Hey guys, here's another chapter, and this time it has to do with a wedding, and at the end of this chapter, it will be a bit of a preview for the next chapter, so hang in there!

warning: sexy stuff, a crazy wedding wrecker, language I think, nudity and jenny and loki wearing some sexy undergarments!

disclaimer: I don't anyone except my OCs.

Chapter 6: Wedding days, sick little kids and very unpredictable guests

Jenny POV:

"Are you sure that it's where the wedding's going to be held? Because you know how she is when it comes to going somewhere, Aunt Kim." I said talking to my aunt, as my cousin, a.k.a. her only daughter, Daphne was getting married in a few days. "I'm very sure, Jennifer. And besides, this time around, her new Fiancé River makes her feel like the only woman in the universe." She said to me, and that may or may not have had a few bells of alarm ringing in my head. "I would be careful about that little statement if I were to be you because, that's what Jake had said to her when he first met her then he went and made a stripper squeal like a little pig in a public dressing room while I was helping her with picking out a dress for her date with Jake, before they were arrested for lewd behavior!" I said remembering that day far too well and the news story that went out and how I remember Daphne going ballistic and punched that same stripper so hard in the mouth and face, I think she's wearing dentures and she had a nose job, and went with me to my place crying, and had some Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the freezer. "Trust me, he's perfect for her, even your uncle Reggie has said so!" she said assuring me. "I'm just saying, I don't think we want to have another episode which ended in a break up, an arrest and crying over Ben and Jerry's, alright?" I said getting my clothes together for the trip. "I know, and by the way, is Loki coming to the wedding with you?" she asked and I was about to say something before I heard a familiar chuckle come from the doorway to my room, and I turned and saw Loki smiling at me. "Speaking of him, he's standing outside my doorway." I said letting him inside. I handed him the phone and he was talking to my aunt while I was getting some of my perfume and jewelry into my clutch safely while I was going for my clothes, getting my dresses, shirts, shorts, jeans, sandals and formal shoes into my suitcase. After I had my things packed, Loki came up from behind me and held me in his arms, swaying us from side to side. "So, we are attending a wedding ceremony, aren't we?" he asked kissing behind my ear, trailing to my shoulder. "Yeah, my cousin Daphne's getting married, but I'm worried about her ex-boyfriend Jake showing up and turning it into a Jerry Springer episode." I said turning in his arms and kissing him on the lips, yes, he pretty much knew what I was talking about as I had shown him that and some Maury episodes prior to going to the wedding ceremony. "I'm sure everything will go smoothly with no interferences, dearest." He said kissing me back with passion.

So, eventually we were on our way to Pennsylvania, with Loki in casual earth clothing, where my cousin was going to be married within maybe three days. I truly hoped that things were going to be going smoothly, considering Daphne's first relationship had resulted in an arrest, a stripper smackdown, and bawling her eyes out over a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. When we got to the hotel where the reception was going to be held, we saw Maddie and Henry, along with Joseph, getting checked into their hotel room, and Joey was happy to see us upon looking at us. "Aunt Jenny, Uncle Loki!" he yelled running to us and holding my leg as I bent down to give him a hug. "Hey, pumpkin! Think you can handle sitting through a wedding?" I asked standing back up, holding Joey in my arms as Loki affectionately mussed his hair up. "Yeah, I sat through a school assembly and your cousin Ken's wedding, I think I can sit through Daphne's wedding, provided I have a book or Nintendo 3DS that's either muted or I have ear buds on." He said kissing me on the cheek, and Loki was surprised when Joey kissed his cheek. "Hey, Jenny!" she said walking towards me and hugging me when Joey was between us. "Hey, so when's Daphne's wedding going to be? And I hope that it's not going to be somewhere where we might get lost at!" I asked putting Joey down on the ground so he could get to his father. "I think maybe three or four days from now, and it's of course going to be in a church, from what I heard, River wanted it to be outdoors, but you know how Daphne gets with her allergies, especially to stuff like tree pollen." She said slinging a duffel bag over her shoulder. I nodded in agreement, I remember seeing her sneeze like mad at an Easter party upon having tree pollen on her dress.

Loki POV:

So we were at our inn, or 'hotel', and we were now on our way to our room so we could rest there for a bit before going any further with our stay here for the wedding ceremony which would take place in a few days, meaning we could relax. "So, are mom and dad here yet or did they get stuck in traffic?" she asked when her sister reached their temporary chambers. "No idea, but I'll text them, alright?" Madison said. Jennifer nodded before we reached our chambers, which had been a few doors from theirs. We got inside, she had her things put in various places in her room, and had her footwear off along with mine before she turned to me and started kissing me at first sweetly then turned passionate. She pulled away, picking up something and going to the door. She took a few moments, then came back and kissed me again, pushing me onto the bed so I was sitting on it. "So, what did you put on the doorknob?" I asked pulling her down on top of me and kissing her neck, running my hands up her shirt. "It's called a 'Do not disturb' sign, which means that we can have our privacy without someone knocking." She explained holding my head to her neck as I continued my little rampage on her neck. I smiled against there, we definitely had our privacy and were free to do what we wanted in here, provided that there was a sound barrier around our room.

