several parts; most likely blood. I didn't like the look of him; but my gaze was drawn back to Snow as he cleared his throat.

"Katniss Everdeen; the infamous Mockingjay." He remarked; sounding bored. "How the mighty have fallen; but then, it's easy to deal with people like you."

I glared at him; before I could stop myself I responded sharply. "Easy, you couldn't lay a finger on me until I blew up the arena, and even then it was hard for you."

He smiled lightly and then shot back. "But now your wings have been clipped, Mockingjay."

I refused to back down, holding his gaze, but I knew he had a point.

Finally Snow nodded slowly as if considering something.

"I'm sure you must have questions, Miss Everdeen." He said finally. "I'm a very busy man; I can answer...three at least, but then I must leave. So choose wisely."

I finally broke my gaze with him; looking at the ground in front of me, considering deeply. Finally I decided to ask my first question, I didn't even need to think of this one, but the others I did.

"Where's Peeta?" I asked; trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.

Finally Snow frowned; looking angry, rather than composed. "I..."

I interrupted him, remembering something. "We promised not to lie to each other; remember."

He paused and sighed; clearly he did remember.

"He escaped; he is with that pitiful resistance, a foolish choice." He shook his head again. "Especially since we have you."

I bit my lip, trying to ignore the heady smell of roses coming from Snow's breath. I didn't want to think of that, or what Snow meant by his statement. It was then I heard hysterical screaming, it sounded like it was coming from the floor above.

"Who else is here?" I asked, knowing it was my second question.

Snow shrugged and replied. "Your fellow Victors who we managed to capture; Miss Mason from District 7; Miss Cresta from District 4...We're still ascertaining if dear Enobaria has thrown her lot in with you or not."

I nodded slowly; I had one more question left.

However, despite my desire to know so many things, my thoughts kept coming back to one thing so I asked.

"What...What's going to happen to me?" I asked, despite my best efforts my voice quivered slightly.

If Snow noticed my faltering, he didn't say anything; he simply turned away from me and spoke with finality.

"That is up to our Inquisitor here." He gestured to the man with the blood stained uniform.

I fought back the wave of fear as he said that, I wouldn't let them see me weak. Snow shook his head.

He then spoke one last time. "That's all Miss Everdeen. I shall leave you with the Inquisitor now; good day,"

With that he walked out, leaving me at the mercy of the man known as the Inquisitor.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.