So, here we were, alone, I put the sound barrier over the room and shut the curtains, and I looked at her and she had a little smirk on her face. "What are you thinking, dearest?" I asked biting my lip in anticipation. Her fingers then went to the buttons on her shirt and then slowly unbuttoned them, as if to tease me somewhat. I was gripping the sheets until she parted her shirt and it fell off her shoulders and onto the floor, and what she was wearing…oh it made me go mad. "I see you like my push up bra, then. It is in your colors after all…." She said before she had her hands on my shirt, and ended up ripping that one open, buttons going everywhere and popping off. I took it off and tossed it across the room, and turned back to her, still with that sexy undergarment on, I wondered what to even do with that one? She suddenly went on her knees and straddled me so my face was in front of her crotch, and her hands went to the button on her trousers, took that out of its hole, and slowly lowered her zipper and parted the flaps and lowered them, and now my member was at full attention because her underwear was in my colors, with a little golden bow in the front. "Oh Valhalla, woman…" I purred out as I had now explored, with my hands and eyes, the treasures that were in front of me. "Darcy dragged me over to 'Victoria's Secret' and they had a sale, so she decided to find a bra and thong, that were in your colors, and said to me 'this will make him the happiest god on earth, even gods would melt over lingerie,' so this was her idea." She said as I had noticed the globes of her arse weren't covered in the fabric. She yelped when I lightly spanked her, playfully reprimanding her for her naughtiness. "Do tell Darcy," I kissed around her belly button, my hand going towards her breast, "that I said," I rolled her around as I was now on top of her, "'thank you,'" I yanked her trousers off and tossed it on the other bed before I stood in front of her and she was in a sitting position. I unbuttoned my trousers and lowered them enough to let her see my undergarment, which Starkson, shockingly enough, had gotten for me prior to this trip, and she was struck speechless. "Oh, my god…is that an emerald green satin men's thong underwear?" she asked giggling some. I turned around and lowered my trousers further, letting it fall to my ankles. I turned my head to the side, enough to look at her, and to tease her, shook my bum a little, causing even more laughter to come out of her as I stepped out of my trousers, and turned to fully face her, and she was blushing.

Jenny POV:

Holy mother of god, he was wearing the sexiest pair of men's underwear I had ever seen in my life, and when he shook that fine looking butt of his, I thought my nipples were going to pop out of my bra just from that act alone. "You like what you see, my love?" he asked proudly. Being unable to say words, I nodded my head eagerly, wondering where to even start as he straddled my lap, his somewhat erect 'man' poking at my stomach as I ran my hands over his body, going up and down his chest, smoothing along his back and grasping his firm butt lightly, earning a growl from him and him bucking his hips against me a bit. "One question though, where did you get the underwear from?" I asked kissing his chest as I made my satin covered breasts brush against his pecs. "Well, we went to a shop, and there was a sale on men's 'underwear', I saw that and decided to get that, along with many more items from there." he explained ending in a smooch on my mouth, I threaded my fingers through his hair, tugging gently at the strands before he had his fingers hooked under my thong and took them off, tossing it across the room and made a quick maneuver of getting my bra off and flinging that across the room, pinching and flicking my nipple with his fingers as I threw my head back, moaning with what he was doing to me before I hooked my fingers underneath his underwear and yanked them down to his ankles, causing his member to hit his stomach, drawing out a purr from him as I gripped him and pumped him some. "And you were thinking I was the only 'naughty one' in this relationship." He said with a chuckle as he kissed the valley between my breasts. "I can be naughty from time to time, the problem is I might be….unpredictable." I said with a smirk as his eyes darkened even further. "There is also something I have forgotten to mention: have you ever been told you have a great looking ass?" I asked laughing as he moved up and kissed the pulse along my neck, which was a bit of a ticklish spot for me as I was moving from him a bit. He grinned against my neck as he nipped on it, liking my compliment. "I have not been told that my arse was spectacular to you. What else do you like about me?" he asked. "Well, for one thing, your body, how it's not thin, yet not like scary muscular, your mouth I swear tastes like mint, peaches and I think a hint of strawberry, your nose…I could go a bit further if you want." I said as he trailed his lips from my neck, to my cheek, and ultimately my lips.

We got even further until the main event, when he thrust himself inside me, I wrapped my legs around his waist as we kept this rhythm of bodies arching and grinding against one another until I came first before Loki did after maybe three minutes. I started laughing post orgasm, and he started doing it also as he collapsed on top of me. "I'd say we christened the bed, don't you think?" I asked cupping his cheek as he turned and kissed the pad of my thumb. After a while we were showered and dressed for where we would have dinner, which was at Cracker Barrel, I remembered going there sometimes, the food was good, they had unique stuff for sale, I liked it there. "This is a pretty unique shop." He said examining a country CD. "Yeah, it is." I said leading him to the hostess, I gave my name and that a table for us would be available in fifteen minutes, so we decided to look at some other stuff, including different toys. My phone started ringing and it was Darcy, I excused myself to be in the bathroom so I could answer it with some peace and quiet. "Hey, Darce." I said hearing faucets run as they washed their hands. "Hey, so did Loki get happy with the lingerie?" she asked as I could tell she was waggling her eyebrows. "Oh he got happy alright….." I said with a laugh. There was a tap on my shoulder, so I turned and…..Loki was a woman! "What are you doing in here?" I asked as he…well she held me so she could hear Darcy. "Is Loki a girl again?" she asked. "Yes, I am a lady, Darcy." 'She' said pecking me on the cheek. "So, you enjoy Jenny's lingerie?" she asked. "I did, and I'm glad you remembered my colors, Darcy." 'She' said wrapping 'her' arms around my waist. "You're welcome, 'Ma'am'." Darcy finished with a snicker before hanging up. We were out of the bathroom, with Loki being back to his male self before the hostess called my name and we were seated at the table, I ordered a Dr. Pepper, he ordered some sweet tea while we looked over the menu. "So, anything look good to you, honey?" I asked. He shrugged before answering. "I think I might have this 'Sugar cured ham', what about you?" he asked. "I might have the half pound bacon cheeseburger." I said just before our waitress came to take our orders. "Alright, so that's one half pound bacon cheeseburger with fries and green beans, one sugar cured ham with macaroni and cheese, and fried apples…will you want anything else, ma'am?" she asked. "Can we get a biscuit platter, please?" I asked. She took that order also before going to the kitchen to tell them of our order. "Well, this is a pleasant eating establishment, dearest." He said stroking my calf with his shoe covered foot, causing me to chuckle some. "Well, I'm glad that you like it so far." I said reaching for his hand and holding it before he squeezed mine gently. "Aww, that's sweet, here's your biscuit platter," she put the basket on the table along with extra little butter and jam, and also honey, "And your drinks, your food will be out in maybe ten minutes." She said before leaving us to eat our biscuits and sip on our drinks.

Loki POV:

We were just sitting at our table, amongst the crowd, eating our biscuits while making some small conversations about her cousin's wedding. "So, the ceremony will be taking place in a chapel?" I asked drinking my tea through a straw, which when I tried it that way the very first time, it surprised me, but over time, I got used to it. "Yep, provided that her ex Jake doesn't come and turn it into a segment for 'weddings gone wrong' or anything like that." She said sipping on her drink. I had gotten a biscuit and cut it in half with a knife, opened a butter package and put some on there with the knife before eating it, it was quite delicious. "Try not to worry your head over this matter, try and focus more on how happy you are for your relative." I said hoping to soothe her worries. She nodded but I could tell she was quite nervous for her cousin, so I put my hand on top of hers as a sign of comfort for her. "I know…I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel like something really bad is going to happen when the wedding starts or when it even gets to the 'say now or forever hold your peace' stage of the wedding." She said as I could tell she was on the verge of pulling her hair out. I took her hand between mine and kissed her fingertips, trying to comfort her in knowing that everything would be alright for this occasion.

She suddenly reached her communication device and she turned pale as she obviously looked at something. "Oh, god no, this can't be happening….." she said breathing heavily. "Dearest, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Jake's coming to the wedding, and the rumor is he might be one of the groomsmen, because the last one had gotten really sick." She explained shaking a bit. I got up and moved over to her side, taking her face in my hands and having her look at me. "Jennifer, I might be a god of mischief and lies, but I will never allow him to ruin the wedding, if he does, he'll get what's coming to him." I assured her, leaning up to kiss her forehead. "I hope so, I don't trust the dickhead around anyone, even my own mother for crying out loud!" she said trying to breathe. Our 'waitress' came by just as I was getting back to my seat. "Is everything alright?" she asked in concern. "Everything's fine, my cousin is getting married in a few days and I got a text saying that her ex, who is a pretty big dickhead, pardon my language, is coming to the wedding and rumor has it, he's one of the groomsmen." Jennifer explained, earning a sympathetic look. "My sympathies to you guys, but here's a half-pound bacon cheeseburger, with fries and green beans," she got Jennifer her food, "And a sugar cured ham with mac and cheese and fried apples, enjoy your meal, and I'll refill your drink sir," she got my cup and went to refill it, I was quite impressed. I had cut into the meat with my utensils, and the food was….quite delicious, even the 'mac and cheese', I must have been a little more 'vocal' of my appreciation as I heard Jennifer laugh. "What?" I asked after swallowing it. "Wow, you are really delighted about food from earth, aren't you?" she asked eating her fries. "It's certainly different from Asgardian foods, it's much more well-proportioned than food from Asgard." I defended, earning a smirk from her as she was eating her vegetables and I had gotten my drink from the waitress.

Jenny POV:

When my aunt Kim sent me the text saying that Jake was going to be in the wedding, I was shocked and appalled, I knew he was going to try something crazy to try and get her back, so that needed to be prevented at all costs otherwise, hell's going to break loose. After we were finished with our food we decided to go and pay for the food at the register before we would leave the place to go back to our hotel. "So, how are you feeling so far about this trip?" I asked. "I feel wonderful about this, and I hope to be more approved by your family members as the days go on." He said with a smile as we got to my car and drove back to our hotel, bumping into some traffic and avoiding the occasional car pileup as we eventually pulled up to our hotel in time to find my brother Martin and his wife Tammy at the desk checking in so they could get their hotel key. "Hey, Marty!" I said knowing he laughed at his nickname. "Hey sis!" he said turning around and seeing us as he went up to hug me and give a hug to Loki. "So, is anyone else here yet?" he asked. "Uhh, Maddie is also here with everyone and I don't know if mom and dad are here yet, but we've got a big problem: Jake is coming to the wedding and rumor has it he might be one of the groomsmen." I explained, earning a shocked and frustrated look from Martin. "Why is that big bag of diseased dicks here!? What happened with the last groomsman?!" he whisper-yelled. "From what Aunt Kim texted me about, one of the other groomsman got sick and had to be hospitalized, I wonder if she also texted Maddie about it..." I said trying to calm Martin down. "Like I assured Jennifer, if this man tries anything that would disrupt the wedding, I will personally see that he gets what's coming to him." Loki said trying to appease Martin's fears. "Who will get what's coming to him?" Maddie asked from a distance, confirming that she doesn't know yet about the impending situation that's developing and our Parents ended up getting to the hotel and showed up with the luggage on a cart. "Hey kids, I see you're all here, splendid! What were you guys talking about earlier?" my mom asked curious. I waved my parents over so that we could sit in the area with the free breakfast and chairs.

"Alright, do you remember Jake Stahl, Daphne's ex?" I asked, hoping she would remember him. "Oh, yes I do, I saw it on the news, poor Daphne, having that dick bag fool around with that skank of a stripper…" she said gripping on the arm of the chair for dear life. "Well, just got a news flash from Aunt Kim: he's going to be at the wedding and the rumor is that he might be one of the new groomsmen because the last one got sick and had to be hospitalized." I explained causing my mom's face to turn tomato red and her face scrunched in anger. "But like I assured Jennifer and Martin, if he tries anything to disrupt the wedding, I will see that he gets what's coming to him, you have my word." Loki said assuring everyone else. "Jen, I like him already." He said patting my shoulder as he shook Loki's hand. "I like him too, honey." My mother said earning an agreeing nod from my dad. "I second that motion!" Joey said enthusiastically. We all laughed as we started talking about what would be the theme, the flowers, the music, a first of many things that were supposedly planned for the wedding. "I think for the reception there's going to be a chow line, that way we get how much food we want!" my dad said enthusiastically. "Well, well, well…if it isn't my ex-girlfriend's relatives….." a familiar voice said tauntingly, we turned and saw that it was Jake Stahl himself, my cousin's ex, with somewhat spiky auburn hair, a slim yet athletic built, and had one of those smirks you wish you could slap off the face. "Well, well, well…if it isn't the biggest piece of promiscuous filth to ever walk earth." Loki countered, and Jake's face flushed and his face was scrunched a bit in anger. My mom started laughing a bit as Joey just grinned. "Hmph, you are just jealous of me because I get to be a groomsman, whoever you are, sir." He said tauntingly as he left us seething, but not without Loki charming his pants to fall down to his ankles as he was walking, causing him to trip and he ended up falling down on his face as Joey blew a raspberry at him. "Nice one, Loki." I said kissing his cheek as everyone started laughing. "Well, no one insults me or the ones I cherish dearly and exactly gets away with it unharmed." He said squeezing my knee with his hand. "Please keep him, Jenny." Maddie said while Joey clambered onto Henry's lap. "Yeah, he can keep things pretty lively here." Martin said in agreement. Eventually we went back to our rooms and rested, whereas Loki and I were in our room cuddling with one another.

Loki POV:

"That was sweet, it was about time someone put that asshole in his place." She said with her hand on my stomach and her thumb smoothing over my skin. "Well, I have met others on Asgard who are worse than that man, he was as your kind would say 'a cakewalk'." I said earning a smile from her as I was just lying there with her, she felt warm when she would be holding me or snuggling with me, it felt nice for me. "Am I a heated blanket to you?" she asked with a laugh. "Maybe…." I said biting my lip nervously. "It's alright, apparently I kept my dad warm when I was still in my mom's tummy, so you're not the only one who likes my warmth." She explained kissing me where my heart was. I rolled us to where I was on top of her, kissing her face, trailing everywhere….her forehead, her temple, her cheeks, ears….she laughed as I was doing this, I was more than likely tickling her in certain spots. "Hmm, have I found more of your ticklish places, my love?" I asked feeling her muscles contract and her squirming away from me. "What do you think?" she asked with a smile and laughing eyes. "Hmm, I think that would be a 'yes', my sweet rose!" I said kissing her like I was a starving, ravenous man. I felt her hands fly to the small of my back and try to tickle it that for sure wasn't my ticklish spot as I pulled away, smirking down at her as she was trying to find where my ticklish spots were that hadn't been my lower back. "Try as you like, Jennifer, I highly doubt you could find my ticklish spots!" I said knowing she wouldn't be able to find them….except the soles of my feet. She laughed before responding to my statement. "So, are you tickle-proof, my Norse Adonis? Is that what you're saying?" she asked with a challenging look on her face. "That's exactly what I'm saying, Jennifer." I said firmly nipping at her nose, drawing out a squeal from her. She started smoothing her hands on my body, trying to find my ticklish spots, she tried my neck, nothing there, she also tried my armpits, and I shook my head at her. "Urgh, where's your ticklish spot?" she asked slightly annoyed. "Before you do anything, I'm not ticklish on my nether regions nor my arse, but you are welcome to prove it to me." I said with a wink as she playfully hit my arm. "God you are a pervert…I think I see where you get the title of 'god of mischief' from." She said laughing. "I think you have left out the title of 'silvertongue' also, my dear." I said tickling her sides, causing her to squeal and laugh and writhe on the bed. We stopped to catch our breath as we were getting tired from the tickling wars that had ensued due to that statement I had made about me being 'tickle-proof' as she had called me, she was perfection, the one thing I swore the norns created just for me to love and cherish forever.

"Ok, so…you want to watch some TV?" she asked. I nodded before she had gotten the remote and turned on the Television set, trying to find something for both of us to watch. She eventually turned to a rather unusual show called 'baggage'. I was curious as to what this was all about, but she noticed the look on my face and explained it to me. "Well, if you are wondering what this is about, it's a dating show, except contestants would show the person they want to be with their personal quirks or pet peeves. But the person they want to be with has a red suitcase that has a quirk or peeve, and there are three possibilities, so they all have to be careful of who they choose." She explained, which helped a lot, of course. There were some 'quirks' that were surprising to me, and some that I wouldn't want to deal with, one in particular about being allergic to 'lady parts', which I find to be unusual and a bit insulting to a woman, I always loved going for that spot whenever I would bed a woman, always would drive then to insanity. Jennifer started laughing a bit, I wondered what was going on with her. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "I nearly forgot a small detail about Jake, and it has to do with a phobia of his: it's…..clowns. Jake's majorly coulrophobic, and he's still been this way since he was six years old when his mom hired a clown for his birthday party, he got so scared that he actually peed his pants in front of everybody." She explained still laughing, I remembered when she showed me pictures of these 'clowns'…nothing more than people dressed in silly costumes and make up, carrying ridiculous objects in order to make people laugh. "So…you want me to conjure a 'clown' should that piece of midgardian filth try to ruin the ceremony?" I asked realizing where she was going with it, and she nodded, giving me a devilish smirk. "Hmm, I think I can do that, but you'll have to pay me back somehow." I said with a wink, causing her skin to flush a shade of red. "What about…." she unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, parting them and pulled down my undergarment enough to free me from the confines of my trousers, "this?" she finished lightly stroking my hardening member. I thought for a moment, tapping and rubbing my chin with my hand as she was pumping me lightly. "Maybe, but what about…." I was going for her shirt at first, but decided to rip her jeans open, exposing her panties to me before I started stroking her through her undergarment, "this?" I asked getting gradually faster as she was pumping me faster also. A moan came out of her, I took that as a yes pretty quickly. I slipped my finger underneath her undergarment and rubbed her clit, inciting a squeal from her as she pumped me faster as I rubbed her clit frantically and slipped a finger inside her, we both came, her on my fingers and me on her hand and my clothing. We caught our breath for the moment before we would be resting for the night, wondering about what would happen tomorrow, what we would be doing, all those different things that would be in store for us.

Three days later…..

Jenny POV:

Well, today was finally the day: Daphne's wedding! I had met Daphne's Fiancé River maybe two days after that first night, he seemed like a good guy, but not without the warning that I would hunt him down and beat him half to death if he ever hurt Daphne in any way, he seemed to gulp a bit but composed himself, promising that he wouldn't hurt Daphne like Jake did when he was with her. Both families were in the church, yep, Daphne had her mind set on the church, thank god, and not some place where she would be sneezing to the point where she would need to be hospitalized or be going crazy. And the worst possible part of it all: Jake Stahl was indeed one of the groomsmen, so that had both families on edge, including Daphne and River, but Loki and I both knew what we were to use just in case Jake would try to do anything that would ruin the wedding and possibly the soon-to-be-marriage of River and Daphne. We were seated in the pews next to my parents, Maddie, Henry and Joey, and we were just snickering to ourselves about Jake's phobia of clowns, Loki knew he was going to conjure up some imaginary clown that would put Pennyworth the clown from 'It' to shame. It was getting towards the moment where the groomsmen were coming first to their spots, but not without Jake throwing that 'I want to slap that off the face' kind of smirk at both of us, but we both knew that Jake would face a serious punishment if he were to try and ruin the wedding ceremony, oh Jake never should have told me about his phobia of clowns when he was with Daphne. I looked at Loki and he winked in knowing at me. The bridesmaids came out, they looked beautiful with their gowns on, and got to their places before the flower girl would come out of there along with the ring bearer and bride, who was escorted by my uncle Reggie, and she looked beautiful with her mermaid gown that had a sweetheart neckline, she had earrings on and a necklace and I smiled at her as she got to the altar with Reggie, with the pastor waiting with an open bible. "Doesn't Daphne look gorgeous with that gown?" my mom whispered to me. "Yeah, thank god they didn't pick that other dress that looked horrendous on her." I said before turning back to the altar. "Friends, loved ones, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Daphne Jane Grenadine, and River Shane Barstow, will there be someone giving away the bride?" the pastor asked. My uncle Reggie put her hand in Shane's as he smiled at both of them. "I give away my daughter and bless the union." He said proudly before sitting next to Kim, who looked like she was about to cry tears of happiness, we looked over at Jake and he looked disgusted at seeing her happy with River, I looked over at Loki and he gave me a look of assurance before we turned back to the bride and groom. "Marriage is more than just a ring or a piece of paper that is signed at a mayor's office, it is about loving, honoring, and caring for someone through their flaws, their faults, and not judging them for what they have been through in their lives to lead them to this moment." He began earning a few 'yes sir!' and 'praise the lord', along with 'Amen!' here and there. "Marriage is also about standing with them and fighting with them through their battles, not standing there lazily and watching them fight their own battles themselves." The pastor also said with some 'Hallelujah's around the witnesses.

The ceremony went on from that point forward, with some of us going to the bathroom now and then as it was going on, I looked over at Jake and he looked disgusted with River, which was a warning sign that he was gunning for Daphne and would try and get her back from River. It was getting to the vows and I had been wondering what River wrote wrote down in terms of what he would do for her once he would marry her. "Have you written any vows for your bride?" the pastor asked looking at River as he then pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. "Daphne, the second you were in my life, I thought I had heard heaven's bells ring and choirs sing," I smiled at that, "It turned out that it was just from the beer I drank at that bar," people were laughing amongst the pews, "But in all seriousness, I knew right then and there that I was meant to be with you, though I was surprised to find that although I was confident amongst talking to both guys and girls, you were the one who could strike me speechless." I looked at Daphne and she was on the verge of crying. "I promise to always make those banana split smoothies you love so much, I promise to always stand by your side no matter what happens," I hope he lives up to that vow, "I most definitely promise not to pull a 'Jake Stahl' and corkscrew a stripper while I'm with you," Jake was seething at that, which made me smile, "I promise to always keep you in my heart whenever I would be somewhere like a nightclub or bar with my friends, and I promise to love you, our children, grandchildren and so on and so forth." He finished the vows, much to Daphne's dismay as she was wiping her face, trying not to smear and smudge her makeup. She mouthed 'sorry' before getting a piece of paper from somewhere within her bouquet of roses, baby's breath and lilies and unfolding it. "River, ever since that night at the bar, you've been the perfect man for me, even when drunk because you would say to me when you thought I was someone else 'leave me alone, lady, I'm in a relationship with someone at the moment!'," I was laughing a little too hard at that one, "I would be able to go to a circus because you weren't scared of clowns," Jake gulped at that one, much to my prominent amusement, "And you have treated me like I was the only person for you who would sympathize with your utter confusion about why so many people would play 'World of Warcraft' for hours at a time," laughter ensued further, "and that one time when you said that the only stripper you would be corkscrewing is me whenever I would be wearing those….undergarments you like," I helped with picking the lingerie for Daphne's wedding night with River, "After today, I'll not only be looking at you and thinking 'what did I do to deserve a man like you?', but instead 'I feel like the luckiest woman in the world right at this moment.', so I feel very humbled and privileged that I will be having you as my best friend, my husband, my lover, and maybe father of my children, I love you River." She finished her vows, much to my enjoyment as tears were running down my face somewhat, I wiped them with a napkin I had as Loki held me to his side tightly.

"If there is any reason why these two should not be wedded, speak now or forever hold your peace." The Minister had said and we looked over at Jake, who saw this as a crazy opportunity to try and sabotage the wedding. "I have a few objections!" Jake yelled going towards the aisle where both bride and groom were standing. "Oh my god." My mom said exasperated. "What do you want, Jake? It's over between us, it's been over since that day you were banging that whore Destiny in the dressing rooms." Daphne said obviously angry at him. "I know and I was completely stupid, but she meant nothing to me." He pleaded, earning himself a roll of the eyes from Daphne, she knew exactly what he was trying to do, the whole manipulation and guilt trip thing that some guys will pull in order to get them back. "You've made me feel beyond worthless, ugly, you wouldn't even touch me for crying out loud." She said, I remembered the conversation we both had along with my mom and my aunt Kim about his flaws. "That's because I went to a catholic church with my parents as a kid, Daphne!" he said trying to get the upper hand, but she wasn't having it. "Your parents aren't even religious, Jake!" she said and as he was trying to approach her, I turned to Loki and just as he was about to summon a clown, one of the bridesmaids, a brunette maybe 5'9 with glasses on, came from the line and went up to him, obviously angry. "You damn womanizer! You said you loved me, that you wanted me and nobody else!" she shrilled to the congregation. "Newsflash: he says that to every woman he only wants to have as a few casual nights in bed!" my mom shouted from her seat, earning a few murmurs of agreement and causing the bridesmaid in question to blush such a shade of scarlet that she turned to Jake and he looked as if his words were vacuumed out of him and she covered her eyes and ran out of the church crying, dropping the bouquet she was carrying, I turned to Joey and he was content as a cucumber. "This will be something for Thanksgiving and even Christmas, huh, Aunt Jenny?" he asked holding his Nintendo 3DS case in his hand. "Indeed, my nephew." Loki said affectionately. "Still thinking of your tiny manhood, aren't you, Jake?" Daphne said with a smirk, causing a spurt of laughter to come out of me as I was trying to stifle it. He bristled for a moment before composing himself, straightening his tie some. "Jake, I don't even know how my friends here allowed you to be one of the groomsmen, but you are causing a huge problem so leave while you still can." River warned in a calm manner. "Nope, not until Daphne dumps you and leaves with me." Jake said with a smirk and folded arms. I got up and went towards the aisle, turning to Jake with a big smile on my face. "Oh Jake, there's a detail you never should have told me about, and well, I think you know what it is." I said with a smirk and folded arms, as he turned and faced me. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. "Well, it has to do with your….fear." I said 'sweetly'. It took him a moment, but his eyes widened in horror as it took him a moment to figure out what I was talking about. "Oh god, oh please dear god not that!" he pleaded like a big baby, but that wasn't phasing me a single bit as I winked at Loki, who then conjured up a clown that wore ridiculous clown stuff, complete with a horn in his hand, and Jake screamed like a little girl and ran around the church, knocking some flower displays down before ultimately running out of there, with the clown in pursuit. Laughter ensued from the entire church and I had a feeling he would be on the news the next day, known as that one guy who was being chased by a clown while squealing like a girl. "Well, I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing him ever again anytime soon." I said as the laughter died down and applause started ringing in the church. Before I could take my spot next to Loki, Daphne called out my name. "What is it, Daph?" I asked. "How would you like to be a bridesmaid and Loki be one of the groomsmen?" she asked much to mine and Loki's shock. I looked at him for a moment for confirmation, and he smiled before answering. "We'd be delighted." He said getting up from his seat and getting towards me and I picked up the fallen bouquet the bridesmaid dropped and we got to the vacated spots where the bridesmaid and Jake were standing as the ceremony continued. "Now that there are hopefully no interruptions, do you Daphne Jane Grenadine take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others, keep only until him as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked turning to Daphne as she took a wedding band from the ring bearer. "I do." She said happily as she put it on his finger. "And do you, River Shane Barstow, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others, keep only unto her as long as you both shall live?" he asked turning to Shane as he had gotten another wedding band from the ring bearer. "I most certainly do." He vowed with conviction as he put it on her finger. "By the power vested in me in the state of Pennsylvania, let me introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. River Shane Barstow!" he said as both of them were kissing, with him dipping her as the cheers and applause were growing louder.

Two hours later…..

Loki POV:

We were in the 'reception' for their marriage, there was dancing, laughter, and of course food, Thor would be thrilled to be part of these proceedings, but he had other things to do with his companions. We were sitting together at the table with the other 'bridesmaids', 'groomsmen', unexpectedly part of the wedding party, it was quite the lively ceremony but what had mattered was that everything else went smoothly without any further complications. "How's this for a 'midgardian wedding'?" she asked eating some of her food. "It certainly has similarities to an Asgardian wedding, if not more different aspects than one on Asgard." I said sipping my drink. "What exactly is different about Asgardian weddings?" she asked. "Well, for one thing, the groom would give his bride his sword so she could present it to their firstborn son, three payments were made, two by the groom and one as a dowry for the bride, and normally marriages were held in the autumn and on 'Frigga's day', or Friday." I continued, I could tell she was intrigued pretty well. "Huh, that's interesting." She said before she continued eating her food from her fork. I looked over there and there was her cousin and her groom dancing, I was pretty curious as to whether this was part of the midgardian wedding traditions. "What's going on here?" I asked, she looked and gave me a smile. "It's a first dance as a newlywed, they usually go first before a father/daughter dance and a mother and son dance, it can be elegant or hilarious depending on the song." She explained as she had her hand on my knee and squeezed it gently, I smiled before looking back at them, oh how I wished it could be myself and her someday, dancing as a newly wedded couple in front of loved ones and close friends. The song they had put on was 'Gangnam style by Psy', and we couldn't stop laughing at their dancing. "Oh good lord Daphne, I didn't know you liked this one." She said to herself while laughing. This was certainly a very lively wedding, even without Thor there to see it, but it was a family affair, and I was considered to be family even if Jennifer and I had been courting one another for some time, to think that it all happened after we made love, it would be considered a bit 'backwards' for one, but with the right people, it would work perfectly.

We were hearing some sickening noises and we saw a little girl being led out of the area where this reception was taking place. "What's wrong with her?" I asked, more to myself, but Jennifer must have heard me when she was looking at her too. "Oh, Leah probably had too much chocolate again." Jennifer explained as if it was a normal occurrence. "What?" I asked. "Leah is my Cousin Ken's daughter, she's adorable, but the problem is she inherited his sweet tooth, so whatever candy or chocolate is in the house has to be carefully hidden so she can't find it and eat it all to where she has to be in the bathroom to throw up." She explained further, much to my dismay.

Time had passed, with the bride's former lover being the topic of the night, including the bridesmaid who was deceived by his charms, Jennifer and I had turned in for the night, exhausted after quite the eventful day we had today, I wondered how Man of Iron and his comrades were back in the tower.

Five days later….

Oh, how it felt so good to be back in the tower with everyone, I felt as if I had more of her family's approval of her being with me, especially the way I had handled that lecherous and envious former lover of her cousin's had run out like a little child upon seeing something that was just consistent of someone putting paint on their face, and wearing ridiculous clothing in order to make people laugh until they couldn't breathe no more.

As I was in the tower relaxing, Jennifer had been running back and forth from the den to her quarters putting things in the center, I wondered why that was, so I decided to ask her about it. "What's going on with you, my dearest love?" I asked when she stopped. "My team and I are going to England, they found a skeleton of possibly an ancient dinosaur, so they need us to check it out to make a confirmation, but dinosaurs don't exactly have four legs, long tails, and even big wings, not even an ability to breathe fire." She said excitedly, I knew what they had found, and I knew it wouldn't be good. "I think you may have found a dragon's skeleton, dearest." I said worriedly. "I think that too, but I need to confirm it to make sure that it is indeed a dragon we had found." She said before going back for some of her things, gods if they are not careful, things will be very bad for her.

How's that for a mini sneak peek!
